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Voted meh: it's not really that entertaining, but it works, and it's short.
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Fun run to watch. All my yes. Would be great if it could also get a commentary so I can understand what's going on.
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Wow, a game worse than the original! I didn't think it was possible! Thanks for TASing this so none of use ever have to play it; I enjoyed it!
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£e Nécroyeur wrote:
Ford wrote:
Only just watching this now, and what took me off-guard was the music. Areas 2 and 4 have completely different songs to the ones I heard in this game as a kid. So there are different versions of this game with different songs?
From "In the US 1.0 and European versions, the music for Stage 2 is a metal tune and fitting for the level theme. For some reason, the US 1.1 and Japanese versions changed it to circus music to fit with the "clown" theme."
Neat! Also of interest to me: the original zone 4 music is also different, but this is not noted on tcrf, from what I can see. The original song was ALSO not clown-themed.
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Only just watching this now, and what took me off-guard was the music. Areas 2 and 4 have completely different songs to the ones I heard in this game as a kid. So there are different versions of this game with different songs?
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It's an interestingly weird glitch, but it seems like such a gimmicky category. It might be better if this glitch was exhibited along with a bunch of other wacky glitches as a "playaround" TAS. Voting Meh.
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I feel the goal, though well-defined, was gimmicky. That said, this video entertained me, so I voted yes.
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This video looks less about beating the game as ASAP as possible and more about pulling off fancy tricks. While I'm down for watching fancy tricks, I have to also wonder what is meant by "100%." It clearly can't mean completing the game as fast as possible, or else those faster tricks would have murdered the qotile faster.
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The game was adequately done, but I feel this game was a poor choice. Voting no.
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Thanks for including the 1/5 speed version! Really made it much easier to understand what was going on! Normally, these old Sierra games go fast like sanic, and if you blink you miss it.
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Nice commentary you had going on there. The game itself felt pretty monotonous, but the commentary made it a little like a radio show with psychedelic colors and shapes going on in the background.
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Patashu wrote:
"One thing I noticed in playing various ports of the C64 version is that the hard caves are *much* harder than anything in the NES version! There are many more bugs and tighter time limits. I think the original version would make for a nice TAS, if only it could be emulated. " Bizhawk has C64 TASing now. Time to TAS this version?
So the original version was the C64 version and not the Atari 400 version? I'm a little sketchy on those details.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but... ...isn't the correct means of maximizing acceleration in SMB1 to turn left for one frame, do a short hop right, and then haul ass to the right (possibly after another short hop?) On the topic of the movie subject itself, does it offer anything different from previously-published runs? Also, in 8-3 (SMB1), why did you collide with a block and come full stop? Was that necessary? Could it have been avoided? Was not able to watch more than the SMB1 part of the run; I think I got a bad ROM. As such, I'm withholding my final judgment on this. Overall, though, I think I need more answers than are presently available to me.
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Watched the updated version. Nothing against it, but it looks like vault material to me. Voted meh.
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I liked the poetry during the unskippable space flight cutscene, though might I recommend that this go up along-side a version with the speed reduced to a point where it's actually possible to make out the action that's going on?
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So the tank is piloted by a lemming, I assume. The action was pretty repetitive, though the author can hardly be blamed for that. Watching the video at double speed made it fun enough to watch. I liked how the author ended input before the game ended and took two deaths by doing so; it was cleverly done. Voting yes.
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To those of you who have no idea what's going on here, I remember a few things about this game from when I was a child: Start room: he picks up the whip. This is a short-ranged weapon. Second room: marketplace. He picks up a grenade, then buys a parachute. First room: he places the grenade near the wall, then runs back to the marketplace. Marketplace: running here allows him to avoid a time-consuming death from being in the same room as the grenade when it explodes. Cave: he has no need of the timepiece in this room and skips it, proceeding directly to what I call the sun room. Sun room: only minor obstacles here, so he hops on over to the right to the treasure room. Treasure room: he needs 3 gold, an ankh, and a chai. The hourglass is a garbage item he only gets because the hourglass, ankh, and chai are on a timer in-game. Each time he takes the gold, one of the three secondary treasures appears according to the game's timer. No way to speed it up. He also drops the whip because he can only hold 6 items. Marketplace: he trades the chai for a shortcut to the black market from one of the vendors. Black market: he bribes the raving lunatic with some gold, then buys the shovel with 2 gold. He then uses the ankh to teleport to the mesa field. Mesa field: the ankh also gives him a grappling hook. He grapples to a different mesa, drops the ankh, then hops off the cliff. Free fall: he parachutes and hooks his parachute onto a branch, swinging him into the Well of Souls. Well of Souls: he digs up the pile of dirt at the bottom, revealing the Ark, and winning the game. Game over screen: to my understanding, he scored 15 points, as evidenced by the number of "diamonds" at Indy's feet. Note: in a normal play of the game, you are supposed to find a medallion, then grapple to the south end of the Mesa Field to enter the Map Room. Using the Medallion here reveals the correct mesa to fall off of. Only this mesa (chosen randomly each game) has the Ark; all the rest simply drop you into the Valley of Poison. Lots of bad stuff happens there. Naturally, though, he knows precisely which mesa is the right one.
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Score-wise, flying into Kemlus is a fantastic idea. Speed-wise, it is a terrible idea. Flying into the first three gives you a large score bonus (any others later on just crash your ship). Deal is, this results in a sizeable animation freeze. In a TAS that is focused purely on speed, this animation freeze is a complete antithesis to the goal of the run. It might be fun for a run that "contains speed/entertainment tradeoffs," as well as one that actually uses energy pods. That said, I have to wonder if the two runs would be different enough to warrant their individual existences.
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I loved your abuse of the frame rule! I've never TAS'd this game, but from playing the game casually as a child, and from what I've read about frame rules, I'm certain there is one!
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30 frame gain gets my approval. Also would like to see games 2 and 3 TAS'd.
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Voting no. This movie is considerably slower than the old one. You collided with several obstacles in the sewers, losing all forward momentum in the process.
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Alyosha wrote:
Ford wrote:
Yes vote from me. Hell, even the scores are the proper colors now!
What the.... 0_0 I must have watched that movie a dozen times and never noticed that!
I've tried dabbling in TASing on A2600 games a few years ago, and IMMEDIATELY noticed how glitchy and inaccurate the A2600 emulator on BizHawk was. I'm glad it's so much more accurate now.
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I remember playing this game back in the day. I never had a Coleco, though, so I played it on the IBM. The IBM version of this game was monochrome, IIRC. It's a tough game, even at 40mph. Yes vote from me.
The only place it should excel is the angry cave woman / dragon part for being manipulatable.
Her name is Fat Broad. Yes, I'm not kidding. Strikes me as odd that she'd be in your way; she and Cute Chick always seemed like they were friends to me.
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Yes vote from me. Hell, even the scores are the proper colors now!
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I feel like this was a bad game to TAS.
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