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arukAdo wrote:
You want to get a higher STR while we are killing less monster...??? thats impossible yeah And thats within 150 frames lol. Ive did the test and noted all frames... its 150 faster for medusa but it take 140 to recast, so its crystal clear that if you are lower lvl you aint gonna catch up within 150 frames.
So, basically getting too much HP to big toss prevents you from using the ability to skip all bounces to get more strength. Noted. No recast isn't happening, in that case, which is kind of disappointing.
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arukAdo wrote:
Alucard shield is only slower by a few frames when you single cast medusa, by skiping the medusa shield we save also menu access and some frames.
Alright. So, the strength thing isn't an issue anymore? Also, happy to get to color a vampire again. Though, would medusa shield be slower even if I was able to get you one in the first castle really quickly (killing a medusa head while heading up stairs, ie)? What if we were somehow able to get our strength a lot higher than in the last TAS?
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arukAdo wrote:
You double jump to get to max height (if you dont watch ram dont bother trying), once at max height, you press and hold left, after switch screen you use 6 boomerangs then press wolf, he will just do a horizontal crossing over the gasp that requires the flamberge otherwise. Its same exact input than in any other movie except you have to use boomerangs instead the flamberge. It takes 600+ frames to use a Library card, imo its impossible to go for garnet. Even if it take like 200 extra frames to get the zircon theres no way you gonna kill a boss ect... in the same ammount of frames. It gotta be tested tho, just to know roughtly how long it takes. From the fairy card you gotta go lesser demon, revenge it, grab the garnet and lib card then back librarian, if you end up over say 2000 frames its moot. Edit: well, first I was wrong theres no lib card near the garnet, second you cant buy it from the librarian, and lastly it takes way over 2000 frames, revenge on lesser demon also requires the stopwatch, its definitly a no-go. Id would go personnally for no flamberge and no medusa shield, maybe we could just do both movie, its lot of work and should end up nearly the same, but if we are 3 on it less an issue already.
The Garnet is the gem at the bottom of the Outer Wall, not the one in the Library. The one in the Library is the Onyx, which I've also thought was a lost cause for a while now. Also, didn't I say that there wasn't a Library Card near the Onyx and that you can't buy one a while ago? :P Why shouldn't we use the Medusa Shield? Did you find something better to use? Is there another shield spell that lets us just stand there? I know there are several, and the greater freedom to gain more strength might affect which is best. We could kill a Malachi and use the Dark Shield spell, getting a level up at the same time. Have you already tried that?
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arukAdo wrote:
Right its 1000 not 2000, just bad memory, so its half zircon/garnet. So it mean you have about 900 frames to get to the garnet...? thats pretty short And btw, we cant do what you linked in the movie lol, this takes forever I sayd 100 frames not 3000 :p It works exactly same way than flamberge you just switch screen then trow and the wolf will levitate over the gasp.
On the bright side, having to use the Zircon won't be nearly as awful. ~20 seconds is a lot more reasonable than 45. I still want to use the Garnet if at all possible, though. I know that the video I linked to was really slow, I was just getting questions on how it would even be possible to do Relics Skip with Boomerangs at all and wanted to put something together really quickly. Wait, how exactly does the screen transition work? Like, is the boomerang jump you're talking about the first one that is done? Or, do you do two somehow, one to get to the top corner and another to get to the next room?
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For those of you interested in the relics skip without the Flamberge that arukado mentioned earlier, here's a really rough outline of it:
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arukAdo wrote:
Im using only 1 set to get upside stairs, I wasnt really focusing on doing better but rather adapt boomerangs to the old strategy. This look faster but requires 3 sets instead of 2 with the skull. And no you cant kill those tombstones you have to toss on them. 63 boomerangs are 126k thats 840 zircon or 84 garnet.
Aren't boomerangs only 1000? That in mind, it took about 954 frames from pressing the button to sell the first one to sell enough zircon to get 51 boomerangs, having to repeat the glitch once, whereas it only took 82 frames from the same starting point with the Garnet. Also, if we get the Garnet, we can afford to stop and get Gauntlets, etc., meaning more freedom for the experience route if need be. Though, I'm pretty sure we can boomerang in place of any bounces in the previous run, though it might be somewhat slower.
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If possible, I think that if we can get the Garnet without having to go up the outer wall, we should do that even if it's slower than zircon. Yes to boomerangs in the clock tower as well. Also, made a route through the reverse keep without big toss. Not perfect, but it's the right general idea. Big toss is still faster probably, but it looks really badass. Is there some better way to deal with the enemies at the end than having to throw more boomerangs?
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Derakon wrote:
In 2 minutes there's 60*60*2 = 7200 frames. If it takes more than 7200 / 800 = 9 frames to sell 1 Zircon, then it'll take more than 2 minutes to sell 800 Zircons. And doesn't the Librarian manage to say "Hehe! Thank-" before getting cut off when you sell the next gem? That's gotta be at least a quarter of a second (15 frames), which would mean over 3 minutes of selling Zircons... Or am I completely misremembering how gem-selling works?
The gems are sold by selling 255 at once, meaning you only hear his line 3 times, not that it pauses the game or anything. And I'm pretty sure it takes less than 9 frames to tick the counter up one. Though, since that means that we'd have to equip the the Zircon 3 different times, arukAdo's idea of big tossing to the Garnet and not getting the library card should still be considered. Better yet, is there some method of getting out of the library card room I don't know about? You can't just jump out, the door on the other side just pushes you back down immediately.
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arukAdo wrote:
Well now whe know we need at worse 800 zircon so you can tell wich is faster, you could maybe not use the lib card and go outerwall, there toss on the axe guy to get the gem and here use the card, before the boss, the only revelant info is how long it takes to sell 800 zircon imo, then we know precisly how much faster are others to sell and if its worthy.
I don't think you can get out of the room with the library card without actually using the library card. It would still be faster to do the big toss to the Garnet and then go up the Outer Wall normally if you didn't get the library card at all, though, but I don't think that could match the Zircon. If there's a way to get another library card before getting the Onyx, then that might match Zircon, but even then it would be close at best, unless you think 800 Zircon could take 2 minutes or something.
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arukAdo wrote:
So erhm, just for fun ive tryed to fool around with boomrangs, the inverted keep will be a big time saver, we can save time on the wolf rise and get faster toss on the skull, we may use a third jump after the skull if we want to avoid the small rise, im not sure its worthy money wise tho, but the 2 first surely does save frames. Edit: well actually we can skip the flamberge alltogether, boomrangs can replace it in every situations. Id say; -3 sets for keep -1 set for chapel (2 at worse) -5 sets for marble/shaft So that would be 48-54 boomrangs for jumps, plus a few to open Richter switch (and save a menu access), and some more to optimize guardian lvlup shift (menu access as well) 60 boomrangs would be 120k$ wich is 800 zircon, 50 would be about 667 zircon , getting the frame count of selling 800 or 667 zircon would be nice :p (then of course if its like over 30 seconds, measure vase in library or outerwall and compare)
That's impressive. I never noticed how much being able to do the shop glitch changes everything. No wolf rising at all is wonderful. Maybe one day it will be possible to do 0 relics somehow... As for which gem to use, I'll repeat what you said earlier: we don't need 3 million Zircon. There's no way the Garnet or the Onyx could take less than a minute, and they probably take significantly longer, especially since you have to deal with a boss in both routes. Unless I'm missing something that you thought of recently, I'm almost certain that Zircon is the fastest.
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arukAdo wrote:
The dash arent completly connected I think, theres probly a few frames to wait before dashing again or the boss just dont take damage, like for any tas if you dont watch ram for boss hp closely you aint going to get far, thats while recording or replaying older movies, theres a cooldown between each hits so say you have the rain in between no dmg from dash yeah, the trick is to register them at same time, you can even jump after the first dash to regain height if your too far from his head. And yeah its optimized to the nearest frame usually; many tricks have no place for error like for exemple screen flickers, big toss and many others.
Thank you, I got it figured out. The color effects on the whip were throwing off my RNG.
arukAdo wrote:
You dont need 3 million zircon, the boomrang are 2000 each, the problem is just to figure what part of the run can be improved from having more of them, and how many boomerang in total, so that you know how much money is needed exactly, theres a lib card in one of the vases, otherwise its only 500 anyway, thats still a lot more time consuming than just say kill a merman and drop an extra food since you cant have the chicken in the wall
What vase are you talking about? I can't find another Library Card anywhere near the route, where is it? Also, you can't buy a Card instead, because the Fairy shop glitch only works the first time you enter the shop IIRC. Whatever, Zircon is definitely the best way.
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arukAdo wrote:
Yeah well, entrance would be wasting only a couple of seconds, its bad, but affordable, for the garnet if you meant like... before the bat relic in one of those vases, thats more like half a minute to afford, and im not exagerating since youll fight a boss and lib card to come back, the third option outerwall is ... sort of moot since it would mean to waste nearly 2 minutes to get to library. The low value of the zircoon could be a problem if the selling time exceed say... well 30 seconds, then the garnet would be better, yet its still the same issue; I dont know exactly how many $$ will be required.
I forgot about Lesser Demon entirely. That in mind, you're right, the onyx can't be it. Could you even Library Card back from there? Besides the one that you used to go from Marble Gallery to the Library in the first place, what card could you pick up? As for the Zircon, selling it's almost 60 times slower than the current shop glitch, so that might actually be a threat. I can't think of any other enemy in the current path that drops better jewels. In addition, the Mermen would really change the experience route if you chose to get the jewel and continue through the lower path instead of going back up (not sure which is faster)
arukAdo wrote:
For the prologue.... theres glitches involved, the most important one been the damage increase with holy water, theres no "exact" timing to cast your spell but tossing a bottle after will increase damage, youll have to figure timing, as they change depending your or drac position and cast time, AFAIK you can still whore a dozen of frames further than me. Pro tip: to change drac position at start as well as where he jump, its all predetermined by candles you destroy before entering the room, im using the best outcome IIRC in any% but if you have different goals for the prologue you may adjust to something different. The best timing I know off is in the old pcsx movie [1363] PSX Castlevania: Symphony of the Night by arukAdo & pirate_sephiroth in 19:01.63, probly a few frames faster than current any%
I'm aware of the whole damage stacking idea. It's just that all of the current TASes get much more complicated with it than just Hydro Storm > holy water, and I can't keep up. For example, any% combines Hydro Storm with the holy water with two blade dashes - this is what I was talking about in my post. I can get the HS, holy water, and blade dash to hit all at once, but when I'm supposed to turn around and do it again immediately after the first blade dash (around 1:33 in the encode of the run you linked to) is what I'm having trouble with. With what I've gotten, Drac says his "PLAY TIME'S OVER..." line when his life bar is still 1/3 full, while all the optimal runs I've seen get him to say that while it's still 2/3 full, meaning the second phase starts about 30 frames sooner. Do you remember it taking a long time to optimize the prologue in your any%?
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Is there some sort of trick to the prologue drac fight? The first form, specifically. I've been trying all sorts of different things for days now, and I can only get as far as landing the first blade dash. I've never gotten the second one to connect, period, leaving me almost 30 frames behind par. Is there some sort of trick to it, or is it just really, incredibly, obnoxiously precise? I don't want to just copy arukAdo's inputs for it, but I seriously cannot figure out any other way to do it. This has been a major roadblock to me doing much of any work on this game, and I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me figure it out.
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For any%, I'm guessing your best two options are to either get a Zircon drop from one of the Mermen in the Entrance, or get the Onyx in the back of the library. The Zircon is only worth 150, so I don't know if the extended amount of time it would take just to sell the amount you need would add up too much or not. The Onyx is 3000, but would require going halfway through the Library both ways. Failing either of those, the best way might be to just go through the Outer Wall as normal and get the Garnet.
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I was able to get a ways into Demonophobia on my old comp (running Windows 7) with no problems at all, save states and such all working perfectly, but I had to switch to a new machine that is also running Windows 7 and now I can't get it to work anymore. I've tried several of the submissions on here and they work fine, but even when I have my settings exactly like they were before, the game still gets stuck on a black screen right before the first dialogue box appears, or more often the window doesn't even come up. I can't think of anything different between my computers that would cause that to happen. I had to disable timer creation and allow infinite timeouts on my old machine and it would work fine, but not so now. Any ideas?
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Alright, I'm working on a Pacifist/0 kill TAS, but I'm not really sure what to count as breaking the rules: - Killing Doppelganger10 (it doesn't increment your kill counter) - Destroying Flea Armors' armor (experience but no kill) - Revenge teching bosses that can be skipped through other means - Killing Blood Skeletons (doesn't increment kills, they just get back up anyways) Obviously, it isn't really "pacifist" to use violence when it isn't required, but I'm willing to do any of the above if it makes the run faster or more interesting and everyone else is alright with it.