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Even if the save room was in the middle of the path, it would cost alot of time to use it for energy, and consider since what Sir VG wrote is true, in terms of where these save rooms are located, it's not going to be worth it, on the other hand I fully support taking damage, in many cases it's actually faster to take damage, not only with boosting through lava and such, but taking damage from monsters can get you a boost in the right direction when you need one. But as I've said I believe this is all gonna be unveiled as soon as the running begins. One thing that hasn't been mentioned yet though is playing from an SRAM, I know I'm going to be playing from one since many of the tricks and timings of the game rely on being able to cancel a sequence in the right moment. It's not gonna get published that way, but it's sure as hell gonna be faster real time and in game time I believe.
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If you're doing an any% TAS, I believe picking up more 20 missiles would be a waste, and if you're aiming for nothing but real time, 10-15 missiles should be enough since you'll use them only for elite pirates and Ridley, on which you can manipulate missile drops anyway. Also, in a TAS you could use free aim (R-button) to make sure every shot connects at the first possible frame of release after charging your weapon, no need for ice spreader in such case. As to Angerfist: 1. This is true, but in cramped spaces you'll want to walk diagonally with L pressed anyway. 2. Of course using wait times to position is going to be used, it is in every game isn't it? ;) 3. When walking, you actually gain speed even while moving onto an object, so you might as well just press against the door until it opens. 4. This is true, and it's most likely faster in real time as well, I know I do it. 5. Boosting over a door might lose you time because you'll get thrown into the air and lose the boost speed, I think, will of course have to try, but I think that it would be faster rolling into the next room and boosting as soon as you're over the... (Tröskel? ;D) (Doorstep?) 6. I guess a couple of more dashes could be in place, but the thing that will save most time is that you can just dash blindly into whatever and retry until you get it right, using dashes that are utilized in runs even today, and not having to wait. I'm sure not all dashes are optimal today, and I have a couple of tricks up my sleeve as well. (I'll write down everything I'll do in every room some day soon.) So the hunt for new dashes will probably take up alot of my time at least, as well as other runners. 7. Not getting hit is going to be a criteria as you'll run with 99 energy and you're not gonna go into any save rooms, I don't think this is gonna be a problem though. 8. With good shots alot of doors and such can be shot from afar, but usually I guess boosting to the door and forcing an instant unmorph (with a little testing should be possible at almost every unmorph in the game where it matters) situation. 9. I have been figuring on this as well, and boosting up slopes and walls can do wonders if you hit them right, it should be possible to boost onto many obstacles or platforms, we'll see how it turns out I guess. 10. Charge beam will always be faster than firing single shots, since every weapon is on a very strict "cooldown". I'm not sure of the formulae for every weapon, but I know for sure that ice deals 3 times as much charged as not, and has ~1 second cooldown between each shot. I picked up Metroid Prime just a couple of days ago, and I'm recording a walkthrough to use for my upcoming speed run. (Shameless promotion yes) I'll see what I can come up with and I'll get to working on what I'll do in the TAS that I'll make at least, and I hope as many people as possible try their best to make TAS'es of this game to break it down as much as possible. I have waited for so long, and I'm getting more and more anxious.
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Might not be too surprising, but I'll let go of my life and use all time I possibly could find to TAS Metroid Prime as soon as rerecording has been added to a stable GC emulator. So I guess that's number one on my wishlist at least. I'm just sorry myself I can't do anything to help speed up the process.
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For some reason I seem to think that this has something to do with that this movie could obsolete the movie you made, also I don't think it's worth redoing like half the movie just to incorporate a trick saving a couple of frames, some people have other things to do than making these kind of movies.
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You would've known if you were a little older. 20 years ago videogames were made for people to play them and have fun for a while, today they're mostly made so that you'll play it once, and then go buy a new one, so that you'll spend as much money as possible on videogames. Except mmorpg's where they make more money the longer you play it, but it's always about making money. It probably always have been, but the games were different then than they are now.
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I for some reason decided to write what I did, I can't say I stand for it, nor will I read it through. But I didn't write because I thought you were wrong, but I think as valid as your points is, maybe it looks different in someone elses eyes.
JXQ wrote:
Graveworm wrote:
If nothing happened you'd probably whine about that though.
This is unnecessary. Like I said, I didn't write this to insult fans of the game.
I wouldn't really call myself a fan of Metroid Prime, especially since Retrostudios seems to be the worst videogame producers ever, but I do think it's fun to play the game since it's possible to do so many unintentional things. My brother also dislikes this game at times, but that's because he can't do all the sexy gamebreaking jumps and such. I know, I suck. (Please note that this is my opinion and no one elses, you are welcome to feel the same though.) Oh. And also, videogames aren't what they used to be. And lastly, some things, you never get used to.
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You're... Comparing Metroid Prime with Super Metroid...? Retrostudios didn't make Super Metroid. While comparing to Super Metroid, and having owned that game for several years, or like me for 12 years Metroid Prime might not be the best game ever. When comparing it to many other games made the same year, or maybe other games made in the same year and within the same genre, (I can't say anything about the latter comparison since I can't think of any game like that, except a James Bond game made for the gamecube, I believe 2001 or 2002, but I didn't like that one very much.) it's a really good game. Anyway, I've played both Super Metroid and Metroid Prime too much, going near world record times in both games, which should mean I know both games very well, and I do think I do. I've finished Super Metroid several times the intended way before I even knew about sequence breaking or anything like that. Metroid Prime on the other hand I've only done so once, the first time I ever completed it. To me, non of these games are fun when playing in such manner, but it is the non-intended things that make the games interesting, and Metroid Prime brought this to a whole new level, since many unintentional things would lead to drastic changes in gameplay and how fast you could complete the game. The only reason I love these games are because I can sequence break them, knowing Metroid games are playing them. Playing Metroid Prime without knowing where to go, or where this or that door leads, and having to backtrack because you can't sequence break it really does suck. Then you might not like that Samus puts up her hand after being hit by something directly, but it's not like she steps on a bug and proceeds with covering her face with her left hand. It's only on direct hits, and in other games worse things have happened. Also, about the heat vents causing altered view like that, I do like it, and if you feel you can't see what's happening, maybe you could wait for 5 seconds until it's gone, or start using your glasses even while playing videogames. If nothing happened you'd probably whine about that though. Also, the map is there for a reason, you could use it to not get lost, and it's not like every room of the game is an S-shaped corridor. Also, I don't know if you've heard about this, but you can run past monsters, you don't have to kill them over and over again, it doesn't benfit you. The field of view might be small if you've played quake with a FOV of like 130 degrees or something like that, as I do. Play the game through a couple of times and you'll get used to it. It's not going to change. And you don't have to use the X-ray visor from the point you get it until you complete the game, try up on the D-pad, if you don't like it, use it as little as possible. And the thermal visor sucks, I agree, but the lights go out just so that you can try it on, maybe it was the best idea they had, I don't know. (Get the ice beam before getting the visor and you can exit right through the door to the right) Instead of playing during the day, do what you would've done during the evening on the day, and play Metroid Prime during the evening, and it's not that dark. Try playing survival horror games, you usually can't see shit, and the reason of that is because the makers don't want you to, maybe it's the same here. I would probably have thought that the people at Retrostudios were retarded if they put lights in a lake or in a broken ship that doesn't have any power. I'm not gonna comment on the hud, you've got enough comments on that already. Then maybe the controls just aren't for you, go play another game. Many people love this game, and most other thinks it's an okay game for being what it is. I've not written this in any attempt to counter what you've written, but maybe there's something inside me that still hopes that you can see that the truth is that you don't like this game, for reasons only you know and that the game doesn't suck balls, but your experience with the game does. About the last thing you wrote with this cute little picture: I'm not sure about how serious you were, but it's possible to turn off the hint system, and as you wrote earlier in the same article, the helmet, and the hud is on the sides and on top of the screen not in the middle of it. The last difference is that Super Metroid wasn't a first person adventure. I don't know, stay away from Metroid Prime... It wasn't a game for you. I know the game, and I'm good at it, and that's because I liked it. We're different, there's probably something, or some game you like, but that I don't. But that doesn't make it suck. I might be wrong, who knows?
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By the way, does anyone still have the movie I made of this game? I would like to watch it now, 9 months after I made it. To see how crappy it was.
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Just add anything at the end of the url, like metroid.vbm or whatever you'd like.
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If you don't like the second quest, you could always stop watching after the first one's completed, nothings forcing you to keep watching the full 17 minutes. But for someone who might want to watch it all, it could be an option.
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It's completely up to you. though if you've decided on not taking any damage in your video, maybe you should think twice about it.
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I've played alot of Rockman 2 and Megaman X2, and even though Megaman X2 is the by far the videogame I've played most ever, I must say I never get tired of playing it, and at times I can play through it once a day for several weeks in a row. For me, X2 is the most fun, I can't say it's the best, because I really don't know if I think so, but it's the one that I've had most fun with, and probably will for quite some while.
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I've tried doing that, but I havn't been able to do so, therefore I would like for someone, maybe you to show me how it is done. Since I apparently missed something.
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Saturn wrote:
Anyway, with the latest knowledge I could save even 7 frames until Ridley.
And this of course helped you complete the Ceres station faster? If so, I'd like to see it, everything to get the fastest possible time in Ceres station. Also, mind to give me a movie saving 2 frames in the first room of Ceres? I never succeeded in saving any time doing that, but I never tried very hard either.
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Maybe JXQ has a movie of it, but I don't have one anymore. And right now I don't have time to make a new one. Anyway, it doesn't help, so it doesn't really matter.
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I've only gotten to Ridley 6 frames faster than JXQ did in his Super Metroid movie, and random crap in the 3rd room of the escape screws it up every time, so unless you manage to save even more, to try entering that room 1 frame earlier, which might save time and get the random crap right, it doesn't really matter. Also, about ledges, if you're talking about pushing yourself down under a ledge by abusing the size of Samus, JXQ didn't use it in the beginning of his movie because he didn't know about it, and even if you use it at every ledge in the game, most places it wont push you down enough to save you a frame.
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So he should do the eighth dungeon only if he wants to remake anything prior to the point he has played so far?
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Please do explain how not walking backwards would've made the run better. I just can't figure out why it would.
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Are you sure it'll be entertaining? Maybe you should try to improve one of the existing movies instead. For me, if there's a "pacifist run" and a normal speed through, I always watch the normal run, and since I've already seen a video, I don't want to watch the same thing with just less kills, something that despite not killing anything, will take longer to finish. Maybe you should think it over and wait for feedback, unless of course you just want to make this movie because you want to see it done yourself.
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Ramzi wrote:
When he said who, he might have meant Roger Taylor, but I'm not sure about that he wrote it.
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TSA wrote:
This run, in my opinion, was only put out as it is because 1) It's OoT and 2) It wanted to get out before my or anyone else's run to gain the attention.
TSA wrote:
Not sure, besides two things, the TAS didn't really show anything new.
To me, and surely many others, it did show something new.
TSA wrote:
Not sure about the guidelines here, but did they magically change from solely being entertainment based from "being absolutely best possible run with best known tricks at fastest time possible"?
TSA wrote:
If you want entertainment, then I fail to see why only emulator movies are accepted here...
It's kinda hard to explain... Look at the top left corner of this page.
TSA wrote:
I really think the TAS mandate of "entertaining" is superficial, an excuse to rationalize their existance beyond what they're really meant for.
Which would be...?
TSA wrote:
No offense, but TAS serve only as research tools, to show what is possible.
Ah, I totally forgot that we serve under the allmighty speedrunners.
TSA wrote:
Again, just be the status-quo of t his site, this OoT was not up to par.
Yes, 'cause anybody would just give up all they've done to make a movie up to the Kokiri toothpick and wait for someone to maybe fix the pause screen issue.
TSA wrote:
Popularity I guess give the people what they want.
So you're writing this because...?
TSA wrote:
But unlike the other Zelda TAS, which for the most part I respect, until this OoT run is improved, it's just another speedrun.
I don't know what to say... Or why I quoted this, it kinda only applies to TSA, and doesn't really belong in that post.
TSA wrote:
If you're not going to utilize the functions a TAS allows you, why bother?
And those functions would be? Anyway, I found this movie really good, I jumped half of the movie because of the talking/sequences, but it was really good to watch. I really couldn't care less if there were a couple of tricks left out, things that people found out when Guanobowl had alreay passed that part of the game.
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Actually if there was one, I would've already started to make a Metroid Prime movie.
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You wouldn't happen to need the ice weapon if you're getting the items in the Junk man stage?
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No, you had just not been informed about it.
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