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Implementing this would mean recreating the whole movie file format, because we'd have to include something that says "HERE was a re-record" between keypresses. Plus, I don't think it would be that useful.
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!!! SUPER DUPER ULTRA COOL MONSTER UPDATE !!! Take two! My friends, I present you with Sandworm getting his ass beaten up BIG TIME, once again! Some of you might have catched the update I did yesterday, but I decided to re-do some things, so here's the other (real) update! I decided NOT to get the red jewel before going to China's Great Wall. I will get it while waiting for the lilypad in my second visit in Watermia. Current progress goes up to the re-visit of Watermia. Sandworm is beaten and it didn't take me two months to do it! It took me only two days, but since I re-did the whole fight, three days. The most important thing about this update is the following: THANK YOU NITRODON!!! Nitrodon found out how the random number generator worked and helped me a lot to complete the Sandworm battle. Without his help, I would probably never have come up with such a great Sandworm battle. Everything in this battle I owe it to him. I'll never say it enough, thank you, thank you, thank you Nitrodon! You're awesome! You might have some questions about some parts of the current WIP, so feel free to post them here. I suggest you read the "My Notes.txt" file first, since it probably answers most, if not all questions. Here's the link: Rom name and version: Illusion of Gaia (U) [!].smc Feel free to post any comments or suggestions about the current progress.
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Pyrolistical wrote:
I don't understand how speed isn't entertainment. I've seen so many comments on how you should "sacrifice some speed for entertainment". I think anything that sacrifices speed becomes less entertaining.
Totally false. Best example: any fighting game. Fastest way could be to use the same attack over and over and over and over again... that would be incredibly boring. Using diversity is longer, but it's a lot more entertaining. What I'm saying here is that it depends on the occasions. Sometimes, doing something funny can justify losing a few frames. For example, FODA took a little more time in Mario 64 to make a good screenshot for his run (Mario having his face "fusionned" with a star) instead of simply turning around. He lost a few frames but it was worth it because it created a funny moment. Speed is not ALWAYS more entertaining, and being too slow can also be less entertaining. It all depends.
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Wren wrote:
Personally I think Poo will be the weakest link in this situation... he always kinda held me back in my lowest level run, actually.
I disagree... PSI Starstorm is quite powerful, and he has a few powerful offensive PSIs (mainly Freeze). He's not useless ... a lot less useless than Jeff. Oh and he can SMAAAASH! too...
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I need your help guys! You can find a savestate right at the beginning of the Sand Fanger fight in my homepage ( As in my previous run, I hate that boss, and can't find a way to manipulate it. I'm asking for help from anyone who wishes to, to find out anything that would be useful to manipulating it efficiently. I need that help .. I want to kick that boss's ass! :)
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With jeff alive: With jeff dead: The big difference is that EVERYTHING (even the text outside of battles) is red when someone's dead. Every single dialogue box and text will be red, every item list will be red, menu commands will be red, EVERYTHING. Hope that helps to get an idea on why we should leave Jeff alive.
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JXQ wrote:
Posting about one's geneology is inane in a thread asking about ethnicity?
First, I don't think the real word would be "Ethnicity" since everyone in this thread seemed to mention what country they were from (German, Finnish, Canadian, 1/256 French, etc.) And using genealogy, you can prove what you are by knowing what your ancestors were.
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I did a little genealogy research when I was yougner, and I went up 6 generations. All 100% from Québec, Canada. I'm therefore 100% Québécois (don't know how to say it in English)
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the Great Deku Tree is completely black except for his eyebrows and mustache, and the ground is either black or invisible. Please, can someone help me figure out what's wrong?
My first guess would be: What's your video card?
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I really don't know ... in fact I know nothing about that bug ... only what that person said in page 5 or 6 I think of this thread. Anyways I decided not to use it since I don't know how to. I'm currently near Sand Fanger, and I expect to post an update in the next few days, or early next week at most. EDIT: Oh and I'm currently investigating on a possibly faster alternate route for China's Great Wall. The difference comes right after Freedan kills the enemy he has to kill. Instead of continuing, he would go back, jump down to where Will got Spin Dash, change back to Will, and then Will would continue the adventure. Doing this, I would completly skip the room before Sand Fanger, not needing to go down two staircases and not needing to fight 6 statues that turn into monsters. As I've said, I'm inverstigating this ... so I have to test both ways. EDIT2: Let's forget about that route-change ... I just found out Freedan can NOT change back to Will in the Dark Space where Will got the Spin Dash ... that's a shame ...
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After some extensive Googling, I found out that UDEG means "Up Down Exploration Glitch". I agree with you Boco, acronyms like that shouldn't be used (or at least explain it ONCE, so people like Boco and I (and many others) can understand something).
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I remember someone saying something vague about a bug in China's Great Wall where you could enter a door while in the air after a psycho spin. Since I'm actually in China's Great Wall right now, I'd really like to know HOW to do this. Can someone try to replicate this (verify if it's true)? You can get the current progress and a savestate right at the point where I would like to use this bug (if it exists at all). I want to use it on the first door we encouter. Same URL as usual: Please let me know as soon as possible if you can recreate that rumored bug.
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Weird .. I swear it wasn't there on my last visit before the screenshot ... ... or was it ... I'm blind... and stupid... Sorry for spamming useless ranting! Don't flame me! :) And yes, I did do a ctrl+f for "Rate" and it didn't find anything ... I guess the "change" happenned between my search and my screenshot ... weird stuff.. My computer's stupid too lol
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Maybe I'm blind, or maybe I'm stupid, but I don't see the "Rate this movie" link anywhere ... I can view the page easily, but I don't see the "Rate this movie" link on any of the movies ... Help please? (Yes, I am logged in on the main page) Here's what I see. Where is that link?
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Yeah but leaving Jeff dead would ruin the experience, because everything will turn red! It's just not pretty and I think it would ruin the experience of watching such a TAS. I strongly suggest leaving him alive.
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Some things I noticed: - Program ALWAYS asks if I want to save the movie file, even though I never touched anything. Adding a global variable "Edited" or something similar would do the trick. - Can't delete combos. Adding a right-click menu would do the trick here. You could also support the Delete key from the keyboard. Adding a Confirm message would also be cool since you don't want to delete anything by accident, right? - Program seems to have issues handling memory when closing. It sent me in an infinite error-box messages loop a few times when I selected Quit from the menu. That's all for now. Sorry to point problems out, but that's what beta testing is for! :) If you need any help/advice (which I doubt .. you seem like a good programmer), I've got some experience with Delphi myself. Two heads are better than one! :) Good luck with the rest! This is going to be a GREAT tool for TASers!
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SGreenwell wrote:
Regarding leveling up to level 8, I think this would take far more time than doing 20 rounds against the ant. The enemies in Onett and the Ant Cave don't really provide a ton of experience, and how long could the battle with the ant take? Five minutes at most? If so, I'm not sure if you could power level from 5 to 8 in less than five minutes.
There are two particular enemies that are quite "cool" for leveling up. You have the Skate Punk and the Black Antoid who can "call for help" and bring another enemy in the battle, thus gaining more exp. for that battle. Calling for help can also be easily manipulated since it's one of their "attack" moves. The Skate Punk can call either a Pogo Punk or a Yes Man Junior, which give respectively 15 and 13 exp. The Skate Punk himself gives 12 exp. Pogo Punk has 35 HP and Yes Man Junior has 33 HP. They can only be fought before Frank though. The Black Antoid can call another Black Antoid into the battle. Each one gives 37 exp and has 34 HP. These can be a little tricky though, since they can do quite a lot of damage if not manipulated correctly. Manipulating many of them at the same time is quite difficult also. However they can use Lifeup α, which is probably useless since they probably die in one hit.
SGreenwell wrote:
If you surprise one of the little black ants throughout the cave, do you get an instant victory? If so, then you might be able to gain enough levels quickly.
It depends on your level (or maybe your attack?). But surprising an enemy from behind before beating the boss is almost impossible unless you've just got out of a fight and still "invincible/invisible".
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I'm currently in Watermia (first visit). Progress has been ultra-slow recently because I don't have much spare time. Things are pretty rough at school and takes all my time. When I have some spare time I usually take it for sleeping. I'll post the next WIP after beating the crap out of Sandworm. I think I've figured out its "patterns" so it would be a little easier to manipulate it. I expect this to be around 2 weeks from now. Hopefully.
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Stats gained from leveling can easily be manipulated. I have proven so in my attempt I made a long while ago. It's all dependent on randomness which is manipulated by pressing B or moving in the menu before attacking. The stats gained are "fixed", and by fixed I mean that you have an array of stats possible to gain, and can't gain EVERYTHING at maximum always, but it's still fairly easy to manipulate what you want and how much. And if bosses can get OHKOed, I think it'd make this TAS a lot easier. You practicaly wouldn't need any leveling since you can theoretically have a fightless run (except mandatory ones). This is starting to be less intimidating. I'm more and more re-considering doing this TAS after I finish Illusion of Gaia 100%.
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TODO: Faster loading. It took me about 2 minutes to open my Illusion of Gaia any% run. I don't know what could make it go faster, but it's insanely long for now. Looks great though .. I'm impressed by how fast you came up with this beta, fully featured (almost). Great work!
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ventuz wrote:
So there's no point in continuing this dicussion, right?... right?
Right. Can a mod lock this thread?
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CtrlAltDestroy wrote:
I just saw a 600 GB drive over at Best Buy the other day. Space may not be that big of a problem in the near future.
I know that. What I was refering to was not space available, I was more refering to handling or ROMs. Either you want to download it, or copy it from a DVD, or use the actual game (which is impossible for Xbox since it can't be read on PC), it still remains a 4.7gb folder! 4.7gb is huge. Being that the AVI files would be smaller than the ROM itself... I mean... there's something "not convenient" about this... Just my opinion, by the way.
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FILIM0NAS wrote:
Link gets the kokiri sword and then after a black screen it messes all up...
Make sure you checked "Raw data" in the Input Plugin Configuration screen. That might be your problem.
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UPDATE: I stopped thinking about doing this. An idea was brought up here, suggesting a plugin based editor that would support almost every type of movie file. A simple plugin would be needed to allow compatibility with a new movie type. Since I think that idea is better than the one I had originally (which was discussed here), I link you guys to the "new thread" for the "new idea/project". Here: Bottom line: I am NOT working on this anymore.
Post subject: Re: PS2/NGC/Xbox Speedruns?
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Atma wrote:
To be a little more specific, no we aren't going to post speedruns of these consoles here because emulators for these consoles do not exist and/or do not support recording. Also, ROMs for these emulators would be absolutely HUGE and would most likely ruin everything. You seem to be missing on the main goal here. We are NOT speedrunners. We are people who make tool-assisted speed runs. It's a lot different than what they do on SDA. Please read the Why and How FAQ to know more about what we do and how we do it. The main thing is we're using emulators with slowdown and re-recording; we're not playing on the real console with real human reflexes. I'm not saying we suck at gaming, we just do something different here. Hope it helps you understand a little bit more what this site is all about.
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