Posts for Halamantariel

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Wow. This is awesome. Ordering pizza delivered at another pizza place.
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Gunty wrote:
improvement of the normal-mode TAS
Wow! Impressive run so far! For reference, Nitrodon and I had made a test run a few years back (2006), and it was faster than the published run up to the point you had gotten the Anger Brace (for the IP Battle Lust), because we didn't get that for some stupid reason. Anyway, what I want to say is that, our test run was faster in the beginning of the game, and I used it to check if your new run was better. Here's what I found. Frame numbers are the first frame of total darkness (screen is completely black) after the mentionned event. First number is our old test run, second number is your new run. After the Lizardman fight: 20129 20015 After the Catfish fight: 35110 33762 In other words, your new run is fast! It looks great, the catfish battle was INSANE!!! Keep up the good work! It's gonna be an awesome run! There were a few things that made me go "Huh?" but then it all made sense when I noticed an awesome fight or the lack of enemies on the world map, or other things that needed manipulation. You have my full support! Go Gunty Go!
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"You know you play too many videos games when..."
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In a follow-up to Foda's post, I wanted to list all the internet memes referenced by the Pork and Beans video from Weezer. However, after a quick search, I found that someone had already done the job (way better than I could do it, too). So, here's the Pork and Beans video, as well as all the internet memes (popular videos) that are referenced in the clip: When I wanted to list them all, I was missing: One Man Band: I thought it was the introduction to the video.. didn't make the link. Star Wars Kid: Don't know how I could miss it ... I guess it's referenced by the multiple lightsabers throughout the video? Crank That Soldier Boy: I never ever watched any Soulja Boy video .. I hate that song. I therefore couldn't have made the link. K-Fed Popozao: Never seen that one before ... Shoes the Full Version: I knew I had seen it before but couldn't recall the title at all. Anyway .. props to Weezer for including 24 internet memes in one awesome video.
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"" = 0 hits in 2001, 408,000 hits now. The site didn't exist back then. I googled "google", too. In 2001: 3,780,000. Today: 2,760,000,000.
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Beat the game ... some of it was fun, some was annoying and some was stupid... Overall, a good game to play when you're bored :)
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Floogal wrote:
Anyways, one question is whether this stutter walk is considered a "big glitch" like the walk-through-walls. Would it be used on a new non-glitched any%?
Personally, I think the stutter walk is as big a glitch as teleporting over hot spots. It basically does the same thing, it just can be used more often. Since the teleport-over-hotspot glitch has been used in the any% TAS, I'm assuming that the stutter walk can be used too. That's my opinion on it.
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ElectroSpecter wrote:
I'm also really curious: Did you and Halamantariel use macros for moving around the menu to change the RNG? For instance, if you wanted to change the RNG 35 times before selecting Bash, you could have set up a macro that moves the cursor 4 times back to the Bash command. Then you could use the macro 8 times and then manually input the last 3 movements (or even have a separate macro for 3 movements of the cursor). I don't actually know how to program macros at all, so I was just curious if this is possible and/or you two used it.
Simple: Logitech G15 keyboard. It has a lot of macro keys on the left, which can record keyboard presses and play them back. Basically, I have 18 macro keys, which are programmed to use from 2 to 19 RNGs (recorded manually at first). To manipulate something like 35 RNGs, I'd use 19+16 (pressing 2 macro keys). Oh, by the way, I have the "old" G15, not the new one. The old has the blue backlight and 18 macro keys, while the new one has an orange-ish backlight and 6 macro keys. Also, if what you want to do is manipulate the first round of the battle, your best bet is to use the B-button "menu" outside of battle right before going into it. The B-button menu uses 1 RNG per frame. Try it out, you'll get to love that little bugger! :)
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Obviously a big YES vote from me. The game was anihilated! The times are ridiculously low for all stages and the glitches used are really cool! *** SPOILER *** Can't wait for a gold gem run to see the full ending though... Having only 1 gold gem makes the ending quite ... short and boring really. But hey, speed is the key for this run, so it's a good thing! *** SPOILER ***
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kchrules wrote:
I found a way to skip that guy who follows you and starts a fight in the arcade: Oh and btw, it probably will say your rom is a mismatch but it works on all rom versions. (Except Mother 2)
Nice. I already knew about it though. I didn't report it because I was the only person to work on this game. I had recorded it in my current WIP (which I haven't touched in a long time). I wanted to post Part 2 of this WIP on my youtube account after I had beaten Frank and Frankystein, but sadly I haven't done that yet. Still, it's nice to see someone else found that time saver as well! :)
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nineko wrote:
I have unlimited webspace and unlimited bandwidth, and I will be glad to mirror everything you want (emulators, tools, ...) Just hook me up with a list of the files that should be mirrored and I'll put them up.
I asked / suggested the same thing, only I have the website. I'm still waiting for the files so that I can mirror the site completely. Alternatively, I could set up a separate FTP account for someone that actually has the files, so that he/she chould simply upload the files. Just PM me and I'll set things up.
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ElectroSpecter wrote:
The Cracked Bat is necessary to leave the house IIRC. Pokey won't let you leave without it.
Exactly, and equipping it is also faster than not doing so, as Pokey will remind you in a lenghty dialogue how to equip things.
Post subject: Re: International Idioms
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Here are some in French (at least, French Canadian):
alden wrote:
Cost an arm and a leg -- To be very expensive
Cost an arm (We don't have legs here)
alden wrote:
Drink like a fish -- To drink far too much alcohol
Drink like a hole (You can pour a LOT of alcohol down a drain!)
alden wrote:
Have two left feet -- To be clumsy (a person with two left feet can't dance)
Have hands full of thumbs (Imagine if you only had thumbs ... you'd be pretty clumsy with your hands!)
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Warp wrote:
nfq wrote:
i don't like laptops because the battery only lasts for a few minutes. if it would last 500 hours, i would consider buying one. i heard that they've made a discovery that will make the battery last for 40 hours or so, but it's still not enough for me. hopefully the oilcompanies will allow free energy machines soon.
It's amusing just how much trolling you succeeded in squeezing into such a short post...
He's right about the battery life discovery thingie though... Link! Trolling--;
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How about the Secret of Mana run? Or the Mario Kart 64 run? Those too qualify, if I understand the "vaporware" concept correctly.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Fixed. (Really, I fixed it. I removed the width=150 and height=150, allowing people to actually see something)
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moozooh wrote:
I still don't believe you signed that petition, though.
I did sign that petition. I am signature 192427, which you can see here: Anyway... I think our "personal argument" is over now. I've given my point, you gave yours. Both are valid, since it's a matter of opinions only. It was nice arguying though... I just don't want to pollute this thread with personal stuff. I think you will agree with that.
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moozooh wrote:
Name at least one movie based on a videogame that didn't suck in some major way, disregarding whatever Boll did.
Hitman, Silent Hill, Tomb Raider (1 and 2). You can say what you want, my opinion about these movies will stay the same: they were awesome. There's also a Max Payne movie coming out in october of this year which I'm really anticipating. Not sure if it'll be good or not. They CAN make good movies out of video games.
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Warp wrote:
How many movies based on computer games are there, and how many of them have actually been good? In the vast majority of cases game movies have been complete trash and put the game in shame, and most fans prefer to pretend that the movie doesn't even exist.
That impression is mostly due to Uwe Boll. Here's his IMDB page: You can see all the movies he's made, and all of them completely sucked. Since most of them are video games, and they sucked, most people think that "All video game movies suck". Now, I haven't seen them all, obviously, so I don't know the percentage of "movies that suck" vs "movies that don't suck" for video games, but I'm pretty sure that it isn't as bad as we think it is. I blame Uwe Boll for everything. He should be stopped. I signed the petition to Stop Uwe Boll.
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Wow... it's so sad that it was an April Fool's joke. That movie would have been awesome! (With more budget to get a better Ganon costume/mask/makeup, at least) On a related note, why isn't there a real Zelda movie yet? That is one hell of a good video game series, and I think it deserves a movie or two or three. Except if Uwe Boll has anything to do with it. Then it would suck.
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Rridgway wrote:
Well, shall we see if all of them are correct?
Apparently they won't be. There are 3.5 minutes left in the 3rd period and it's now 3-1 for Detroit. EDIT: 1.5 minutes left, it's now 3-2 after a PP goal from Pittsburgh. It's not over yet! EDIT2: 45.8 seconds left. No change. Still 3-2. EDIT3: Nope. They lost. Predictions were not accurate, but Detroit still won. You got that part right.
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Vykan12 wrote:
I'm also curious as to why people post .smvs all the time instead of recording it to .avi and uploading it somewhere so it becomes easier to watch.
1. SMVs are small, AVIs are huge. 2. Encoding to AVI is more complicated than you might think it is. 3. Bandwidth isn't free. Seriously though, (not that the above wasn't serious..) playing back SMVs is not that complicated. You just need the right ROM, the right emulator, and the movie file. For the emulator, I suggest you get this one (if you don't have it already):
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Comicalflop wrote:
Amen! If you want to TAS Yoshi's Island, I higly recommend doing it for the SNES.
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That guy has the same name, and is only 3 years older than me. He also happens to live really close to where I live (He's in Louiseville, about 50 minutes drive away). Link: Bottom of the page, click on Olivier Bellemare. The rest of the search results for images of "Olivier Bellemare" are mostly images from tasvideos.
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Halamantariel is a name I came up with while I was working on an Ultima Online server. Me and a couple of buddies wanted to create a free (French) UO server for our friends to enjoy, and possibly expand in the future. They already had cool nicknames, and all I had was "Post-IT", which is the first nickname I got myself. I got "Post-IT" when I first joined IRC, which is about 10 years ago (I'm 22 now). It asked me for a nickname, but I didn't have any, so I looked around on my desk to find something, and there were some post-its. Yeah. That stupid/simple/dumb. So anyway, I didn't want to keep "Post-IT" for an MMORPG game. It just doesn't sound good and it doesn't look "professionnal" in that domain either, as I was the almighty admin there. I therefore had to come up with something. Now here's how I got the weird Halamantariel name. I wanted my admin character to be represented by an Elf in-game, and I wanted the name to sound a little "angelic". In French -- and in my beliefs --, angels exist and have names. All of their names end with either "-ah" or "-el". Some of them end with "-iel", and that's what I wanted for my character name. As for "Halamantar", I think I found that in some elven language things... What I did was look at some elven language reference on the Internet, and then tried to come up with something that sounded similar to those other words, and finally end that word with "iel". So yeah ... quite a complicated story, most of you probably don't care, but hey, if you don't, why are you still reading huh? That's what this thread is for. Summary of this post if you're too lazy to read it all: I came up with Halamantariel based on elven language and angelic names. It was the name of my character on my first French Ultima Online server (I was an admin). That nickname has been with me ever since. I think it's been 7 or 8 years since I first used the nickname.
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