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Great work. I think if you're going to redo stuff anyway, some of the automatic parts could be a little flashier. I personally don't like overusing the downward attack and bouncing around a lot. It looks great when you're rushing through the level, but when everything stops and you can do anything, it seems like just an easy out. Would you object to working together on this? Your innovations are really great and I wonder if I might be able to help some of the auto-scrolling parts and boss battles.
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I think somehow I always knew someone would eventually figure it out. I didn't expect it to be like this, though.
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ShinyDoofy wrote:
Thanks Hoe for posting that dual encode. Thank you for ignoring my post and thus having me waste time and resources pointlessly. Also, thank you for the half-assed sound line. I really appreciate it.
That bastard! How dare he take time and effort to do something helpful that you're already doing? That's something Hitler would do! Let's find out where this guy lives and give him the beating he deserves.
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BadPotato wrote:
hm, frustating submission
Wow, 30 seconds faster than this submission. I think that means no.
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GTimeKiller wrote:
Well, i am sorry if the TAS is not perfect, but, i think that, being the first submitted TAS for Hagane, it should be accepted. When somebody else posts a better one,it will replace mine, simple as that. The sliding/sitting move is just another move,sorry if it is "not flashy", but i did use every weapon and move in the game at least once. And im am sort of a Rookie in TAS making, so of course i make some mistakes.
I really don't want to discourage you, but the fact is, perfection is pretty much the site's motto. I just see a lot of things that are visibly improvable. As a rule we don't just accept a movie just because it's the first one made for that game. My first submission (Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six) was rejected and then I came back and improved it and it was accepted the second time. There's been some discussion over Hagane in this forum and a number of tricks to improve speed have been demonstrated, so it's important to be aware of these first. If you took advantage of these tips and really did your best to optimize everything down to the frame, it's okay if it's not absolutely perfect. There's always going to be some undiscovered trick or some alternate route that's better. But you have to at least make sure that you've thoroughly tested and made sure it's the best you can make it. I look forward to seeing more stuff from you. I just don't think you're there yet.
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A few comments: I think the sliding/sitting movement in 1-1 looks bad. We have a game where you can do a huge variety of acrobatic tricks that all look really cool. That Glitchy-looking sliding around looks like you didn't want to put effort into putting on a show and just wanted to do something easy. I do think it's cool that you used a large variety of attacks in 1-1, but at the same time it doesn't seem as flashy as it could be. I really think with a game like this, you have to be really stylish with your run. That's what ninja games are all about. Also, the boss battle at 1-2 is not optimized. I did it faster when I was attempting a run, as seen in the thread Tiger posted. I viewed the memory address where his HP was at so I could test out how much damage each attack did to him and figure out the fastest way to deal enough damage to kill him. It's actually faster to do two weaker attacks than to do the special attack you did to finish him off. 1-3 also looks pretty sloppy. Sorry, I have to vote no.
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Wow. I've heard of it, but I've never played/seen this game before. That's a lot of cutscenes. Also, strange how with such great graphics and such smooth animation, that Maria's cartwheel/somersault looks so incredibly awkward. Does it always look like that, or is it just because of how she was manipulated frame-by-frame?
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System Error wrote:
Meh. This run was great, but I feel like it can be so much more. There's no reason to use Brutalities three times with all but one being pointless. There were also a lack of glitches, and some used too often (i.e. fighting in purgatory, which was cool, but lost its effect). But those that were in were great. In particular, the bability throw finisher killed me. High jump fighting was also great. Polish it up, and it's a definite yes-and-i-will-kill-all-who-don't-see-it from me.
I do agree with your criticisms, but this is so, SO far from a meh vote from me.
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My vote's a definite yes, but the brutalities seemed like a cop-out. I hope this isn't interpreted as a negative. This is seriously one of the best things I've seen in a very long time. Honestly, this is better than the MKII one and that's saying a lot. The part with Rayden summoning an arcade game followed by 370 degrees of craziness alone made it better than the MKII run, and there are two other parts just as mind-blowing as that.
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I get the feeling you aren't really understanding what I mean, so I'm going to whip up something for the first stage to see what you think.
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moozooh wrote:
Well, if there's something you lack, it's not creativity. :)
Yeah, it's the focus needed to actually get anything done. :p
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I just had an interesting thought. I think this game might make for a very unusual TAS. Instead of a time-attack, maybe an overly-stylized runthrough where all the moves, jumps, and attacks go with the music to make an elaborate video game music video?
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Thanks. :D
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Posts: 708 The first stage has been redone starting from the Lindas. Changes: Screen 2 - Instead of kicking the Lindas off the ladders, I manipulate them into all kinds of ridiculous behaviour, mostly involving the ladders Screen 3 - The Rowper fight is tighter now. I manipulate one of them into hitting both of them with the barrel and then glitch both of them through the ladder. Screen 4 - It turns out, of the five Lindas you're supposed to fight, you can manipulate the game into thinking that two is enough if you glitch them both off the screen. This was very difficult to manipulate and took a lot of trial and error. Screen 5 - There isn't much different here than before. I may redo it if I can find a funnier way to manipulate the enemies into falling off the conveyor. In testing I'd earlier manage to manipulate the Rowpers into attacking me from a distance while I'm on the ground, forcing them to fall off. I haven't been able to reproduce this thusfar.
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Note: I've determined it's possible to get trapped in the first stage. This information is pretty much useless for this run, but the glitch that causes the black Rowpers to float up the ladder causes them to stop on the upper floor and never come down. After that happens, you can scroll one off the screen and then there's no way you can fight him and the game won't let you continue on. At that point, you have to run the timer out, or if you still have the barrel, throw it against the wall until you kill yourself with it. The death offers no shortcut. After you die, you continue at the beginning of the Rowper fight.
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Of course.
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Rampant desyncs are driving me nuts. X_X Somehow I thought switching to Snes9x 1.51 would reduce the number of desyncs. It seems there's actually more now.
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This gets my yes vote purely based on Green Hill Zone 3. Amazing.
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:/ It's a real pity this game is so obscure. It seems no one's checking this thread because no one knows the game.
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Thanks for the comments. I was considering doing a chain reaction with the stalactites where I get hit by a bunch of them in a row and they propel me along. Unfortunately, I can only get hit by three and then I die. If I do it at the right place, when I die it moves me forward like the other death, but it's not funny or cool enough to be the only other time where I die.
adelikat wrote:
2nd scene - cool except when you kicked the linda's off the ladder, that was just tedious and had me going "aaahhhh no! don't do that! when I saw that was what you were going to do"
Fair enough. I'm just not sure what I can do with them that's interesting and original. If possible I want to defeat each group of enemies a different way. You can see how I've managed to do that fairly consistently. Eg: First group, we hit each other simultaneously and even get knocked out at the same time. Guy in third group throws a barrel at a wall, it bounces back and kills him. First group in second level kill themselves with the crate. Next guy blows himself up with his own dynamite. The only potential for doing something new and unique with the Lindas in the first stage I could figure out was to take advantage of how they stupidly climb the wrong ladder.
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Here's an updated WIP of the first two stages. The desync issue is pretty minimal. It rarely desyncs on me now. If it does, just restart it. If you prefer not to go through the hassle, or don't have the game and want to just see what I've got, I made another sample video.
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I'll probably have to redo the run to make it tighter. Speed wasn't a goal at all, but some parts drag on a little long. I've also somewhat run out of ideas, so I thought I'd just share what I got so far. If anyone has any additional suggestions of glitches I can abuse or any sort of tricks where I can progress as stupidly as possible, I'd love to hear them.
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I started this over again a few times. Still a minor desync issue, but nothing huge. It happens right at the beginning and if you get a desync you just need to re-open and try again. It seems to have a 50/50 chance of playing properly. Using the fake mute desync workaround does solve this, but it causes the game to go completely silent very early on. I think all-in-all it's much less aggravating to endure the desync spot. I thought I'd share a video (to avoid the hassle of working around the desync) to show a minute of the game to give people an idea of how much potential this game has. I have to redo it anyway because I underestimated how much of a time saver jump kicks are, which I can use in the first level.
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Very nice. I've actually wanted to see someone do a TAS of this game and you pulled it off really well.
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I would give a kidney to see a TAS of Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
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