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I'm in favour of this idea.
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For a 33 minute game? Under ten minutes, I can believe.
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Heh. Worst comes to worst, I can just start a new one from the beginning and open the original run in a new window and copy everything it does :p. Would be a huge pain in the ass, but much faster than redoing everything from scratch. Hmm. Then I might hex-edit to add the re-record count from the original to the new one, to make it more accurate. Otherwise it would be ridiculously low. I can just see the reactions. "What? 15 re-records!?" Anyway, the FAQ says that using nesmock to convert to FMV is the way to go. If that's not completely true, it should be updated.
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Oooouuuuuch. I haven't even watched it, but 33 minutes and 328 re-records is a very very small undo-to-minute ratio. My first attempt was 7 minutes long with over 1000 re-records and it was rejected. I suppose it's possible to do a quality TAS that long with very few mistakes, but it's very very unlikely. You'd have to be some kind of cosmically conscious ninja that can see, hear, and breathe the game's code like it's the matrix. Not voting because I haven't watched the video yet, but if the other comments here are any indication, you really need to try harder. Don't give up on the idea. Just try harder.
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Finished Level 2. :D As a funny footnote: Ending the level the way I did, once again luck manipulated the pass in the next level to show up in the much faster route. I'm not sure how or why, since Level 2 seems to be fixed-length, but I later played from a save state just before ending the level and the pass was in a different place. I wonder if your health at the end of the level has anything to do with it.
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Ouch. Don't know how I missed that. Thanks for pointing that out. Is the only way to hex-edit to convert to Famtasia format, edit, then convert back? I've never done hex editing with NES games before. Looks like a pain :/ And by the way, I haven't watched the SDA run yet. (Downloading now.) I just figured the game, although horrendously difficult, is pretty straightforward and I thought I could figure it out pretty easily. Edit: I'll figure out the hex editing later. I'll just finish the movie, and fixing up the starting dialogue will be my last step.
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Although I seem to be the only person posting here, one person did express interest and so far this is going really really well. I'm finished the first level. WIP here: Point of interest: Normally you're supposed to hit a switch to turn off the power grid on an electrical trap. I didn't, and just walked right through it. I managed to get in and out fast enough to only take four points of damage from the trap. Playing normally on a console it's difficult to take less than six, and you wouldn't dare take that much damage on such a difficult game.
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Heh. There's something remarkable about the amount of progress I'm making in this game. Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six is six levels. I did the TAS in 6:03, and it took me months (on and off). This TAS, so far, is 5:28 long, I'm still on the first level, and I've made that much progress in two days.
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DeFender1031 wrote:
In the first chapter of genesis, the hebrew word "yom" is translated as "day" (as in "and it was evening and it was morning and it was the first day") That is a modern translation. The actual translation is "period of time", and evening and morning can be interpreted as the separation between these "periods". If you interpret the story of the original sin in the garden of eden having taken place purely in metaphysical form, and then after the sin, G-d put adam and eve into their physical bodies, evolution fits.
First of all, "modern" translation does not mean inferior. The books are very carefully translated from the original language (for the most part...certain original portions of the Bible may be lost) and a lot of thought is given to meaning and context. If there's a possible discrepency, there's often a footnote. I know some people who are able to read Hebrew and they assure me that it literally translates as an "evening and morning" day. If you decide to not take the "six days" part literally, and assume that the order is not really important (plants existing thousands of years before the sun?) and that this and that are metaphor, then you have problems with all sorts of passages all throughout the bible that reference this and the whole thing contradicts itself.
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DeFender1031 wrote:
why does evolution have anything to do wth this? If evolution is true, isn't it possible that G-d built it into the world?
Many, many people have explored that possibility. Current theory of evolution doesn't really jive well with the biblical view of creation, but evolution as a base theory doesn't really contradict the Christian faith. However, a lot of people do dispute the theory of evolution as being scientifically sound. Yes, most of these people are religious (and certain people might argue that they do so from ignorance), but there are a number of scientists who question it as well.
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Bob A wrote:
Evolution has been thoroughly proven; it's supported by mountains of evidence.
I'd say there's mountains of evidence against it, but there's absolutely no way to explain why without completely overhauling the topic once again. If I really wanted to get into it, we're talking pages and pages that no one will really have the patience to read, and once again, it's OFF TOPIC.
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Hahaha! I have honestly no idea how or why this worked, but in one of the rooms with trip lasers that sound the alarm, I walked right through them and nothing happened. Obviously a huge time-saver. I seriously do not know how I glitched it, either. I just tried to run through as fast as possible. Not just once, either. I walked through at least three of them. By the way, the blowers weren't as hard as I'd thought. I managed to shoot through that area pretty quickly. I can't wait to get to Level 2.
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Posts: 708 I've made it to the blowers. Those are Hell to navigate, TAS or not. I imagine even a completely optimal route through them will look very very sloppy.
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Fabian wrote:
Guys, guys, chill out please. Let's not turn this into a regular religion-flamefest. The point here is certainly not to discuss if the bible is true of if a christian god exists. The point is to discuss whether or not you think my prediction about religion becoming almost non-existant in 75 years time is true or not. Not that I mind a slight thread hijack or anything, but just think about it guys.
I agree. I'm sorry if I sidetracked the topic. As I stated earlier, the last thing I want is a flamewar.
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Well, at least now I understand your point better. I wouldn't say that's the same thing as rumour, although generally speaking second-hand information is less viable. Saying the whole basis of the new testament is rumour is a little different.
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Zurreco wrote:
I'm pretty sure that the Apostles weren't witness to everything that was in the Gospels.
Specifically who? The Gospels are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, right? Those four authors were witnesses to what they wrote, for the most part. There are small segments written about times when Jesus was alone, in which case I'd assume they were told by Jesus himself. Is there something specific you're referencing? I'm not sure I understand.
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Zurreco wrote:
The scriptures and gospels were definitely NOT written right after the fact, or even close enough to the point where exaggeration and whatnot couldn't have seeped in. I'm not saying that the works aren't true or anything, but I have a hard time remembering what I said to my room mates a few hours ago.
That doesn't invalidate what I said. "Based on rumours" implies they weren't even witnesses to the events. I'm still taking a neutral seat in this argument. I'm not trying to offend anyone. I just think that we should show respect for each others' beliefs and not throw out wild claims (or at least word things carefully so they are not easily misconstrued).
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Guybrush wrote:
The new testament is based on rumours. Old testament is jewish mythology.
Based on rumours? The authors were supposedly there when it happened. Either they simply wrote what they observed, or they were embellishing facts. It's a pretty ridiculous claim to say the whole thing is just chapter after chapter of "Yeah, I heard this happened, so that's probably true." Also, avoid the word mythology. The word implies fiction. Legend, maybe. But considering a very large number of people believe the events that took place, you can't completely write it off as myth.
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Dacicus wrote:
I think it is disrespectful because you're banalizing Jesus's power. The miracles He did were for the glorification of God, not just to show off. Such "jokes" only "promote" Jesus as some sort of magician or source of entertainment, when His purpose was to reconcile us to God.
Well, you have to be careful who you make such jokes with, but if you mean no disrespect, I'm pretty sure God has a sense of humour.
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And then the Russian Bisqwit and the American Bisqwit joined forces to beat up Frankenstein but it was too late and they were like OMG A BLIMP and they were never heard from again.
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No matter how civil it starts off, in my experience, there is no such thing as a religious discussion (on the Internet, anyway) that does not end in scorched earth. I can already see some comments that could be construed as insults. Before people get angry about this, I say we just let it go.
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Ugh. This is a flamewar waiting to happen. I say we close this topic while it's still more-or-less civil.
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Here's a WIP: About maybe 1/3 to 1/2 done the first level. I should note that sometimes the switch between two characters is so fast that you don't even notice. At one part where I get hit head-on by a molotov and seem to take no damage, that's because I quickly switched characters so that Nicholas would take the damage instead, then switch back once it's done. Also, I've discovered that the glitch in the above post doesn't always happen. It seems to happen only when walking through sludge from a storm pipe on the south wall. It's either that or I have to walk along the northern edge of the plank. I'm not quite sure. I may have to find out, depending on how much damage I'm able to take throughout the level.
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Nice! I just discovered my first exploitable glitch. If you walk right at the very edge of a plank of wood when deadly sludge is pouring out a drain, you can walk right through the sludge without taking damage.
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Heh. Okay, Bisqwit. Since you like figuring this stuff out so much: Obviously it would take so long as to be completely infeasible (your other post in the Monopoly thread said it would take millions of years, and that was conservative, and this looks like it's pretty well impossible as well) but how much space would it take up to have that many 1800 frame videos saved on your harddrive?
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