Posts for Heisanevilgenius

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Wait, they released a light gun game on DS!? o_O
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Yeah, this looks hightly unoptimized.
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Meh. Most of the climb was really boring.
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Okay. Yes vote.
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This doesn't feel optimized to me. There are a lot of parts where you wait or backstep to avoid enemies. I wonder if there's a better way to manipulate them or avoid them. There are parts where things are VERY smooth, though. If it is indeed optimal, I give it a yes.
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I'm a fan of Archon and this is a pretty good strategy so I'll give this a mild yes vote. I kinda prefer the C64 version of the game, though. The NES version kinda looks and sounds ugly.
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Comicalflop wrote:
Wow, nice to know that the community that I've felt a part of for 6+ years labels me as not to be taken seriously. I was under the impression that people are allowed to have their own opinions, and most importantly preferences about what they find entertaining, but I guess that's not the case.
Dude, you're totally entitled to your opinion. And I'm entitled to mine. My opinion is that your opinion is totally nuts. In what way am I impeding you from having or expressing your opinion?
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Comicalflop wrote:
I also dislike most NES TASes
I'm going to save everyone some trouble by just quoting this so you know not to take anything he says seriously again.
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Warp wrote:
Comicalflop wrote:
If it ever got published, I'd automatically rate it 0/0.
That (especially the "automatically" part) sounds like you are boycotting it on principle with no rational reason whatsoever. (For example, you haven't explained why this TAS deserves a technical rating of 0. Other than "I don't like it", that is.) I'd say that your boycott is not appreciated nor needed. If you don't like the system then don't watch. You can write your civilized opinions why the system should be removed from the list of acceptable consoles for TASing, but please do not vandalize the voting and rating system just because you have a personal issue with the console. The author of the TAS doesn't deserve it.
100%. Everything you just said.
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What the hell. Voted yes.
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E1dan wrote:
That is where we differ greatly on opinion. I think a TAS of a speedrun should be as fast as possible, that is the goal to complete, if you complete it then it should suffice. Sure you can rate the entertainment value as very low but that is not the idea behind a speedrun. It would be a shame to not let through a submission and not document how fast the game can be completed if it is not fun to watch.
That's what regular speedruns are for. The entire point to making them tool-assisted is to provide entertainment. I honestly don't know why else you'd want to do something like this. I'm sorry if my responses are just repeating the same argument without expanding on it but I really don't know what else to say. It's like you're saying you don't understand why comedies need to be funny.
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Pitfall II won't load in Bizhawk
Exception during loadgame: System.InvalidOperationException: mapper not supported: DPC at BizHawk.Atari2600.HardReset() at BizHawk.Atari2600..ctor(GameInfo game, Byte[] rom) at BizHawk.Atari2600.MultiClient.MainForm.LoadRom(String path, Boolean deterministicemulation)
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E1dan wrote:
I am wondering, why is entertainment value a criteria for speedrun of games? The idea of a speedrun is to complete the game as fast as possible, why should we care if the game is interesting? sure this game isn't very pleasing to watch. It does however beat the game in the fastest way possible we currently know. You could make multiple categories of which some are more entertaining, but not publishing a speedrun because it would not be entertaining enough is bogus. The main focus should always be the fastest way a game is completed not the most entertaining way.
The whole point to a TAS is to be entertaining. Why would you go out of your way to carefully put together a video that's boring to watch?
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This is definitely entertaining to watch, but is this something that a player can easily do unassisted? Holding off on voting.
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Riddim wrote:
No, not at all. The timer is Pitfall is how long you have to play the game and collect points. Imagine if Super Mario BRos. was a large single level with no end, with a timer that started at 999 and counted down, and you were supposed to explore the level and get as many points as possible while doing it.
Except in Super Mario Bros, the level ends when you reach the goal. In Pitfall, does the game end after you collect all the treasure, or do you have to wait for the timer to run out?
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moozooh wrote:
A2600 is such a simple platform it has literally nothing interesting to offer to TASing aside from RNG manipulation. There's no lag, no variable movement speed, no groovy music. I'd be surprised to see an A2600 TAS actually worth the watching time, let alone making. An interesting quest indeed.
Pitfall II.
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Strangely enough, this gives me an idea. Is it possible for someone to do a sports game TAS that manipulates the CPU player into losing without requiring input for the player?
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feos wrote:
Looking forward to C64 emulation.
Hell yes!
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FractalFusion wrote:
Why not get the CPU to go to jail with three doubles? I know it requires advanced luck-manipulation but I am putting forth that possibility. Why not deny the CPU any properties so it can't mortgage its way out? Why not bankrupt the CPU on the jail fine? Or, if not that, why not on a card causing loss of money?
These are actually some really good ideas. I kind of want to see that. Maybe a run where every turn the computer gets sent to jail in a different way, until he finally goes bankrupt. If you can do it without making it ridiculously long, that'd be interesting.
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I vote meh. Too much standing in one place. Someone do Pitfall II!
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Comparing this to April Fools runs is unfair. Most April Fools runs are still interesting or impressive in some way.
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I realize this is a pretty old thread but are there any plans to implement a version that can record reset?
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Yes vote. The category did seem iffy but it allowed for some pretty cool moments, like dodging the crows and being chased by the fleamen. Good job. :)
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I voted no. So much of the time is spent off-screen that it's impossible to follow. Nothing seemed fun or exciting. Some of the glitches were nice, but overall it was kind of boring.
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I think most of us are waiting for an encote to view and vote. I'm personally pretty curious to see this.