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Just a little update. I am in BGS now, approaching the egg. The lair took quite a while because the movement is all strange stuff and was hard to optimize, and I started a new job this week which made me way too tired to work on this.
Projects: Banjo-Kazooie Any% with FFM
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Unfortunately Jiggy damage cancelling doesn't work that way. You have to actually take damage on the same frame you touch the jiggy, so the damage cancel is not possible there. I also tried to land without getting hit by the crab but it wasn't possible with the movement that I used. The only reason the jiggy cancel works at the end of the level like that is because I died on the black crab. I definitely plan to make a lengthy description for the run submission because there are a LOT of tricks like that to be explained! I don't want people to be confused.
Projects: Banjo-Kazooie Any% with FFM
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To be honest I actually didn't try it when I was in the middle of TASing TTC, but I just went back to retry that on the first tree and it was 2 frames slower to use A + Z. This is one of those weird situational tricks where the "pole" you're climbing has to be long enough and sometimes it's only faster to use it once, like I did on the pole in the lair. I also realized that there isn't a concrete pattern to it and sometimes you have to space your zips apart more like I did in Clanker's. I just tested on the green jinjo in TTC that I could have saved a frame on the pole by better zipping. Just one of those things you learn and improve upon the more you TAS. Also I wasn't sure who actually "found" pole zipping. I thought it was either JSmith or you Comic but either way its one of my favorite little tricks and it ended up saving a lot more time than I thought so far. EDIT: found on page 9 where JSmith suggested it :P
Projects: Banjo-Kazooie Any% with FFM
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Thanks Samsara :) I tested the egg dive strat in the purple jinjo room and it was around 3/4 of a second slower. Probably just because you have to go out of your way to do the dive deep enough for it to matter. I also tried getting into talon trot by the first note and then quickdiving which was faster than egg diving but still slightly slower than just rolling directly into the water. You simply don't get enough depth for it to be worth it.
Projects: Banjo-Kazooie Any% with FFM
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@jsmith I will try redo that room with an egg dive to see if it's faster. I had thought about that but neglected to try it for some reason. @comicalflop Absolutely. I can directly port the twitch highlights to my youtube channel later tonight when I get home from work. EDIT: I actually was able to upload them at work right now, they should be up shortly: TTC: Link to video CC: Link to video I should also mention that in Clanker's, without quickclimbing (or pole zipping, whichever you prefer), it might not have been possible to make the bolt cycle that I did (saving 7~ seconds), so thanks to JSmith for that idea from a long time ago to make sub 8 game time possible in this level :)
Projects: Banjo-Kazooie Any% with FFM
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player (196)
Joined: 8/10/2013
Posts: 161 More progress, done up through the end of Clanker's. Hope I made a usually boring level enjoyable!
Projects: Banjo-Kazooie Any% with FFM
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Followed Isotarge through the production of this and he spent a lot of time on it. Definite yes vote coming from someone who hasn't played this before. Great TAS.
Projects: Banjo-Kazooie Any% with FFM
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player (196)
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Posts: 161 Progress :) Don't feel like uploading but this should suffice Enjoy!
Projects: Banjo-Kazooie Any% with FFM
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So while messing around on console, I discovered a way to get the blue jinjo underwater without pressing B and without it waving, but I am having a hard time getting it consistent and figuring out exactly how it works. First, I have done up to entering TTC and I have collected the first 4 notes in this order: bottom left, top left, top right, bottom right. From here, if you jump to the right off the dock and hold left, you can get "caught" on the fence/edge and sometimes you will sink deeper in the water than you normally would, collecting the jinjo in the process. In slowdown I have no problem getting Banjo stuck but I haven't been able to get him to sink deep enough. On console usually I can get it within 10-20 tries but it's hard to tell exactly what specific collision causes the deep sinking. If anyone could help me look into it, that would be much appreciated. I'll post my stuff here so anyone can try it. EDIT: Unfortunately after testing done by some Banjo runners on bizhawk, we concluded that this trick does not work on emulator due to some sort of physics phenomenon that only seems to exist on console. A BK runner, Benjacastellon, found a different way to produce what I found by fluttering against the fence, and it is relatively consistent now on console. We tried the same thing on emulator for hours to no avail. Additionally, it is not worth it to wait for the jinjo to wave. The jinjo cannot wave unless it is standing still, and because it follows Banjo in a circle as you collect the notes on the dock, it will not wave in time for this strategy to be faster. Back to the original way to collect the jinjo!
Projects: Banjo-Kazooie Any% with FFM
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I tested and you were right, you can definitely surface quickdive for that jinjo. Progressing through the lair right now, in the TTC puzzle room. The MM witch switch jiggy took me a little while to do but it looks solid.
Projects: Banjo-Kazooie Any% with FFM
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I actually didn't know you could get that jinjo with the surface quickdive, that's neat. I redid the end of Mumbo's, but only managed to save one second. It's at least something, and I'm moving on now. Tonight I plan on at least finishing the lair movement up to entering TTC.
Projects: Banjo-Kazooie Any% with FFM
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I've been working on routing this basically since August of 2014, so that when I start the real thing, I have everything all planned out, which I do, down to the exact egg and feather pickups. I also had to wait for a working emulator to be done, since the first backflip in SM doesn't work correctly on Mupen. Some of the route changes were found by others as well. Kaptainkohl is going to start making his own Banjo Tooie any% TAS, though not intended for submission here, mostly for swag like Gymnast did with his Wind Waker TAS. I've been showing my progress to other Banjo runners too, so they can check my WIPs. The route and progress wouldn't be where it is without their help so I am very grateful. Thankfully after MM, there's really nothing in TTC that I feel will trip me up. The only things I need to manipulate are blubber so I can grab the jiggy in the cutscene, and the blue jinjo at the start so I can collect it without actually pressing B to dive down into the water. Hopefully I can get that done within the next couple of weeks after I finish MM.
Projects: Banjo-Kazooie Any% with FFM
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Me and Kaptainkohl already kind of realized that enemies will stay in the same vicinity after you enter a loading zone and then return to that area. So I knew it was something to do with that but I just didn't want to have to sacrifice extra movement in order to change his position. I didn't think it would be worth the extra movement though, so I'm thankful you looked into it! I also am pretty sure that enemies will stay in the same spot once you get far enough off screen. For example, if you shoot an egg at a crab in TTC, then run away so that you can't see it anymore, and return later, it will still be flipped over. Also with regards to draw distance and loading, I found out that juju spins constantly in the level. I wasn't sure if it was that, or if he had a set starting position as soon as he came on camera or something, but after timing his cycle, I figured that out. Theoretically the best route for the level breaks this hut last. I just got unlucky with where the Grublin ended up. EDIT: Ninja edit, I didn't want you to think I was crapping on your discovery. I just forgot to mention before that me and Kaptainkohl realized that about spawn points. But you basically confirmed it as a third party so that's great!
Projects: Banjo-Kazooie Any% with FFM
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Thanks for looking into it! After watching your videos, it looks like it will just come down to finding the best combination of entering on the earliest frame that gives the best result after leaving the hut. Something tells me that there might be some sort of internal aggro timer on the Grublin, and the fact that you spent more time around him before going in the hut reduced the amount of time needed to aggro after the hut. But your movement also changed his placement slightly too. Speculation at best I guess but I will mess around with it more tonight. EDIT: After some testing it looks like I can save maybe around 2 seconds with this manipulation technique. Any faster would have to come from manipulation earlier in the level.
Projects: Banjo-Kazooie Any% with FFM
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Though the delay to get the jiggy is quite long, its still about a second and a half faster than getting it normally. You're correct that the slide has a slowdown at the end, but there's no speed difference between sliding and jumping as far as I can tell. However, I have an explanation for why several people have thought that about sliding. During your slide, there is a certain point where kazooie's hitbox is extended slightly forwards, and sometimes this is enough to grab a note 1 frame earlier. Though this is only useful when you have to grab something and then jump in a different direction. So sliding everywhere is pointless. Sliding could make for less inputs, but might as well not take the risk of losing frames on tiny little slopes everywhere.
Projects: Banjo-Kazooie Any% with FFM
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player (196)
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Posts: 161 Here's my movie file with a savestate after the hill jiggy before juju, and a state after the juju jiggy. Good luck messing around with it.
Projects: Banjo-Kazooie Any% with FFM
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I have no qualms about others helping me at all! Nobody really expressed significant interest in helping me yet. I will upload it when I get home from work as well as some savestates for convenience.
Projects: Banjo-Kazooie Any% with FFM
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I had an idea to try and manipulate the purple guy a bit more, but it turned out to be slower. I really rushed the movement from the final jiggy to the end of the level, and I could make the guy at least move in a straighter line to the jiggy. So I will redo that section a bit and Mumbo's Mountain will be done for good. It's a shame, but can't really do much about it. EDIT: @jsmith The hut spawns are fixed actually (angle only, but not velocity) so I can't make the jiggy spawn in the direction of the purple guy, though I did make it spawn the least distance possible from the hut.
Projects: Banjo-Kazooie Any% with FFM
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Posts: 161 Here's a WIP of my run through the end of Mumbo's Mountain. I'm very disappointed that this didn't turn out how I wanted it to. I lost around 10 seconds to RNG in this level. The purple guy at the end just would not see me and still nobody has figured out how to change the way enemies act.
Projects: Banjo-Kazooie Any% with FFM
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Dear god. And I thought my BK 100% project was big, though I guess BT 100% is probably only a bit more of actual gameplay because cutscenes. I have no problem helping you out with the routing. I will pm you my skype.
Projects: Banjo-Kazooie Any% with FFM
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I finally made some progress today after a couple of months. I decided to continue my run despite the known rng timelosses, which add up to around 1 second I could have saved over my current TAS (bad colliwobble placement - unknown amount of time, purple guy causing lag in MM ~ 10 frames, and termite getting in my way in the tower - 3 frames). After playing around with the termite when I was setting up the jiggy angle, even one or two degree angle changes in my movement while falling from the tower caused the termite to drastically change its movement sometimes. Most of the time it would completely stay still, and a few angles caused it to BOLT towards the huts area, completely the opposite of where I needed to go. Enemy movement seems to be largely dependent on subtle movement changes within the level. With this in mind, I really didn't feel like spending hours trying to get the colliwobble to be in the best place. It would be difficult to figure out exactly when I should alter my movement to manipulate it. This kind of optimization is more suited for a project with several authors. I also felt like restarting would destroy my motivation. Anyways, moving forward. I saved about a tenth of a second on the section from leaving ticker's to the jiggy over my last WIP with some interesting movement, and I finished the section up to the jiggy in the ruins area. Finally done using only roll flutter movement, so progress should start happening a lot quicker now. Kaptainkohl, another BK/BT runner, has been trying out TASing the last couple days, and he might help me out in the future. I just hope the Conga area doesn't halt my progress as there are 2 tricks in that section that I don't fully understand yet. Also JSmith: I have no idea. Not sure where it would apply.
Projects: Banjo-Kazooie Any% with FFM
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I haven't made any progress since my last WIP. I had a busy last month with work and moving, and with the discovery of furnace fun moves, I've been routing that for RTA runs. Isotarge is trying to work on a roll flutter script for me to try to optimize the movement in the first few minutes of the game. He also discovered a ton of really awesome memory addresses including the RNG addresses, but I had a hard time figuring out exactly how the RNG works just based on those values and for what little time I spent with them. Life has settled down now though so I can start messing around with this again. Here are the memory addresses
Projects: Banjo-Kazooie Any% with FFM
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Okay thanks alaktorn, ill try look for it later tonight or tomorrow when I get time and post back here with results
Projects: Banjo-Kazooie Any% with FFM
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I don't, and I'm not sure how I would find it. Kirkq helped me find the addresses I currently have. I don't have much knowledge about scripts and stuff. If I did find it I would probably restart to try to get a better colliwobble. I just know a lot about banjo, not much about programming :^)
Projects: Banjo-Kazooie Any% with FFM
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I haven't tested that yet. I'm not sure if killing that termite at a different angle would affect the one outside but I really doubt it. I have to investigate the RNG in this game a bit more to fully understand it.
Projects: Banjo-Kazooie Any% with FFM
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