Posts for JMC47

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I just love that parallel universes are becoming a thing in more categories. The fact I can understand what's going on (thanks to pannenkoek's excellent videos,) makes it even better.
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What you're suggesting isn't possible with conventional adapters; they merely interface with your controller and make your PC read it as a generic controller. Adaptoid should work if I remember correctly? It should be ABLE to work at the very least if it doesn't.
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Not to throw oil onto a fire, but, the only difference between running the GameCube disc, and extracting the rom and running it on your PC is the emulator. It's the same game data; the emulator Nintendo provided for it is less accurate than most PC N64 emulators. Even if you're running it in an emulator they didn't intend, you're still using an official release of it. Just booting it a different way. In this case, I think that forcing a GameCube emulator on it is fairly arbitrary.
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The first post in this thread should be updated if possible. PAL settings no longer affect NTSC games, No audio backend no longer matters, HLE is no longer prone to desyncs (but LLE is still preferred because it's more accurate), LLE on thread no longer exists.
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Dolphin is fixing the timing issues in N64 VC games as we speak.
Post subject: Testing Needed! Potentially affects TASing
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For people using the newest builds of Dolphin for movie recording and whatnot, I could really use a favor. There was a bug in how GameCube controller input is handled, and while I can test games conventionally, I'm not really experienced with movie recording. This potentially changes how often inputs are polled for (to make it more correct,) and I just want to make sure that TASing isn't completely broken by it. It should make things more accurate and allow Sonic Heroes (PAL, NTSC Multiplayer) to be played without inputs being dropped. There are potentially other games broken by the same bugs, but, this is the one we're aware of existing. Thanks for your time!
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afaik, LUA support is being worked on in master as well. It's stalled by not working on OSX
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It could be a game bug if it's not a Dolphin bug. We do know there are some inaccuracies in how GC input is done (Sonic Heroes Multiplayer being one of the key areas where Dolphin fails completely,) but I've never heard of anything like this.
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Dolphin needs to integrate a GBA Emulator (mGBA?) before something like this would be possible for TASing. As it is now, Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles is one of the games the GBA<->GCN connection struggles with. Highly recommend either waiting or doing a single player TAS. But, from what I've seen of the single player, it will be a bit harder to make it entertaining.
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So wait, the Gecko Code works on some revisions? Maybe I'm not fully aware of what's going on. Did a revision break a code?
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The thing about Gecko Codes is that Dolphin doesn't seem to fully implement the required stuff for implementing it. Try booting the game from a loader that actually allows you to use gecko codes instead of using Dolphin's built-in Gecko Code handling; it tends to work for me.
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If Dolphin's tools were good enough you could try to reproduce it there. I strongly doubt that's worth the time/effort though, especially considering how much less mature Dolphin is when it comes to TASing tools. My thoughts on the situation of whether it counts probably puts me in the minority, but I'd say no. I hate the fact that Virtual Console can be used for speedrunning when other emulators can not, especially when the whole reason it works is that the emulation is subpar.
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I'm hoping that we can merge in an input hack (yeah, a hack, because our input system is... pretty bad, honestly,) that will allow frame-advance to be special cased for how it is intended to be used by TASers.
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Yeah, you're literally modifying the memory values, that's an instant desync in any game, even if it isn't always noticeable to the user.
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Free look has limitations, unfortunately. A lot of screenbased effects (like the heatwave) cannot be moved around, and the clipping planes are usually unaffected by the free camera. The best you could do is to find a widescreen cheat and modify it to be a "no culling" code like people did for Metroid Prime.
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Yeah, I know the results of desyncs. The problem is that Netplay is perfect, so, I can't test for desyncs through that. TASing is something I'm not familiar with, and I don't know how to cause the desyncs. If I could, I'd bisect by making some kind of really unoptimized, as fast as possible TAS on various versions until I narrowed down what build caused the desync. I don't know how much time would go into each TAS, though, so it may not be feasible to reproduce it like that even.
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We still have no idea what could be causing the desyncs, as no one has been able to narrow down what change caused them, or if it has been afflicting this game all along.
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For this particular bug, it's usually caused by AA/AF or other enhancements. When using D3D with certain graphics cards, NVIDIA does this really stupid thing and does some minor enhancements to make the image smoother, and this breaks stuff in Super Mario Sunshine. I don't know if AMD does it as well, but, in my experience I had to manually override settings in the driver to fix this. OpenGL should be fine, though...
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Yeah, about the memory leak, would you mind explaining exactly what you're running into? I assume it's the problem where loading/saving state again and again in the same session is using up more and more memory, but I want to be sure before I go and bother someone to try and fix it.
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Yeah, excuse the developers for making framedumping actually work in master instead of forcing users to use a third party hack. Also, asynchronous audio doesn't work for TASing, so have fun with that. The memory leak needs to be solved, but, unfortunately I'm not entirely sure how to address it.
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Yeah, I'm having the same issue. I'm betting it was the Wii NAND sync.
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I recently played through Super Paper Mario, can you tell me what transition is failing? The new Hardware Bounding box fixed all the issues I was running into. Please let me know.
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MUGG: In order to use that code, use a real Action Replay disc, and enable the code through that. Sorry, Dolphin's Action Replay HLE isn't very good. Explanation: Link to video The Action Replay part is at the end. Basically... we don't know exactly what is wrong (if we did, it'd be fixed) but most button codes work strangely at best. I don't know if it's an issue with the value being different, or the way we poll inputs being wrong. Edit: Did some more testing for the hell of it. Very likely not to be input problems, so I have no idea where Dolphin is going wrong.
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Please report the issue; this should not happen. Thanks!
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Does this happen on the latest development builds? If so, report an issue please so it can be fixed. If it is already fixed in the latest development builds, you can disable panic handlers in options/configure/interface and uncheck use panic handlers. That way you don't have to restart a TAS or anything.