Posts for JorWat25

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Another 47 frames saved from the 1 Key route Link to video Link to video
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Or if you want to see the whole thing: Link to video
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Spikestuff wrote:
JorWat25 wrote:
Important question, will this get a 3D YouTube video? You know, like the Virtual Boy videos?
Considering that Citra isn't set up correctly for that-- probably a bad idea. Also 3DS main encodes are probably going to follow that of DS encodes.
To be honest, that was the answer I expected. A little disappointing, but seeing as I don't even really have a way to watch 3D videos...
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Great to see 3DS finally reach the site. Now, important question, will this get a 3D YouTube video? You know, like the Virtual Boy videos?
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Do you ever read just the title of a submission and think "Yeah, this isn't going to be accepted"? This is one of those times.
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I could have sworn there was a DK94 TAS... Great work! This looks like it's had a lot of effort put into it. EDIT: I guess I'm thinking of [2996] GBA Mario vs. Donkey Kong by Chef_Stef in 37:23.32.
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Malleoz wrote:
JorWat25 wrote:
Ooh, it's finally here! Watched your Twitch stream, and this is an impressive time save. Thank you for persevering through the challenge that was getting this completed. Also, yes, if (or more likely when) you make a ninth TAS, you absolutely need to manipulate RNG to make that static into a recognizable image!
Thank you for your kind words. I LOVE that you and someone else suggested this in my Twitch chat. I think that's a really funny concept, and I could probably make it happen with some reverse-engineering... I may not be able to include this in a TAS, but it's a funny side project I could try out!
I should be clear that I wasn't being completely serious, but I do think you could make an interesting Pannenkoek-esque video out of this, in the same vein as his coin RNG videos. Link to video Link to video
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Ooh, it's finally here! Watched your Twitch stream, and this is an impressive time save. Thank you for persevering through the challenge that was getting this completed. Also, yes, if (or more likely when) you make a ninth TAS, you absolutely need to manipulate RNG to make that static into a recognizable image!
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The best ABC Trials score just got lowered to 3. Are we going to get to 0 by the end of the competition? EDIT: Well, that was fast...
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It's February 21st (well, it was when the video released), you know what that means! Link to video
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Now this has been published, I have to disagree with it being classified as having "Heavy luck manipulation". As far as I can tell, it's not even possible to manipulate luck in this game (or at least in this specific mode); the AI seems have a specific algorithm it goes through to work out what move to do with no randomness.
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13:48? Good for an early attempt. Link to video
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Yeah, it's not exactly an interesting game to watch. I think it's pretty obvious I'm aiming straight for the Vault. My logic is that if something like [3480] GB Boxxle by Jigwally in 4:58:50.20 can get published, then so can this.
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g0goTBC wrote:
May I ask why the AI cannot place its last piece at 13:33 even though it clearly has the space for it?
It's because of the sides. To paraphrase ASchultz:
You can only place a piece if all or none of each of its sides touches an already placed piece.
The top side is only half touching already placed pieces. Basically, any time it looks like someone should be able to play (2:25 is another one), but can't, it's because of this.
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This is my first submission ever, so let me know if I'm missing something/done something wrong.
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I've decided to try to make a TAS of the Practice Mode of Hexcite: The Shapes of Victory for GBC. For the most part, it's very simple as most levels have just one solution. However, I've come across some weird stuff. Compare this file to this file. The only difference is that frame 2882 has been deleted in the second file. Both files run fine until frame 7381, when the A press to clear the upcoming "Pass... Player 1" text box ends up being a frame too early for the second file, cancelling out the frame saved earlier. So, can someone who's better at working this sort of this help me answer these questions:
  1. Are there frame rules? If so, how long are they, and when are they checked?
  2. Why does deleting frame 2882 work? Most of the time, holding right for two frames only moves the tile once.
  3. Possibly related: Why can I rotate the piece at frame 6211 immediately after selecting it? Most of the time it takes three frames after pressing A before more input is accepted.
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TASVideos Grue wrote:
om, nom, nom... blech, stale!
Ah, good to see you! You're only...13...years late.
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Link to video Also included is the fact that a 100% TAS is being worked on!
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feos wrote:
I think you win...
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Man, this game was clearly not easy to record... Five months between submission and publication must be one of the longest gaps we've had.
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Link to video Malleo has just announced he's working on a new TAS with Blimp Ticket Skip, which should end up at under 2 hours.
Post subject: Re: #6287: Iyerbeth's SNES Invictus "All Exits" in 34:43.7
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I think something has gone wrong with the formatting of the embedded videos; you've linked to<kqigwXkCDBU> for the first one, for example. As such, neither one works. Here are both videos: Link to video Link to video
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[946] N64 Diddy Kong Racing by xenos in 2:03:02.08 Since this was made, a wrong warp glitch was discovered which greatly reduced the time this takes. As such, this is now way longer than any real-time any% run.
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I hear its amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hari Kiri Rock. I need scissors! 61!
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Ah yes, of course...