Posts for JorWat25

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Hi lapogne364 (I wasn't born on the 254th of the month...), I'm at work at the moment, so I can't check, but I imagine throwing the box earlier would save time. As for the time-saving damage... I suppose I was deliberately ignoring it, as it makes things a lot more complicated. If you're right about getting life back (this is one of the problems of choosing an obscure game, you've got to find out this stuff for yourself), it makes sense to take at least one hit per level, but as for what to do with the extra life you start with, I'd need to compare the time saving possible. I finally get why a TAS takes so long to make...
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Aqfaq wrote:
I assume throwing the box a couple of times is slower than just carrying it?
I specifically tested that. Yes, it's much quicker to just walk with the box rather than throw and run. I should note that you hold Y to run, and also to throw things, so that's why I'm not running there. Anyway, thanks for the encouragement. I'll keep going, and see how far I get before giving up out of boredom!
Post subject: Tintin in Tibet
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player (18)
Joined: 1/15/2015
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I've been a long time follower of TASVideos, and have always wanted to see a speedrun of Tintin in Tibet, a game I had as a child, but could never beat. So why not try to make it myself? Here's what I've done so far: Link to video While I may be new to TASing, I am aware of some of the ideas behind making a good TAS, so, in making this video, I have tried out multiple ideas to see which is fastest, managed to find the speed in the RAM, so could make sure I was maximizing that when possibly (it turns out if you release Y for a frame just before you start moving, your top speed increases), and I have gone frame by frame to find the earliest you can skip cutscenes. Searching on the site, I see that no post about this game has been made on the SNES forum, but there has been a run posted, which didn't have much effort put in it and was not published. One thing that stood out though, is that people were saying there that this was a bad game choice. However, a run of the GBC version has since been published, and also Vault exists now, so should I keep going with this, or is it still a poor game choice?