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I don't think it's related to the movie mod so I can't help you. You might try this forum :
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Yes by lowest I mean least significant byte 0x0F is GMV file format version. The most recent is 'A' Byte 0x14 is controller config for player 1 : ascii 3 for 3 buttons and 6 for 6 buttons Byte 0x15 is the same but for player 2 Byte 0x16 has some special flags (Version A and up only): bit 7 (the most significant) is Frame per second (1 for 50 Hz, 0 for 60Hz) bit 6 is savestate required (1= savestate required) bit 5 is 3 player movie (1 = 3 players, 0 = 2 players)
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3 bytes per frame byte 1: lowest bit to highest bit Up Down Left Right A B C Start byte 2 : same order as byte 1 but for controller 2 byte 3 : X Y Z Mode for player 1 then X Y Z Mode for player 2 (or same order as byte 1for player 3 data if 3 player movie)
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If someone try to create such tool, it could work not only for GMV but for SMV, FCM, name it. They all have similar structure : 1 bit per button
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I would like to implement the GIR format right now but unless Gens 3 is released, I can't be sure the spec i'll be using will be official. I'l try to contact the official Gens dev team, but I may hit a wall.
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The ABC problem sounds like a keyboard problem. I don't think the keyboard supports so much key pressed at once. A solution would be to use a game controller. Or one way to hack it out would be to make a special key bound to all 3 buttons at once. As for the desync problems, I will investigate. Edit : Found a problem with playback of 3 players movies. Shouldn't affect anything else.
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xebra wrote:
  • It would be neat if you added in another window with a slick UI that allows us to modify / navigate a savestate tree, and then build a movie along any path in the tree.
You mean something like that ? I though about doing something like that a while ago but I don't have the GUI style to do it. Anyway, any major developpment on Gens will have to wait until Gens 3.
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New version released. It's not a new file format (still backward compatible with the first release, except for 3 player support). The 3rd player take the place used by XYZ keys of Player 1/2. The file format switch will come with Gens 3 (with 8 player support)
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Gens 3 still seems to be far from a public release so a new version of Gens Movie is coming. I already have Record new movie from now implemented and I'm adding 3 players supports
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Look at this movie I made when testing early versions of modified Gens: I timed it. The second vertical section of level 2 (1:40:00) is 1 second faster with my path. The level 3 boss fight (3:44:55) is 4 seconds faster. And even more time can be saved in these sections by using frame advance. A correctly placed Nitro can hit the boss twice. Good luck with your very hard movie. I never passed the 3 gears boss.
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Godd ! Much better than your first one. And good acuracy too There's some points I have to nickpick: -At around 1:33:00, you don't take the fastest path. You can go to the left and fall down to the take a quick step on the last platform ( to avoid death when hitting the bottom of the screen) -Lag. I know you want to show your enemy avoiding, but too much onscreen cause lag that slow down the game. -Level 3 boss : The weels at the top can be killed much faster by not waiting for all of them to be vulnerable. The second part can be killed much faster with more carefuly placed nitro -You don't have to rescue your family to finish the game Too bad it won't get published because it's not played at the hardest difficulty level. Furthermore, a movie played at the most dificult level would be rejected because it would be too boring.
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That would like to be FF3 for many reasons : -I wouldn't have to complete it. -I would see how much the game can be broken with luck and glitch. (Maybe the sketch glitch could trigger the end game) -I would like to see if it's possible to get the hidden sprint shoes at the exit of Arvis House (invisible unreachable chest)
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Can you try with other Genesis emulators to see if this lag as much ?
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Is this lag present in the real console version ?
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I'm pretty sure the reason for it to be set on the slowest speed was because it only makes the enemy go slow. Your people don't get influenced by it in any way.
I'm not sure if this is true, but I do know that a slow battle speed means that luck can be manipulated more effectively.
Both are true.
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Progress report: I'm now where I left the previous movie: Overall it's only 23 seconds faster than the previous movie but it includes a 43 seconds detour to get Hyper Wrist and Running Shoes. These saved some time on Vargas and will save much time on Sabin's scenario. Things better in this movie : -Battle setting set to slow -2 less fights in Narshe -Marshall battle faster -No more Bio Blaster -No more status screen access before Figaro Cave -3 sprint shoes -Faster battles on Mt. Kolt -Faster Vargas Part where I have been unlucky : -Couldn't get a Preemptive battle in the first cave of South Figaro. The status screen access in the previous movie allowed to control this situation. -Really bad NPC position in South Figaro. I tried a lot of things to fix it : delays, entering-exiting town, menu access,...
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Mac emulating PC emulating Mac emulating PC emulating Mac... If Boch can emulate a linux PC running PearPC emulating a PowerPC running Boch
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If you look at the source code of the movie code of Gens+ you will see my name... The story: When I heard about Gens+, I contacted the author about adding movie support. I agreed to so I started copying the GMV code from Gens. I couldn't compile it at the moment so I sent him a code without knowing if it worked. Of course, it didn't so he trashed most of my code and made his own movie format GIR (wich is a better format anyway). The rerecording part was left over. He's agaisnt this concept. A few days later, Gens+ becomes the official Gens 3. GIR is the official movie format. Gens 3 is in closed beta and I don't know when it will come out. When it's out, i'll add the rerecording code in an unofficial release and put an end to the suffering Gens Movie.
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There are several small differences in my planned route and the route on SDA but the overall route is the same. I can't think of a faster one. This part of the game is pretty much linear anyway. The main difference will be the abuse of luck. Boss battles that aren't vanish-doom will end with a desperation attack (or joker doom). Other will end with run away instead of smoke bomb,joker doom if the battle cannot be escaped. The echo screen/joker doom combo will be the same only without pause. Gaining levels is still important because the desperation attack damage depends on it. It will just be lower than the speed run.
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It's not dead. I completed Figora Castle again yesterday. The guy that made a video on SDA said he was doing another run so I'm waiting. (My run is based on his FAQ up to the sketch glitch) When will it be completed ? Nowhere near soon. Is someone else interested in doing a run ?
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I would say SNES Super Mario RPG (USA) in 2:57:34 by Spezzafer. Never expected someone to make a 3hours run and then redo it in such small time.
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Phil wrote:
Can you add something that auto-split AVI when reaching 2 Gigabytes? It's hard to deal with files bigger than 2 GB even if NTFS is supposed to support it, personally, I think it's bullshit.
I don't know how to check to the AVI file lenght yet. Right now, the only workaroundt is to manually pause the emu after a set amount of time, stop AVI recording, and start another AVI dump. I'll see if I can do something about it.
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I made some test with the glitch and it worked ! (Note : you must use FF3 US version 1.0) I started from a savestate from Mnrogar low level run. I used ff3h to hack the saveram to boost some characters (I didn't want to die on the first attack). This hacking isn't necessary for the trick to work. I didn't bother with frame perfection Here's what I did : -Set Magic Order to 3 (so that mute is correctly aligned) -Find a Mould 1 battle (in this case Leafer and Dark Wind) -Cast vanish on a monster so that sketch miss (beign low level would have worked too) -Sketch the monster -The game now glitch giving me lot of items (including Gem Box and Economizer). Relm gets equiped with a Fenix Down as weapon. -Run away -Jump into floating continent -Find a Mould 7 battle (Dragon) -Cast vanish -Sketch -Run away -Enjoy new items (including Illumina and Paladin shield)
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Gens32 already has movie support. I'm waiting for Gens 3 source code to further work on movie rerecording.
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I'm too overloaded with work to do anything for the next 2-3 weeks. I suggest to watch the FF6 speedrun on sda. It was done by the guy who made the FAQ I used as reference for my run. My run will look like exactly like his run. Unless I use the sketch glitch... The following documents describe the effect for the glitch in relation with the enemy formation: The Mould 1 glith would be easy to do. It would give me Gem Boxes (and Economizers !). It will allow me to skip Mage Tower completly (wich I was planningtto do anyway). The Mould 7 is even more interesting. It would give me Paladin Shields and Illuminas giving too possible strategies for WOR: 1) Get Edgar, Setzer, level up, Mog, learn Ultima for everyone, equip gem box and economizer, easy (boring)? Kefka Tower. 2) Get Edgar, Setzer, level up, Mog, hard Kefka Tower (but with high evade) The problem with Mould 7 is that the only enemy formations accessible after Relm in WOB are Air Force and Dragon found on Floating Continent.. I hope I'm wrong else that means I have to bring Relm on floating continent. I'm afraid the glitch would affect the Joker Doom exploit on Air force. So the only choice remaining is the Dragon, wich have a quite low encounter rate. When i'll have time, I will make a simultation (with a save editor). I just hope it will work. Edit: fixed stupid errors
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