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ventuz wrote:
Halamantariel wrote:
oh, + i can't figure out why he equip 2 earrings to Sabin or Edgar while they didn't have any magic, Earrings grant stronger magic points don't they?
Some attacks like Aura Bolt and Flash are magic based.
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The problem with SegaCD is that only the Megadrive state is saved on savestate. So unless yuo're lucky so the state of the SegaCD doesn't change between now and the previous savestate, the movie will desynch. And one note about Perfect Synchro: it's a SegaCD thing. It doesn't affects Genesis games at all. Desyncs with Earthworm Jim are probably caused by the sound engine. Getting it on sync would require the same magic that made Snes9x 1.43+.
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I too think that you should kill everything. The indroduction stage was much more entertaining by killing everything than the first corridor. Plus, score gives you free life powerups.
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Highness wrote:
Why not run with Vicks and Wedge in the last battle before the cave in Narshe?
the mammoth-like enemy blocks run-away
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Progress report: Up to Figaro castle 1 minute faster. The main differences between the previous movie and this one is the 1 level drop and different enemies encounters. The marshall fight is also better (with 2 consecutives critical hits, something I couldn't do in the previous version because the battle speed was too fast) It might cost me some time in the future but not as much as 1 minute.
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Shakespeare wrote:
Jyzero wrote:
... Do you really thinks it can be improved? I don't think so.
Level 1, 7 seconds faster :
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Good job I understand your choice of playing normal. Playing it on hard or very hard just add boringness. Very Hard mode is defective as you cannot avoid dying in some section of the game (unless you have a specific set of weapon configuration) Your weapon selection and level 6 & 7 boss strategy were good. But I'll have to vote no There are too many points you could improve: -Use the B button to hold your firing direction while moving. Level 1 boss could have been a lot faster by firing continusly at it. -Jump in weapon rooms when getting weapons to save some frames -In level 2, in the vertical section, before the room whit the gear wheels. go left to avoid having to kill anyone -Use more Nitro. Level 3 tower mini-boss could have been faster -In level 3 vertical section, too much enemies on the screen cause lag -At the end of level 3, if you get at the right of the screen after the final boss, you can jump and stay in air -At the end of level 4, nitros can kill two planes at once -In level 6, dance ! -Good job with the gearing wheels ! -Good job with the boat ! You can cut at least 30 seconds. I hope you'll try again ! EDIT : About the very hard video you posted: level 2 boss is possible if you stay on the top.
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I will try to record with nitsuja's zeldafix soon
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Shakespeare wrote:
i meantto say. when re recording movie, you need to browse recorded file & save state. this should be same as FCEU emu. Or if it's already sorry then. I will check it :d
You can rerecord the same way as Famtasia and SNES9x (don't know about FCE) by hitting loadstate when the movie is in recording mode. (You don't need to go through the Resume recording dialog box. This one is used when when resuming the movie recording after you closed Gens)
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Shakespeare wrote:
There shold be short key for Re-record. It's easy over SNES & NES Emulator. please care of it in next Genesis emu update. It's Really boring to browse save & record file again & again...
I don't understand this request. You can already set the loadstate button on any key you wantt in the Misc option menu.
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The GMV file format is really too weak to include a savestate or sram. A new Gens source was released and fixes the fullscreen problems. Is there some diff tools for Win32 ?
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I like the .gmv.bak idea.
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I started a timeattack on this game in the early days of Gens. Here are few interesting points : -The sixth slot of the item chamber is random and can be manipulated. -Nitros are a must have. They do massive damge in 8 directions. -The controller setting is an important factor. I'm not sure wich is faster -Don't forget (as i did) the Hold Firing Direction button. This way you can shoot backward while moving foward. -Three way fire is good -There is a glitch in the end of level 3 where you can walk in the sky The main problem with this game that prevents me from doing a run is the level of difficulty. A run in normal mode would be interesting. A run in Very-Hard mode, as this site requires, would be boring. Boss battle gets long and repetitive (as you quickly run out of ammo). With this setting, some places are inevitable death without specific ammo configuration.
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The WIP has a two hour time limit for savestate when recording movie. I know there is a fix for it but I havn't been able to recompile Snes9x WIP yet .
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I have a new Narshe strategy that brings me 56 seconds earlier in front of Tritorch (a shows a new graphical glitch). Unfortunatly, I am getting desync problems with 1.43 final (I did not had a single desync while recording with 1.43WIP). I hope the LttP patch will fix them.
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But will it support rerecording?Will current movies be compatible?
I'm not sure allowed to talk about this now since it's in closed beta.
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Gens 9c was released to public (see gens section). Try it. Frame advance is another dimension of rerecording. And I just want to say something about rerecord count. It was meant to be a fun stat, not a movie evaluation criteria.
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I updated information in the first post. I also have a more advanced version than 9c here : The main feature addition is movie recording with Netplay and a fix with checked menus. I do not recommand this version for movies submitted to this site because it use a different movie file format.
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9c released, see first post
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You can try to assign key manualy by editing th gens.cfg file. Look for the [Input] section
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I'm still planning and testing
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I am protected
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I made a lot of calculations for Whelk and I didn't find a way to kill it before it hides while keeping Terra at level 6 (unless I spend a lot of time leveling up in the cave of Narshe). Levels won't matter after Sabin's scenario anyway. I will start running from battles when I won't be able to finish the battle in one action. For upcomming bosses, all I need is to survive the first 23 seconds and then I do desperation attacks. Then I will need to fight some battles to gather magic points to learn Death and Vanish. After I get Setzer, every battles are going to be run away or Joker Doom. I might fight some Intangir for magic points. In WOR, I will level up in the Veldt forest if I need to. (The only problem will be pincer Tyranausaurus)
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It's possible to kill Whelk before it hides with Terra at level 5 and Vick/Wedge at level 4/3. Unless I level up in the cave of Narshe, Terra will stay at level 5 when Locke joins. He will joins at one level lower, and Edgar will join at one level lower too, and so with Sabin.
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Just a little status report. I'm mainly testing things. I'm thinking about revising my strategy : Keep Terra at level 5, kill Whelk before it hides, get Running Shoes and Hyper Wrist before Mt Koltz, doing Sabin before Locke, ... The next thing I will do is to lower everyone by 1 level and get previous items with a saveram editor. I will then make a savestate run from here. Plus there something that bothers me : an unreachable chest #0 containing sprint shoes next to arvin's house (more info here : I'm trying to find a way to reach it with left+right and up+down but no success so far.
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