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It's highly probable that Gens 3 will have Sms and Gamegear support. I do plan to hack it and add rerecording, slow down et cetera. eSMS, being GPL, could be interesting to add rerecording and co but I'm not the one who'll do it I have a list next to me of things I have to do with Gens before releasing the next version to public. (Most related to AVI support) Unfortunatly, I didn't received free time for Christmas. My next big block of free time is scheduled for May.
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Is there any equipment in this game that change the encounter rate ? In FF6, equiping/unequiping Charm Bangle or Moogle Charm can change which battle formation comes next.
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I'm doing Bannon first. As for which next : Locke then Sabin : +Sabin gets Running shoes and Hyper Wrist +Lot of money for Nikeah +Shadow, Cyan and Gau might join at higher levels - Must use Thunder Rod on Tunnel Armor, slower than Gengi Gloves + Atlas Armlet + Critical hit (because I can't unequip after this battle) - Celes joins at level 11 Sabin then Locke : +Locke gets plenty of money to buy 99 Echo Screens +Celes joins at level 12 +Celes gets two earrings +No need to unequip before Tunnel Armor -Sabin doesn't have running shoes (this relic is a must here considering there is no multitarget attacks in this scenario)
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I only need one pair. At the end of each scenario, I unequip everyone. I will need one or two other pairs for Kefka Tower.
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Here's the battle with Ultros :
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It could hack to current GMV file format revision to change the third byte of data (extra button data) to 3rd player data. and add a flag to preseve backward compatibility. or Wait until the next official release of Gens. It's movie format (.gir) supports movie recording of 8 players.
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The latest public version is 9a which is on the first page. For the current dev version (with frame advance), PM me.
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Phamtom Train : Fenix down and Revivify both kill it in one hit. Shadow : I don't have time to save him. I won't use him in WOR anyway Vick & Wedge run away : The method I described earlier in this thread was used only for the two first battles. Later I used another technique which is possible to do in console: Fills Vick and Wedge ATB bars, then make the final atttack with Terra and as soon as the attack animation is launched, run away. Terra won't run with an empty ATB gauge. Relic Shop : Hex editing goes great. I have to rerecord some parts and add some delays but at the end 1200 frames will be saved. Commentary : I don't know. I see two possibilities : W&W style : Explains glitchs and weird stuff. A lot of stuff would need to be explained : -Run away from battles -Pauses to control randomness -Extra steps in overworld -Pause for critical hits -Desperation attack -Vanish + Doom -Echo Screen + Joker Doom -Sketch Glitch -Soft Reset -Etc Or DVD commentary style : Explaining and commenting everything I prefer the first. I have difficulties expressing myself in english fluently. I'll let the deep commentary for FF3 experts. The one thing that bothers me is that the movie isn't perfect. There is a lot of small errors (Bad row configuration, battle speed setting, item management) and a lot of errors will come due to my inexperience with this game from a speed attack perspective (for exemple, I was going to use Bio Blaster agaisnt Vargas. Now I don't know if I'll ever use it) I could do like Boco and make a savestate run without thinking about speed. Just to test my strategy.
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List of upcomming bosses: Ultros : 3000 HP : 1 desperation attack of Edgar or Sabin + Fire should to it TunnelArmr : 1300 HP : Consecutives critical hits or 1 desperation attack. Phamtom Train : Will have to find a Fenix down somewhere Rizopas : 775 HP critical + Aura bolt Kefka : 3000 HP depends on who will fight him. Any suggestion ? Dadaluma : 3270 HP One desperation attack + 1 or 2 normal attacks Ultros 2: 2550 HP Critical hits or desperation attacks Number 24 4777 HP Critical hits + desperation Number 128 3276 HP Critical hits + desperation Cranes : Joker Doom Flame Eater : Vanish Doom or Ice rods + Ice 2 Ultros 3 : 6640 HP Don't know if vanish doom works. Else criticals + desperations attacks Ultros 4 +Chupon : Joker Doom Air Force : Joker Doom Atma : Joker Doom Nerapa : Joker Doom Tentacles : Don't know. Dullahan : Vanish doom Kefka Tower : Vanish Doom and Joker Doom Final Battle : Don't know
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Desperation attacks are disabled for the first 23 seconds of the battle. Some boss won't last that long. The time limit was the major reason this version wasn't going to be final. I thought that the movie would desync on the next version of Snes9x. But now with the possibility to patch the current version... I could apply the patch myself. Is there a way to make it compile with Visual Studio .NET ? Or is it a way to install Visual Studio 6 without uninstalling .NET ? I would like to make some additionnal modification myself : Remap the frame advance key and add an option to show a memory location onscreen. Since all battle timing are based on a frame counter, I could try to hex edit. The result would be a character staying still for a delay of 0 to 59 frames.
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spezzafer wrote:
Question: in the Relic Shop in South Figaro: do you really need to talk to the guy at the counter before first buying a relic (the Mog 'equip a variety of relics' scene)...or can you just skip that and approach from the right side of the counter? Is there something later in the game that offsets the time?
AAAAAAAAAAARRRGH ! You're right I will correct this in the final version. (Which I can't start until the next release of Snes9x)
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You're right about the desperation attack. I redid the Vargas fight: Savestate slot F3 to begin at Vargas fight About Whelk : The best I could do was 2 tekmissiles + 2 bolt beams. With Vick and Wedge level 1, it's not enough damage. If I gave some experience to raise Vick and Wedge to level 3 or 4, Whelk could be defeated before going inside the shell. But Terra would be level 5 when Locke joins. Wich means lower levels for Locke and Edgar. Definitively, it will be something to try out for the final version of the run.
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Update ! Stops after Vargas: Savestate included (F2 slot). To play only the new part, play the movie with read only checked and load the state. Notes: -I set battle speed to 6. Setting it to 1 was stupid in the first place since it doesn't affect party members. -I set Edgar to the bottom position so he can attack first on preemptive attacks. I should have done that with Terra in the beginning too. It might have saved a second or two. -The little extra step I take before the second cave in Mt Kolts allows me to fight an easier and quicker battle -I take the optionnal Atlas Armlet. It increases battle power. -Vargas battle could have been 1 second faster by setting Locke in the front row and doing a critical hit but I don't know if he would have survived Gale Cut. Before continuing, I will if see I can improve Vargas. Since I don't want to redo the whole mountain, I might trade a stolen potion for a row switch (don't know if I'll ever need a potion. Next is Lete River. Ultros will be tough since Bannon will be at low level. I don't know if he will be able to resist a tentacle attack.
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Indeed, if you forgot to check the read-only box, you must redownload the movie file.
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mars: The south figaro movie is from the beginning. The savestate is optionnal. progress report:I finaly have some freetime. I have some things to work on Gens and then I'll do Mt Kolts.
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I could try adding movie recording support with Netplay. However : -A lot of features won't work : savestates, slowdown, frameskip, AVI, misc key remapping, ... -I don't know if the resulting movie file will play without desync out of netplay. -I don't have freetime to do it until next week.
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Yes you will see something similar to my avatar in the run. Right now I'm thinking about WOR. I'm thinking about skipping Terra if I take time to learn Vanish and Doom for Mog. I need this spell combo to fight Goddess or Doom quickly. Learning these spells need 84 Magic Points (Which is about 12 fight south of Miranda). If I get Fenrir (which is part of the Terra subquest), I need only 54 Magic Points (switching Doom for X-Zone). Skipping Terra will also make the final battle a bit harder.
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9c isn't ready for public yet. If you want it, send me a PM (as I want to know who possess this version). The feature you want (record new movie from now) isn't in 9c. This feature is after the AVI gui on my todo list.
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Getting sprint shoes is the first thing I do in South Figaro.
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Progress report : New version : Test 9c : - AVI framerate for PAL games fixed - Response time of redifined keys improved while the game is paused - Quicksave, Quickload ans slowndown enabled when the game is paused - Slowdown check in the menu fixed - Default sound rate now is 44khz Still not ready for public release. If you want it now (or if you already have test9b and want an update), PM me.
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fuwafuwa wrote:
Jyzero wrote:
For the next part I have a big dilemma. I can get the runningshoes now but it takes 45 seconds. Vargas and Ultros will be easier and faster with this relic but I doubt that I'll save the whole 45 seconds.
Running shoes will probably benefit you in many more boss battles than just those two.. It depends, of course, on who you put the shoes on and how many battles they're in... but I think that ultimately the shoes will "pay for themselves", so I'd suggest getting'em.
If I don't get them now, I can get them at the Locke scenario for five seconds. I'm getting them for sure before Sabin's scenario (since I wont have massive multitarget attack). I will make test to see how much time is saved in Vargas and Ultros battles (the only two bosses before Locke scenario.)
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New section up : up to South Figaro I included a savestate if you want to see only the new stuff (Open the movie readonly and loadstate) Here's some comments: -Naming : I used default names even if selecting a shorter name would save some seconds on the whole movie. Having carachters with one letter name wouldn't be interesting -Moogle battle: I choosed the Mog party to fight Marshall because this way I can unequip Mog during fight and let him learn a new dance. -Marshall fight : I spent around 1000 rerecords on this fight. Here's why: The optimal Marshall battle would require 2 consecutives critical hits. Critical hits hapens when 7e00be has a value of 22,54,68,75,7F,8D,81 or FD at the moment the critical hit calculation takes place (cheat 7e00befd makes you critical hit everytime). 7e00be doesn't increase when there is an attack animation on screen. This leaves a tight window of manipulation. The best I could do was 1 critical hit. I couldn't get the second critical hit without waiting too long (and getting my party killed). However I might be possible with battle set to slow. (Setting it to fast was a big mistake as the party is unaffected by this setting.) -Road to Figaro Castle : I make an extra little step to avoid a fight in the desert. For the next part I have a big dilemma. I can get the runningshoes now but it takes 45 seconds. Vargas and Ultros will be easier and faster with this relic but I doubt that I'll save the whole 45 seconds.
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Progress report : none Actually I've got something new to play with : 7E00BE This is the random number generator index. Understanding 00BE is the key to master FF3 ramdomness. For the marshall battle to be optimal, I need two consecutives critical hits. 00BE is what gives critical hits. SprintGod : Your discoveries about battles formations are described here : edit:link updated
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The menu problem with slowdown check is known. It is really a menu problem and not a slowdown problem. When using quickkeys, the menu isn't refreshed. I don't know if I can fix this problem. Otherwise I will have the remove the check and rename Slow Mode to Toggle Slow Mode. You shouldn't use the default config. The sound rate by default is 22khz. It's okay for PAL games. However, with NTSC games, anything lower than 44khz will cause rounding errors in sound timing. In future version, 44khz will be the default configuration. The problem with DAC (and sound in general) is timing. There is a lot of rounding errors created when computing the timing for each emulated frame. Some games (Like Sonic 1) are completly independant of sound timing. Other games (like Castlevania for example) that are dependant of sound timing are prone to desync. I will try to play with NBA Jam to see if there are ways to avoid desync.
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Cazlab : There is a thread about this problem on the official Gens forum : Pablo : Does it works without playing the movie ? Do you have version 9a ? Are informations in the play movie dialog box correct ? If you have further problems with Gens, make a thread about it in the Gens section of this forum.
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