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If you're using sound, be sure to have these sound settings : -Sound enabled -Sound rate 44khz -Stereo -All sound chips enabled exept DAC Quicksaving and switching savestate shouldn't affect movie synchronization unless this game use some obscure register unsaved in savestate.
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Post it or PM me please. It could be a bug.
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List of features to add in 9b before public release : -Nice AVI GUI -Add Video frequency in GMV File -Add Record new movie from now feature I don't know when I will have time to do it. If you need 9b as it is right now PM me.
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Worked for me
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Thank you for the Info SprintGod. If odds of getting side or preemptive battles are indeed rigged, a back guard might be considerable (can get one in banquet). Where did you get this information ?
ventuz wrote:
anyone find that it desync at start of Narshe entrance? im using FF3 1.0 (U) (!)
MD5SUM is 4cdfc79b44cd6d532dc6631a5c762094 Make sure you don't have any cheat or ips file applied. I'm not sure if having a previous saved game could affect too.
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First part of the run up to first encounter with Tritorch : Rom : Final Fantasy III (U) (V1.0) [!].smc Comments and advices are welcome. Notes : -Delays are here for randomness manipulation. It's why I got a lot of preemptive battle -Lobo and Vomammoth prevents party from escaping battle. It's why I didn't escape in 3rd battle and hadto battle a bit in 4th and 5th battle -I tried very hard to beat Whelk before it hides. With current levels, I needed 2 Tekmissiles + 3 Bolt beam to kill it (Lv 6 tekmissible does 620 damage and Lv1 Bolt Beam does 120 for a total of 1600 damage). Under the best case, I could only send 2 Techmissiles and 2 bolt beams before it hides. So I had to let it hides and killed it with 3 Techmissiles.
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I don't control GIR format and the author is against rerecording. So I would have to do an unofficial GIR format.
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If Vick and Wedge are here to divide the experience, Terra gets only level 4 (or 5 borderline) when Locke joins. If Terra wins the battles alone, she can reaches level 6. Terra can kill all enemies anyway with BioBlast or Fire. Locke's starting level depends on Terra's, so he gets 2 additionnals levels. When Edgar joins, he will get 1 or 2 additionnal levels too. Same for Sabin.
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The area down Doma in WOR is a very good place to level up since almost all enemies use physical attacks. You can go there with a vanished party member and never get it. Howver, Tyranausaur and Brachiosaur are faster to level up. Vanish, doom, 8k exp points. Leveling up is important for speed. With higher level, I do more damage and spend less time healing. About speedrun progress, I have to redo everything again since I discovered that it's faster to make Vick and Wedge runnig away from battle than killing them. I hope having everyone for Whelk battle will allow me to kill it before it hides.
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There is a Gens mod called Gens+ wich plays SMS and GG games. I contacted the author to ask him if I could add movie support. He sent me the code and I added some GMV movie code. He rewrote almost all the movie code and redisigned the GMV movie file format (wich wasn't a bad idea. I thought about using his file format for future versions of Gens Movie). I asked him for some modifications including renaming the file format rerecording, version management and backward compatibility. He agreed to rename the movie file format to GIR but he disagreed about rerecording. Gens+ will be the base for the next official Gens. Wich means GIR is the official movie file format for Gens, without rerecording support. I still have the modified source of Gens+. Movie rerecording is only a matter of two additionnal lines of code. So I could: -Make a quick hack of Gens+ and to add movie rerecording to GIR. The problem is that there is no rerecord count Since the official version doesn't support rerecording, it could lead to a lot of confusion thinking rerecorded GIR are legetimates. -Add GMV support to Gens+ and releasing another unoffical version. Wich means lot and lot of work. Either way the official Gens community will probably dislike it. However, there is an emulator called SMS Plus with source avalaible. Blip ?
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The pause problem is known and fixed in later version of Gens Movie
Mr. Pwnage wrote:
Discontent with the available AVI, I decided to use the GMV to create my own through Camtasia. Camtasia's TSCC codec allows capture to be lossless at 15FPS; however it does produce a file size near 600MB (over twice as big as the torrent AVI). .
With upcoming Gens Movie TEST9b (or with current TEST9a with some special directives), you could have encoded with camtasia at 60fps (or with any other codec). PM me for more info.
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Dan_ wrote:
lim       f(x)=(x-2)/((x^2)-4) = (x-2)/(x+2)(x-2) = 1/(x+2)  = 1/4
(x -> 2) 
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I collected some data on how delaying a battle affects initial battle timing.
13452	13934	482	35
13456	13969	513	66
13460	13942	482	35
13464	13969	505	58
13468	14022	554	107
13472	14033	561	114
13476	13954	478	31
13480	14048	568	121
13484	14057	573	126
13488	13960	472	25
13492	14061	569	122
13496	14018	522	75
13500	14047	547	100
13504	13951	447	0
13508	14062	554	107
13512	13994	482	35
13516	14028	512	65
13520	14002	482	35
13524	14028	504	57
13528	14083	555	108
13532	14092	560	113
13536	14015	479	32
13540	14108	568	121
13544	14116	572	125
13548	14026	478	31
13552	14120	568	121
13556	14078	522	75
13560	14106	546	99
13564	14011	447	0
13568	14128	560	113
13572	14054	482	35
13576	14088	512	65
13580	14062	482	35
13584	14088	504	57
First Column : Frame where I pressed A to cancel the "????? got a level" box from the 2nd fight of Narshe Second column : Frame where Terra command box showed Third column : Difference between second and first column Fouth column : Third column minus minimum value Results change only each 4 frames. Let's see a graph of these result : It gets interesting. There is a periodicity of 16. I will make further test to see if it generalize to all battles. Could it means I would have to test only 16 possibilities to have the best battle startup ? No, because of preemptive battles. I still havn't figured out how it works. There is 1/8 change I get a preemptive battle and on 34 try I got none.
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In FF3, there's two major ways to manipulate luck : -Delay an action (if I enter a battle 4 frames later, i'll get a different battle gauge, enemies will do differentattacks with different damage) -Make an action that modifies the current internal ramdon generator seed. (using spells, special abilities, trying to run away)
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I suggest you do it with FCEU The frame advance feature is great.
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I suggest you do a test run first without worrying about getting frame perfection and perfect menu handling.
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I restarted everything. Advance frame is just too useful. Right now I already have 6 seconds improvement only on the first battle. I do plan to post progress now and then. First time will be after Whelk. But first, I must finish Gens 9b
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If I remember well, you must get it by from Tyranausaurs wich is in WOR. I don't plan getting Cyan in WOR. As SprintGod stated, setzer can kill everyone on the way except Phunbaba and the 3 final battle. So far, I think my final parties will be composed of a member of the group A and a member of the Group B : Group A (Illuminas + Gengi glove) : Terra, Edgar and Celes Group B : Setzer, Mog and Sabin Mog (+Moogle charm) will be on the team with the longest walking Setzer will be on the team taking Poltergeist (since he's resistant to Clear status)
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If you want to dump a AVI with Gens in Win32, I suggest you wait for version 9b where I fixed dumping with autoframeskip (PM me if you want the WIP to dump movies right now). Unless you have done a much better version yourself.
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Some progress report for upcomming TEST9b :
- Slowndown mode with sound disabled is now more stable - New option in Graphic menu: "Never skip a frame with auto frameskip". - You can now advance frames one by one when the game is paused. To do it, first assign an Advance frame key in Options/Joypads... menu. - You can now define a Movie path in Options/Directories... menu - You can now disable the blue pause screen effect in Options/Misc... menu - New framecounter. To activate it, go in Option/Misc... menu. Time is showed as minutes:seconds:frame. You can change its position too. - Read-only is now disable by default. - If Read-only is disabled and you load a savestate while a movie is playing, the movie will switch to recording (like in Famtasia and Snes9X) - Movies are automaticly closed on reset. - A red circle will blink if a movie is being recorded.
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Highness wrote:
This would be a nice run as well. How ever. I didn't think about this before. But a movie file that is 8 hour long would need more movie segments. Not sure if it's possible to choose a frame to start? I haven't looked at it at all. But indeed. A nice run it would make.
You can play a movie read-only and then load a savestate. The movie will play from this point.
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I agree there should be both a sketch glitch run a non-sketch skitch run. The game is trivial after the glitch. You do insane amount of damage without getting hit. Anyway, both movies would be the same for the first 2 or 3 hours. So if I ever finish the glitch movie, someone could just resume his own non glitch run before getting Relm.
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I will post the movie : -If I finish the test version -or if I don't feel like doing it anymore -or if someone want to start a new one.
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Do someone knows if Snes9x has an advance frame key ? Actualy, it takes me about 15 minutes per battle. 90% of this this is used to create a preemtive attack. There is about 17% chance for a battle to be premptive (a preemptive battle means that I can attack as soon as the battle start.) . To have a preemptive attack, I use the following sequence : Shift + four times, load state, savestate, shift - four times, if the battle isn't premptive start again. An advance frame feature would shorten the sequence to Pause, loadstate, advance, savestate, and start again. Current progress : Mt Kolts with 26 minutes in game time. I made the detour to get Running shoes in South Figaro but I didn't buy anything except sprint shoes. If I can't beat Vargas, I will have to redo South Figaro and buy some armor. It's only a test run. I estimate around 30 seconds of errors so far (mostly bad menu management) Some upcomming questions : -Wich is the most optimal order to rake the scenarios ? -Locke's scenario gives lot of money but if I do it too early, Celes level's will be too low. -Sabin's scenario has shops at the end, but I need money to buy stuff. -Do I get Shadow for in Sabin's scenario ? Having him would shorten the battles but divide the experience
Post subject: Re: Gens with Jyzero patch ( things to be improved or correc
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I have decided to do the same as I have done with blip FCEU. So here they are: There should be a skip 1 frame function.
Do you mean when the emulator is paused ? (Like when you click Apply in the Color Adjust menu option) It can try.
Logically, when you do an hard reset, it's not supposed to continue recording since what it is recorded after the reset is void.
I can close the movie file on hard reset.
When your emu is paused and decide to open a movie file, it just unpause automatically. It must not do that.
It can be fixed but why would you want to load a movie when the emu is paused anyway ? If it is for AVI dumping, the Sync AVI with Movie option prevents to dump frame unless a movie is playing or has finished to play.
The default directory for movie files is Gens one. It should be the last directory where a movie file had been loaded.
Actually, it's the savestate directory. I can try the way you want.
After redefining QuickLoad key and QuickSave key. F5 and F8 are always there with the new ones. So there's 2 Quicksave and 2 Quickload buttons. The Hotkeys remapping can correct that.
F5 and F8 are hardcoded. Unlike blip, I don't have enough knowledge on Windows API to recode the whole hotkeys system.
Hotkeys remapping.
Hotkeys are hardcoded. I can't change them without recompiling. For quickpause, quicksave, quickload, and toggle slowdown, I had to code an additionnal layer of hot keys management. What other hot key do you want to remap ?
Take a snapshot when the emu is paused and see by yourself the result. This bug was there before Jyzero implement the rerecording function but still can be corrected.
I can have a checkbox to disable the blue screen feature. The framenumber will disappear when the onscreen framecounter (the '.' of Snes9x) will be completed.
When recording AVI and trying to overwrite an existing file that is open by another software, the emu crashes. There should be an alert that indicates that the existing file is already open. I think it exists a Win32 function for that. When you choose name file and AVI codec before recording to AVI, there's an annoying sound. Very abnormal.
AVI dumping will be more user-friendly later (with a nice dialog box).
When we play a movie and the movie end, Play Movie/Resume record from savestate remains checked and we cannot start recording. We must Stop Movie.
*MAJOR BUG to be corrected urgently* It seems it takes some delay, like ~0.10 seconds for pausing after pressing the pause button. For unpausing, it unpauses instantly or near but the blue screen still remain there for a moment. I have an AVI that show the proof of it. When recording AVI, it's not supposed to record some blue frames when the emu is paused. It should be instant and without that blue screen. The image is paused but the sound continue as a proof that the game is running while those ~0.25 seconds of blue screen. Very hard to do a perfect timeattack under theses conditions. Also it seems unstable, sometimes it pauses faster than another time. *MAJOR BUG to be corrected urgently
EDIT: I tested what you said. The unstability is caused by Auto frameskip. When the emulator skip a frame, the previous one will be dumped twice. I recommend using 0 frameskip. For the ESC pause key, I can't do much without rewritting the entire hotkey system. For the quickpause key, I'll see what I can do.
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