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For fast foward, just set frameskip to 9. Implementing it in the same way of slow mode is instable. All other features are implemented. See first post.
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Jackic wrote:
If you implement a slowdown function like the one in virtuanes and the throttle on-off button can be assigned to the pad it can save loads of time during for example unskippable intros.
It could works that way : One menu/button to toggle slow mode. One menu to select slow mode speed. The slection of slow speed would be 50% , 33,3% , 25% , 20 %, 16,7%, 10% and 6,25 % I'll try.
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Phil wrote:
Features that are missing: 1st It's very complicated to resume a movie.You should include save & load during playing the movie.So it can resume the movie more easily. 2nd I don't like using ESC to pause the emu. There must be a way to configure it ourself.
1) You can save and load during playing the movie. However, controller input is disabled while playing a movie. So you'll have to do it using the menu or with F5 or F8. So you can for exemple, Play a movie, hit F5 to save the point where you want to rerecord, select the Resume record menu, and then it F8 (or quickload key). If you have a better idea on how to implement it, tell me. 2) It will be a little difficult because Pause have to be processed before controller input is updated. I'll see what I can do. Is there any other option that needs to be assigned on a game key ?
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Jyzero wrote:
Phil wrote:
Jyzero , how about implanting this feature?
I'm trying. Messing up with the Windows API is not simple when you don't have any knowledge on it.
Done. See first post.
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Phil wrote:
Jyzero , how about implanting this feature?
I'm trying. Messing up with the Windows API is not simple when you don't have any knowledge on it.
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Quicksave and Quickload are hardcoded throught Win32 API. You can't change them without recompiling. And you can't assign it to gamepad button. For now, your best alternative is to use an utility that maps controller button to keyboard key. There's normaly one included with popular controllers.
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BombAHead wrote:
Sorry, I shoulda been more specific. My controller tends to double/triple-input on controller setups like Gens has. In other words, when it tells me to hit the button I want to assign to 'Up,' it'll enter the up d-pad key for the first two or three directions. Button presses are the same way. So basically, it's impossible for me to set the dumb thing up. Quite annoying, that. Can't remember how Kega's controller setup works, but that's the emulator I've had to use, since it was the only one with a controller setup that I could actually use.
You should try to configure manually. At the controller setup, try some buttons on your controller. Quit Gens. Look at Gens.cfg. In the joypad configuration section, look at the codes associated to the buttons of your controller. Note them. Repeat to collect each code associated with each button of your controller. Then edit Gens.cfg and assign manually joypads buttons with codes of your controller.
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You can try configuring manualy throught Gens.cfg. Tell me what you want as button configuration and i'll tell you the keycode equivalent.
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I'm suprised it works with the 32X. I haven't touched any 32X section of the source code I guess it's because it relies on the solo Megadrive code for the slave unit.
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First test version avaible. See first post
Post subject: Work being done on Genesis/Megadrive rerecording
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I modified source code of Gens to implement Movie recording. I could easily implement movie rerecording as well. I would like to know if someone is interested to use this feature. EDIT 2005-08-08 New bugfix version (9f) and source released EDIT 9e (2005-07-10) -Fix a bug with 3 player movie playback EDIT Version 9d (2005/07/03) -3 player support (check this option when recording a new movie. To record with 3 players, set the first controller to teamplay and configure pads 1,1B and 1C (3 buttons setting only) -Record new movie from now : Check this option when recording a new movie to make a savestate and record a new movie from it. To play back the movie, use the Play from savestate option and load the associated savestate. -New autobackup : Use use this option, check it on the Misc option dialog box. A backup will be created when a savestate is loaded while playing a movie or when the option "Resume record from now" is selected. The backup filename is (movie name).bak.gmv -New Input display : Show the keys being pressed ! To use this option, go to the Misc option menu. -New option in Controller setup to allow left+right / up+down -Other little features i forgot about. EDIT : Version 9c This version isn't as ready as I would like for public release but I won't be working in it until a long time. Furthermore, the official Gens with movie support is comming soon. New in this version : New in Version Test9c: -44khz is now the default sound rate -Response time of redefined keys improved when the game is paused. -Quickload and quicksave enabled when the game is paused -AVI framerate of PAL games fixed. -Slowdown check in the menu fixed New in Version Test9b : - Slowndown mode with sound disabled is now more constant - New option in Graphic menu: "Never skip a frame with auto frameskip". - You can now advance frames one by one when the game is paused. To do it, first assign an Advance frame key in Options/Joypads... menu. - You can now define a Movie path in Options/Directories... menu - You can now disable the blue pause screen effect in Options/Misc... menu - New framecounter. To activate it, go in Option/Misc... menu. Time is showed as minutes:seconds:frame. You can change its position too. - Read-only is now disabled by default. - If Read-only is disabled and you load a savestate while a movie is playing, the movie will switch to recording (like in Famtasia and Snes9X) - Movies are automaticly closed on reset. - A red circle will blink if a movie is being recorded. Know bugs : -Usual Gens problems -Problems with AVI greater than 2GB -Random freezing when loading savestates EDIT : Version 9a -Fix a random "ERROR OPENING MOVIE" bug. -AVI dumping. Only for testing. See the .txt file to see how it works. The rest of the announced additional features will come with TEST10. EDIT : Version 9 -New GUI for movie options (idea from Snes9x WIP) -Code cleanup (with help from Bisqwit) -New movie core. Better than Version 8. -New movie format including 2 new features : -Author note to tell your name and the rom version -Controller configuration. For information only. All movie are still compatible with all versions. To convert a movie to the new format, use this tool : Drag and drop a gmv over the executable and follow instructions on screen -Features that will wait a future release : AVI recording and movie comments -A big thank you to Cherry, _Dan, FODA, Gigafrost, Jackic and nifboy for private WIP testing. EDIT : Version 8 -Bug fixed where movies longer than 65536 frames caused corruption Previous savestates are incompatible, but previous movies are compatible. EDIT: Version 7 -Bug fixed where movies bigger than 65536 bytes couldn't be saved -Resume record from savestate fixed -Changing visual settings bug fixed EDIT: Version 6 Lot of changes. See readme file. This version is an almost total rewrite of the movie recording core. It might be more stable, however it drains more resources. Be sure to read the readme file before continuing any speedrun as some options have changed. Please reports any bug. EDIT: Version 5 -Slow down speed is selectable -Toggle slow mode is assignable to game key -Pause is assignable to game key -Bug fixed where Movie files would not load properly EDIT: Version 4 -Quicksave and Quickload are assignable to gamekeys. -Very slow mode (20% speed) -Bug fixed in Play Movie where the last frame was currupted Should be the last version, unless a major bug is found. Movies from previous versions are still compatible. EDIT: Version 3 -Slow Mode (Auto frame skip only) -Movie options now available with manual frameskip and sound disabled EDIT: Version 2 : Play Movie bug fixed. EDIT: UPDATE Version 9f: Test verion 9c Test version 9a Source (current WIP) Test version 9 Thanks to SpeedRunner for this mirror Credits to Stéphane Dallongeville and other Gens developpers for his awesome emulator Modified source files from Ipher's source code v2.12: Beware ! Quick and dirty hack EDIT : grammar EDIT by Bisqwit: Now stick
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Bisqwit, what is the GoodNES name of the rom you used for your run ? I tried it with all valid ones, including the two europeans ones, and at best it desynced at level 2.
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I enjoyed the video. It brought back good memories. I have a trick that could save a few seconds if anyone attemps to retry the run: In the battle against DeDeDe, when he's below half energy and he's doing a "dive" attack (wich creates two stars), it' possible the inhale both stars and start a Mix. Pick up the "boom" attack (or whatever it's called in the english version, the one take clear the screen) If I remember well, this attack removes half the energy bar of the bosses. I don't know if it actually saves significant time but it's cool to watch.
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