Posts for KDR_11k

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What's with the missed shots at the boss? And I think I count three deaths.
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What's W, Wisconsin?
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Is it slower to make Hampton trip during the bonus levels? That might have added some variety. Oh and in Stage 6 you don't dash when moving along the beam even though you have full dash energy. Why?
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I'd rather see a TAS of Bastet, trying to manipulate the algorithm into giving you blocks that allow you to survive...
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Start to credits in the fastest possible time. A "warp" run would certainly be the fastest and if there's a positive response you can still make a full run.
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Passwords aren't allowed unless they have a VERY special purpose (e.g. content that cannot be reasonably accessed during normal playthrough). Why does your run need a password that skips levels? Anyone can enter that, you don't need tool assistance for that.
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Hm, can you change the game's pallette somehow to make the pitch black room visible?
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Wasn't it 4 hours start to finish unless you use a savestate? That may not be long in RPG terms but it's awfully long for a TAS. RPGs rarely make for a good TAS.
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I suppose it screws up the random generator so he'd have to redo anything involving randomness.
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Minor differences aren't enough to warrant a separate run, especially with a game taking a few hours from start to finish. The different versions would make it impossible to compare speeds and there's the "use the same version as the previous run" rule. Noone would care enough about the differences to make such a run (especially since it's a very hard run) and noone would care enough to publish it.
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But there already is a TAS of the first one!
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In the room with those shades, can you open the door to the next room (which is all red, probably pitch black without the shades) without the shades?
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You should test the damage of all melee attacks as well as the various weapons. All I'm saying is that force can be discarded as a contender for "best weapon" so you should use Blue instead. I suppose fire is better when you don't have as many opportunities to get a shot off but you'll have to check whether lightning or fire is better when you have an unobstructed line of fire. I do think there's more to boss health than the number you see so memory watching might be necessary. The jumping up walls will be useful for the item room on moon 4 to avoid using the elevator.
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I've just tested it, force causes decrements of four every 8 frames while lightning is a bit more random, usually 5 damage per 7 frames but sometimes only 4 damage over those 7 frames and sometimes 9 frames until the next damage, sometimes even 6 damage. Either it's floating point accuracy or has something to do with how the beams hit. No matter what, Lightning does more damage over time. Fire seems to do 4-6 damage every 7 frames with roughly equal spread. I've had it do 3 once. I've used the first rolling bot on Earth in hard mode as my testing subject. The damage spread suggests that more testing or maybe memory watching is necessary.
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There's a "missed gems" counter, I suppose that'll add time for missed gems as well. Perhaps it doesn't matter how many you collect?
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Interesting, Gamefaqs claims that Force is better than Lightning (but the two faqs claim different strengths for fire, one saying it's best while the other says it's weaker than force/lightning) but in my experience lightning takes bosses down MUCH faster. Maybe there's a difference between the European and US version?
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I think it's faster to use the exit behind the third rolling bot instead of going up into the crate area. Blue's laser is the strongest weapon available, you can roast bosses with it MUCH faster than with Red's rapid fire (of course kicks are best but against Seven Force you can't use kicks and I think they lack effectiveness against Golden Silver because you only damage him for a few frames per jump). That saves a LOT of time. The game MUST be played on hard as per the rules, it does more than add health and damage to bosses.
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I'm not sure the boss fights are optimal (e.g. projectiles aren't picked up the frame they are usable but then again there might be a reason for that) but I guess you tested those a lot. Voted yes.
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What's supposed to prevent a normal player from spamming invisibility?
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How many attempts does it take you to make one segment in a TAS? Hopefully not more than one or two. Must I mention that some people use way over 200 rerecords for segments of less than a second sometimes? Especially when luck manipulation is involved. While the segment size is smaller there's also much higher perfection required, you're not going to redo a segment in a normal speedrun just because you lost a few frames (at least not in runs as complex as a Super Metroid speedrun). Both speedruns and TASes attempt to make each segment as good as possible. The difference is that in a speedrun, segment size is dictated by the game while in a TAS segment size can be set by the user and with segments approaching fractions of a second any frame wasted is a significant error. Either way, TASes and speedruns have different forms of satisfaction, if you're playing normally the satisfaction comes from finally mastering a segment, just like normal non-speedrun gameplay, the satisfaction in a TAS doesn't come until you watch your movie and think "I did THAT?".
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Is there really such a long delay after the final boss is defeated or did you just forget pushing a button at the end? I started pushing buttons on the controller and the outro showed a few seconds later.
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Naah, I mean the short charging, you only press dash on the frames where it checks. I'm wondering if you can do something similar with the directional input (e.g. when moving right only pushing right on certain frames) to make the charge distance even shorter? Does the game check for that every frame?
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Hm, I wonder: If you can get the speedboost by only pressing dash on certain frames, is it posible to let go of the dpad in betweeen as well or does that reset the speedboost counter?
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Desn't simply grabbing fddshow instead of the Divxplayer work?
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Well, wasn't there an N64 port of Quake?
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