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So, how long until someone finds a way to skip Mother Brain?
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Quietust wrote:
Here's a question: does that glitch work in the NTSC version of SMB, or is it exclusive to the PAL version used in that video?
The submitter comment claims it works in all versions. To me it looks like the thing turned into one of those tethered platforms.
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BTW, what prevents BLJ on the slope with the glass above it (that acts as a one-way mechanism in the first basement room)? Is it impossible on slippery slopes?
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At the last flail armor before the living armor boss you hit three non-criticals and then jump over it, was it really not possible to get a critical so you don't have to go around him? There were several places where you were killing regular enemies where it looked like one more critical would have saved a lot of time but of course I can't tell how the luck would have been at that point.
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I think seeing a game glitched into oblivion can get boring to people who don't know the game. This run was very repetitive, in part due to the game's handling of rooms that led to repetitive levels, the first Zelda game in itself isn't that interesting to watch as a movie, it's just that most people played it and know how much it breaks the game. With this noone played the hack, noone knows how much you're skipping and noone has any real connections to the events on the screen. The LttP glitch is really short and surprising, this is much longer and even goes through two quests while the surprise is lessened as noone knows what the game is like normally. Also NES Zelda is somewhat less interesting to watch than SNES Zelda.
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It doesn't seem that good of an idea to me to accept a hack that can be glitched heavily when the original game can't, heavily glitching a commercial game is one thing but with hacks it could be just shoddy design or even intentional, we wouldn't know.
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SMB3 doesn't have as much easy flying as SMW so even without the powerups it'd look mostly the same. In SMW you can skip whole levels through flying, in SMB3 you can't (unless you use that P wing but that thing's strictly limited).
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He was trying to glitch through a dungeon wall and it didn't work, either crashed or led to the same room.
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I think it did get a bit repetitive after a while (went from "holy crap" to "nice") but since I can't think of any rule that would permit showing all those tricks off in a shorter run without seeming overly arbitrary I consider that a necessary evil. Definitely worth watching just for the amount of "holy crap" stunts during the first 20 minutes or so and I think it wouldn't seem so repetitive to someone who isn't used to the perfection of a TAS.
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I'd expect the problem with the dungeons to be the thick walls around each room, they're two tiles thick I think. Once you can skip two non-ladderable tiles you can do that everywhere.
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I've watched some of the WIPs so I don't want to watch those parts again but I can't get mupen to continue playback from a savestate, if I put in the movie and then load a savestate (from one of the WIPs) the movie doesn't play, Mario just stands around doing nothing and then the game is paused...
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She's not his friend, she's the payment for his first job.
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I suppose it wasn't possible to somehow make minnie leave the witch boss room without going downstairs?
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What does that knife outline next to the dog symbol mean? Also during the final level you sometimes jump and slash to kill a skeletont hat pops up but you jump very low and the blade animation isn't done by the time you land, causing you to stand still fora few frames. Isn't it possible to jump earlier and higher and make sure the blade animation finishes before you touch the ground?
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Are you sure you aren't talking about the Speedbooster?
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There was some occassional lag that I think killing more enemies could have averted. Once in the stage with the flowers, once when there's too many jumping fishes on screen. Both times you jump and could probably have hit one of the enemies to reduce the lag.
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Ah, I figured he did that because the wave beam's movement is more desirable (faster or hitting more stuff or something).
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What's the advantage you get from disabling the spazer?
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I think other people would like this but personally I'll have to vote no on the "Did you like watching this" question because I was bored almost the entire time.
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Voted no, I stopped watching around the third or fourth boss because it looked so bad. There isn't much of a TAS look to this, you move very carefully at times like you were afraid of being hit, you miss loads of shots for no reason, your attacks on bosses are inconsistent (sometimes you shoot once, sometimes twice, sometimes quickly, sometimes spaced out) and you take damage for no apparent reason yet there are some waits that look like they could have been avoided by accepting damage. Be consistent on when you take damage, make sure your attacks are optimal and generally tighten your movements because right now it looks like you played this in realtime.
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In the aquarium there are some course corrections between coins, wouldn't it have been faster to reach the final direction during the initial turn to minimize the time to travel to the next coin (because ||a + b|| =< ||a||+||b||) or is the input not fine-grained enough to allow reaching the perfect angle right away?
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If a run needs to add arbitrary rules like "no standing in place killing people" it's not a good idea for a run.
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Why not just put in a cheat that shows the ending immediately if you're using cheats at all?
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I'd say for a NBMB run the PAL version should be used, then.
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Nevar forget!
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