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Doesn't ring a bell. I tried getting through the Castlevania and Goonies levels, realized how tough it was (stupid Dracula(s)!), and decided to wait to see your run before going on. *shudder* Moai.
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Moai heads seem to show up all over the place for no explicable reason. And yes. Yes we are eagerly awaiting it. I've played the game and know how tough the dang thing is. Goonies level. *shudder* Those plant things on the ledges... ever try doing that level first? Lotta rerecords to kick/punch those flower...things without falling/taking damage. I'm definitely looking forward to the movie. Shame the sequel sucked, but...meh.
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No, Rockman 3 is SoulBlazer. Oi... It's OBVIOUS, isn't it?
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No, honey, Rockman 6 is called Final Fantasy 3 here.
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Yeah, you guys do one. I suck at this stuff. And anyway, I use VirtuaNES, so it wouldn't get published. c.c; I'm certain the game can be finished well under 15 minutes. After I finished the intro levels and all six that followed, the time was under 11. I gave up on the final stage, though, because it was a hideous bitch goddess. *grumbles*
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You know, I took a shot at this earlier. After browsing through a walkthrough on Gamefaqs and after playing for a bit, I learned the following things. 1) Random Indian Boy (I'll call him Billy) has some of the worst controls ever. Billy likes to slip a pixel or three in either direction when turning, making quick turnarounds pretty much impossible. If a boss is diving at you, you WON'T be getting out of the way. 2) Getting hit sends Billy flying upwards. Only use I've found for this is for scaling the vertical areas. Why slowly jump from Platform A to Platform B just to get to Platform C...when you can let Billy get smacked on A and send him flying straight up to C? Faster, but it certainly cancels plans of a no-hit run. 3) The hit detection blows. His spear is just no good when it comes to bouncing off of the heads of your enemies... or for smacking small enemies. Gotta make sure you hit the attack button just right, as a slight pause will send the rerecord count up one more notch. 4) Descending areas bite. If you run at the edge of a cliff and let go of the d-pad right before you fall off, you'll sorta drift out a few pixels. Seemed to me that when I hit the opposite direction, Billy slips off faster. 5) It's very, very boring to watch when walking through long, flat areas where the only thing you can really do is to jump over enemies. The game doesn't seem like it'd take a LONG time to finish, but it'd certainly be trying on the nerves until you get the feel of the controls in slow motion down. I'll keep plugging away at it when I get bored... but VirtuaNES is still my emulator of choice. Anyone with Famtasia care to take a crack at it? c.c;
Post subject: GB/GBC wishlist
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Yeah, I know. No rerecording emulators have been made yet. And to my knowledge, VBA has no plans on it. But in case it does get implemented - or a different GB/GBC emulator with rerecording pops out of left field - I figured it couldn't hurt to make a third Big o' List. The main trouble is that a LOT of games are ports... or as close as you'd get to one on the Gameboy. >>; And so, without further ado: Alien 3 (Still hoping for NES/SNES runs on this...) Battletoads (Wasn't there an original GB BT game?) A Boy and His Blob - The Rescue of Princess Blobette Castlevania - Legends Castlevania II - Belmont's Revenge The Castlevania Adventure (What is this? 3?) Donkey Kong (Y'know, the remake. Did it have normal levels?) Final Fantasy Adventure (Needs more Seiken) FF Legend 1-3 (Needs more SaGa) Gargoyle's Quest - Ghosts'n Goblins (What the...) Kid Icarus - Of Myths and Monsters (*shudder* The suckage...) Any Kirby game. LoZ: Link's Awakening (Regular or DX Flavor) LoZ: Oracle of Seasons/Ages Rockman World 1 - 5 Megaman Extreme 1 + 2 Metroid II Metal Gear Solid Metal Walker R-Type II The Simpsons - Escape From Camp Deadly The Simpsons - Bart & the Beanstalk Super Mario Land 1 - 3 TMNT 1 - 3 Any Wario Land game To be honest, I never HAD many GB/GBC games. And the ones I did tended to be evil (TMNT 1 ><). I didn't include any Pokemon games, as I figure that even with rerecording, it'd take way too long to beat one to prove interesting. Not that I figure it'll stop someone set on doing it. Anything to add to the list? Couldn't hurt to start planning routes and such, either. Y'know, just in case.
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I don't we'll see any of the Gameboy Zelda games until VBA (or similar) gets rerecording implemented. It'd take a really high level of knowledge and skill to get through the games without slowing down or getting hit and such. Plus all those hideous dancing games in Ages would be a pain without rerecording. At least, I've always had trouble getting them on the first try. ><
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Yeah, just think of all the Gameboy and Gameboy Color games out there for potential runs. Five more Megaman games, three or four Castlevanias, more Zeldas and Marios... etc etc etc. VBA definitely needs rerecording implemented. Unless someone was bored enough to take its code, remove GBA support, and add rerecording THAT way. But let's face it, who's gonna do THAT?
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We sat around testing roms last night. U!, E!, G, J, U(f1), U(f2) and a U(French Trans) didn't work.'s either a different version or a sound problem, most people think. @@; Let us track this guy down and ask him questions! To the Batmobile!
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Hooray for Red Arrimer. >>; *ahem* There's a zsnes movie for the Japanese version, Demon's Blazon, up on zophar, if anyone's interested. I can't remember what ending it goes for from memory, but...*shrug* I'd support a run of the game, though. A full version, the final Gargoyle form and all. As for Gadget and EVO... Gadget...moves strangely. And since enemies tend to pop out of nowhere to knock you silly sometimes, you'd have to work at routes and such. >< And Hat preservation. EVO... would take a loooong, long time to make, though. Why? Because, unless you want people to watch you eat meat for hours on end, you'll have to save/load a LOT to get glowing, special meats for EACH pickup so you can evolve as quickly as you can. Mouth -always- goes first, then speed. At least, that's how I always did it. I remember seeing a Zsnes movie of this, too... somewhere. It was well over two hours, since he basically had to sit around eating small enemies until his jaws were stronger. It was...boring. o_o If you do, I'd say go for the Human form to fight the final boss with. It'd be more impressive, since the Human -blows-.
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o/~ Tobaseee~ tekken, Roketto Panchi~~~ *ahem* Sorry, had to get that outta my system. <3 New versions, yay. You just gave me something extra to watch tonight. Which is very good since Mondays are evil and dumb. o_ov
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I wish someone would rerecord over THIS mistake...
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PKB. Well, kinda. Not so much 'wrong' as 'stupid' in this case. But you get the idea. o_o
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I'm not that desperate. Thanks for the offer, though.
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Just to annoy you, bocephus.
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SteveIrwin wrote:
Croikey, I'll be right theah!
You're in deep now, chuckles. You're gonna be repeatedly poked with sticks of varying lengths while they try determining your gender in the most humiliating way possible.
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Nice use of the underline tags.
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Your dad never hugged you when you were a kid, did he?
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What's that? You say that Timmy fell down the well?
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You bent your Wookiee, didn't you? :(
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Ohh, somebody's feeling grum~pyyyy... I think we need to put you down for a nap, honey. No cookies for you, either. Not until we wash that filthy mouth out with soap.
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As opposed to what? Trolling a speedrun forum? See, guys, this is why inbreeding is baaad. >.>
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Son, you do realize you're insulting yourself with that message since you, as well, are posting in this topic. Do you lack wang?
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I think he's just pissy because someone out there pwned his world record time in Barbie. ;_;
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