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Post subject: Shining Soul 2
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If there was a topic, I missed it. So, what do you goons think? I think it could be an amazingly fast movie if you did things right. Clearly, one of the warrior types would make for the best choice of characters. Probably the generic fighter since he's faster than the dragon is. The main problem is leveling and damage control. You kinda NEED to kill stuff so you can beef up your dude, else you won't be doing damage for crap. It'd be the toughest part of the run, I think. Manipulating for certain drops could be rough, too. I'm only just getting back into the game, so I've forgotten a lot of the stuff I used to know about the game. Anyone else well-versed in the game, or am I gonna need to take this one on solo?
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Gonna watch later when I eat, but that big an improvement is dead sexy. If this is your first entry into the TAS community, I think you're gonna fit in just fine. Legacy's one of my favorite NES games ever, so seeing it beaten even faster is gonna be fun. I'll vote after I watch, but I can already tell it'll be a 'yes.' Edit: And 'Yes' it shall be. The mother's part was especially amusing, just for all the flying. As someone who actually knows the game fairly well and understands how stupid the item drop system is, I can say you pretty much did things as well as you could. I don't think this'll be the last improvement the game will get, and that actually makes me happy. I could see one or two improvements in the future. But for now, this is insanely good, I had a fun time watching, and I fully believe it should replace the current run. Good job!
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Yeah, I'm psyched to see this finally be done, but I'm completely waiting for the AVI. Faaaar less hassle. :3
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Is it possible to beat all four games in Quattro Adventure without resetting? If you can, that'd be a pretty interesting TAS. That and I'm baffled as to how anyone could beat Linus Spacehead. I think a separate rom exists for that one, though. You have no health. One hit and you're brown bread.
Post subject: Remaining Wishlists
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In an attempt to put SOME kind of end to the horrible, horrible mess of Mario-related topics, I'm going to post a list of NES games I'm still hoping to see TASed at some point or another. Rainbow Islands Rampage (Longer than all time, but I know it can be interesting.) Godzilla (So I see someone tried 2. Yeah, that was a mistake. There's a 1 hour long 'walkthrough' vid on youtube, but it's mostly just monster fights.) Kickle Cubicle Alien 3 (Goes doubly for the SNES version, but...) Athena (Coulda sworn someone was taking a crack at it...) Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (So buggy...) Captain Planet Toxic Crusaders Defenders of Dynatron City Fester's Quest (Gotta be in the top 5 hardest games evar) Incredible Crash Dummies (Again, doubly for SNES version.) Solar Jetman - a NON-warp run If Pokemon Pearl weren't eating my soul, I'd kick off work on Godzilla today just to prove it could be made interesting.
Post subject: Alright. What's with the refreshing?
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For a couple months now, both Gens and SNES9x have been... I dunno. The icons on my desktop flicker, as though there was a sudden refresh occurring. I've figured out how to stop it in 9x, but it leaves the picture blurry sort of. In Gens it's always been more noticeable. And it's FASTER in Gens, too. Every second and a half or so, there's a full desktop flicker. And both emulators USED to work just fine with no weird problems. I dunno if anyone on the forums has any idea what I'm talking about or how to fix it, but a little help would be appreciated. ><
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Oh, I want a regular Rampage run. On any of them ;_; If the game wasn't a billion hours/levels long, I'd attempt it myself.
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I just did a brief skim so maybe I glanced past it, but... No one's mentioned Elder Scrolls 1 and 2 yet? Arena's even available for all to enjoy (hah. ""enjoy."") from Bethesda's website. c.c; Can't imagine EITHER would be long if you got someone who knew wtf they were doing.
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The minute anyone does Arena or Daggerfall is the minute I bow in worship. Huzzah, a new frontier!
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Atheist in the middle of the bible belt. Which, to those not knowledged about goofy nicknames of places this country gives itself, is a string of states in the midwest that are packed full of highly religious nutjobs. I am surrounded by Christians. The rest of my family are Christians. And I myself have chosen to not believe word one of it because I don't need a work of fiction dictating to me that stealing and killing are bad. That's common sense and I can guide myself rather than being a sheep, thank you. But yes, the point. Personal beliefs have no business in things like this. His name is fine.
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... God, I hate religious people. Should I continue? Shall I write up a freaking manifesto on how completely ridiculous it is to make a guy change his handle because 'god' is in there? And don't even try telling me it's the whole name that's the problem. Merely the inclusion of 'god' in there that's got a wild hair up your ass. Leave him be. Christ.
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Bisqwit wrote:
This has nothing to do with the movie itself, but I will refuse to have a player entry called "God Hand" on the site. If the player wishes to have a movie published here, he needs to choose another name. (In addition to making an actual publish-worthy movie.)
Coulda been worse. You act like he decided to name himself Christ-Cumbuckets or something. Stupid rules are stupid. Just sayin'.
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I'd comment, but the only roms of the game I can find have fuckoff long intros and the VBA I have has 'skip intros' greyed out so you can't select it. Hence I cannot watch this. Rah.
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EXE 6 would be the best candidate for a TAS alongside 1. The game is mostly dialogue for some baffling reason. And when you DO actually connect to the internet, you're dealing with short areas that are highly easy to manipulate the enemies on. The baffling amount of cutscenes in 6 would lend to a faster TAS. The only trouble, as with all EXE TAS ideas, is the lack of power. You'd need to manipulate battles and the chips FOR the battle so you could get the battle chips you'd want. I cannot imagine that being anything but a colossal pain in the ass.
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Yeah, I'm also calling an hour minimum on this one. I know you can manipulate for glowing super-meat on every enemy you roll up on, so obviously that's where most of your rerecords are going to end up going. That and getting chained bites in. You can bite the everlovin' crap out of the shark boss if you get wedged in there right and have the best jaws. Anyway, best of luck to anyone who tries it. The game is slow as sin even when done quickly. Edit: At 50% speed and getting waaaay too much meat to boost everything, I clocked in at like 10 seconds shy of 10 minutes in world 1. World 2 shouldn't take too long, either. It's just getting a pair of jaws capable of dealing with the first boss. There AREN'T a lot of options at that point. I mean, the first tail is only 100 points and you can shoot down dragonflies after that to help speed crap along... really, you only need enough to get you to the cockroach level. Those things give like 40pts a pop, with glowy meats giving 150. You could build your dude up really fast there. If you forgo powering your defenses up - and let's be honest, why would you in a TAS? - you'll be able to fly like MAD by the end. There's a jumping fin thing that = wings and the best tail also helps. I had the 5000pt body last time I played through and I could ALMOST jump high enough to chow down on the Queen Bee. Might I add - It sucks ASS to sit there manipulating each enemy for glowing meat.
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Ahahaha. No. No idea how to even begin to do it for one. And two, I'm not making the damn TAS. Whoever does might take the idea to heart, but I certainly ain't. I'm not fiddling with the deep inner workings of an emulator to get through dark rooms in a video game.
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Wouldn't know where to even begin with that, chief.
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I tried flipping all the emulator switches I thought would work. I'm pretty sure it's just colored black. As in, that's what it'd look like if you did a rip of everything. Just a honkin' wad of black tiles.
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Hn. Damn you all! XD I got JoyToKey working for the save/load state buttons >:o I did a second attempt at the opening bit. I got a time of 4:55, 10 seconds faster than the first one. If I had ended it at the same point, it would probably be 20 or so faster. But this time I stopped as I was leaving Arcs. There is NO goddamn good, quick way of getting up that little cliff-face without getting tagged by the goblin somehow. I had to hit him friggin' twice and the bastard still recovered and swiped at me. Most of the time saved was inside the cabin basement. I managed to manipulate two of the goblins the hell out my way, but I had to slash the upper one twice to keep him at bay. If Freewebs would stop sucking, I'd up the movie there. But it isn't and I'm too lazy to hit up megaupload or something. Anyway, I'm not entirely sure how to RESUME recording on 9x. I know for VBA you have to start playback with read-only unchecked, then hit tap load-state and you're good to go. That how 9x works too, or is there an easier way? I'm NOT saying I'm gonna do a run, as being tagged by that cliff goblin pisses me off to no end and I feel the whole little chunk of the run suffers because of it. I'm just curious. Edit:
when in the pitch black areas, can't you use either 1-8 to affect the background to light it up somehow?
I wish. I tried all the buttons along the number pad there. It was black no matter which layer I peeled away. :/ There's no underlying textures, it's just a black-ass room. That room alone IS the reason I won't be making the TAS >_> That and my hands ache after a short period of time. ><
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Wha... Well that's weird, so do I. X.x *pokes link* Bad link! Work right! The link's actually fine, you just apparently can't click it from HERE. I AIM'd myself with the link, clicked there, and it worked fine. Not sure why it's being weird here O.o;
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Posts: 384 Good. GRANNY. I never want to see this game again. The final boss has a gimmick where the floor cracks and vanishes on you while you battle. But that isn't it. It was more the Dark Zone bullhonkey. I think it was the lowest room on Floor 3. There are two stairways there. There are, apparently, moving walkways on the whole right half of the room. Because it damn took me over 30 minutes to get to the easternmost stair room. I'm bitter at the game, I don't want to play it again for at LEAST fifty centuries, and I'm thoroughly sick of the color PLATINUM. I hope someone takes up the mantle and does a TAS. And I hope, if that happens, that my maps can be at least SOMEWHAT useful. But I can't do it.
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Another day, another set o' maps. The Ruins are pretty complete. I still dunno if there's even a way into the room next to the one marked 'I' but oh well. The Ice Palace had six damn floors. I did not remember THAT. Floors 4-6 are pretty pathetic, though. The maps aren't 100%'d yet, though. I'll go back later and fill in the missing stuff. But it's finished enough that it got me through really easily. I didn't have any trouble remembering where to go this time. I also should go back and re-number the keys. See, you enter Floor 3 not long after 2. So I didn't know what the final key count on 2 would be. So I just picked a nice round number (10) to use when I started finding keys on 3. Seemed like a good idea at the time. c.c But Droog Volcano? I've only been a few rooms into that dungeon so far. So it'll be a bit different. Hopefully I'll at least get half Droog done today. Edit on an Edit: Droog dealt with. Good god, that was hellish. But in an annoying way. Not a 'god, this is horrendous' way. THAT is what the Platinum Shrine is for. Holy Christ. The Dark Zone. The Dark Zone are rooms that are pitch black. Not like Droog where you can still see outlines of rocks and the walls. No no. This is PURE BLACK. You're left to your own devices to figure out where you're walking. I cannot effing map that. I can't. And it pisses me off because there is a MONSTEROUSLY LARGE ROOM that you HAVE to try getting through to get to a Key. And then, if you have no Warp Gates... back through it you go. The enemies, thankfully, ARE visible. And that helps. But I ran into a problem. I went to Toronto before restocking my items. And there apparently is no item shop there. Not that I found, anyway. ...Meaning I went through the annoying-as-hell worm tunnels, got to the Platinum Shrine, managed to get to the Silence Key, and then had to shut it down (last save state was at the start, just past the tunnels) because I wasn't going to feel my way back through that mess. I need a marked up map of this crap, because uh... yeah, no TAS will be made of this game unless someone works it out. You can't gauge DISTANCE in those room. That's the problem. You just walk in the center-ish of the screen until you stop moving due to a wall or something. ._. I mean, it's doable without knowing where you're going, but it would take a massive amount of rerecords to get through this crap without. And I'm done for the night. Tomorrow I'll go back THROUGH the damned worm holes, WALK back to Arcs, stock up, then WALK back through the bloody path to Toronto, the worm tunnels, and restart the Platinum Shrine from scratch. Christ.
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The enemy spawning thing is weird. Some enemies seem unique in that they don't respawn unless some condition is met. There's a green knight in the Tower that doesn't respawn when you exit and return. In addition, he ALWAYS drops Cheese. X.x; Anyway, I'm gonna bite the bullet and head to the goddamn Ice Palace. For anyone wondering the madness of this crap, the Ruins/Factory had FIFTEEN KEYS. The second dungeon had a lot of locked doors. There are also two areas in floor 4 of the Ruins that baffles me. There's an empty corridor of void space that has no connections to any other area, and then there's that bigass room down towards the bottom with no entrance. Oi...
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The maps for the Factory/Ruins are driving me insane. There are several special spots you can fall where you'll end up in a room you can't otherwise access on the floor below you. Well, that's fine and dandy and all, and I got all the drops from 4 to 3 (I think ._.) found. But 3 to 2 is driving me batty. I found the first one there, it was a simple matter of walking off the edge straight out. But I cannot for the life of me figure out where I need to fall to get into the room NEXT to it on floor 2! >< I've fallen in all the most suspicious places in the area and still no go! I can't leave this infernal place until the maps are complete. And dammit, there is still a spot left. Then I think I'll have everything. After that I just need to double check a room on Floor 1 that you access via hidden stairs. There's nothing written so I dunno if it was just empty or what. I really should make notes like that. Help me out here, guys, I wanna move on to the Ice Palace. ...Never thought I'd say THAT. Edit: There's the second floor. The room I'm trying to access is the one next to the room marked 'I'. As you can see, there's no real way to match up where you might jump on a floor and where you could end up. I figured I'd have to fall somewhere near the entrance stairs on 3 to get to room I. But nope. xx Ach...this is no fun.
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I clearly suck. I can't get this outta my head. >< I may yet work out something. Yar. But this time I'm going through and giving myself an advantage: I'm taking the in-game maps (via X-Ray Goggles) and editing them to be easier to read. I'll know where every damned chest is, where I should and shouldn't go, etc etc. I may end up writing a bloody walkthrough for the game just to go with these. The next version needs a guide to locked doors. Then I can specialize the maps to grey out all areas I don't need to visit and just highlight everywhere I DO. *bangs head on desk* Oh man... On the up side, the Foundation Jade is quite useful. It's nice having a proper companion to the Power Jade. I won't NEED the damn Life Jade with the Foundation Jade boosting my defense. In my first run through the tower, I got the Power Jade up to 5, which is ridiculous in and of itself since you need a certain enemy drop X amount of times to level them up. With a Drop of Protect and a Source of Power, I beat the giant roach boss ridiculously fast. I think my time there was around 55 minutes with massive exploration. I'm only on the third floor yet (I did this ass-backwards, doing maps for F3 and F4 first ><) but I can't imagine my time this time being slower. Also, I've thought of a painfully easy way to avoid backtracking to Arcs after I get the Crimson Jade + Heart - I just need to buy a Warp Gate before leaving town. The time it takes to purchase and use is MUCH faster than friggin' walking back. I feel completely stupid for not doing that the FIRST time. So maybe this isn't dead yet after all. Edit: 39 minutes that time, and that's STILL with exploring every room and getting every chest. The thing is, I pretty much need to NOT avoid enemies. I dunno how much I can manipulate enemies to drop the Jade power-up orbs, but if it's possible, I could theoretically max out the Power Jade by the time I beat the roach. Foundation Jade is a lazy bastard and won't go after the orbs. >:o So I dunno what I'm-a do about that. Edit: Just doing a regular playthrough without savestates or slowdown, I got a time of 28 minutes. It wasn't pretty, though. Here, take a look: I died twice, but both times ended up helping the run. The first time I die is because I forgot the damn disappearing floor room was there. When you die in BL, your money is halved. Which doesn't really make a difference in a TAS. I'm gonna be low on EVERYTHING. The second death was in the 4th floor. I had two ticks of life left and I wanted to get both chests on the floor. I needed the eastern one for the Sky Room Key. I needed the southern one DESPERATELY because it was a Heart. Sure enough, I need it. It and the cheese that's always dropped by the large, green Knight (there are set drops on certain enemies. The apple from the blue flying thing when I'm en route to the Tower, ie) and the Heart were both needed to keep me alive during the roach fight. Usually I have a Drop of Protect and Source of Power to keep me safe and end the fight. Not here, though. Thing is, I can't even map out where the easiest-to-get versions of those are. The time it would take to acquire the items would cancel out the help they would give during the boss fight. ._. Anyway, I'm sure the time can be taken down by minutes still. I don't think it'll ever hit 20, but I've been surprised before.
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