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It's been two weeks since the ips was released. There's already a TAS work on the hack: (not my work). You can look through it to see what the hack looks like. I've teamed up with ISM to work on the projects, and we're now at the fourth level. We're using snes9x 1.43 to make this run, but since our first purpose is to provide our work to nico community, there would be no problem perhaps.
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kaizoman666 wrote:
Download has been put up here.
The patch was updated. You can get it from the same link.
>新ステージを2つ追加 >「うめだちかがい」の通常クリアの難易度を大幅に下方修正 >「うめだちかがい」に鍵クリアを追加 >「じごく」「てんごく」「クッパじょう きょうとほんぶ」のマップを調整
It reads: > Added two extra levels > Change the difficulty of the normal exit of the first extra level "うめだちかがい" > Added a secret exit in "うめだちかがい" > Change the level design of the 8th, 9th and 10th levels ("じごく", "てんごく", and "クッパじょう きょうとほんぶ")
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VIP Mario 3, "almost capeless and yoshiless" All exits Super Mario World: The Second Reality Project 2, any% In case these projects come to a period. Progress is still not satisfactory and also I'm not sure now if I'll submit them (or if they'll end up with good quality).
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自作の改造マリオを友人にプレイさせる 第三作 (Kaizo 3) Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Final. For all kaizo freaks. The legend comes back! I'll start working on this hack as soon as the patch is released. I can't wait the next video. :D ----- All parts have been released.
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Post subject: 速度の解析
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ニコニコ動画に投稿されていた殲滅TASで問題となっている「最高速度の減少」について少し調べてみました。 このほかの現象については解析を行っていませんのでご了承ください。 以下は動画の投稿者コメントからの抜粋です。
ただし、素足は75 -> 73、スケボーは81 -> 80で下げ止まります
まず、このゲームにおける(横)速度処理についてです。 主人公の速度は $05A4, $0DA4, $15A4, $1DA4 の4箇所に格納されていて、お互いにミラーの役割を果たしていると思われます。 速度を監視する上ではいずれか一つを見れば十分でしょう。 主人公の加速度は、地上で3、空中で1と、処理が微妙に違います。 主人公の最高速度(あるいは加速度の方向)は、ある一定の条件のもとで制御されています。 以下では、徒歩時とスケボー時の2つの場合に、最高速度がどのように振る舞うか述べていきたいと思います。 1. 徒歩時 最初にBボタンを押さずに右ボタンを押している状況を考えます。 この状況下では、主人公の速度が48以下のとき加速度はプラス方向に働き、速度が49のとき加速度は働かず、速度が50以上のとき加速度はマイナス方向に働きます。 次にBボタンと右ボタンのどちらも押している状況では、速度が72以下のとき加速度がプラス方向に働き、速度が73以上であれば加速度は働きません。 2. スケボー時 基本的な挙動は徒歩時と変わりません。 Bを押さずに右だけ押している場合、速度が72以下のとき加速度がプラス方向に働き、速度が73のとき加速度は働かず、速度74以上なら加速度はマイナス方向に働きます。 Bと右を押していれば、速度が79以下なら加速度はプラス方向に働き、速度が80以上であれば加速度は働きません。 これらを踏まえた上で、最高速度の目減りを考察してみましょう。 簡単のため徒歩時のみ考えます。 主人公の初期速度は0なので、最高速度に達するまでジャンプしなければ、最高速度は75となります(75は3の倍数)。 また、空中で攻撃するというのは、1フレームBを離すことに相当します。 つまり、速度75の状態で空中で攻撃すると、上の解析にしたがって速度は1下がり74となり、この値より増えることはありません。 速度74の状態からもう一度空中で攻撃を行うと、更に速度は1つ減少し、73となります。 ただし、速度73で空中攻撃を行うと、一瞬速度が72になりますが、72のときは加速度がプラス方向に働くので、速度はすぐに73に戻ります。 これが最高速度の目減りの原理です。 この目減り現象は、空中での加速度が1であることによるものだと言うことができます。 それはつまり、空中で失った速度を、空中で取り返せるようなシステムになっていないということです。 しかし逆に、このシステムを利用することで常に最高速度の75(スケボー時なら82)を得ることもできます。 徒歩時で言えば、着地直前に減速して、着地時の速度が72になるように調整します。 この直後に得られる加速度は地上での加速度なので、速度が3増えて75になります。 スケボー時には着地時の速度が79になるように調整すれば、最高速度の82を得られます。
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Post subject: FC 高橋名人の冒険島 (Adventure Island)
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ここは、FCソフト「高橋名人の冒険島」、またはそのTASについて語り合うトピックです。 英語トピックはこちら。 分からないことを質問したり、解析結果をまとめたり、ちょっとしたことでもここで話題になればと思います。
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Post subject: Re: Millennium Prize Problem Solved
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amaurea wrote:
Mister wrote:
Looking through two movies (and ISM's), I came to the conclusion that Panga did actually save a frame in entering the pipe over ISM, despite his loss from lag. So all I did is to imitate Panga's pipe entry. Caution from me: Do not overestimate the comparison lua script. It wouldn't always provide informations we need. We sometimes have to run two (or three) emulators and compare two movies by our eyes with detailed data.
Ouch, it sounds like you've been stuck for a long while debugging a problem that turned out to be a bug in my script. Sorry about that. This may be fixable, though, if you can provide a few examples where it happens. I tried to make it frame-accurate, but my level of testing was far less than the level of scrutiny you have been giving it.
Uhh sorry, I didn't mean that. To tell the truth I haven't used the comparison script but I've seen a few times they get stuck because of some problems. I'm not sure what kind of problems make them lose their ways. I would guess it's partially because the script doesn't exactly tell us a subtle difference, coming from frame-by-frame detailed data, such as ghosts' subpositions, speeds, momentum, lag frames, etc, which we still need if we want to find out the reason of such a difference. Of course I know that the screen is too small to exhibit all those data at one time.
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Post subject: Millennium Prize Problem Solved
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bahamete wrote:
I'll post here because we're at a loss. Before I ask the question, I'll tell you we're 199 frames ahead of ISM's run so far by Donut Plains 4. We haven't compared to Fabian yet. We got to dp4 or so when I decided to go back and redo the entertainment of dp2b. Then it was realised by Mister that PangaeaPanga got a lag frame while in the level by mistake. Despite this, we go through the pipe at the same time as ISM, and if I remove the lag frame we still go through the pipe at the same time. This is confusing enough for me. After removing the lag frame and redoing the key room, there is some frame rule on the overworld which puts us a frame behind ISM, meaning despite saving the lag frame, we enter GSP a frame later than the run with the lag frame. I'll have to apologize for poor wording. Here are the runs (obviously if you don't want the run spoiled don't watch them): Run without lag Run with lag, the lag frame is at 23755 or so. Please help us understand if you can. Edit: In the microstorage descriptions, I meant dp2b.
Problem solved. Looking through two movies (and ISM's), I came to the conclusion that Panga did actually save a frame in entering the pipe over ISM, despite his loss from lag. So all I did is to imitate Panga's pipe entry. Caution from me: Do not overestimate the comparison lua script. It wouldn't always provide informations we need. We sometimes have to run two (or three) emulators and compare two movies by our eyes with detailed data. By the way, the key room break of dp2b is awesome. :D
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Radiant wrote:
HappyLee wrote:
There are hacks like Item Abuse and VIP series that are way more well-designed than this one, and their TASes looks very amazing.
Could you give us a link to these TASes, so that those of us less versed in SMB editing can look at the difference?
VIP runs are summarized in these posts Post #224083, Post #239235, or its thread. ------ As for the submission, I enjoyed the run so much because I'm one of numerous fans of the original kaizo playing videos which won a high popularity in nicovideo. It's no exaggeration to say that the kaizo TASes are some of the runs which made TAS movies so popular in niconico. This run is really well made, and the historical background (described above) also gives it a great significance. I think, however, that Nach's point on the kaizo 2 submission applies to this run as well. There are lots of hacks with better design to be published which carry more TASing-oriented potential. I'm just hoping for young TASers to work on non-kaizo hacks. I don't mean it's bad to work on kaizo hacks. They sometimes provide us crazy ideas which rarely occur while TASing non-kaizo ones, and they improve our skills widely. For example my knowledge fostered in the work of various hacks (including kaizo 2!) has been applied to smw any%. I really want to recommend the authors to take their excellent abilities into a new stage. Voted no.
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Wow, I'll take a look later. Also you may want to go to Thread #6483: to check older works on this site.
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Amaraticando wrote:
The game resources' description is quite confusing and simplist. The duplication doesn't depend only on the position of the block and the coordinates of the projectile at the instance Mario throws it. For instance, it seems that Mario's position also interferes. I am not very sure of the exact conditions, but the image shows (a bit) the distance you should throw the shell... (img)
You're half right. The position of an item you hold depends on mario's position of course, so mario's position does interfere implicitly. But once you give the item a correct y-subposition, to control the item's position would be equivalent to controlling mario's position. Any condition on mario's position is superfluous and thus omitted from the description.
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GC / Will のとこにもあったので一応リンクを。 GC / Wii: GamesNew Super Mario Bros. Wii. x座標とy座標についてはrogさんが調査されているようです。
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Post subject: Re: Helllo, where can I learn something about SMW Item Changing?
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jlun2 wrote:
LYF wrote:
What's RT? Here's a page that documents some glitches in SMW. Here's a post about yoshi eating nothing, which can change mario's status. Here's a post about triggering the credits early using the above glitch. Hope that helps.
Links fixed. Thanks jlun2, these pages do help understanding itemswap-related stuff.
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Amaraticando wrote:
And you could have saved a frame, by pressing "select" at the introduction, instead of "A">"B">"A">etc.
I tested that, but strange frame rule prevents us from saving a frame. I now feel that most of our know-how to handle something like frame rule or lag management, is more or less useless on 1.51...
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Here is a "fastest game over" run. :3 EDIT: I forgot to vote. I see through this run no effort, no entertainment, and no surprise. It's just because of the bad goal choice. No vote, sorry.
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CoolKirby wrote:
I think you missed Kirkq's question, and since I was wondering about it too, I'll echo it here: Why is this a playaround instead of a speedrun? Also, the battles were the most interesting part of the run. I liked that you and your friends took no damage for the entire run. However, the battle strategies got repetitive, and I was wondering...could anything have been done to make each battle different so the run would be more entertaining?
Here is a quick translation for the convenience: Kirkqの質問(私もこの点が気になっていたのですが)をスルーしているようなので、再掲しておきます。なぜ speedrun ではなく playaround なのでしょう? また、戦闘部分がこのTASにおける見せ場となっていると思います。全体を通してノーダメージだというところは気に入っているのですが、戦闘における戦術がただの繰り返しになっているように見えます。何か他の要素によって各戦闘にもう少しバリエーションを加えることで、全体をより面白くすることはできなかったのでしょうか?
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The "All Dungeons" has been attempted by Yuzuhara_3: nico (account) part 1 part 2 part 3 nico (free) part 1 part 2 part 3 Length: 1:02:13, Frames: 223980, Rerecord count: 251251
  • Clears all dungeons and beats Ganon
  • Uses SRAM (only to skip the intro)
  • Abuses glitches
  • Requires each dungeon to be cleared after entering there from the normal entrance (to avoid an unexpected crash and to set the goal to "clearing dungeons")
Detailed description can be found as the "uploader's comment" in the video, which is however written in Japanese. Maybe a youtube encode (and the movie file) will be coming in the near future.
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dnnzao wrote:
To tell you the truth, I'm faster than ism on the project I restarted, for about 50 or 40 frames...
With what improvement? There are already a few known improvements even in yoshi's island (as we see in the recently obsoleted any%) so it's no wonder that you beat ISM's wip. Or if you beat his wip at other places that would be great.
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ニコニコ動画に投稿(されていた方だと思うので日本語で失礼いたします。 Wiki: MovieRules日本語訳)はお読みになりましたか?
Cheat-keys, debugging codes and arcade continues are not allowed 隠しコマンドやデバッグコードやアーケードにおけるコンティニューは許容されていません
と書かれていると思います。隠しコマンドなどを利用したものも勿論立派なTAS動画なのですが、残念ながらこのサイトの基準にはそぐわないものとなっています。 隠しコマンド使用とはいえ、2フレームでの入力終了には驚かされました。次回作に期待しますね! --- I guess you are the guy who uploaded its encode on nicovideo. Well, I'm gonna post in Japanese. Have you read through Wiki: MovieRules (ja)? Your movie is against the rules of this site, though it is actually a TAS movie. Anyway, I'm surprised at 2-frame end-input. I'm looking forward to seeing your next work!
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Post subject: Game Resources の日本語化/ja-translation
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SMWの各種トリック/バグについては Wiki: GameResources/SNES/SuperMarioWorld.html にてある程度解説されていますが、日本語による記述はISMによる記事しか存在しませんでした。ISMの記事ではやや突っ込んだ内容まで解説されていますが、全てのテクニックが解説されているわけではなく、いまだ発展途上と言える状態です。そんな中、shikipaRiKoが Game Resources の日本語化を進めていることを知ったので、こちらにも周知させてもらおうと思った次第です。何か手伝えていけたらいいなーと。 ゆくゆくは日本語ページを作るということも視野に入れられると思いますが、なにぶんこのサイトは英語用にデザインされているため、日本語の文章はやや行間が詰まって見えるのが難点だと言えます。デザインの話は二の次ですけどね! So I wonder if the site can have a ja-page (or a ja-section in a page) with more space left between the lines.
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Post subject: level descriptions of worlds 1-3
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The following is a description for the rest of the latest wip. It might not be very accurate because Worlds 1-3 were finished two years ago. This is an any% run of TSRP2, using no eat-chuck glitch. The glitch can be done in Green Yalley to get a goal sphere, which enables us to get the normal exit in Mario Castle and takes us to the final world. See bahamete's post for his demo and opinion. I think it's fair enough to exclude this glitch so then I can show off half this hack. Besides, I avoid any cornerclips that would be used only for getting a few pixels of boost. Flying through levels is too boring to save only a few frames. Level-by-level comments World 1 Mario Castle This level looks very short? Yeah, that is indeed a secret exit, and the normal exit leads to the final world and requires that the Green Switch be activated. Let's go on a long journey to the Green Switch Palace, Power Supply! Goomba Garden Non-caped run is looking really good. At the walljump part, we have to leave some takeoff meter in order for the screen to scroll. That is why I 6/5'ed there. Goomba Cave I think that shell jumping is one of the specific tricks to a non-caped run. It is not too much to say that clever use of shell jumping determines a large proportion of its quality. I leave its full potential to restricted runs, such as small-only or almost-capeless. Monty Mountain Now we get a cape. Don't worry, it won't ruin the entertainment value very much. There would be many cape-related techniques performed throughout this run, some of which could be seen nowhere else. The vertical map (upward) is arduous to optimize well. How-to tips: manage takeoff meter carefully, and especially take care of what timing you jump and whether you refresh it or not at jumps. Green Yalley I try to avoid flying through levels as long as possible, unless I lose time, and to put full of variety into this run. I hope you like it. Kameks Magic Castle There are lots of flying techniques demonstrated in this level, which we may often encounter when optimizing flying levels. And the first boss fight! World 2 Hedgehog Hill Nothing special. I'm sorry to have shown the sonic level not much. Forest Waterway Before starting to fly at the beginning, the cape floating timer is manipulated over the small pit, which allows us to limit p-jump to smaller height. It won't hurt you to keep this technique in mind. Do not forget to get boost from a raft. The Lost Woods Nothing special. Neo Aquaria It is a shame that I made an obvious mistake at the swimming part. I should have broken the right next block. I am not sure why I did not do so, but possibly the flame could have hindered me from doing. Temple of Doom We need a shell throughout the fourth room because of the water layer, and only fireballs can break red blocks there, while they also burn shells. This can be avoided by 1/1-like inputs, since it is every other frame that a shell can be hit. I think that this red block obstruction is one of the main gimmicks that distinguish this run from other smw and sdw runs. A Colourful Night Mario flies under the level to keep his eyes from getting hurt in a colorful level. Construction Site World 2 is missing a boss, apparently. He must have run away from mario. You watched the last level before? Yeah, it's Goomba Garden of World 1 you know. This break actually saves only a little time. Cornerclipping plus downward zipping is pretty useful, for example, for escaping out of a closed room. World 3 There are two possible OW paths in World 3, branched at Rice Beach:
  • Rice Beach -> Banzai Bill Journey -> Beach Party -> Midnight Canyon -> Shyguy's Beach
  • Rice beach -> Mysterious Pyramid -> Extra #3 -> Shyguy's Beach
The first path contains two auto-scrolling maps, while the second only has two "short" levels. It is obvious that taking the second path is much faster. Buzzy's Slime Cave Mario flies under the level because he is reluctant to get his skin rough from watery slime. It is too costly to use it. Koopa Cliff It looks not so good. I wish I could have made it better. Rice Beach A key exit is so exciting huh! Mysterious Pyramid There exists an invisible wall, as well as a large pit leading to another map, in front of the goal. That is because I fly under the ground. Extra #3 Mario says, "What's that sphere, I wonder." Shyguy's Beach It is necessary for the screen to scroll high enough to go above the pipes. The Desert This level has one of the coolest breaks in this run. Cloning a block onto mario pushes him into the wall then gives rise to a downward zipping. The first map is also well performed I think. Devil's Rock The second, er the third boss. It is good fun performing such a boss fight.
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Post subject: youtube encode
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Thank you for your comments. I'm really motivated. :) By the way I made a youtube encode so it's now more accessible: Link to video
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Post subject: World 5 finished
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I've finished World 5. That was quite a tough world to tas as you can see from rerecord count. :p World 5 Cheese Building #2 has a secret exit, so there are two possible routes in world 5:
  • Cheese Building #2 -> Koopa Hill #1 -> Koopa Hill #2 -> Nebula Ruins
  • Cheese Building #2 -> On and Off Cheese -> Extra #4 -> Nebula Ruins
Though Extra #4 is a very short level, it's rather costly to go to the secret exit of CB2, because then we are required to go to a long watery level. Thus the first route is a little faster. Cheese Building #1 When you look at the map of this level, you would first consider how to escape from the small room made out of activated blue blocks after switching on/off. Using the door is too costly. This is solved by the activated blue blocks ejecting mario downwards; (de)activation of blocks has a few frames of delay. Thanks to bahamete for suggesting a cornerclip at the beginning. Cheese Building #2 Trivial break. Koopa Hill #1 Here comes an autoscrolling level. Nothing special other than keeping flight through the door to the last room. Koopa Hill #2 There are two enterable pipes in the first room; the left one leads to the second room that has a usual exit; the right can be entered only when the Red Switch activated (this is not the case with tool-assistance), and leads to the extra room containing a yoshi and yoshi wing as well as a pipe connected to the same exit as the left pipe explained above. Going to a yoshi wing level is about 600 frames faster than entering to the pipe in the extra room, and 1200 frames than the left pipe in the first room. In the yoshi wing level, I performed a cornerclip then downward zipping to escape from the screen. Though it looks nice, I wish there were a more convenient place to do that at. I have to mention that I couldn't make double yoshi spawning to work. He just grows twice, and there is no motion shortened. I have no idea why, but it might be because of the hack difference. Nebula Ruins This hack forbids yoshi to be taken to another level, so we can rarely perform a dragon coin glitch to save time. Now this is the first level where it is available. I love to see smooth block duplication. :P Mushroom Tower It's very arduous to optimize each room. The first one contains lots of lag makers; the second requires careful height management; p-running at the beginning of the fourth room is too costly to avoid bring take-off meter to this room; in the fifth room, I managed to remove all lag frames in spite of many lag makers and also I had a narrow escape from touching the water layer. Crazy Castle The wind blowing downward, it may be thought impossible to fly over the wall at the entrance. But it is in fact possible, because the wall is missing a block at the top. This means that the following three boring rooms can be skipped. The highlight of this level is the pinball-like map. There are consecutive three turn blocks, which don't rotate but turn into used blocks when getting hit. In addition, the consecutive two gray bricks are safe from being broken while a blue p-switch activated. These two obstructions make the situation more complicated, but things finally work in my/our favor. A gray p-switch is used to avoid munchers, and blue ones are used to boost through ceilings. A part of the strategy is ISM's idea. I made an effort toward an ecologic boss fight. The word "エコ" means "eco" = ecology or ecologic. And... I was live streaming almost all works in World 5 on Stickam Japan. Thanks to pirohiko, bahamete and ISM among others for showing their interest. And also thank you guys for your patience to read this long description. Have fun! :)
Retired because of that deletion event. Projects (WIP RIP): VIP3 all-exits "almost capeless yoshiless", VIP2 all-exits, TSRP2 "normal run"
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Location: Japan, Sapporo
dnnzao wrote:
I'm only posting here because me, mro and gbreeze started a 96-exits some time ago (before they started). We're not using Chuck Eat glitch, Stun Sprite glitch but we're using the yoshi's coin to get a yoshi's wing exit. We're doing pretty much using ISM's strategies for the levels. Except for YI2, and funky will be a HUGE problem. Only concern is that we ware making progress, then I decided to re-do YI2, YI3, Iggy's Castle, Donut Secret and Green Palace because they could be a little faster. And with that, mro is getting tired of TASing. I'm gonna post a WIP tonight, but expect changes on YI2, YI3, Iggy's Castle, Donut Secret and Green Palace, because, like I said, we're redoing them.
Nice work dnnzao. Why did you guys do dp1b and ds1b first? That backtracking from dsh to dp1 looks superfluous, because they can be done with smaller amount of backtracking on the second path following special world.
Retired because of that deletion event. Projects (WIP RIP): VIP3 all-exits "almost capeless yoshiless", VIP2 all-exits, TSRP2 "normal run"
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player (172)
Joined: 12/28/2007
Posts: 235
Location: Japan, Sapporo
I finished Cheese Building #2 yesterday and I release a wip since the next level is a long autoscroller which I think will take me almost a week to finish. Cheese Building #1 When you look at the map of this level, you would first consider how to escape from the small room made out of activated blue blocks after switching on/off. Using the door is too costly. This is solved by the activated blue blocks ejecting mario downwards; (de)activation of blocks has a few frames of delay. Thanks to bahamete for suggesting a cornerclip at the beginning. Cheese Building #2 Trivial break. Route Planning Cheese Building #2 has a secret exit, so there are two possible routes in world 5:
  • Cheese Building #2 -> Koopa Hill #1 -> Koopa Hill #2 -> Nebula Ruins
  • Cheese Building #2 -> On and Off Cheese -> Extra #4 -> Nebula Ruins
The secret exit, however, cannot be done without the blue switch activated and obviously it's too costly to go to Blue Switch Area. Thus the route (a) wins. EDIT: I'd overlooked a way to perform downwards zipping which allows me to get to the secret exit, and I tested the secret route. According to testruns, the normal route is 350 frames faster than the secret route, while the testrun of the latter seems impossible to be optimized by 400 frames or more. Thus it is concluded that the route (a) still wins.
Retired because of that deletion event. Projects (WIP RIP): VIP3 all-exits "almost capeless yoshiless", VIP2 all-exits, TSRP2 "normal run"
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