Posts for Mlandry

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well Fabianx, knowing Viper, when he reads the message board again he will have found a way already most likely. Or he tried for hours and went crazy =) P.S : entering the places at the exact frames Volkov or Alexis had might be worth checking , they might of had a special reason to be slower then you =)
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cool , i remember i hated playing this game now i get to watch it being beaten! and i thought that was impossible =p
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hehe wow i never expected you would do all those levels again just for a few frames =p your almost halfway there ! goodjob on your work up to date
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Mazzic, usually if u read the thread progress 1 frame improvements usually cause the movie to desynch unless u let a few frames pass
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I remember omega and shinryuu, i just beat them like any other boss, with coin toss i think ( 4x samurai )
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nice to see an RPG run going so quickly =D even if its just a trial version this is alot of fun to watch
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do you plan on getting the chicken knife? its a small detour but since you'll be running away most of the game it should be really helpful for later bosses
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Tilus : for the prison, I think you should escape from it instead of waiting eventually, you WILL need levels, this will help you to reduce fights later on ( by a little bit at least , incase you really need a level up for a boss you cant beat, youll be able to get it on the way instead of having to fight several times in a row ) and you might get a level with Crono for the tank fight? I dont think you would lose a lot of time, and we probably will notice it less since your not just waiting
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oh sorry, i read Boco's comment then went to watch what was started of the run, guess i forgot it =/
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i was just wondering, when you fight the 3 bats in the cave, you kill 1 with bart, 1 with lena/garuf but then you attack the last 1 with lena then kill it with bart. Wouldn't it be faster to have bart kill it in 1 hit so to save the time lena takes to attack?
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I think you should continue a run like your doing, but a test run at 1st would probably be a good idea if you consider how many things can be changed in the entire movie by the time you end the game you'll probably be insane, and with a test movie you can pick up a lot of small tricks that will help you if you choose to make a perfect one test movie means trying to be perfect but if you spot a mistake that you did 15 mins of movie ago thats not much you let it slide..
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Jyzero wrote:
AAAAAAAAAAARRRGH ! You're right I will correct this in the final version. (Which I can't start until the next release of Snes9x)
you mean your gonna start the whole movie again once a new version of Snes9x is released? or do you mean you will hex-edit it?
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heh this is one of my favorite games, good luck with your run, hopefully u dont go insane while making it , because i know RPGs are damn long =p
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if you dont want to revive crono and still have a pretty powerful tech, magus with lucca and robot have a damn good tech. i know you need one of those stones or ring to use it though, so dont know if you could get it early or only in the black omen
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well to make one of the few on topic posts, I would love to see a speedrun of the starcraft campaigns, but it cant be manipulated as far as i know if you exclude cheating, obviously. So it would be more of a SDA type of run, not a tool-assisted one =p but the campaign is pretty cool, and even without the most part of the story ( between maps ) it would be nice to see
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if your not sure just beat level 5 without recording and go check in level6 if its out of the way of in your path
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heh i play in draw 1 / score off, but my best time is 47 secs, and 48 is my 2nd best ( that i can remember anyways, i usually dont check my time so i probably did better before =/ )... i usually do it in 55-60 seconds i havent tried in draw 3, but its probably faster IF you get a good draw and can clear 3 cards a lot faster then 1,click,1click, etc. But then again slower with a bad hand..
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Phil wrote:
A very good game but I think it will take too much time.
Bob Whoops wrote:
Is this game in German? If so, is there an English patch?
It is a japanese strategic game like Shining Force.
true its a bit long, i think 18 stages... and bob, yes there's an english patch
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Locke wrote:
ooh, that last comment gave me another question. If you do have bramble, and then select your paladin's level 3 thorns, do you get the level 3 thorns, or the level 15-21 thorns from the armor. Or is it whever one was running first, like when 2 paladins are using the same aura?
most likely the lvl 3 aura, but i never tried it... i might have to heh btw, a good idea if u gonna make a might merc is get bramble,doom, and some helm that gives an other aura ( although im not thinking of any right now, so there might be none ) .. then u'd have 3-4 auras just with your merc, so that would help a lot
Post subject: Der Langrisser
Experienced Forum User
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I was wondering if anyone ever thought of doing a speedrun for this ? its kind of an ogre battle type of game, except IMO, much better. Im pretty sure this could be a good game to speedrun, but it could become hard if u dont level a bit... also at one point of the game you have to choice to be evil or good, and im pretty sure good is easier, because if you go evil you have to fight basicly all of the allies u had, which are damn strong. anyways, if no one wants to , i might try to speed run it.. but thats not probable..
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Maybe Shenmoue (spelling) ? I never really got far in this game and it would be pretty cool to see a speedrun for it i think. Im pretty sure u dont need to level up or that sort of stuff in this game, so it would be pretty interesting. Anyone who knows more about the game could maybe help with routes or confirm if this would actually be speedrun-able
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so TSA, did u decide if u were gonna try a speedrun for this?
Post subject: Zelda, Oracle of Ages / Seasons
Experienced Forum User
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i dont think this has ever been mentionned for a speedrun, but i think you could do interesting things with this. If your going for pure speedrun, then like all zelda games it would be entertaining, and u could also do a 100% run with both games (because theres some items that u need to have beaten both games to get or something like that ) , although im not sure how this would work on an emulator.. any thoughts? or if there is a run of this and i just never heard of it let me know
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well, you can beat the game on new game+ without gaining a single level with Yuna, and only one with Paine and Rikku... that woudlnt be much of a speed run though, but what u can do is just use triple dark knight with darkness and some crystal bangles ( not sure of name , but it boosts life a whole lot ) and just own everything, of u can use the item trema drops and that double all item to get godlike characters in all... you have a lot of options for a quick run, but i would be more interested in a 7-8-8 run.. ( theres a guide on gamefaqs on how to get no levels except @ start if u want
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that was a pretty sweet run, but for a few months, i think ive seen enough metroid speedruns ... GJ though oh and , wtf are the people gamefaqs bitching about, they seperate timeattacks ( emulator ) from console runs ( well, arc does, bisquit doesnt i think )
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