Posts for Mukki

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A run of this awesome game is long overdue so it's great that you took the time to make one. The run itself looked good so I don't mind yesifying this submission.
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It's Mega Man. It's Shinryuu. It's awesome. Nuff said. Yes vote.
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This one hasn't been said yet, #19. The Revenge of Shinobi Bleh, 20% first time through...
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I'll try over the next few days to go through my movie and make a table of frame counts and save states to make testing and comparison easier. It's something I started a few months ago but never got very far... I don't think I'll get as much as 5 -10 mins unless, of course, we can glitch into a boss chamber. This game is pretty maxed out and a sub 2:10 would surprise me.
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mwl wrote:
Also, are you going to be the one doing this or just are we just throwing out ideas for the future runner, whoever that may be?
I think it'll be good fun to plan and discuss even though it's unlikely that anyone will ever do it, count me in. Dragorn's run is very old. It was posted soon after the current any% which my modern TAS is well over an hour faster than so it'll be interesting to see just how fast a 100% run will be. Also, can anyone upload a copy of Dragorn's route? I've been looking for it for a few days and can't find it. It's probably still the best starting point. Even though there are a lot of new tricks I don't think a new 100% route will be as fundamentally different as the new any% was. Mainly because the hover glitch skips so much that we'll be needing. Petrie, since you mentioned any%, do you expect that the v2 route will be very different? The only real new discovery is the grotto glitch, but because warping to Deku Palace skips the bottle I'd be surprised if it saves any time at all. I plan to start recording at the start of June when my uni exams are done so I'd like to put pen to paper for the new any% route now if there is changes to be made.
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CF: Yes you can. You can hover all the way to the top of the tower from a thatched stall (or the small wooden tower) and drop into the loading zone, but it uses a lot of explosives. I also remember hearing that it's possible to goron bomb jump over the door into the loading zone, however it requires great precision. I haven't tried it yet though...
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I agree that it is now a trivial feat. However, I think it should be altered rather than be removed entirely. Instead of saying "One player controls two characters" it should read something along the lines of "Two-player movie". This would still be a useful tag to those unfamiliar with the game because it is not always immeadiately obvious that the run is two playered. This would bring it more in line with the "Manipulates Luck" or "Abuses Programming Errors" because to those unfamiliar with the game it is not immeadiately obvious that glitches have been used or luck has been manipulated.
Post subject: Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko
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A while ago someone suggested that I look at this game. Over the last few months I've formulated what I believe to be an optimal route through the game, recorded a test run and have recently begun the TAS. The first 7 remotes. I estimate that this game can be beaten in just under an hour which, if you know this game, is incredible. Basically, I'm posting this for some feedback on whether or not this project is worth my time. Would anyone be interested in a TAS of this game? Pros - All the levels are different and the themes are more interesting than Gex 64 - The graphics are better. Cons - The 16 direction thing isn't completely fixed meaning that some areas look sloppy. - Is one hour too long for what this game offers?
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Nice. 59 frames in more than I thought was possible for this game. Bowser is easily my favourite boss battle on the site and it's good to see that it's still awesome. Pleased to vote yes.
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Between November '06 and May '07 I spent between 3 and 6 hours per day TASing Majora's Mask. I made an effort to do at least something every day to keep the game fresh in my mind. In April and May I slacked off a little and was probably only averaging 15-20 hours TASing per week. Between June '07 and the submission I made a huge push to get the run completed. My shifts at work were switched to early morning meaning that I had afternoons and evenings free and I'd finished school for the year so I had more free days. During this period I was TASing 8 hours+ on days when I was working and 10 hours+ on days when I wasn't. However, some of this was spent sync cheking the movie. So... Gex 64 - 70 hours Majora's Mask - 400 hours Streets of Rage - 25 hours on my end. I'm currently working on two projects; one I've been working on since September and has seen about 30 hours work so far and will need about another 15 to 20 hours to finish, the other had been in planning for about a month and I started the actual TAS a few weeks ago, so far it has only had about 10 hours work and will need another 90 or so to finish. I have good concentration so when I start a project I don't have a problem spending long TASing shifts to get it done, if I enjoy the game. I'm a reasonably slow TASer. I also usually redo a lot, and often, so that piles up the hours due to lack of motivation for working efficiently.
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Molotov wrote:
I have to wonder if using a police special in Round 7 would've spiced things up though (rather than just suiciding 30 times over), since the idea of firing through the building is absurd. :)
That's one of the reasons it was used in level 5 (the main reason being that it was faster). If used it level 7 it would've looked terrible because it would be so unneccessary and long. The suicides are there to minimise the length of the final score screen after level 8. You are credited for the lives remaining and so suiciding your lives away in level 7 saves about 15 seconds.
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The backgrounds were fine, but the black boxes are really ugly. That emulation error is far too great in my opinion. I suggest you wait until a setup that fixes this has been found before starting your run.
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I don't prepare my own sandwiches mainly because any meal made by me doubles as an efficient poison. I often get a sandwich from subway, my ideal combination being: Italian bread baguette, chicken, lettuce, tomatoes, onion, gherkins, peppers...everything other than olives. This should be smothered in sweet chili sauce. Yum. I'm also partial to a roast beef sandwich and christmas season specials (turkey, cranberry sauce and stuffing on a sandwich).
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JXQ wrote:
1) Is there an accurate / semi-accurate way to calculate the real-frame count based on the input-frame count?
It may be worth noting that whilst frame rate differs between games and may cause problems I have seen frame rates differ within games themselves. For example, in Majora's Mask the game in open play runs at 20fps, the start menu runs at 30fps and the song of soaring screen runs at 60fps.
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I'm surprised so many people are impressed by this (looking at the comments). Even before I joined the speedrunning community I would have said 48 hours was a reasonable goal for a Zelda binge.
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For the same reasons I stated in the Genesis thread I vote for S3&K by the great one. Absolutely no doubt about it, although the other movies are great :)
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Thanks for the youtube videos. I've never been a fan of the Prince of Persia series and I've always found TASes of the series to be uninteresting and rather monotonous. This game was sufficiently different in my opinion. It had much more action and I liked the cool acrobatics. The glitches were also pretty funny and you seem to have put a lot of thought and devotion into this run. Happy to vote yes on this.
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The only parts of TASing that annoy me to any great extent are 1) Redoing half a TAS to include a trick that you didn't know about / recently discovered. This gets annoyance bonus points if the game is not hex friendly and you have to redo the whole thing. The latter seems to be the most common. 2) Keeping motivation for an entire project and trying to ignore the lures of a shiny new TAS to work on. Other than that I generally enjoy TASing :)
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SM "All Items" gets it from me, but only just, I feel that MMX2 deserves a big mention as it loses out by the smallest of margins.
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Although there are many great movies up here, S3&K still wins easily. This TAS is absolute genius; the esoteric glitching, the beautiful levels, the wonderful music, the hilarious and natural interactions between Sonic and Tails. A true work of art. I find this movie genuinely far more entertaining than anything on TV these days and not a week has gone by since April where I haven't sat down to enjoy all or at least part of this.
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"0-star" run all the way here for being both an incredibly entertaining movie and a phenomenal achievement.
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I agree with Soulrivers, this is the most difficult choice. For me it's a toss between Randil and Baxter. In general I prefer Baxter's body of work, however, based on efforts of 2007 Randil wins it, just.
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Hands down win for Castlevania by CF as it successfully made my eyes bleed.
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That all looked great to me Swordless :) 28.7s of improvement over Guanoflop is very impressive as their WIP looked really tight. Your execution looked flawless and I can't think of any improvement. It was very fast and entertaining aswell :D I look forward to the next WIP.
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Neophos wrote:
1. 1984, George Orwell. A classic, and a great one at that. It's about a militarian society, and the characters, the setting, everything feels real and believable. Anyone who's ever read any sci-fi should read it.
Really? I disagree. I wrote part of a dissertation on this novel, of which my main conclusion was that its premise was exaggerated and spurious. I agree that it would appeal to sci-fi fans, however, as for being "real and believable" I must disagree. I would, of course, be very interested in why you think otherwise :) If asked for direction on the work of Orwell I would direct most towards 'Animal Farm' as I believe that to be his cleverest and most insightful. I don't have much time to read fiction anymore, however, I've heard good things about 'Survivor', so much so that I intend to read it. On that, I guess I can second Feitclub's recommendation. The only novel I've appreciated to any great extent over the last year or so has been 'The Beach' by Alex Garland as it is one of few modern novels with any (non-clichéd) substance to it. Also, I'm aware that everything above is mainstream and I apologise if I have condemed this thread to anarchy ;)