Posts for Mukki

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I really like your technical approach to TASing and the result, as Moozooh said, is a very polished movie. I found the movie itself reasonably entertaining. Yes vote.
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Yeah, but the resulting .avi wouldn't be of publishable quality because of the Mupen64's audio bug. It's a bug that Bisqwit has fixed in the linux version. I should have linked to this post.
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I agree that Jabo 1.6 runs the game the best and would make a gorgeous .avi. However, because Bisqwit and DeHackEd couldn't run the movie and encode it that makes it a bad choice to use for that reason. I remember it being said that windows Mupen64 has an audio bug that means it cannot produce publishable .avis so even if someone does come along who can encode it the .avi would not be usable. Hopefully I'm wrong about this, or someone fixes it because I'd like to use 1.6 :) I guess we could look to glN64 or Glide64. I don't have a voodoo card and apparently glide wrappers don't emulate it perfectly. Could that cause sync issues?
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That's pretty good stuff. It'd be worth trying out on the other short horizontal hovers eg Woodfall 1. Also, has anyone had any more thoughts on which graphics plugin should be used in V2? I'd like to kick off that .m64 sooner rather than later.
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LagDotCom wrote:
Best music/level combination? Sad as it is, I'd have to say Ice Cap Zone. The music might be simple, but it's perfect.
I agree with you here, the appearance certainly lends itself well to the music and the overall atmosphere is great. The snow/ice stage in a game is an old cliché, almost as bad as boss refights, but this stands out well.
Monty Mole wrote:
Mega Man 2 (NES): The Quickman Level.
It's funny you should say that one. For me it was one of the few levels of that game I didn't like all that much. However, that's mostly to do with how difficult those bar things were to avoid :P The only other level from Mega Man 2 that I wasn't particularly fond of was Flashman since it is comparitively rather plain (the music is excellent though).
Post subject: Favourite level in a video game
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What is your favourite level/stage/area/town etc.? I think (hope) this will produce some diverse and interesting answers. This is something I have been considering recently. For me it is mostly in the music of the level, but the playability is also very important. To get the ball rolling here are some of my generic favourites; Bombman, Cutman, Elecman (NES Megaman); Airman, Crashman, Bubbleman, Woodman (NES Megaman 2); World 1-1 (NES SMB3); Hilltop Zone, Mystic Caves Zone, Wing Fortress Zone (GENESIS Sonic the Hedgehog 2); Angel Island Zone (GENESIS Sonic the Hedgehog 3); Mushroom Hill Zone (GENESIS Sonic & Knuckles); Hyrule Field (N64 LoZ: Ocarina of Time); Southern Swamp, Termina Field, Stone Tower Temple, Clock Town (LoZ: Majora's Mask); Hazy Maze Cave, Bowser in the Sky (N64 SM64). My absolute all-time favourite level, however, is Casino Night Zone (GENESIS Sonic the Hedgehog 2). This level is awesome (I consider both acts as one level); it's great fun to play, the concept is really cool, the music is great (though not quite as good as good as Mushroom Hill Zone) and the background is very nice. I find this level more nostalgic than any other and it always reminds me of the many hours I spent playing this game. I apologise if this topic has been brought up before or if it is uninspiring. If so please lock accordingly :)
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Cool stuff here. Yes vote. Like AngerFist I'm not a skater, but this was alright. The levels where you were just going up and down a half-pipe to gain points were kind of dry but the rest made up for it.
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bkDJ wrote:
Also comicalfop mentioned this in the OoT thread: is it possible to backflip while firing a projectile (bow? deku bubble? hookshot?) to shoot above you in this game. if so, is there anywhere that I would save time over C-up aiming?
I remember testing it in Pirate's Fortress 1 to take out the guards, but I couldn't get it to work. It certainly seems as if it should be possible so I'll certainly investigate that further. Also, a few RAM addresses: X-pos (uns. short) -- 00CEBD38 (i'll probably test this one further. It seems fine, but I won't really know until I start TASing ;D) Y-pos (uns short)-- 00CEC59A HP (byte) -- 00ADB12A (this was pure curiosity) MP (byte) -- 00ADB124 More as they come...
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comicalflop wrote:
stone tower: is it faster to hookshot the very top of the target blocks and climb up on top of them (a very quick motion iirc), then shoot to the next (you'll be higher up and closer to the next target), or is it better to do what you did
I tested that, climbing however is very slow. You can also set angles/pull out bombs etc while you fall which you can't do whilst climbing. To minimise time falling I always hit the lowest possible point of the target.
comicalflop then wrote:
Hm. Maybe I should actively help out in some way when the v2 starts...
:D awesome.
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I mean using a bomb to activate the infinite sword glitch and then supersliding using the same bomb. That action was called the swordslide for short. When supersliding to the icicles in Termina Field it would be faster to use this technique rather than take out a separate bomb for the Infinite Sword glitch like I do in the current run.
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Here's my list of large improvements to my run (by 'large' I mean 1 second or greater). This only contains known improvements. It does not take into account frame improvements and optimisations or unclarified large improvements. If you have any other ideas please raise them and I'll add them in. I'll put this on the wiki page too. I've tried to credit the suggestions where my memory serves. Pre-Clock Town - Sidehopping in initial area is faster -- Swordless Link 2s First Cycle - Sidehop down Stockpot Inn stairs -- Swordless Link 1s Second Cycle - Jumping the gap in ECT can be done without the jumpslash by jumping towards the wall (see 3rd cycle) 1s - In Termina Field I think a Swordslide could be used (see Skull Kid cutscene skip). 4s - I place the bomb rather than shield drop it twice. 2s Third Cycle - I should Deku Spin over lilly pads outside Deku Palace -- Captain Compost 3s - Dinoflos doesn't need to be stunned -- mwl 2s - Goron Bomb jumps should catch the fence -- Petrie911 4s - Button mashing speeds up ISoT -- mwl 4s - Gekko should be hit with an arrow -- mwl 2s - Catch Ikana fences with GBJ -- Petrie911 8s minimum improvement - 33 seconds
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I watched all the WIPs which is more than enough to give this an earth-shattering yes vote. This run oozes awesomeness and is easily my favourite N64 movie.
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I also think this is a great idea. Some TASes are huge projects for a single person to undertake and many would avoid them regardless of how awesome the outcome will be. Movies that may never have been made will be done. Of course, that is not the only benefit, the project need not be a long one. It could also be an obsoletion and the resulting improvement may be far greater if put through several TASers. If anyone can think of a good game for this idea then please suggest it.
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I was able to find the boss values because I already knew what the initial HP was eg. I knew Odolwa had 20HP so I searched for all addresses of byte type with a value of 20. I'd then hit him with the gilded sword which I knew did 3 damage and then I'd do a sub-search for all values of 17. It didn't work all the time so I had to experiment quite a lot. I would certainly like to see a 100% run, although I wouldn't personally do it. The amount of planning required would be beyond any route I can presently think of, mainly because of all the events that require very specific arrival times (remember back to a few months ago when I realised I wouldn't make the ranch in time and the resulting redo, that was just one and a 100% would have many more). The brave individual who would take it on would have to be prepared for years of hard work and a lot of redoing. Having said that, if anyone wants to try it please do. I would certainly help out with the route and give support and advice every step of the way. As for myself, I'll stick to my beloved any%.
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I've edited the Majora's Mask TAS speedrun page so that it's easier for us to group together all the contributions and improvements. Hopefully many of you will help me out with filling the page and in doing so will help me create the best MM TAS possible.
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Awesome! I didn't expect it to be published in just over a week with all the emulation problems. Thanks Bisqwit :) Okay, here are a few of my thoughts towards what a second version should accomplish. 1) Presentation -- Because the project was so long consistent quality was difficult. When I started I wasn't as experienced as I have since become. Because of this I feel the first two cycles in comparison to the third makes the movie feel uneven. No final version should have this and it is something I would very much like to redo and was in fact my initial motivation to look at a V2. 2) Improvement -- There areas in the run that we know can be improved by a couple of seconds. There are also areas that I suspect can be improved if new decisions are made. 3) Optimisation -- I used RAM watch rather sparingly. In this I (and I hope you guys will help :D) will try and find all useful addresses. The first two cycles could be further optimised, the third cycle (especially the later half) is pretty tight. Keep in mind that the game runs at 20fps, which means that even very different strategies can turn out to be equally fast. This means that an optimisation has to be worth 3 frames and with the linearity of backwalking etc. improvement in this way will be difficult. 4) Route -- No huge sequence breaks for this game have been discovered for a long time. The only way I can imagine any route change is with the discovery of some bottle adventure style glitch. Unlikely. Having said that, we should deduce wether or not the ranch truly is faster than the beaver race. If the beaver race is faster then that will mean route change after goron race. However, if the ranch is still faster then that too poses something rather interesting if we can get there with no ISoT. The aliens converge on the barn at 345 (worth checking if manipulable, although I doubt it) and disappear at 515. Therefore the run can't move on until 515 regardless of whether I arrive at 330 or 315 etc. Now what I'm thinking is, would this mean that for the ISoTless 3rd cycle to be improved at all someone would have to improve the run by one in-game hour (~45 in-game seconds) before 5pm on the first day and play SoDT to get to the ranch before me in real time? Of course, this depends on how much slower the beaver race is and a lot of lag monitoring. I'm probably missing something, but having half of the run unimproveable is a nice thought. I'm just rambling now... 5) Emulation -- From what I've heard Jabo 1.6 renders this the best and is what will be used in the next version. Unfortunately, I get only audio and no video with it. This is something I hope to rectify in the near future. It would be nice to not get molested by desync again. I don't intend to start recording until next year so hopefully Okaygo has bulletproofed Mupen by then. If not then I'll probably just go ahead anyway. I'll post up my list of improvements when I get the chance.
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15 minutes? That's considerably more than any of my estimates. I'm interested to hear your thoughts :) V2 discussion should hopefully kick off in the MM thread over the next few weeks. To those unfamiliar with MM, don't get us wrong, this movie will take a long time to improve. There is a lot to consider first.
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Thanks for the feedback guys! It feels good to finally be done with this. Swordless Link: It is possible to shoot the aliens from outside of the loading zone. I tested out both methods but after the battle the cutscene starts automatically as Link is moved into the loading zone to talk to Romani. It doesn't make any time difference so I chose to get it over with at the start so that I could use the space to play around with the aliens. Tub: If you posted in the thread then you'll probably be in the thanks list. I just went through the thread putting in everyone who said something positive/constructive about the run. However, I do remember that you said something good about it on IRC last week.
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Ah, excellent! Now I'm just running a sync check up until the Twinmold battle so there is very little left to do :D mwl - Nice. Phase 1 is what has been concerning me most. If it's possible to floor him quickly with arrows then that'll be faster. The transformations will take up some time as will arranging the masks on my C-buttons. I'll try it out and see just how much faster/slower the boomerangs are. I'll probably go for the superslide to the tree because 1) its faster than rolling and 2) my C-buttons at the time will be bombs, ocarina, arrows. If I can do phase 1 minus zora mask and goron pounds then that won't need to change.
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I've just defeated Gomess. So this run should hopefully be finished very soon indeed. Also, has anyone ever managed to hookshot the chest from the ledge outside Gomess' corridor? I've been trying to get it for a while now and just can't.
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This pretty good for a first TAS. The game was a good choice as it was very fast paced at times. You also handled it very well. Although a couple of things stood out: you say that to preserve speed you can jump, however, during level 2 (?) Mr Pond decelerates quite noticably. Originally I thought it was to do with the terrain, but I thought I may as well ask. Also, around about frame 37000 (?) there is a situation where you drop dynamite on to TNT crates to collect something from the bottle shaped hole beneath. You didn't seem to jump into the hole as soon after the explosion as you did in other situations. Was there a reason for this? The ending doesn't bother me. I feel a movie of this game three times as long wouldn't be a good idea. I'll withhold my vote until you answer my above questions. EDIT - Well explained. I see no harm in voting yes. Good job!
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I watched this this morning. It all looked great and much improved. The only obvious thing would be walking into the corner as bkDJ pointed out. Can you explain this?
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Whoa, that was incredible. I can honestly say I have no idea what happened :P I don't really understand the glitch at all.
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asteron wrote:
Also did anyone check the black room of death behind the basement key door for a BLJ spot? The stairs should be able to get you in there and maybe there is an invisible wall there to get lucky.
I tried it out a while back. There isn't. Annoyingly, you can BLJ in the upper floor BRoD but not the basement one. A shame, it'd be really useful :(
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