Posts for Mukki

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Need I remind you that ignoring perfection won't go down well with the judges (unless it is a mind-blowingly entertaining run). You should try and get as close to perfection as you can.
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Woop woop! I figured it out, turns out I was pressing A to early. I'll post a WIP as soon as I optimise everything. I think I just need to blast onwards at the moment and get the second cycle done as soon as possible. Once I'm into the third cycle the rest of the run will be there for the taking and it will be easier to hold my nerve.
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It is more precise, yes, but to mix frames with seconds is to mix to different forms of measurement. It would confuse many, i feel. Much in the same way that measuring the mass of something in kg and then whatever is left over is measured in lbs rather than the logical g would.
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I thought it was counting tenths of a second, not frames. In which case .00 to .99 makes sense.
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Personally, I think it is great. Because TAS runs work in frames rather than seconds (which is more common to real time runs), I think it is only fitting that we use a more accurate time measurement, especially as certain runs are being obsoleted by only a matter of frames. Also, it means that I did make sub-50 minutes in my Gex run after all :)
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It's good to see that Michael Fried's run has been beaten as it is one of the most primitive and dated runs on the site. I planned to take a look at this myself because it was so obviously improvable, but I'm glad to see such a good obsoletion. I look forward to watching this, but I think i'll wait until you submit your improved version. You really are a busy man these days Randil.
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A very Merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone at I've only been here for about half the year, but I've had a great time contributing, watching movies and making some of my own and most importantly I've been made to feel very welcome. Here's to a great 2007!!
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Is there something else I am meant to do to get through the crystals? I can activate the Infinite Sword glitch (I created a save state and when I run towards a ledge Link just drops off it rather than auto jumping, if I remember correctly, that means the glitch has been activated). However, in the video it appears as though Link just backflips through the crystals, yet when I try it he gets frozen. Am I missing something?
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This could have been much better. So i'm voting no. Don't feel undermined or discouraged, most people produce sub-par movies when they first join, but it is certainly not the end of the story. For example, my first 3 submissions were shit, the one that finally got accepted took me three months to make. See what i'm getting at? I could have probably made this movie in the time it took to find the ROM. I tried to focus and pick up on problems, but I lost track rather quickly. 1) At the start of the second level you bump straight into the wall (???), why? I've never played the game, so I don't know if this helped you in any way, but it appeared to be a mistake. I stopped counting there, here are some observations as you continuously made the same mistakes. 1) When you are moving around corners you should be a pixel away from touching the wall to be fully optimised. 2) You should know the game. Sometimes I felt as if you were surprised by what lay around the corner. In one instance your progress was brought to a standstill by Spiked balls where better route planning could have evaded them entirely. 3) The stuttering was bad. Albeit in certain instances this was needed to arrange the pole for fitting through a certain space but other times it was obvious that you'd loaded a save state and hadn't pressed the directional key immeadiately. This also told me that you hadn't used frame advance, which a game like this (and more or less any game) would greatly benefit from. 4) You should have played on the hardest difficulty. And why did you finish input when there was clearly another 3 levels left? I assume that they would need to be unlocked, but then again, it should have been part of the run. Some movement was quite fluid and well done, but this was in very small bursts. If the run was entirely like that then I could imagine myself voting yes. If you choose to redo I could review your WIPs if you PM them to me, just to help you off your feet. EDIT -- Oh yeah, also, the springs. Sometimes I felt as if they could have helped and you didn't use them, other times you did use them and they clearly slowed you down.
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I'd imagine it would. That's a super desync area for some reason (annoyingly i'm going to have to go back there a few times during the run). Also it effectively ends upon entering Termina Field, but it does include my first two super slides. Just trying to get my infinite sword glitches working and then I'm good to go.
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I doubt it. Sorry, but it would take me all day to encode, the file size would be astronomical and I really have better things to do. There are a few AVIs dotted about this thread. Here is the progress so far. It is corrected up to Termina Field and contains some of my progress to Snowhead (I doubt this part will be in sync because I have yet to check it). I've got the super slides sussed, but I'm unsure if my route is the best it can be. I'll encode an AVI similar to AKA's when I get into the path to Snowhead for evaluation.
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Okay, I'm finally into Termina Field. I watched the movie back and everything is in sync and is optimised so I'm moving on. I'll upload the .m64 if anyone is interested, but it really isn't a whole lot different. Differences include -- - Jumpslash across gap instead. - Better angle when rolling towards chest. - Better angle when jumping into the transition for SCT (So good that Link drops straight through the ground!). - Better owl slash - Better depositing of rupees. I'm trying to get my super sliding up to scratch now. I'm getting there; I followed the FAQ but the most I can get is him to slide for half a second or so. I think the problem has something to do with the distance from the bomb and/or (most likely) that I don't know what to do with the joystick. If I leave it at ^99 then link slides a small distance before running forward. If i go to 0 then he doesn't slide at all. If anyone can give me a good outline that'd be appreciated.
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Backwaking is faster. Up the first stairs is faster because of the angle. Between the stairs is faster because A starts a conversation with the letterbox and avoiding it takes time. The final backwalk is faster because of the distance and favourable angles for the jump. You are not allowed to start talking until he gets to the counter. I am pretty positive the rupees were entered perfectly, but ill look again. I'm having horrible desync problems in the bomb shop again, much worse than before. It has desynced between the door and the counter 4 times. I hoped to move on but it'll be a little bit longer until this works.
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If you have already created a savefile it will desync. You will need to delete that before you can watch it. ...or you can watch this AVI i made. It includes from after the song of healing to Termina Field (i skipped the whole happy mask stuff because it's trivial). This way I can get total feedback before tidying up and moving on.;6378903;;/
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YautjaElder wrote:
You should probably have jumpslashed in mid air instead of grabbing the ledge.
Ah never thought of that. I'll redo it if it will be faster.
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We will, we will WIP you. This is up until entering Termina Field. Take a look and get back to me. I've got spare time to proceed tomorrow afternoon so I'd like to have this confirmed as being good or not by then. Effectively, on British time, 28 hours after this post has been made. I'll encode an AVI if this is confirmed as being good.
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I hoped to post a new WIP when I got into Termina Field, but desyncs have taken a turn for the worse. I can't seem to get out of the bomb shop, I've experienced 7 in here so far. This doesn't seem to be easy like the other desyncs, it's being very stubborn. I'll try and get this done by the end of the weekend. EDIT -- YES!!! I nailed the bastard (9 desyncs in a single room O_O). I'll try and get the next WIP up tonight. Just have to deposit rupees and get into Termina Field, but I don't know how much West Clock Town will desync...I've had problems here before...wish me luck :)
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It's odd that N64 emulators are so selective of what they will run.
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I'm going to throw yet another title into the mixer -- Star Wars: Rogue Squadron. I only ever played the Gamecube sequel, but if they are anything alike then this could be kind of cool...
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L4yer wrote:
What's with the edit, L4yer?
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JXQ wrote:
obsolete, not redundant
re·dun·dan·cy[ri-duhn-duhn-see] -- . Chiefly British. a. the condition or fact of being unemployed; unemployment. I speak British English, not American English. I recognise that you, JXQ, are very competent with the English language and in an American context what I said would have been wrong. Here, however, in the good old United Kingdom it means something else.
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O_O If this happens, Bisqbot will make all players redundant... It would be interesting to see a Bisqbot that can perfect any game...but I really enjoy making runs...
Post subject: Re: Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
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mmbossman wrote:
I don't think I'll need to use the TAS input plugin, and was thinking of sticking to N-Rages Direct input 1.6 since I'm most familiar with it.
*Alarm Bells* I would highly recommend using the TAS input plugin as it allows considerable control over movement. You can select any degree of movement maually with ease and combined with frame advance you get incredible results. Direct input only lets you move ^99 >99, etc. and not anything more accurate in a specific context such as ^46>22 for a quick turn or something. But this sounds if it could be a great run. Go for it :) I would never use anything other than TAS input, unless the game was a special exception that didn't need it (for example, my Gex run was done using direct input because it was based on a PSX title that meant he could only move in 16 directions anyway).
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I find it difficult to see how you can get an accurate idea of how many TASers come from each country since many don't include location. Also, some people (like myself) have changed theirs.
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That was nice and really quite helpful. The super sliding angles look better than i thought they would.