Posts for Neophos

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The swedsh show "Bonde söker fru" used themes from Super Mario as background music. Seriously. It had Rainbow Ride and that SMB3 world 1-theme.
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It suffers from what so many other indie-games suffer from: It's extremely bland outside of being more wacky or meta then commercial games can usually afford be. Looking at it from a gameplay view, it's an extremely standard pseudo-puzzle-platformer. It's completely linear in every way. It tries way too hard to be "meta" and the god-awful "LOL SO RANDOM XD". I'm sure it's very artsy and I just "don't get it", but really, if you take away the ham-handed attempt of being postmodernist, there's no real game underneath. And... what's so unorthodox of "get to the end of each level"?
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I believe they meant "redownload the .torrent and open it again in your client so it can resume" and not "restart the entire download".
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Bisqwit wrote:
This is pretty much the reason I could never be a christian:
God wrote:
'But if you will not listen to me and carry out all these commands, 26:15 and if you reject my decrees and abhor my laws and fail to carry out all my commands and so violate my covenant, 26:16 then I will do this to you: I will bring on you sudden terror, wasting diseases and fever that will destroy your sight and sap your strength. You will plant seed in vain, because your enemies will eat it.
Even the mafia is more subtle then this! He's outright threatening me. "Do as I say, OR ELSE". I don't cower for bullies. I don't give up my lunch money because else I'd get a punch in the stomach. Why would I ever heed the words of someone who threatens me? There's not much free will in "either you do as I say, or you die. Badly.", and I'd rather keep my pride and be smitten down then succumb simple because he happens to be bigger then me. I can totally sympathize with Onan.
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A gag-a-screenshot works great for dialogue scenes, but I'm guessing that means a fair bit of fastforwarding through everything gameplay? The jokes are great though, even though Thousand year door is probably the worst Paper Mario.
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Twelvepack wrote:
I almost didn't realize how unwatchable WC3 is if you never played the game. A friend of mine wanted to watch some replays, so I gave him links of what were in my opinion the best couple of matches played this season, but he had nothing to say but "meh". This fact alone makes me surprised that ESL WC3L doesn't go under, but I glad its still around. There is something amazing watching the top few players in the world play it out, the things they can pull off are almost unbelievable.
WC3 is at least better then WoW. In WC3, with some knowledge of RTS-games, you can generally understand what's happening. In WoW, it's... lots of sparks and shines and then someone dies for some reason. I'm very interested in professional gaming as such, just.. not in the majority of genres or games being played professionally. The FPS-genre's brutal hold on most of the worlds attention for pro-gaming is quite a waste in my eyes. I'm a big fan of fighting games, so I'm very interested in EVO and SBO. MLG had SSBM for a while, but I heard they switched that for WoW, so...
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Bisqwit wrote:
Sell what you have, give alms;
"No one needs money, and you should not try to earn it, but, err, if you do.. then give it to other people. That's kinda makes them richer, therefore to some extent making them less willing to serve me, so you kinda damn them by doing so, but, eh, it's for a good purpose, right?"
'You fool, this night your soul will be claimed; where will end up all that you have acquired?'
"Well, maybe I didn't plan for my wife and children to die of starvation a week after I pass away, you know? No? Alright, guess not, I'll go get a torch."
Bisqwit wrote:
"What matters is where our soul ends up, with whom"
Apparently with some prick that doesn't want me to have fun. It would be so much easier to be religious if the source material often wasn't so easy to poke fun of.
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Saturn wrote:
It's not. Due to the fact that this run is almost a year old, I wasn't aware of most improvements. They were found when this run was already done long time ago.
If this was done a long time ago, and you're complaining about how this won't be published due to the 6% run... ... I don't get it.
Post subject: Re: I'll bite.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Is it arrogant to claim to have a greater understanding of electromagnetism than another person? It's not like these discussions are to push us to some high pedestal. It is to share understanding of what a wonderful God we have.
Of course, being that one is a natural force and one is made up by humans...Sorry, couldn't resist such an obvious quip. Knowledge is about proving stuff, and you can easily prove (or disprove) knowledge about electromagnetics or food preparation. When it comes to the area of supernatural beings, if you claim to have a higher understanding of stuff you yourself claim is ununderstandable, that's arrogant. Or business, depending on whether you're the host of one of those silly "find ghosts in subways" shows or not.
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Oh my god, the arrogance. Setting that aside though, very entertaining run. Some notable parts were the bomb-jumping-over-the-sea, the Draygon fight and gate-trick to get the ice beam. The slow, slow Ridley and Mother Brain fights are, sadly, unavoidable, but well, there's a handy turbo-button for that. A quality run, no doubt. 9 dot something in entertainment, probably the same in tech.
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Would I live in a place where I could see what he had done, or would I simply one day be working at a farm and hear someone go "there's this guy in the next city that created bread for thousands of people from nothing! No, really! And then he made a blind man see! I'm not making this up!"? Because then I'd probably just shake my head and think he's gotten a sunstroke or something. Of course, on the other hand, living in that period, I would have no knowledge of stage magicians or on how to decieve people, so I would probably accept anything I saw much easier.
Post subject: I'm like a fish
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jimsfriend wrote:
Wrong theology in this context is any interpretation of scripture that can be shown to contradict passages of scripture. It must not come from one's own culture or tradition or etc. The Bible must be the source. If you think your translation might be inaccurate (this can often be the case with word gender and verb tense when translating to English), you should consult the New Testament in the original Greek and the Old Testament in the original Hebrew. If you don't know these languages (most people don't), you can ask someone who does for clarification. You can also look to several translations in your language to see what elements they have in common.
So instead of reading a possibly inaccurate translation, I should ask someone else for a possibly inaccurate translation? And "the bible" is both the old and new testament together, right? Because in that case, with the old testament mostly being a mishmash of various pagan stories, fairy tales and other classical stories mostly made up for having a moral lesson at the end, it wouldn't be very hard to find contradicting stuff. So should I blissfully ignore every contradicting thing I can find in a properly translated bible, or should I keep claiming that every contradiction in a book written over hundreds of years by probably the same amount of authors is just a case of someone using Babelfish to translate it? And pray? Excuse me for being cynical, but I hardly think the great and mighty God with a capital letter would bother telling me "no, actually, that previous sentences tense is wrong. Kids these days translating my books." just because I kneel.
Post subject: Re: I'll bite.
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jimsfriend wrote:
It can be helpful to point out to people where their theology is wrong
Thelogy. The understanding of gods... Isn't it quite arrogant to claim to have a greater understanding of a supreme being then another just-as-lowly person? Of course, arrogance is quite a big part of most major religions, but just because the teachings are hypocritical shouldn't mean all the followers should be so eager to follow suit. And, just to be sure, being "wrong on theology" in this context pretty much means "you believe anything other then the teachings of christianity as I've been tought", right? After all, each and every different teaching of the religion would have small but probably notable differences depending on what the teacher thought to be important, not to mention translations, how it meshes with traditions, both those of family and country and probably dozens more small details. I wouldn't want to be in the wrong just because my hovercraft is full of eels.
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Bisqwit wrote:
It's like playing Chess or Go with a much superior player. When you play the game, would you say that you don't have free will, to choose where you will play? Of course you have: you play the game according to your your desires, your own ideas. Yet, the superior player will lead you around the board and beat you with ease, and you will fall into traps you dug yourself. The same is with God's will. Your actions may not follow God's will, but when God has set up a plan, his will always happens. That does not make your individual actions any more God's will, but in the bigger picture, nothing can stop God's will from happening.
On this point, I'm just wondering... Does God use his "divine power" to make sure that our actions contribute to whatever his plans are on the whole, or does he, to put it simply, predict everything we do perfectly? Essentially, do we just live in an illusion of free will, but God will make damn sure that you follow his plan he spent probably all of one godly second to make, or is he just winging it with style?
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Bisqwit wrote:
Long post with points about translating the bible
See, this is what's so unfair. Everything can be bent to say "it's God's will", so nothing will ever work against him. The bible is translated? The translator recieved help from God to translate it accurately. To give a quote from Ender's Shadow:
"So God ses wicked people as his tools." "God gives us the freedom to do great evil, if we choose. Then he uses his own freedom to create goodness out of that evil, for that is what he chooses." "So in the long run, God always wins." "Yes."
God is a bloody Mary Sue.
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nfq wrote:
what would be a better medium than a book?
Well, it's... kind of discriminating, isn't it? I mean, books have to be written in a language. Big old God himself made us speak (and thus, probably, read and write) different languages. I don't fancy the thought of a benevolent God saying "you can't read THE BIG BOOK ON TRUTH AND JUSTICE because I made you that way."
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Games I fully agree with: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Alundra Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver One of the Twisted Metal games Games I'm not fully sure of, but think could make a decent TAS: Loaded Wild 9 Ape Escape Jumping Flash
Post subject: Re: Let's talk about the Harry Potter series
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Fabian wrote:
too many slow passages and sometimes not enough "action"
I think this is a summary of the entire series. I stopped reading after book 5, because it was downright boring to sit through the 500 pages between the start and the ending, which were the only places in the book something actually happened. The angst, unnecesary deaths (Sirius Black's death was the most ridicolous death ever), the "romance" and the long passages of nothing happening just doesn't make for entertaining books.
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nfq wrote:
Yeah, I was wondering that too. Everybody knows there are no girls on the internet, so what's the point? Seriously though, the reason it matters is because it's the most interesting question on this poll. I don't know about you, but I kinda like girls, so I'm not so interested to hear what a guy has to say..
"Hey, girls apparently like game X! I'm so gonna start playing it now!" ? Awesome.
moozooh wrote:
For the same reason everything else does.
It's marketing research. Not game design. If they happened to get in a lot of research claiming that girls love whatever-game-they're-making, would they suddenly change the focus of the marketing to cater to females (which nowadays would probably mean pink and ponies)? Age matters so they know to market it towards kids or adults, online/home if whether they should market the online features or the singleplayer... But gender? Just seems like an unnecesary split.
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Gender? Why does this matter? Will you fill the game with ponies if I'm female? That would be rad. Age? 19 Play on PC or Console? Console games, although with a broken Playstation, a better PC-monitor then TV and my other consoles stashed away in closets, I tend to play on emulators on the PC. If Console, which one? Any not this-gen, pretty much. Do you play: [x] Alone? [ ] Online? [x] In-home groups? - Most games I play doesn't support online. Do you take your gaming “seriously?” (want to beat friends, win tourneys etc.) Yes. Where do you get your information about games? The internet and tips from friends. Favorite games? - Well, based on what I play now... 1. Guilty Gear XX: Accent Core 2. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage For The Future 3. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night • Where do you buy your games? Mostly internet-stores. • Where do you buy your consoles? Pretty much the same places as the games. • Have you ever traded in or purchased a second hand game/console? Purchased, yes. I don't trade in games beacuse it's not worth it. • Your parents: [x]Support your gaming - One support it [x]Dislike it - One thinks it's the spawn of the devil []Don’t care []Not living with parents
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Bisqwit wrote:
Let me take a moment to remind everyone that it is a bad idea to force the use these of any of these keys for any hotkeys: [ ] \ + ` * - / ; : Unless you intend to limit the use of the program to users of certain particular nations. On Finnish keyboard, / is shift and 7 (scancode 0x08) [ is altgr and 8 (scancode 0x09) ] is altgr and 9 (scancode 0x0A) + is the key next to 0 (scancode 0x0B) \ is altgr and the key next to 0 (scancode 0x0B) ` is shift and the key next to the key next to 0 (scancode 0x0B), followed by space * is shift and the key next to the key next to the key next to L (scancode 0x2B) : is shift and . (scancode 0x33) ; is shift and , (scancode 0x34) - is the key next to . (scancode 0x35) altgr is the rightside alt. FCEUX had ` as a hotkey for turbo. It is hardly a convenient hotkey ― especially as it wouldn't work at all. I had to edit the source code to make it recognize at least something.
Although I believe it still works by relative button. For example, frame advance in Snes9x is \ (altgr + + on my keyboard), however, by pressing the §/½ button (the button where \ is on american keyboards) it still works. Of course, mappable is the best option. About the emulator: Awesome, keep up the good work.
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I'll bump this rather old thread instead of creating a new one, since we already have a plethora of SF2 threads. So, I've been trying my hand at this. This is my progress: Is it worth trying to obsolete the current movies, seeing as it's more or less strictly entertainment-based?
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Bisqwit wrote:
At least in Finland it seems that (ugly) guys trying to cosplay cute girls is a phenomenon within safe boundaries, i.e. practically non-existent. But in a country the size of USA… anything that can happen, happens. And you know which ones get photographed and distributed across the globe hundreds of times at the speed of sound.
It's probably not as common as I'd make people think here in Sweden either, but on my first convention, the very first thing I saw were a at-least 400 pounds guy cosplaying Sakura from Naruto and saying "Kage bunshin no jutsu". It kinda skews my point of view a bit.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Scrubs? But really, more cuteness is always a good thing ;)
People who dislike abuse of game mechanics to win a game. Sirling really covers it better then I ever could. All conventions I've been to, I've mostly been to to play fighters, so I get a bit annoyed when it's followed by hours of whining about "cheating" or "exploits" because I know how the play the game (even when it's a game I haven't played, and I simply find a for-the-moment overpowered tactic). And I'm not sure "getting run down by guys trying to pose as girls that would make a bulldozer feel small" goes under the category of "cute".
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On all conventions I've been to, the general rule seemed to be "avoid anyone who came there for the convention".
superjupi wrote:
If it makes you feel any better, I had never seen a single episode of Hellsing until a couple of months ago. As an aside, it's one of the few anime series that were just a bit too painful to watch the English dub of. Oh well, we can't all be Cowboy Bebop.
Wow wow wow, wait a minute. You be saying Crispin Freeman is bad? That's a dangerous line to cross, mate.
There were also tons of people giving free hugs to anyone who wanted. A rather peculiar modern phenomenon. Seemed nice (but I was too shy to even think about trying it).
I really hate this. Stop violating my private space.
Seems like anime and the Japanese pop culture are pretty popular among western females.
Check out any fanfiction site. The wast majority of fanfic writers are female (and got a pretty unhealthy obsession with boys being homosexual).
Perhaps I should watch that anime too, as it seems to be popular.
Watch the newer series in that case. It actually got an animation budget. Of course, it could be I'm just negative because I detest the abundant ignorance the general anime fan seems to possess. They also tend to be scrubs.