Posts for Neophos

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Everyone is slower in Brawl. Everyones combos have been removed. No one can L-cancel anymore. Marth doesn't suffer any more from those two then any other Melee character. On the other hand, his bair and fair has gotten great buffs outside of combos. The bair is stupidly strong with its tipper, and same goes for the fair. His new Shield breaker is better, his attacks in general seem better, and he's still as solid as ever. It's just that the new characters are even better. He's also even easier to play now then before. Well, that's as far as I've experienced at least. But when you look at IC's new bullshit and Snake, he looks like Pichu in comparison.
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Yrr wrote:
-The new HrC is somewhat cool actually. However you cannot spam BD-combos as easily as in Melee now.
I really hate how they removed the catchy theme from Melee with silence, though. Waiting those minutes for the bag to finish flying was better with a catchy theme in the background.
Yrr wrote:
-The Final Smash feature is cool, but some FS' just suck (eg. Peach, Luigi).
What? The drug zone is awesome! Free KO on anyone who gets stuck within it, more or less.
Yrr wrote:
-Marth was getting nerved.
Do you mean "nerfed", as in getting worse? Because in that case, can't agree with you. He's better then in Melee, it's just that Snake's even worse.
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Twelvepack wrote:
Broken characters aside, they introduced too many "random" occurrences that impact the game. tripping, and most of the new maps are unpredictable, and diminishes the skill element. (as luck has a bigger factor) It seems like they wanted this game to fall in line with the mario party games, by adding enough random shit so that anyone can win, even people who suck.
Sakurai has made several explicit statements about "both players should feel like the winner" and that "everyone should be able to play and win", so, yeah, he has actually gone out of his way to make downright SURE that everyone can win by sheer luck.
Zurreco wrote:
Even with the randomness, my room mate and I have a very hard time losing to most people. We even play 2v2 handicap matches against level 9 CPU and still win a great portion of the matches.
Doesn't prove much. Even with the AI being much better then in Melee, it's still horrible.
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Only Nintendo would be able to rerelease a 20 year old game, haul it as new and have peolpe agree with them. Anyway, if this is like Megaman 2... Great, worth a playthrough. Like Megaman 4+... Yeah, I'll skip this one.
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There's about 130 different ways to play HRC and BtT if that's your thing. Check for info about them. Otherwise, no, not really. Also, Brawl is a horrible game. This is based on playing against Ice Climbers. Getting grabbed means one stock less, and without L-cancel and all that fancypants stuff, it's much harder not to get grabbed. Also, they can turn around within the infinite now. Goddamnit, Sakurai.
Post subject: Re: A small lecture on English grammar
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alden wrote:
There have been serveal stdiues that come to the colisuncon that pepole can unsatdsrend words farily eaisly if they are julbmed eexcpt for the first two and last two letetrs.
Oh yes, and it's probably correct. However, that just means that the spelling doesn't matter too much, as long as the amount of letters remain roughly constant. If we take the same sentencen and then AOL-ify it... der hav ben severl studis dat cum 2 de concluson dat peple cn undrstnd words farly ezy if dey r jambed xcept teh 1st 2 nd te last 2 leters. (I'm horribly at AOL-speak, so excuse me if the example doesn't come across as realistic) I'd say it's harder to read, but of course, that could just be me.
Kuwaga wrote:
English spelling will have to change somewhen. Spoken language will continue to develop further and if spelling stays the same we'd maybe arrive at a point where you really have to learn the spelling and pronunciation of each word by heart. There'd be no point to using letters then.
Of course, but suggestions like allowing "sitted" (and similar words) will definitely not make barriers between written and spoken words smaller, since no one would rather say "sitted" then "sat". Forcefully changing all irregular verbs would only make speech more stale, with next to no real benefits when writing (it would also mean that kids don't get to suffer hours of remembering those damn verbs, and if I had to, they damn well should to).
Post subject: Re: A small lecture on English grammar
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nfq wrote:
Finnish is the language that makes most sense.
This comment coupled together with "short words = better" is lovely ironic, since I've never seen a language with longer and more convulted words then finnish. English already suffers (in text-form) with lots of homonyms that the badly educated (apparently) can't tell apart. If you shorten words with a strict "pronuncation = proper spelling" model, you'll end up having to reread sentences just to understand how the words fit together. The best example of this would probably be newnorwegian, which is a new official language in Norway that attempts to "simplify" the language by removing silent and/or redundant letters. However, almost any norwegian I've spoken to (and I hardly mingle with the literary elite) detests it because it's a pain to read. According to what I've heard and read, words are read by interprenting the "image" the word creates, not the actual letters. Thus, trying to shorten words will make it harder to read, since all "word images" will start to look terribly similar when so few letters are involved. All in all, it reminds me of this parody of "euro-english":
The European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the European Union rather than German, which was the other possibility. As part of the negotiations, the British Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5- year phase-in plan that would become known as "Euro-English". In the first year, "s" will replace the soft "c". Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with joy. The hard "c" will be dropped in favour of "k". This should klear up konfusion, and keyboards kan have one less letter. There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year when the troublesome "ph" will be replaced with "f". This will make words like fotograf 20% shorter. In the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible. Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling. Also, al wil agre that the horibl mes of the silent "e" in the languag is disgrasful and it should go away. By the 4th yer people wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "th" with "z" and "w" with "v". During ze fifz yer, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords kontaining "ou" and after ziz fifz yer, ve vil hav a reil sensibl riten styl. Zer vil be no mor trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi tu understand ech oza. Ze drem of a united urop vil finali kum tru. Und efter ze fifz yer, ve vil al be speking German like zey vunted in ze forst plas.
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Seeing as we are neighbouring countries, and knowing of your article on internet censorship, I was wondering what your thoughts on the current FRA-discussion are, Bisqwit. For those not in the know and too lazy to read the Wikipedia article, Sweden's government is currently (as in, right now of this post) debating on a new law for FRA to be allowed to monitor all electronic traffic (email, telephone calls etc) going "over Sweden's borders", effectively allowing them to bug most communication in Sweden.
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A2ZOMG wrote:
In Melee the shield was less safe to use because it was laggier and harder to powershield. This is not the case in Brawl of course.
On the other hand, you could lightshield in Melee as well, where the additional pushback often made it impossible to keep up pressure (similar to Guilty Gear's FD, except reversed).
A2ZOMG wrote:
64 is also more unbalanced than Melee btw.
64: 4 (Kirby, Pika, Ness, Fox) out of 12 characters are good enough to not have substantial disadvantages. 2 more (Falcon, Puff) able to perhaps follow suit. Melee: 5 (Fox, Falco, Peach, Sheik, Marth) out of 25 characters are good enough to not have substantial disadvantages. 2 more (Falcon, Samus) able to perhaps follow suit. Yes, 64 got less to balance, but it still got nearly the same amount of tournament-availible characters. Unlike Melee, it's not a poster boy of horrible balance.
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A2ZOMG wrote:
If I recall, there is some trend that determines whether attacks on the ground clank or if one overrides another. Projectile priority there are cases where some projectiles get destroyed or not by whatever attacks. When an aerial attack is used, attacks never clank. That's what I vaguely remember.
(All Melee, I got no idea about Brawl) Nope, just hitboxes. Falco's phantasm just as often clashed as got mauled by Marth's forwardsmash, all depending on timing. Of course, disjointed hitboxes never could trade, only clash at worst, so they naturally seemed to have more priority. Some projectiles can cancel or "eat" other projectiles without diffusing, but solid projectiles were treated exactly the same way as physical attacks (Samus' blast and Mewtwo's ball were counted as solid in how their hitboxes interacted, but energy by Magnet). With timing, you could hit most solid projectiles to destroy them (best results achieved with disjointed hitboxes; Else, expect pain). True energy projectiles (PK Flash, blasters, Kirby's wave) acted differently and weirdly. But, in the end, no such thing as "A always beats B because it has more priority". Only "A most often beats B because it got a giant hitbox, is invincible and has cooler animation". This is unlike Third Strike, where supers > everything and specials > normals, all the time (it's also the reason Chun Li is top tier, because for some bizarre reason, several of her normals count as specials).
The bottom line is that discussing what characters are "good" in brawl is pointless, because better players will win games, even if their choice isn't top "tier".
Yeah. That was almost completely true in Melee. Not so much in Brawl which is less balanced despite the efforts to remove 0 to death combos (when ironically new ones came about that were just more character specific. <<).[/quote] Wait, what? Just picking Fox over Samus gave you a large advantage. Picking Falcon or lower nearly guaranteed you wouldn't get over 7th place. Melee is probably one of the most extreme examples of "PICK THIS CHARACTER OR LOSE" games, just beneath Marvel vs Capcom 2. Better players will win against bad players, yes. Better players won't win against good players. Tier difference in Melee could easy make up for being a notch beneath in skill. No idea on how it is in Brawl, but it's safe to say that picking Snake seems to make stuff a good bit easier then picking Samus.
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A2ZOMG wrote:
Priority only exists for projectiles and ground based attacks. In the air, it's all about the size and duration of your hitboxes.
As far as I know, Street Fighter 3 is currently the only game with actualy priority. Smash has always been about hitboxes (like most games). If that's changed in Brawl, then excuse my ignorance.
Yes, the Bucket is way better in Brawl. The collecting range is ridiculously huge. You can Bucket stuff that is way above, below, or behind you. Fox lasers get you a KO at about 60%. D-throw Techchasing into a Spill is godly. Pair up G&W with Zelda and turn on friendly fire, you get a team combination that is broken because Din's Fire gives 1HKO Buckets (yep, kills at 0% ftw. Watch this vid too. The guys playing kinda were a little Oil Panic greedy, but it was ownage. ).
What the... Quite a power boost.
Interruptible As Soon As frames are a feature that has existed since Melee if I recall. Take Marth's D-tilt, you can repeatedly use the attack before the entire animation ends. It has an IASA window that starts on frame 20, so while it takes about twice as long for the entire attack to end, you can use 3 D-tilts in one second (Marth can also interrupt his D-tilt with other attacks too if I recall). Also in Melee, this was noticeable on G&W because he could spam Smash attacks without ever leaving the attack stance. This works just the same in Brawl on various things. Ganondorf has many IASA frames on like his U-smash, Jab, and F-tilt that actually make him usable in Brawl. G&W has the same stuff on his attacks like he did in Melee which owns. Marth still has his D-tilt, yeah. I think when you take knockback, there are also IASA frames for air dodging out of knockback before you can perform other actions. All in all IASA frames are not quite the same as having low lag attacks, but are really nice options for working around the lag of attacks.
Oh yeah, that thing. Never heard it have a common name, seen everything between "fake lag" to "visual stuttering". Bowser and G&W had loads of it back in Melee.
Twelvepack wrote:
Or would tournament results tell you what characters the better players chose to play? The bottom line is that discussing what characters are "good" in brawl is pointless, because better players will win games, even if their choice isn't top "tier". Remember that the people who make charts like that are the exact type of people who will spend more time analyzing the game then actually practicing and getting good. You will even see posts every now and again by one of them lamenting a loss to someone who chose a "bad" character and beat them.
Mostly both. The tier lists are influenced heavily by what characters are currently kicking ass in tournaments. The best example of this would be Marth going from high tier to top tier during Ken's 40 tournament winning streak with him. SWF makes their tier lists from a simple voting process of people admitted into the Smash Back Room, which is split pretty much equally between theory fighters, tournament players and people who bought their way in.
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Zurreco wrote:
Right, but the whole idea behind the chart is still flawed. You can't for sure say that one character is at a disadvantage to another because you can't account for play styles, skill, or priority manipulation.
I don't know about how this one in particular is set-up, but it's usually based on statistics. Marth rules everyone in the air, so someone that's dependant on aerial battling (say, Melee Ganon or Puff) suffers from not being able to use their best traits to full effect. And playing any of them land-based is enough to gimp them to make the batte lopsided, even if it's your "style". It does account for skill - Being better then your opponent means you can win even being at a disadvantage. Just because you are at a disadvantage doesn't mean you can't by being better - I doubt black won every game of Go before the 5.5 point bonus was invented. And at the same time, being better AND having the advantage in character means you got a way better chance of winning. And priority doesn't exist. Hard to manipulate something that isn't there.
While I agree that speed is important, the heavy hitters in Brawl are getting a lot of love lately. Aren't Dedede and Ike some of the most used/victorious characters in competitions lately?
Has there even been competitions on the big scale? As far as I've seen (of course, being european and hated by Nintendo, it skews the vision a bit), Brawl hasn't exactly had a FC yet - The biggest competitions are online tournaments filled with (regardless of their own beliefs) not-all-that-good players. Azzomg - I'm sure G&W is better then he was in Melee (it'd be hard not to) and I'll agree with that you'd probably know more about it then me - I haven't exactly played the Melee characters much in Brawl (the new ones are just way more entertaining). Just a few points - That your opponent can't tech or recover properly (especially with Brawl's homing grab-the-ledge-two-miles-away system) isn't a good point to make - Anyone at tournament level will tech every time he wants to from an attack as obvious as G&W's downthrow, and they won't make a mistake like missing a sweetspot. Did they upgrade his bucket between the games? Because in Melee, it was way too weak with anything short of three fully charged blasts from Samus or Mewtwo to be worth the bother, and the attack slow and obvious enough for no one to get hit by it except by being majorly outplayed - In which case anything would've hit them. And... IASA?
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Raiscan wrote:
In SSBM, I played as one of two people; Captain Falcon, or Ganondorf. I refuse to believe that the characters I'm a master at are complete fodder in Brawl.
Zurreco wrote:
Apparently Ganondorf can't beat anyone ever and Snake is the best possible choice? Falco is at a disadvantage to G&W? In my house, a person with Ganondorf has a decent chance of taking home most of the KOs in a stock match, especially against the likes of Bowser or Dedede. Falco and Wolf tend to run the house, and it seems really unlikely that G&W would be able to overtake either of them... I wonder what the basis is for half of this. I doubt it's based on anything entirely supportable.
Being at a disadvantage doesn't mean you can't win. Being at an advantage doesn't mean you will win. Still, though, Ganondorf undoubtably got a lot less to work with then Snake or Pit. Speed has always been the superior stat in Smash, and Ganon is slower then ever in Brawl. Smash has also always had rather skewed tiers. Samus, Link and Donkey Kong had nothing against Fox, Pikachu or Kirby (unless it was Isai playing Link). Pichu, Mewtwo and Kirby is inferior in evey aspect to Sheik or Falco. It hardly comes as a surprise that Brawl, with an even larger roster then Melee, had an immense gap between the best and the worst. And that Ganon belongs in one category and Snake in the other seems pretty likely. But I agree with that the matchup chart seems iffy: I nearly doubt that every matchup in Brawl even has been played.
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A2ZOMG wrote:
Actually his Down-smash has a big hunk of invisible range, and it's not even that slow. It's fast enough to the point where you can D-throw into it if your opponent doesn't tech. His D-throw leads to guarenteed combos on an opponent that doesn't tech as I said. You can Jab and regrab, you can D-tilt, I think you can even use Judgement. If they do tech, at least you can try to chase him down for another grab. Btw the throw also can spike if you grab someone next to the edge.
Hitting after a d-throw is a big guess, and guessing wrong leads to you losing all momentum. It's hardly all that big a factor.
And the Parachute SUCKED in Melee. G&W's new N-air is actually a lot better than his old one.
What? It was a gigantic disjointed hitbox that lasted years. The fair had a short sweetspot then a long cooldown which was weak as hell. The nair never lost its power. Jump out, activate it and fall on your opponent. It's a lovely edgeguard. (ALSO: I laughed at that regardless of your statement at the end, half of the posts in the thread are "too long, didn't read" but they praise you instead of bash. Mindless yes-saying is always better then being negative!)
His D-tilt is also better than it was in Melee contrary to popular belief. The hitbox is HUGE. I mean ridiculously huge, and the completely horizontal knockback can gimp some recoveries if you ledgeguard with this. Either way it's HUGE.
You can't edgeguard in Brawl. And, essentially, "a bit more range" weighs up for every good thing the D-tilt had in Melee but lost in Brawl?
Also, he's THE best character in the game at juggling for several reasons like his amazing Up-B, his improved U-air, and also his B-air breaks shields.
He's still slow though, which is kinda important for chasing your opponent while juggling them.
Topping that is the fact his kill options are just plain overpowered. This includes his improved Down-B, which has huge collecting range, and gets shitloads of 1HKOs (yes, kills at 0% so many times).
People use the slow, strong energy projectiles when G&W got time to catch them now? I sure wish Roy was still in the game, Flareblade would be the best attack in the game again.
Oh, and his shield FINALLY COVERS HIM.
Woo and yay.
Trust me he's easily the 3rd best character or so in the game. Everyone down at SWF agrees he's awesome. The only two characters that truly rival him at this point are Metaknight and Snake. G&W has like no real weaknesses in Brawl. He's got crazy priority, amazing recovery, great combos, great approaches, and great kill options.
People argue that EVERY character is "THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST" or "OMG HORRIBLE I LOST TO A LEVEL 1 CPU WORST CHARACTER EVER" on SWF. It's hardly a solid argument. And several people got huge disjointed hitboxes now, everyone except Venosaur and Olimar got ridicolous recovery, there are no combos in Brawl, approach, I don't know, and well, sure, he's always had that.
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Tub wrote:
Any kind of creation, artistically or otherwise, is based on previous works. Even just combining previous works in a clever way can be a noteworthy achievement. That's what enables a society to evolve.
Creating a sculpture out of clay wouldn't require any kind of inspiration. Unless, of course, you want to get technical and claim that "clay" is <deity of choice>'s work or "evolutions work", however that would work (hur hur what a clever pun). I agree with the rest, though.
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The two "coolest" sounds I could think of when naming a snake I drew. Yeah, hardly a very creative progress. "Find cool-sounding prefix" + "find cool-sounding suffix" = "cool-sounding name". It has stuck to me since then. Not inspired by The Matrix, the dishwasher and/or dishwasher powder, nor the brazillian bugspray. As far as I'm aware, all of those came after I came up with the nick, except the Matrix movie, but I don't think I took my nick after a character I don't like.
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LagDotCom wrote:
Nothing is meaningless. And the reason is... I'm the president of the great United States of America!
I think that only applies when you got a giant robot as well. Just doesn't have the same effect without it.
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It's a hot topic around here as well. This year they managed to get the Internet censorship law through with the excuse of blocking access to child pornography sites. However, it was soon revealed that the anonymous official who maintains the blocking list has their own interpretations on the law. Blocked are several pornography sites (that are not child porn), and even sites that have nothing to do with pornography, just happen to share a DNS address with some site that has some page that has some comment form where a link to some child pornography site was posted. (Not to mention the fact that the censorship solves no problems at all.) But they are contemplating on extending the censorship to things like piracy sites (The Pirate Bay for instance), Internet gambling (Poker), etc.
Sounds like Sweden and Finland got pretty similar events, then. I know Sweden had a similar ban earlier, although it got removed pretty quickly after a lot of raging and shouting.
Though I don't know what you're referring to exactly with political correctness.
Pretty much exactly this:
Then there's the fact that posting opinions can get one charged. Especially those that are in opposition to the official truth regarding multiculturalism ― the official truth being that multiculturalism enriches the culture and if the native population perceives a significant portion of (african) immigrants as muggers and criminals in general (which is supported by the police investigation statistics), it's because the native population "is not integrating well enough". For the same reason, most newspapers practise sorts of newspeak with news regarding immigrant incidents. I believe Swedish newspapers do the same. When they use the word "youth" or "youth groups", it almost certainly means somali groups.
A lot of special lingo ("Cultural enricher" is the official term used for immigrants), "soft-bans" on speaking against immigration in any way (thinking swedens stance on immigration is bad is almost always translated as "a horrible racist"), etc. The swedish forum Flashback (known for being against any kind of censorship) made a "Politcally Correct phrase book" which parodies the PC-lingo.
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Bisqwit wrote:
I don't like most jokes that put someone/a group into weird light, such as blonde/negro jokes or Chuck Norris jokes.
Does this include in-jokes about your friends, or just on a more general scale? Also, is it because you don't like jokes that are designed to (to some extent) insult other people, or simply because you don't find them funny? As a kind of follow-up question, what's your stance on political correctness and censorship relating to it? I don't know about how it is in Finland, but I know it's all over the place here in Sweden.
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okaygo wrote:
Saturn, I found a glitch involving a special combination of movements, it really optimizes subpixel movements, so far I've saved 1 frame for every room... talk about crazy... I might release a WIP, but I'd rather you figure this one out for yourself.
I saved two seconds on the Ridley fight by switching to Geico. Kriole/Taco - Damn impressive WIP. Keep up the same quality for the entire run and it will be an amazing run. Can't wait for the finished product.
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stickyman05 wrote:
You misunderstand the point I was making. I don't know where you got that I didn't like him complaining about broken games. He was complaining about long games he had to review, not glitchy or unworkable ones. I WANT him to say "Wow, game x is a shitty piece of ass fuck [/avgn] because it is too 1) glitchy, 2) load times take forever, 3) ect." I don't want to hear him complain about how much time it will take him to review good/long games.
Ah. Sorry for the confusion, then. My mistake. I agree with you on those points.
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stickyman05 wrote:
Honestly, all he does is complain. Cry me a river, but I could not care less about your work load. Your job is to play and review games, a job many other young adults get wet dreams over. Love it or leave it, but don't bitch about it.
Yeah, let's not complain about bug-ridden games. I mean, we only pay for them, we can't expect them to actually test the games for us. Were he supposed to praise the games for spontaneous crashes? Or claim that having longer load times then actual gameplay is a positive thing in games? Or joyfully say that having the second half of the game be a rehash with new colors of the first half is all fine and dandy? Sure, some of the complaints were silly, but it is a humor-site, after all.
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XIF wrote:
Where do I know you from again neophos? I recall the name...
You'd probably remember the (rather silly) nick "RoySSJGokuNaruto" better. Melee General boards, way back.
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A2ZOMG wrote:
What makes me happy: G&W RAPES in this game.
He does? I'd say he's gotten worse. Sure, his new downsmash is great (although its range and speed is still horrible), his new downthrow is excellent (although you can roll away before he can hit you), and taunting when getting that juicy #9 is kickass, but the loss of his best aerial (the parachute) and it getting replaced by a barely usable splashing-thingie hurt his edgeguarding, KO'ing and antiair abilities, losing the board (the downtilt) made his ground game suffer (it got crappy knockback now, and it doesn't feed straight into his (previously) great nair or, if you're feeling lucky, a judgement #9), and the improved recovery is hardly enough to push him above those flaws. He's still great fun to play, though. Guess I should've split that paragraph into more parts.
Post subject: Re: Pilotwings
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Firs off: Hi XIF. Long time no see.
XIF wrote:
I know some of the basics and the dos and donts. I'm gonna use SNES9x v 1.43+ v 9
Use gocha's improved version instead. No reason not to, really.
XIF wrote:
What is the right way to go about the actual recording? Do I just create a savestate from the start and test one by one the optimal frames? (For instance, I couldnt tell you the earliest frame I could press start at to bring up the menu automatically at the start screen). Would I just simply set a savestate at the beginning, create another one before each frame I test to see if start then will bring up the menu, and just repeat it until I get the result?
The lazy way would be auto. The optimized way would be to check every individual frame (by loading a savestate every time and checking). The a bit slower, but overall more rewarding, way would be to check if there's a memory address that keeps track of when the game accepts input. Then you'd know when the best frame to press would be in every situation.
XIF wrote:
Are there any other helpful tools I might want to use outside of that? Is there any menu option in snes9x to perhaps set and stop a frame count (like a timer for frames) and what is there to display the overall frame number of recording?
Use gocha's Snes9x memory watcher, learn basic LUA if you want simple script-assistance. When recording a movie, press . in Snes9x to bring up the total frame count.