Posts for Neophos

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If you take the time to learn how to decipher it (or have a friendly forum to do it for you), HijackThis is pretty much the overall best tool you can have (outside of common sense and/or using Linux/Mac).
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Just a question: All fullscreen modes (including the regular 640x480 16bit one), when tested, give the "untested, failed the test" response for me. Obviously fullscreen does work, but is there any way to fix the other fullscreen modes?
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Drewseph wrote:
I've got an issue with frame advance. I have it set to my logictech controller as the R2 button. yet when I press it the game simply pauses, no matter how many times after I press it it just stays at the same frame, paused. when I set to to a keyboard key it works fine as should, but just not when its a controller button. any ideas whats wrong?
I've had this problem as well. If you're on Windows, use Joy2Key to fix it. Just bind R2 to \ (silly american keyboards). I'm not sure if it's a bug or just how the emulator handles controller input, but it's luckily quite simple to bypass.
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
My impressions: If they're going to make a DS version anytime soon, they'll have to do something drastic to the gameplay, or at least with some of the timing. Main issue was the double tapping: it seemed you had to be WAY fast with it to get it to work. Mashing "down" to fall through a platform and not succeeding is not fun.
The Wiimote's d-pad is rather horrible though, while the DS' is quite alright, so it wouldn't be just as bad.
Zurreco wrote:
Ferret Warlord wrote:
If they're going to make a DS version anytime soon, they'll have to do something drastic to the gameplay, or at least with some of the timing.
How so? I figure it would handle just like playing Brawl with a Classic Controller, save a few button remaps and the need to justify tilts for the Dpad. Putting grabs on Y (since you don't NEED two jump buttons and no one really does R+A, right?) would solve the lack of Z, taunts on tapping, and holding L would access tilt attacks. Seems to cover everything, right?
R+A is for shieldgrabbing, but otherwise, yeah, sounds like a great controlscheme. It would perhaps be a bit clunky with fast aerials, but as a draft, it doesn't sound bad at all.
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Snake wrote:
I also want to know a SNES game. It was a Jump'n'run. Pretty Colorful. Asfair you were at first a Rat. But there where other animals, too.
Although rat is more towards the end then the beginning... E.V.O. Search for Eden?
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CtrlAltDestroy wrote:
4: Melee never had the "freeze for a second due to super-powerful attack" effect that Brawl does. I personally like games without that effect.
Melee had hitstop on a lot of attacks. Samus' charged beam, Mr. G&W 9 Judgement hammer, Ganondorf's stomp etc. It's a lot more pronounced in Brawl, with attacks like Ganondorf's stomp, C. Falcon's knee and Zelda's kicks being some nasty offenders.
Zurreco wrote:
Sheik is at least 1/3 slower than before, and the transformation takes almost 3 times as long. That's not to mention a few other things that would be considered nerfing Zelda/Shiek, which is fine.
The entire game is pretty much 30% slower then Melee, so either Sheik is a snail or she's just following trends. Also, her new tilts are insane, so she's not bad even with the nerfs. But yeah, the new transformation is horrible. You better stick to just one of the characters, switching midbattle means a free combo for the opponent.
Jigglypuff was overpowered in Melee. She is right where she needs to be right now.
Huh? Puff was never all that good. Weaving, stalling, being annoying, yeah. Great in teams, sure. But overpowered? Far from it.
thegreginator wrote:
some are terrible (DK)
Where's your rhytm, son?
thegreginator wrote:
I dont like the absence of wavedashing but the absence of chain throwing is a good thing.
Come again?
thegreginator wrote:
This combined with the automatic sweetspotting and the fact that it takes much more percent to kill someone make edgeguarding a much bigger part of the game, which I like.
I was getting the impression that edgeguarding mattered less with both the new autosweetspotting (there's no guessing whether he'll aim for sweetspotting or not anymore. You can aim for as much recovery as possible and sweetspot at the same time) and with the ridicolous buffs to recovery (can't edgeguard people who can come to the middle of the stage from one of the edges).
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CtrlAltDestroy wrote:
4) Lag!! Why lag, in a Wii game, when Melee had none? Try using Pikachu's down-smash on someone. The game will freeze several times during the attack sequence. The game also tends to freeze on the Ice Climber level when the iceberg is sliding down the hill.
Oh? I haven't noticed any lag in particular (except that the almost silly amounts of hitstop on some attacks that makes the game feel like it lags) on those stages. I guess I haven't played all that many FFA's though, so perhaps that could be it. And on the point of lag in Melee: Try playing busy matches on Big Blue, Mute city or Fountain of Dreams. At least in the PAL version, there's a decent amount of lag.
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Quick question, purely out of curiosity: What decides what effects Hunter will use, and how easy/hard are they to manipulate? I can't recall any that slows the bike down right now, so I'm assuming you'll try to manipulate it too look as cool as possible? Awesome WIP, by the way. If the rest of the run will be of the same quality, this run will be pure greatness.
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Oh, I remember playing this game in my childhood. Don't think I ever came past the second boss, though. The run looked well-optimized, and the route planning seemed solid. The bosses were a bit repetetive, but I guess there's not all that much to be done about it with the game's rather limited attack variety. Overall, it's a yes vote.
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DarkKobold wrote:
Chamale wrote:
Hyena wrote:
I guess six is still too many input combinations.
Reminds me of a time I put a rock on the mouse (on a laptop) and set a record for the game Hold The Button.
Funny enough, you can hold the button down, simply by left clicking, and then right clicking while still holding the left button down. Releasing the left button no longer helps. As long as you don't lose focus, you are 'holding the button' TOOL - ASSISTANCE!
Press the button, then switch tab (like pressing right mouse button and scrolling in Opera). You can browse other pages and the button is still held! Even better tool-assistance!
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Yeah, I agree with that. Wallhacking doesn't make for very interesting gameplay. There's another use for auto-B though - When using it against a sloped wall, you go pretty damn fast. Use of that together with great angle control would be much more fun to watch.
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I love this game, and as such, I'm going to bump this topic with a testrun: Goes through the expert course, using a fun little glitch. Highly unoptimized (as easily seen by the rerecord count) and zero-to-none routeplanning outside of "check what way goal is, go towards that place".
Post subject: Programming and TAS'ing
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It seems a lot of advanced TAS'ers have experience in programming (ranging from just simple scripting to advanced programmer). So, I've been wondering: Did you pick up programming as a supplement to another interest (TAS'ing), were you already learning or educated in programming when you discovered TAS'es, or were they two different interests that just happens to mold together very well? As far as I've seen, some users (like Bisqwit) were already full-fledged programmers before discovering TAS's, but that can't be true for everyone, can it? (Although TAS'ing would seem to be an interest to mostly attract people interested in subjects such as programming)
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I'd recommend a good USB-adapter (Pelican's is wonderful) and a Dual shock, personally. The Dual shock got enough buttons to work with for emulators (such as having save state on R2 and load state on L2), and I just like the controller. Here's a thread on another forum about it which might help.
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Current WIP: Since the arena battles has been my first real battle, some small notes: Enemy hits can be manipulated by shooting at different times, although I'm not sure how it works (sometimes, it simply doesn't). Also, manipulating for 3's is better, so I didn't bother testing this too much. Moving the cursor changes the pattern. Moving in a direction for 1 frame gives one pattern, moving for 3 or more gives another etc. When you get hit, there's a small window (4 frames, I believe. Might differ from weapon to weapon and so. Needs more testing) where you can't fire. I still haven't found out how to maximize damage from grenades, so until I figure that out, I'm afraid The King will be hard to beat. Current status: Arrive at caryards - 3 karma Samurai - 300 - 5 karma Heavy - 700 - 6 karma Heavy - 1000 - 9 karma Mage - 2000 - 10 karma (next opponent) Mage - 3000 - 12 karma Samurai - 4000 - 13 karma King - 4000 - 17 karma After beating these, I'll buy the T-250, take on one more arena foe, then do the cortex sequence (seems to be the fastest way). 3 karma goes to upping strength. Should I spend the rest on body, save for upping Powerball (if I learn to manipulate it correctly, it could become a powerful weapon before the assault weapons) or something else entirely?
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I threw together a quick run of tenth street. There's loads of optimization, route changes and such to improved, but it's a start, I guess. Version of game is in the comment. EDIT: If anyone wants to help me to find useful memory address, I'd love it. The ones I've currently found to be of any use: 7E33DE - Remaining HP. Only if you don't wanna check the menu. 7E3C11 - Experience. This number divided by 8 is your current karma. Any time you spend karma, this goes down by 8. 7E3C0D - Nuyen count. Same as HP. The enemies seems to have HP in memory addresses based on location. As in, there's one for "sniper in window on Jake's building", "sniper outside Jake's building", "hitman on roof at railway" etc. Pretty easy to search for, I guess. I've noted these down as "important": 7E2FB0 - First arena guy 7E2F97 - Second arena guy 7E2F9C - Third arena guy 7E2F92 - Fourth arena guy 7E2FA6 -The King Also, as for as I've been able to find: 7E01F0 - X-position of pointer 7E01F2 - Y-position of pointer You fire at a rate of one shot every 35th frame. Luck can be manipulated by waiting, although if you move the cursor, it'll have to "relock", which takes time. Essentially, only try to manipulate luck by moving the cursor if you really can't get a good shot without it. Runners shots can be manipulated by simply moving.
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Ha ha, oh god. I never even noticed that radio button until now. Man, I'm feeling stupid. Thanks anyway.
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I have a problem (beta17): I don't know whether it's Wine, Ubuntu or Snes9x that is causing it, but... I can't press left and right/up and down at the same time (or, well, I can, but Snes9x doesn't accept the input). Any other combination (diagonals, two buttons at the same time etc) works just fine, but not opposing directions. This is true even when I map all directions to one button and press it (in which case it only reads left and up). Is this a fault in the emulator, Wine's handling of the emulator, some deep magical mechanism in Ubuntu or did my keyboard start having weird hiccups?
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I get a problem when I use it with Wine. When I start it, there's a notice about that I have no DirectSound enabled/installed (doesn't really bother me), and then.. nothing. The process starts, but the program is nowhere to be found. A shame, since this seems to be a good update.
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Mainstream in terms of "general public knows about 'em", then I got a few to recommend. Mainstream as in "sold more then 35 copies", then, well, ignore these? 1. 1984, George Orwell. A classic, and a great one at that. It's about a militarian society, and the characters, the setting, everything feels real and believable. Anyone who's ever read any sci-fi should read it. 2. The entire Ender series by Orson Scott Card. Ender quartet, Bean quartet, hell, even the short stories if you can get hold of them. Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow are among two of my favorite titels ever. The series follow Ender and Bean, two child-soldiers, starting at their military training and then continuing with their lives. 3. Anything by Isaac Asimov. I, Robot, Dead robot, The Foundation Series (especially this one) , etc. They're just too great if you're into sci-fi. He's the damn godfather of modern sci-fi. I guess I really don't read anything but sci-fi nowadays.
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Planescape: Torment is always worth a playthrough. The Persona series could be interesting as well. Persona 3 has random generated dungeons and all that stuff. Defiently worth getting.
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Yeah, I knew about that trick. Not planning on using it, however. I tried remaking the same segment I just did with jeep-only with both jeep and heli. Perhaps it's just my rookie-ness with TAS'ing, but it seems very hard to control both at them and make it entertaining at the same time. An interesting challenge. I can hopefully put up a WIP of it soon.
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True, there's some perks to doing it with two players instead of one. I'm not a big fan of the helicopter when it comes to the TAS though (contrary to regular playing, where getting the helicopter is a blessing). It can only fire upwards, it never shapeshifts (the car turns into both a boat and a jet at later levels) and it's generally more.. boring, so to say. The helicopter acts like any standard shoot-'em-up unit. The car is more unique in that aspect. Also, the second perk is that as far as I remember from my old days of playing this with my brother, you get more powerups from each box as two players (or perhaps it's just less specials and more weapon powerups, can't remember), so boss battles could perhaps be upwards three times faster.
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The system to play as two players is pretty damn stupid. You gotta press select during the title screen to bring up the controller config, then A or B to make it two player. You can also choose who gets to be the helicopter that way.
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Says in the link. (J) (32469) is the specific one used, although it works on every japanese version I have. Due an an extra screen in the start, it doesn't work with Firepower 2000 (the american version) (although that could be fixed with some simple hex editing, I think) and due to framerate, it doesn't work in the european version.