Posts for Orange_Claw_Hammer

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Really wanted to see this game TAS'd for a long time, thanks for making this! It's too bad Piercer is universally the best weapon for every boss (except round 2 of the robot?), I wish we could've seen Bomber and Exploder as well. Still enjoyed the run though.
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Astonishing and hilarious TAS. I wish I had been totally blind coming into watching this, but nonetheless it was immensely entertaining. The fact that this is so despite a fair amount of repetition due to 3 laps per track is a testament to the creativity and hard work at display. Should definitely be starred and should probably get the glowing question mark box too. My deepest respect and regard for spending more than a decade working on these tracks, leading finally to the release of this superlative finished work.
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Nice, glad to hear that! Though the Zelda 1 TAS is a more than acceptable alternative to have been spending time on :P really enjoyed it.
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Has there been any progress on this in the past few months Lord Tom?
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Looking at the image of 4-2 above, why isn't it possible to enter the stairs like a wall or a ledge and run directly through to the world 8 pipe, no fall-through-the-floor PAL-only glitch needed? Even if you do need to load the warp zones by walking a certain distance to the right, seems like it would still be a bit faster if you could just walk through the stairs to the area with the 3 pipes.
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mklip2001 wrote:
This game is a lot more watchable than the first Joe & Mac
Indeed, it's always frustrated me a bit that the original Joe & Mac gets a decent amount of attention from the speedrunning community while this game gets almost none. Glad someone finally picked this game up to TAS! Well done Challenger, glad I could help out throughout the process. Also, my guess of 19:30ish for the final time was pretty spot-on :P
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Looks good! Looking forward to seeing what the final time is. Congrats on finishing the project :)
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Hey Challenger, newest WIP is looking good except for a couple things: Just before the pre-boss autoscroller in the Volcano level, you want to jump the frame before the screen starts autoscrolling. You will skip a little bit of the autoscrolling part; it will start when you land after the jump. And also, pausing looks a little ugly. Unless it's the only effective way to change RNG in the boss fights, perhaps try to find another way to manipulate good patterns? Otherwise, good stuff!
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The newest WIP looks great! Very nice work Challenger. Eagerly looking forward to seeing the rest of the game.
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!!! Someone's finally TASing this, god bless your dear soul! I did a speedrun of this, sorry about the wretched quality though: I expect a TAS to be around 19:30ish for this game. There's very little in the way of TAS-only maneuvers that can't be implemented in speedruns, at least that I could find. No time-saving glitches either, though there are a couple you can show off for entertainment. Some notes about your WIPs: WIP 1: 1:17 - Nice route here, hadn't thought of this. 2:11 - You can indefinitely keep the two enemy cavemen on screen by repeatedly landing on them from above, which causes them to flash with invulnerability and stop moving. Shortly before the triceratops is set to stop moving the cavemen will kind of automatically slide off screen. If you jump onto them as they're doing so, occasionally their sprites will glitch out, but it seems random whether this happens or not to my eyes. 2:33 - This is the only glaring mistake of the WIPs. Any time the game freezes Joe's movement to slowly center the screen on him, you want to absolutely avoid being at the edge of the screen and instead be centered on the screen on the frame this process is initiated, ideally having started sprinting a second or so beforehand. 2:36 - Looks like you might've been able to jump a bit later here before walking off the triceratops' snout. Also, this is just a suggestion, but entertainment is a bit weak during the autoscroller segments, of which there are many. This game is about as straightforward a platformer as you can get, so entertainment during downtime is paramount. WIP 2: 0:15 - There is a visual glitch you can activate here while hanging on a rope. When Joe reaches the left edge of the screen, he will be pushed off the rope; when he is about to fall off, swing your club and he will remain airborne hanging on thin air. You can keep him airborne indefinitely by doing frame perfect club swings successively. Use this for entertainment how you will. (Perhaps you could even keep Joe suspended at the top of the screen and get a faster dropping speed into the cavern to save some frames?) 0:55 and 0:57 - You can turn around quickly by depressing the dash button as you reverse direction on the D-Pad. It should save some frames here. 1:16 - I suspect your method here is fastest, but there's an alternative where you refrain from clubbing and simply jump as late as possible without getting hit by the first caveman. You grab the rope a little lower but forgo any time loss from having to swing the club (maybe there is no time loss while on icy floor?) 1:35 - I expect that you tested whether ducking or clubbing here was faster. 3:08 - This doesn't look optimal to my eyes. 3:24 - If you jump a bit later here, you can still clear the bouncing shell but also land on the caveman's head, forgoing the need to club him. 3:44 - The platform extends far enough here that you can run underneath the first bug and jump without hitting him. I believe you can in fact land on the propeller-suspended platform without needing to grab a rope along the way. 4:04 - You can abuse the same visual glitch mechanic as with the avalanche autoscroller in the snow stage. When Joe is being pushed off a platform by the left edge of the screen you can club indefinitely to keep him airborne (not sure how this interacts with the giant pterodactyl though, I believe he sweeps you away regardless). 4:58 - Not sure why you take damage here, it's very possible to get 4 hits on the first phase without needing to do so. 5:42 - Again, you might be able to do a faster turnaround here. Thanks again for taking on this project, I'm really looking forward to the finished result! I'm going to be away from home without internet from tomorrow evening until May 1st but after that I'll be sure to check any additional WIPs.
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I was highly giddy when I saw this movie under Recent Submissions. Did not disappoint; voted Yes. When the original Catch 'Em All TAS was submitted I watched it all in one nostalgia-spiked sitting, declining to fast forward through any of the Rare Candy binges. It was the first time since childhood that I was able to experience the special joy of encountering and capturing all the Pokemon you never see in traditional speedruns of the games, and I savored every minute of it. Although it's since been improved and it's not a TAS I'm prone to rewatching, it still stands out in memory as one of my most enjoyable initial viewings of any TAS. Gen 1 Pokemon has been thoroughly ravaged by glitches at this point, and so the TAS at hand is a welcome new entry on this site. Although I didn't have the same tingly nostalgia blasts as I did when first watching the original Catch 'Em All TAS, the dual-game action and the chance to see pokemon like Kabuto, Pidgeotto, and Mankey (!) used for actual battling more than made up for it. The routing effort here must have been obscene, and timing the trades between the two games to efficiently balance populating both Pokedexes and getting good experience gains on the right pokemon is a unique challenge not seen elsewhere anywhere in the speedrunning world. This TAS must have required a huge amount of planning, work, and frustration - I salute and thank you for it. I only have one issue with this run, though it applies to all TAS's of this game that see the main body of the game. I personally don't think constant red-bar negatively affects entertainment. Perhaps I'm in the minority being neutral to the beeping noise, but the rushed animations and comically altered pokemon cries significantly add to the entertainment value for me. (What a joy to hear any ordinary pokemon's cry change to Gastly's...!) This has been a long-standing complaint of mine regarding Pokemon TAS's, one that I don't expect the majority of the audience to sympathize with, and it's only a very minor issue. So far this is my favorite TAS of 2016. Thanks a lot again for making this, MrWint.
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hetfield is the one true god of speed all bow to hetfield
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This was found pretty recently: The glitch allows Yumetaro to enter ceilings and then start getting zipped inside, usually to the right. The room warp shown in the video is the only known major application of the glitch thus far, though there are some minor speed boosts you can do by jumping into ceilings in various rooms. I tested every ceiling/wall corner I could access in stages 5-7 and I couldn't find other beneficial warps. Perhaps there is a way to trigger the glitch earlier in the game. I don't think the underlying reason why the glitch is triggered when bombing the bird boss's shell is known. Just wanted to bring this to the attention of the TAS community in case Aglar or someone else wants to investigate.
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neo_omegon, just wanted to offer support for your TASing efforts on this game, which has experienced unfortunate setbacks in full-game TASing efforts for the past few years. I and many others would be greatly excited to see an updated no-EG or 100% TAS incorporating all the new tech that has arisen since Tompa's old run.
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not only is hetfield the greatest speedrunner of all time he is also the greatest TASer of all time hail hetfield
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Hey paosidufygth, I probably have a unique vantage point of this TAS as I have a lot of experience speedrunning, routing, and (theory) TASing Rockman 2. That said, I found this TAS incredibly entertaining and unusually clever. There are so many cool tricks and entertaining details that are enabled from instant weapon switching + the lack of normal zipping techniques. Examples include using all but one crash bomb on the enemies in the Wood Man stage and then using the final one on Wood Man himself at the start of the fight, as well as the Atomic Fire at the start of Wily Dragon fight enabling a double KO. The highlight for me was undoubtedly the first two spike-floor screens after the checkpoint in Wily 4. I think it's a very good thing that there are still some minor zips/screen wraps, as they add to the variety and keep things relatively fast-paced. All the tiny 1-tile zips in the Wood Man stage were a treat to watch. I wouldn't go so far as to say this TAS surpasses the NES one in entertainment, but it stands quite well on its own. Although I did enjoy the first publication of this category, I don't remember finding it quite as fun to watch as I did this time. Along with your contributions to Mega Man 4 & 5, you are doing some seriously amazing work on the classic Mega Man series paosidufygth. Keep it up, and thanks again for this great TAS.
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I recently replayed this game on hard mode and, after watching dondon's superb 0% growths playthrough, came across toothache's intention to make a ranked TAS. I assume this isn't being worked on actively due to the lack of updates, but is this still in your TASing plans toothache?
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Although I enjoyed the realtime TAS you guys made, this was what I had always hoped to see for this game. Really glad you decided to complete this project as well diggidoyo! The excess pausing was a bit unpleasant during boss fights, but other than that this was fantastic and often hilarious. Mega Man 9 has an unusual amount of useful, unique weapons, and this TAS shows this off wonderfully. Truly a delight to see Tornado Blow used so liberally, to say nothing of the overload of Concrete zipping. The amount of weapon drops manipulated was rather amusing as well. A couple questions: there was one pause menu (can't remember which level) where you moved the cursor rather slowly, why was that? And, what exactly happened at the start of the Twin Devil fight? Looked like a weird glitch to do with the weapon switching code. It's a shame this apparently can't be published. I think TAS's like these should be examined on a case-by-case basis to determine if the code used adds enough value to the gameplay as well as doesn't subvert or render too arbitrary the spirit of the game. I understand setting precedents is a big deal for this site but I think the fact that this TAS is more entertaining than the normal one and that the hack doesn't fundamentally change the game (indeed, it makes the TAS a spiritual parallel to the PSX RM2 and MM10 ones) should make this worth considering for publication.
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beautiful TAS. fantastic work Tiancaiwhr!
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this is a superb TAS now. it has great flow and the clips are pretty funny. this game has certainly come a long way over the years considering it's so short. great work mugg!
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Since this thread has had a little spurt of activity, I can't help but ask: Are the new TAS(es) still being worked on? Has progress been made in recent months? I hope this project is still alive as Rockman 2 is one of my very favorite games to watch TASes of. :)
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this TAS is a lot more entertaining to me than the rockman 4 minus infinity TAS currently published. i wouldn't advocate for this TAS obsoleting that one, but i hope it is published alongside it.
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more entertaining than the currently published run.
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why do the acquisition of the orb item and the cloud item differ sufficiently to warrant them being separated on a categorical level?
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why isn't the cloud glitch used anyway?