Posts for Orange_Claw_Hammer

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omfg that giant bomb yump in black fortress 3 although a lot of this run is just boring walking, i greatly enjoyed the abundance of bombstacking/bombjumping and hilarious boss fights. nice job nahoc!
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awesome, i watched your older 33min TAS and i enjoyed it very much. looking forward to the encode for this !!!!!
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Hey Randil, nice WIP, cool to see you making progress! A couple things though (both of which I noted in my list of ideas): - The blue guy in the room before the golden key can either stay put long enough for Goofy to grapple twice, or he can even walk downward toward Max and Goofy can grapple him once. Either way, it is definitely possible for him to be closer to Max when Max throws the barrel upward at him than is the case in the WIP (I think even pretty much adjacent to Max). - I noticed you got a couple bombs in the boss fight this time around, yet still no double kills! Perhaps it wasn't possible with the exact pattern you got here, but it should still be obviously faster to have a fight with double kills going on than all single kills. I realize luck isn't very readily mainipulable in this game as some others, so if it simply wasn't possible for you to implement these strategies then I understand. Also, one question: is it possible for you to find out how the final in-game time works, the one displayed after all the credits have rolled? We're not sure if it takes into account hidden demicals cut off in the individual stage times or if it simply adds the integer figures displayed after every stage is completed and spits that out.
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ok, here goes: 1. Stage 1 room before golden key block puzzle: can manipulate the blue guy to walk toward max immediately so he dies quicker 2. Stage 1 golden key block puzzle: I imagine it's faster for Goofy to kick the bottom left block upward first than the top left block due to walking distance, etc. 3. Stage 1 boss: bombs can kill 2 enemies at once if you hit a back-row guy near either edge of his hitbox and the adjacent front-row guy comes out at any point during the bomb's explosion. An extremely fast kill would probably entail multiple bombs being manipulated and used to take out a number of guys in quick succession. 4. Stage 2 three purple guys + 2 gray blocks in middle: I think Blechy already told you about this one but you should get the purple guy in the middle to kick the bottom block to the right to decrease Max's walking distance 5. Stage 2 two grapple bridges 2nd pass: Goofy should probably kick the first block? I haven't been totally sure about this one 6. Stage 3 boss: could probably be manipulated even better, particularly in the first half of the battle, with the skeletons throwing double barrages of bones, etc. 7. Stage 5 lure blue guy onto switch: with best manipulation, it might be faster to skip the bell and lure the guy onto the switch without it (getting the bell takes 4 seconds) 8. Keelhaul Pete: a given, but you could probably get even better luck. Blechy and I have had 7+ bombs given to us on a long tornado pattern, etc. I think that's all I have in addition to Blechy's list of realtime differences. Also, nice to see a knowledge base being made! Oh yeah, and good luck testing the player swap thing. I wish I could be of some kind of help but I think jumping straight into 2p TASing would be overwhelming for me unfortunately.
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Hey, Randil, really excited to see you're working on a new TAS! I know Blechy has asked you already if you're testing the Max as Player 1 option, but I want to reiterate that it's an important routing aspect that shouldn't be overlooked, despite being a pain to test. I would test it myself but I have no experience TASing and, simply put, it would take me far longer than a seasoned TASer like yourself to find out which is faster. Concerning deaths and damage, obviously I'm biased here, but I wholeheartedly urge you to use them in your new TAS. Although simply taking damage to pass by enemies may not be pretty, in most cases intentional deaths can be synchronized with another element in the screen to make it humorous, i.e. dying so the sound effect plays at the same time as an enemy's death and dying at the same time you kill a snake with a grapple, etc. If you watch the run Blechy linked, you'll notice I try to die with a bit of a humorous touch in most cases. I'm sure you can get even more creative with this, so yeah, go for it in my opinion. Also, I'd say 10-15 seconds saved through deaths/damage is a good estimate, yes. I know a few rooms where luck could be manipulated better (besides bosses), yeah. I don't know where in the planning/testing/TASing stages you are right now so let me know when you want me to post/send my ideas. I need to check that list of realtime strat differences Blechy sent too so I can make suggestions that aren't redundant. Anyway, like I said, I'm pumped to see this TAS being updated. Good luck!
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i am also quite curious about the above inquiry :)
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jimsfriend best post in thread even though i barely took the time to fully comprehend any of it also best signature on tasvids
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i would like to thank jace and norrin for writing so many stellar reviews for these songs, it was a joy to read such informed and passionate takes on all these tracks and listen to them all while doing so. special thanks to jace for the wonderful writeup of mm2 wily 1, the review + the final youtube quote listed honestly made me tear up a little bit because that song is very dear to me. i guess i'll also take this opportunity with norrin here to say thank you for making your album melodia di infinita. at a time when i was listening to a lot of contemporary chiptune music, i listened to this album constantly, and i still consider it one of my favorites. certain moments of unfinished symphony really manage to capture the raw joys i get from nostalgic game music in an utmost intensity...! so thank you again for composing some of the most affecting music i've ever heard. having forgotten about bloody tears (the song name is incorrectly listed as vampire killer in the list, btw), i was expecting the solstice main background theme to take the #2 slot, as i consider that one of the most unique NES songs ever written and i figured a community like the shizz would love that kinda song. i'm rather shocked it didn't even make the top 115. was sad to see other favorites soundtracks of mine like bucky, recca (especially would've loved to see jace or norrin write about this one), gradius 2, jackal, and darkwing duck fail to make the list at all. and yeah the lack of final fantasy and mario 1 & 3 is also somewhat surprising. i can't remember the last time i was checking back daily to see the next entries in a countdown list thing like this. big round of applause to everyone who was involved in this creating and presenting this.
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yeah, the only track that i found out about due to this list and really love now is the madara track (i had listened to this soundtrack before but somehow Ma-Da-Ra didn't stand out to me in the past... i must've been half-asleep when i listened to it, this is a top famicom song!) songs 200-116 will be up after the last two batches are revealed, right? or are they available somewhere already? but yeah, it's disappointing to see so much mm3/cv2/cv3, i was hoping for more oddball picks in the main list.
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oh sweet i came across this on the shizz awhile ago during the voting phases, glad to see this has finally been completed. a suitably mammoth effort for a great body of music. personal favorites that i'm hoping have placed highly: shadow of the ninja boss, good weather from gimmick, riddle from akumajou densetsu, chip n dale 1 zone j, m.o.m. from recca, pretty much anything from bucky o'hare, i could go on and on so i'll just stop there. also i'm amused that the only mario song that's appeared so far is the ending from 2 us. and about the glut of mega man (needle man in particular, the only bad stage song in mm3!): seeing as this list is a compendium of a lot of different people's opinions, and nostalgia/associated play experiences is a legitimate element of enjoyment when listening to game music, it's natural that tracks from a highly-played and well-loved series will edge out arguably better tracks from lesser-played games.
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doing 100 super jumps allows you to get the attack scarf and the super suit from that dog NPC in monstro town. the former can only be equipped to mario and boosts atk, def, m.atk, m.def, and speed by 30; the latter can be equipped to anyone and boosts atk, def, m.atk, and m.def by 50, speed by 30, and negates instant death and all status effects.
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but will it last!! meh vote
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!!! will be watching this asap tomorrow, congrats on saving so much time on the previous TAS : ) edit: can't sleep tonight so i decided to just watch now and fast forward through the boring parts. this is a great improvement! some highlights for me: fright bombs !!, getting the flower in bandit's way with the star jump, skipping that one corkpedite, all the extra mushrooms in the dark area of the minecart, killing director (i think it was that guy?) with a super slap attack, and the new camera manipulations. skipping the lucky jewel increases the fun factor of the movie : - ) the stutter walk thing was funny too yes vote of course, nice job again.
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I've been waiting to see this for a long time, as this is one of my favorite games ever and it means a lot to me. I was not disappointed. This is a superb run, with a good variety of action (not just Marcus dropping off Eliwood near the throne every single chapter) and a ridiculous amount of luck manipulation. Thank you rolanmen and Nitrodon for such an enjoyable TAS, yes vote! (also, I was both amused and sad when Nino unceremoniously perished in Battle Before Dawn :S)
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:) it's really a shame that there is no way to exploit the wall glitch, but this is still a lovely movie. i'm pleased that this game is able to be continually optimized to such a large degree. nice work mugg!
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Ah! Thank you so much for the explanation, I'm really glad the route can be executed in an alternative way without up+down. Cheers :)
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Dada wrote:
The easiest way to find out would be to track down the original movie file. You say it's featured in nou1's run? Is his run's movie (input) file available? You can frame advance through the file in FCEUX and press . (I think it's period, might be , or something else) to see the key presses. Then you should be able to see exactly what input is used on what frame. Captain Beefheart rocks by the way.
I don't know of any original .fm2 featuring the route and I doubt there is one for nou1's run available, otherwise I would've done that. I figure someone like finalfighter would know (I don't know if nou1 speaks English), thus I asked here. ha yea, I haven't listened to him in a long while but he was certainly somethin. not surprised someone with your username would like him :-p
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Hi, sorry to bump this thread without any new info to share or anything. I have a question about a zip route in the Wood Man stage that was found years ago, but is featured in the current speedrun record by nou1. According to this post where Practice/bananaformula/aglasscage first brought it to light on SDA, it requires 1 up+down input. Is this still known to be true, and if so, at what point in the demonstration video of the route (here) is the up+down input required? I would guess around 1:07 but I'm not sure. In nou1's run the same point in that segment of the stage doesn't look like up+down input (here, 12:21 video timestamp, not the timer in the corner of the video feed). I would just ask aglasscage himself if he was around but I haven't seen him online anywhere since January or so.
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The planning evident in this TAS is extremely impressive and watching it made me very happy, for many reasons. :) I didn't fastforward once (though evolving Kabuto tempted me) There's just one thing that I'm really curious about: why did you catch Chansey in Unknown Cave rather than the Safari Zone? My best guess is that it has something to do with the PC storage boxes, but if not, I assume it is faster to catch pokemon in the Safari Zone than anywhere else. (Same question about Kangaskhan, but I'm sure that Missingno. encounter was used to manipulate something else)
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yes please finish this run, this game more than any other GB/C game really deserves a TAS
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oh wow, nice find! i can't watch the .vbm just this moment but i will tonight. btw, i have found even more improvements to the recent publication and have relayed them to Mukki. if you or anyone else is interested though i can paste them to this thread. edit: okay, i watched the input file. it's pretty amazing how swiftly yacopu is moving by the end of each screen at this point, with this pause trick now added in. however, this trick does unfortunately kill the music, which is one of the best aspects of the game. :( the pause sound isn't that pretty either, though it could be worse. i'm reminded of the fact that the full-game pokemon TAS doesn't abuse the 'low HP' trick to speed up battles, though that's a much more severe case than the one here. ultimately this will likely save a significant amount of time so it should probably be abused to its fullest.
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This is shaping up to be my favorite TAS of all-time - I was bulldozed by awe and in a stupor for pretty much the entire WIP. Amazing job, and I look forward to seeing more!
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It's something to consider if this ever gets improved again (for example, if someone finds a way to utilize that getting inside the wall glitch!), but yeah, no need to update the submission for an ultimately cosmetic change. Can't wait to see this go up on the site!
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Hooray, the submission is here! I'm very glad that I was able to find the improvements I did and contribute to a much faster and more entertaining TAS. Thank you for testing all my suggestions and creating this great improvement in such short time. I quite enjoyed watching the final encode. There was one thing I noticed that could possibly be improved - when automatically transforming from big Yacopu back to normal Yacopu after killing part 2 of the final boss, I wonder if jumping before entering the transform animation would eliminate that small amount of time where you're hovering in the air during the transformation. Perhaps there's a glitch where if you have 0 vertical velocity, you're undergoing an item-related transformation, and the floor falls out from under you, you don't fall through; but it might not be the case if you have downward vertical velocity. Other than that it looks excellent. Somehow I forgot to remark on possibly my favorite new trick of the run - getting that little push from the World 1 'midboss' which allows you to start flying at the beginning of the next screen. Hopefully I will be able to produce a speedrun that incorporates some of the new strategies on display here, but I must admit, the improvements discovered heighten the difficulty of the run quite a bit. Like I said, the flying-bouncing is brutal! And there is no way I'll be able to come close to the flying in Worlds 3 & 5. I would vote a wholehearted yes! if I could. edit: I've also been wondering if the following is possible: instead of turning around and shooting the big robot blocking your way in World 5 when you're speeding to the final boss chamber, what if you could time a jump so you land on the little sword guy's head and immediately jump again so you clear the top of the robot?