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Ughhhh I wish I remember what Mr. K and I were testing years ago. We came up with a few double dashes at the section at 1:56, but it looks like your seam walking would be even faster than those. I honestly don't think we were close to skipping any cycles with the dashes, but this was a long time ago. I really love your lag management in this section! The playaround/dancing keeps this really entertaining too. You are doing fantastic work! Keep it up!
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Hahaha, I remember when Mr. K and I were playing, and we were pushing that basket around when it suddenly opened and I walked into the powerup. That was a tough lesson to learn. I'm glad it made it into the TAS. :P I agree with bombing the Genie, and I love the way you handled the bat room! You are making excellent progress. Keep up the great work!
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This is an amazing TAS! The optimization is SO MUCH better than the last submission, and it still got the game end glitch! This is a very obvious yes vote. I had a feeling something in the range of 55 minutes would be possible, but this is far beyond that! Really great work Khaz!
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The final time and the notes in the submission text are extremely impressive! I, too, need an encode to watch it, but I have really high hopes for this. A preemptive great work Khaz! I'm really proud of your progress with this. :D
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Will opening the menu during the transitions screw with the credits warp? I seem to recall not being able to get it when I menued on a different screen. I really hope I am misremembering. Nice time savings though! This is more along the lines of the time I'd expect from a TAS. :D
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Oh that's a brilliant plan! Great find! I really like it. :D
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I am pretty certain it has nothing to do with the number of sprites. In the Mandrill heart video, there is literally nothing on screen except one boomerang and one health drop. It really just scrolling an item on screen right when you steal a boomerang's item I think. What exactly causes it is still mostly unknown, but I'm pretty sure sprite count doesn't matter.
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Quick update. Luiz Miguel ran into a weird bug where his boomerang somehow grabbed the heart tank in Mammoth's stage after returning to him with the sub-tank. Domalix found out more or less how it works, and then I tried to implement it into a few stages to save time. It would barely save time or be incredibly risky in a real-time speedrun, but in a TAS, you should be able to abuse it absolutely everywhere. Here are a few videos I made to show it off. I still have the movie files if they are needed: Mammoth heart: Mandrill heart: It looks like when you grab whatever your boomerang was carrying, and then scroll a heart-tank on screen before you grab the boomerang itself, the heart tank will be loaded onto the boomerang. The spacing and timing is really precise, but that's no problem for a TAS. I assume it would also work for loading a sub-tank onto a boomerang (maybe in Armadillo stage), but I haven't tested that yet. I also haven't tested using it to grab the Penguin heart tank from behind the igloo without breaking it. We'd love to see this used in a new Mega Man X TAS!
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PikachuMan wrote:
I'm not sure we could have a max score TAS. It would take about 45 minutes to get the max score on one stage. (like Gutsman stage) The Jumbigs take 20 hits to destroy and yield 9000 points. It takes less than 2 seconds to destroy each one. The enemy HP data is at RAM address 06D0.
The score doesn't max. It rolls over at 10M.
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Yea Pocky's bombs are pretty pathetic compared to Rocky, but it's still enough to OHKO either lich fight in stage 3 and either phase of the vampire in stage 5. Rocky should use the bomb on any other boss. I'm glad the new strat is faster! Lag manipulation is immensely difficult in this game. Keep up the good work!
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This looks amazing so far! Keep up the great work!
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Bump! I started playing this game a bit yesterday and found a ceiling clip. It works exactly as you'd expect from a game that allows platforms near ceilings: just freeze an enemy near a ceiling, jump into it from directly below, and jump and while you're "oscillating" over the enemy. I'm guessing that if the jump is during the top frames of the oscillation, you'll go into the ceiling. Video: I haven't found any places where it can save time except for in the submarine. The TAS despawns the first ceiling enemy, but it could either kill an enemy along the way to make him spawn or just do the clip on the second enemy. It would still save time. I have not found a way to move while within a wall. It seems to stop you pretty solidly once you're in there (until the enemy unfreezes). You can also jump above the screen during the 4-1 boss fight. You can't move left or right but you're stuck above the screen. You can still stab upwards or downwards into the boss chamber though!,OUexa47 The only other interesting thing I found is that you can double jump after taking damage. Before you accelerate downwards like crazy, there is a small window where you can do a full jump in mid-air. I suspect the TAS could use this in the final fight to get hit by the bubbles and recover safely. IIRC, you take time to scroll bubbles offscreen before the very last hit. Perhaps this would help. It won't help in most other places because you can powerup your jump far beyond any need for a double jump, but it might be good for damage control after you get hit. I'll update with anything else I find.
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t0ast wrote:
Thanks, and yeah, that area is just awful to work with regardless of double dashing or not. A quick YouTube comparison puts me about 2-3 seconds ahead of the RTA on the horizontal bamboo forest, but I still want to go back and try a lower lag strategy similar to what you did. Since I'm skipping powerups and could add in more single dashes (which might not blow past the lag threshold quite as badly) there's a small chance that it could at least break even.
In our finished RTA, we didn't use the suicide in the bamboo forest. We found that strategy on site, but didn't find any good setups (and a good suicide relied on getting a late homing bamboo to chase me and not him...which was rare). We abandoned that strat in the interest of just finishing a run before we had to leave AGDQ. It did save a lot of time over what we ended up doing, iirc. In fact, watching it back, we didn't even use a double dash in our finished run. There was a good setup for a double dash that started right after the screen locked (after cyclops) and ended by the upper present with the red upgrade. I wish there was an easier way for me to test stuff 2P so I could make a video. :( Sorry!
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That Octopus fight is amazing! I love it. The middle section of this stage (I'll call it the bamboo forest I guess) is really horrible to optimize. Mr. K and I experimented with a large number of different dashes and strategies, and weren't really satisfied with any of them. The fastest method we found was to do an early double dash (like, right after the screen began scrolling), and then have me hang near the edge of the screen to collect the fire upgrade. Since I was farther behind, he was free to dash through without slowing down, since the wall of 5 sprouts doesn't spawn in time. I just damage boosted like crazy and suicided off a homing sprout so that my respawn killed the tengus. Now, there are obviously a lot of concerns with doing that in a TAS, because I'm pretty sure my suicide stopped the scrolling (which would automatically make it slower than just burning half a second to kill the tengus with your method). That'd also mean I lose a life early, which means I can't do it on the Octopus. There are two health refills that you skip (after bamboo and after cyclops 2), which might offset that death a bit, but I am still highly doubtful that our method would be faster. Might be worth testing, but your approach appears to be the best way to go. Good work!
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Nice find t0ast!
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I loved the wiggling shield dashing. And the really silly fire boomerang jumps. And the new Richter skip. And the extremely frequent big tosses. Really great TAS! Yes vote for sure.
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Hikaruon wrote:
I am not an speedrunner (at moment, but I think to do in future) but I have played recently this game (2 or 3 times, the game freezes in some part) after go to another part from the map (after the first boss) to get Easy level up fight these lizards and frogs (I don't know what are these monsters) in Sektra region, these need a lot the attacks but your level increase fast, But I have actually think about that Giants in North Forest beside that need a lot of attacks, you enter and leave the area help from easy respawn, and in forest have 3 Giants in each section from forest. I will expect help something in speedrun
There are a lot of really good grinding spots in this game. The two you mentioned are already used (random encounters in the swamp area, and the giants in the Ancient Forest). We can't damage the swamp enemies that early, so we have to use the sword technique to damage them; since we can only carry 3 potions, this limits the amount of grinding we can do there, but it's still worth quite a bit of exp. The giants in Ancient Forest take a lot of damage from the Ice Ring so that makes for really effective and safe level grinding. There's also a really good spot in Sektra temple that I like for 100%. There's a room with 4 water clones that are killed in one use of level 3 lightning ring. That room is worth like 3k experience and takes a few seconds to clear (and usually refills your MP since each enemy has 3 drops iirc). Anyways, I doubt any of these will be used in the TAS because the sword/hauza technique are effective at all levels and the TAS can manipulate health drops everywhere. For real-time runs they're definitely good though.
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Voted no. This gets really stale really quick. I wanted to stop watching after the first 90 seconds but I powered through it all just to see if it'd get more interesting. It does not.
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WOW! That's an amazing map! Well done Khaz!!
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I don't think it quite despawned. Well maybe it did. Idk. Here's another example: If you throw a green rat at a pink rat just as he is spawning on this bridge, he does weird stuff. Sometimes he disappears, sometimes he falls through the floor, and sometimes he....he teleports off to the left somehow. I don't understand it. I haven't been able to get this to happen anywhere else in this level, but at least it saves time here!
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I think a TAS of this should be 3-player and max difficulty. It doesn't scale up the number of enemies or enemy health, and it cuts literally minutes off of the extremely tedious final boss. Plus, this is the only game that lets you actually use all 3 toads simultaneously, so you may as well. :P A TAS would probably be pretty trivial to make since there is basically no randomness in any of the spawns. It would just be a matter of figuring out how to kill the mobs optimally. Edit: I didn't see Warepire's post! We must've been typing at the same time. Haha. But yea, 3P and 6/6 difficulty is pretty ridiculous. The main issue is Karnath. I haven't figured out how he chooses his targets (though I've only been able to play 3P once), and on 6/6 difficulty it is already pretty hard to dodge if you know where he's going. For a real-time run, the players would need to be more or less perfectly synced to have any chance, but I think a TAS would have a lot of room for playaround during that fight. The other concern is that many enemies are programmed to hard counter after a certain number of consecutive hits, so I'm not sure how that'll work with 3P. The large rats in stage 3 do a kick counter after every 2 hits, but there might be a way to work around that (e.g. one player triggers the kick counter and then another strikes from behind during this?). I would try if I could figure out a good way to control multiple characters on my own. :P The large rat boss of stage 3 counters on every 3rd hit (kind of), and Big Blag counters after every 2nd hit.
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This is a really entertaining TAS of an extremely technical game. Definite yes vote. I'm not going to lie, though, I'm not real happy that the author used the truck route and room storage glitch that I found without giving me any kind of credit. Finding a route that encounters 0 trucks was not trivial, and the room storage saves close to a minute in area 8. At least a mention would've been nice. Edit: If this run is improved, I'd recommend enabling movement during the helicopter explosion cutscene just like he did during all the "boss fights". All you have to do is have a crouching grapple connect to the "wall" after the dialogue box goes away. I'm not sure if he tried it and missed or what he was doing there (it looks exactly like when I missed it in my real-time runs). Anyways, being able to move around during that victory jingle is pretty fun and doesn't cost time, so it may as well be done.
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Oh nice, that's a clever way to do it! I would be surprised if the HP upgrade didn't save time later in the run, but I do think there's a possibility to avoid a lot of damage by abusing enemy hitstun. I'd say skip it for now and see how things play out.
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I absolutely agree @ fighting the enemies along the way. I've gotten those strings of encounters too, but I'm not really sure what causes it. In an RTA, it always just seemed best to do the entire grind (or at least 90-95 enemies) in the desert because my sustain is good there and it makes the next few dungeons decidedly easier. I'd definitely recommend getting into as many encounters as possible along the way, though. The only advantage to doing them all at once in a TAS is that you can tell viewers to fast forward/skip that entire chunk as opposed to having encounters scattered all throughout the run. :P I never said it was a good advantage, just pointing that out. Haha. I remember thinking of saving at the Landslide before I don't remember why I opted to not do that. Maybe I didn't have the money? Shouldn't be an issue honestly, and that place makes the most sense.
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Alright, this is literally copy/pasted from my notes. I'm sure a lot of it won't be applicable to a TAS (like refilling on potions), but I really liked the route for RTA. I did the 100-enemy grind before Ortah so I could really blow through that and Sektra. I also did a bit of leveling in the Sektra temple in the room with the 4 water clone (level 3 lightning clears the entire room in one cast). I highly doubt you need to do that for the TAS, but it is a GREAT way to gather exp. This outline literally just covers the order in which I collect the powerups and which directions I run on the map. I had all the dungeon maps memorized so I never wrote them down. If you need those, I can try to remember and write something up. The desert/Miraj section has some interesting options. I collect the MP upgrade in the desert cave because I use it for the grind; a TAS will collect this after you get the gloves, when you get the HP upgrade. You can also do the ancient forest fruit grind later (after Ortah, on the way to Orusort), but I do it at that point in the RTA to gain a few levels to make the 100-enemy grind easier and to scoop up the MP upgrade. I also do the save/reload in Miraj after getting the score. You may find a better time to do it, but that has always worked out for me. Dragon View 100% route outline: Rysis: Plot. Exit. [Head SW to activate Warp A, NE to storage to get Hauza, S to Hujia] Hujia: Talk to Randy in bottom right house, then Talon. [Head S of E to Warehouse] Warehouse: Armor up, potion, 200 jade, dynamite. Hujia: HP up, talk to Talon, buy 1 arrow and 1 potion, Talon for bombs. [Head NE to Galys Pass] Galys Pass: Grab 10+ fruit, HP up. [Head NE to Lake Cave, get potion, crystal, then SE to Sword Tech and Waterfall cave (Lgtng Ring), head NW to Wet Cavern, get 1000 jade and levels, head SW to Warp A, fighting swamp encounters along the way. Take Warp A, head NE to Rysis, maybe buy potions at Hujia?>] Rysis: Talk to Qunos, get serpent scales. [Either take Galys Pass to Fire Cave (if purchasing potions in Hujia) or Warp A then SE to Fire Cave] Fire Cave: Sword up, MP up, Fire Ring. [Head NW past Casdra to Fire Ring up, Casdra for HP up & warp to snow field] Snow Field: Follow wall NE to cave. Get MP up. Head SW for chest game (MP up), then slightly N of W for Hauza up. NNW to Fortress. Fortress: Use crystal on boss, pickup new crystal after, Hauza upgrade, Ice Ring, MP up. Then warp to Keire region. [Head NW to Armor up, then follow left path to Sword up, E to Keire] Keire: Nothing to collect. Get Miraj map, exit and warp back to Fortress, exit to snow field. [Head NE to Ice Ring up, then S to landslide. HP up. SE then E to Desert Cave. Get MP up then NW to Quicksand] Quicksand: Take stairs, talk to old woman in the basement. [Large detour NE to forest. Grind 50-60 fruit, MP up, kill giants with lvl2 Ice Ring. Head into desert for 100 enemy grind. Get Horn, Hauza technique, Mirror, Sword up, then return to Quicksand. Pass through Quicksand, head due W to Warp, then NE to Miraj.] Miraj: Lord Yuna, N to HP up, get Key from Ruth, collect Score from basement. [Go back through Quicksand, play Horn, go to Ortah] Ortah: Sword up, pray the game doesn't crash. [Head NE to swamp area, follow to Orusort] Orusort: Head S and first room to activate Jade Mine quest. [Follow wall NW to Jade Mine. Crush it, hit switches (mid, left, right), leave. Follow road SW until road heads due W. Follow to stump for Large Bag, then N of W to emblem for Lgtng Ring up, then N of W again to stump for Lgtng Ring up, then N of E to Sektra] Sektra: 2x crystal, 200 jade, Gloves, Hauza up. Fire Ring lvl2 on boss. [Head WSW and follow wall to Wet Cavern. HP up. Then follow wall SW to North Cave, get Bow, MP up, and 1000 jade. Take Warp A, get stuff in Hujia, buy potions & bombs (x5), HP up, Warp A to Casdra, get HP up, then warp to snow field, get final Ice Ring up, take Landslide down. Head SW to emblem for Hauza up, then W of S To Meadow for fruit and HP up. Head E across bridges, go to Neil] Neil: Talk to Navi and Ivan. Go NW to Old Well. Old Well: Get HP up. Save Ogma. Get Blessing. [Head SE to Warp E, take to Miraj, buy HP up, give crystal to wandering magician, warp back to E, head to Forest of Illusion] Forest of Illusion: Collect all fruit. Need 50. Badsel part 1: Get HP up, make it to map. [Follow wall NW to wandering magician HP up, then NE for Fire Boots, take path NE then follow left path to Armor up emblem. Due N for another HP up, then E for yet another HP up. Head very E for Hauza tech upgrade. Follow wall back for Mt. Badsel part 2] Badsel part 2: HP up, MP up, go to underworld cave. Cave to Underworld: Go right for Armor up, then Desert Cave. Desert Cave: HP up, Sword tech up, go to desert. Head NE to Fire Ring upgrade, then return to underworld. Underworld: Finish game.
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