Posts for Paused

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Congrats on finishing, just finished watching and it is very impressive.
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Not sure if this will work or not but here is a suggestion. How about to slow yourself down you make it an all coins run? Something like on the first lap you drive as normal taking no damage, perhaps avoiding all the coins, but on the 2nd you pick up them all, back tracking where you have to. This will give the other racers time to catch up. For the last lap you get back to the front of the pack and get 1st. It gives the run a clear goal, and maintains the entertainment of battling with the other characters without the run looking sloppy. You will also obtain a S-rank. Good idea, bad idea? Or is it even possible?
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JXQ wrote:
I would like to, but I feel that it could cause similar conflicts that posting WIPs caused, and I don't want to have any reason to lower my motivation at this point. I will say that I've gained an average of 72 frames per level against those which have a WIP to measure against since I stopped posting my own.
Fair enough. Cant wait to see the finished product then, keep up the great work.
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Since your not posting any wip, which is perfectly understandable, is there any chance you could tell us what times you have gotten so far?
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Just ignore this guy completly, is my advice. He is probably a Troll and thus is simply here for attention. If he is not a troll and he is being serious, well do really think a person such as this is worthy of your time? Go help someone who deserves it. Thats my 2 cents. Opps probably gave it that attention that it wants by posting this did'nt I?
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After seeing the Knux runs for this game, I was kinda wondering if there was any chance of a normal run of this game being continued. The Knux runs are good and all, but Im sure the Sonic run could be so much more entertaining.
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I presume long version means getting 100%, ie getting all the emeralds and unlocking Super Sonic.
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Well if that Zelda run which I suggested isn't going to be done, which I guess it isnt, I would be very happy with a Sonic run instead. Very happy. I do agree that Sonic Advance 2 is the best one to run too. I can only imagine how fast you can get that to go when the boost mode kicks in.
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I have no idea if this is even possible, or even it it were, if it could be played to a decent level, but... How about The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords, the multiplayer game that came with A Link to the Past on the GBA. I think it be a great video, for the obvious reason that its a Zelda game, and multiplayer movies always seem to be entertaining. Also this is probably the only Zelda game that I wont be able to play, so seeing it would be nice. Of course the major problem is that it can only be played with 2-4 players, usually through a link cable, and as I have no idea if this can be done on an emulator. If it can be done, it be great to see all 4 links running around, however I can see this be almost impossible to do, so just the 2 links would be good to.
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Ah, I had no idea the signpost acted like that. Well I guess my that advice isn't quite that hepfull afterall, however for levels where rings are obtainable you might as well make use of it. Obviously I dont know what the monters are in any of the levels having just found out about it. I have a feeling thought theres one in Ice cap, but Im not 100%
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Despite that I am very intrested in this run, and hope you continue. As for advice... Well on your Marble garden boss I have no idea whats wrong but I suggest you simply dont do that boss, and do the trick that Sprintgod did in his run, and go Knuckles route. Im not sure if this would be faster with Hyper usable though. Also, Im not sure to what point you can abuse this but, after act1 I presume you can manipulate what monitor appears after the sign post hits the ground. In a perfect world you would be able to spawn 5 ring boxes and therfore start with hyper. At worst though im sure you can always spawn at least 1 ring box, and every little helps. This doesnt count against individual level time either. Its not possible in every zone to do this however due to the method of getting from act 1 to 2, Hydrocity and Death Egg come to mind, there may be more. Oh I think the Marble Garden zone 1 boss can be done faster to. Still good IMO good video, and again, please continue and finish.
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I, at least hope not. This is one run I really am looking forward to see.
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That was quick! I should ask things more often. Thanks for the update, and same support etc, as in the other topic.
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Phew, I am glad. Thought you had given up. Now all I need is new info on the Fusion 0% run, and the Super Metroid 100% run, and I'll be happy, at least as far as Samus goes. Good luck, and I really hope you get round to finishing this, or at least one of the other of seemingly hundreds of Zero Mission runs youve started.
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Are there any plans on doing a run collecting all the emeralds and unlocking Super Sonic? I realise that this will probably not be faster overall than doing a normal run, however I would definetly be intrested in seeing what super can really do. As pretty much all of the entertainment would come from the differences of using Super Sonic in the stages, rather than the collecting of the emeralds, it would probably be preferable to unlock him at the earliest point in the game. Although it would make the first two acts really quite dull it is possible to get Super at the end of emerald hill enableing him to be used for the rest of the game. Of course one of the sound test codes could also be used to produce the desired ability, but this probably isnt considered an option as it is cheating. Special stages arn't really exciting either, but if playing with Sonic and Tails both characters could be used at once, to make them slightly more watchable. I do hope this will one day be done, but dont worry, the current run entertains me enough already. Well, apart from sky chase of course. Why couldn't they fly a jet? Good luck on the new run.
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Hows this run doing?
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Of course Im intrested, it is the prospect of Sonic run afterall. You still doing it though?
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I love the idea for this video. Speedruns are good, but I kinda feel that this is more appropriate for a Mario game, entertainment over speed.
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This may be a silly question, but if Samus runs faster in the PAL version, why are you not using the PAL version?
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So is this run dead? I was looking forward to see Super Sonic at his full potential at last.
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Id prefer the linked game also, for the reasons you mentioned.
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I know that total game time would not be saved, even if turning "Super" was possible in this game. I guess I was just asking if it would be possible to get the best ending, with out sacrificing any of the individual level times. If of course as you say getting the required 50 rings in 6 of the Acts would slow a level down, then i agree that my idea should be disgarded. I still think the special stages are worthy of being included in a run in the future however.
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I was just wondering if emerald collecting should be considered being implimented into the run. The way I see it, they were not included in the Sonic2, and Sonic3 and Knuckles runs because entering the special stages forced Sonic to slow down, breaking up the smoothness of the video. That and also the stages were somewhat dull to watch. In my opinion neither of these are a problem in this game. Jumping in to the big ring at the end doesnt slow Sonic down, and I think the stages themeselves would be pretty entertaining when done well. The only problem is getting the 50 rings to open up the stage. I do not think level completion speed should be sacrificed in order to do this, however if in 6 of the levels you do end up with 50 rings, i think the emeralds should be collected. Anyway just a suggestion. If you dont agree feel free to ignore me.