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How do you go about manipulating Boss RNG in this? I've just been messing around for the last day or so with the Toy Kingdom boss for fun and just cant manipulate a Jack in the Box on the last hit it is available. Considering the pain it is for me to manipulate such a static boss, Sunset Hill and its damn near pinball-ish mechanics sounds hell. Nice to hear another any% is on the way as I always love seeing some new stuff from Advance3... but man, hard on your self considering how soon after your first any% got submitted you found the improvements. Grats on the 3 big route finds course. Do wonder now that Cream was no longer needed was wondering if CT3 has a different team choice too now?
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Well yes... Shadow would probably be the best default character to go with... The game is all about what you can do with Emerl man. The site does accept games from a save when appropriate. Regardless looking forward to what you produce.
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Very nice Dashjump. I had expected Qwertys run on OB2 to be beatable after your work on the any% showed so many optimizations, but damn, not by 6+ seconds. Fantastic work. Also interesting stuff in the Ring Attacks. Especially nice to see different teams in levels from your TK3.
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Dashjump wrote:
Here you go. Both were played on v23.5, fyi. Ocean Base 3 (C+S) Toy Kingdom 3 (C+S).
Thanks as always! And grats on your any% getting published too! While the thread is posting a few non standard videos, ones where enemy killing is a goal no less, I did a few casual tas'd of the defeat all enemies bonus stages for fun. Twinkle Snow Cyber Track Ocean Base Chaos Angel Nothing too exciting, but I wanted to do something that wasn't Tails/Sonic. Though due to the goal everything is Cream in some capacity instead...)
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I was trying to google the short animation for Odin to no avail when the strat was first brought up. I knew it would be faster... but not that quick! Will most Odin fights include a quick steal before the summon? I forget if that triggers a counter. edit;
Lil_Gecko wrote:
EDIT: Oh and I have upgrade the cards of the Thug in Treno as you requested :)
Oh right! Took me a moment to recall what you were referring too. Ha, nice. Another thing ticked off the list of incredibly obscure things you can do in FF9!
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Paused wrote:
Your rapid pace of progress is high as ever it seems. I was going to joke that at your speed you'd be done before I'm back from holiday a week on Saturday... you're now making me wonder if you'll be done before I leave!
Well you weren't too far off doing the later, but you made the former with ease. Great improvement. Speaking of which, nice showing of your progress from your first SA3 IL in OB3 to your latest one saving over 2 seconds by switching the team members around. Any chance of getting that vbm too? And cheers for the info on the v24 vba, finally got around to playing your previous files and worked a charm. I've yet to look at the maps in depth but looking forward to checking them out.
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Very nice. As you say, nitsuja, as always, made a solid run; and you improved upon it significantly. Almost the definition of an easy yes vote. I've found this run, your 100% run, as well as your ILs with other teams on your YourTube (which may be worth linking too in you submission text for future reference maybe?) hugely entertaining. and I'm looking forward to see whatever you do next. Great work!
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Yeah, I didn't really see the headbutt as a super useful tool; just shocked how much speed you got with it whilst messing around as Emerl limped off. Thanks for the emulator info; sure to save me quite some time in trial and error figuring that out.
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Your rapid pace of progress is high as ever it seems. I was going to joke that at your speed you'd be done before I'm back from holiday a week on Saturday... you're now making me wonder if you'll be done before I leave! Looking great as ever. Don't really have much else to add at your technical level. Grats on not only beating the current any, but also your own Boss2 time from the Good ending run! Thanks again for posting your IL vbms! I do have a small tech issue with them this time though; did you change your emulator/settings in between the Knux and Sonic in TK3 run and the others? That one alone runs fine on the emulator I was using for your runs, whilst the others have a compatibility issue. No big deal if you don't know, I'm sure I'll figure it out when I have a bit of time to fiddle around, just wanted to check if you knew off the top of your head. Re-looking at that run though, never realised Knux could get that much speed from his 'with Sonic' headbutt move. ne; oh and looking forward to seeing the maps!
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Oh that is a nice consequence to the route. Yan grinding is going to be long of course... having any kind of break in between it will be somewhat refreshing. Nice deck. I assume you've doubled and tripled check all your arrow combinations are unique right? I'd be paranoid as hell about that upon grabbing 100 cards! Funny to me a gil grinding trick in disc1 is still a useful strat this late in.
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Ha, well no matter what you're stuck with me checking the thread... regardless if you want me or not! Was waiting on you posting in here after all those YT ILs you posted... never expected it to be you announcing redoing the any% though! Nice start; best of luck with the rest of it! You planning on squeezing in that TK3 K+S strat? I'd assume not due to the Amy unlock thing, wouldn't know a CA3 strat without her, but I am curious. Can't recall if I mentioned it for your 100% or not, but there is that time stop glitch werster found in SH (1 iirc?) that you may choose to use for any%. Not sure if I'm a fan of it or not, but thought worth mentioning regardless. Lastly, mind me making the usual request of you posting those .vbms of those ILs you posted yesterday that wont be making it into the any%? The CA with A+S especially was interesting despite Cream being ultimately faster; shocked how much use you got out of Amys air dash that I thought would be useless. Really enjoyed that TK3 K+S run too; did wonder after seeing the real time ILs myself if that would work out faster. Course after you break through the wall you change the route too, so glad you got to it before I did. S+A R99 is always cool too, as it seems to be the one course that comes to mind its unique grind animation gets to shine. There any practical use to that grind anyway?
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I do not know why after mentioning both Freeze/Heat blue magic and Add Status effects on weapons, I didn't think of Weapons with those effects. On top of Freya's Ice Lance that Chanoyu mentioned, of course Steiner has the Ice Brand and Flame Sabre. (actually while typing this I realised he probably didn't mention them as of the whole stat bonus thing, so Steiners swords are of limited use till max level or Virused.) Chanoyus mention of Freeze also made me think of something else; with your need to max your steals, will Mug both shatter a frozen enemy and add to your Thievery total? And also while on the topic of add status; Vivi, and Zidane when he doesn't need Masamune equiped, both can inflict Trouble which may save time? Dunno if Trouble damage wakes up Yans. Also Quina, and again Zidane after he doesn't need stats, can both add sleep on hit, which I assume would be helpful during the 'Charge!' strategy. Of course not sure if you have the Frogs to have Quinas Bistro Fork. ( Minor Edit; Oh, think you have it equipped actually.) Anyway, nice to hear Mustard Bomb has some use; even if it's not a huge time save like predicted.
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Yes Purple I know the 'bop boost' glitch was found a little after THCs latest wip, finishing Casino Park, so I believe most of his work, while fantastic, is out of date.
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Lil_Gecko wrote:
Problem is I would need to do Night, Mustard Bomb, Night. Pretty sure they would wake up in between and attack. Haven't tried it yet, I'll keep you posted as soon as I do. But thanks again for suggesting Heat. Would have been really pissed to spend ages levelling up to find ou there is a quicker way.
I'm hoping Heat kills them from attempting to counter the attack that gave them said Heat in the first place! But no worries; happy to help. And add to that 'useful Blue magic' list!
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Lil_Gecko wrote:
By pure dumb luck, Yans have an Ore as a common item to steal. So the strategy of stealing 3 Ores per fight while leveling our 4 characters and increase our Ores count to improve Zantetsuken odds might be the way to go.
Great, that's a cool little twist to the grinding process, helpful too. Whilst Quina will mostly be busy with Night, are there any situations if you have the Blue magics, Mustard Bomb or Frost for Heat and Freeze respectively useful? Very early on would Eating a Yan be faster whilst your hits are weaker? Or any of the other insta-death moves? Steiner, Vivi and Amarant (with add Status) all have one iirc? As for who switches out for Garnet, I guess that depends on who you plan on taking out Quale and the last Blue Magic mobs with (not to mention those super dangerous Serpions for Dragon Crest), and what equips they need so you don't have to repeat the issue with the Pearl Rouge. (On the topic of last fights , you sure Hades gives exp? Looked in my old guide book I had back in the day and it says it's a big 0exp. Course it would surprise me at all if it was wrong, but thought I'd check.)
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Nice to hear the error didn't seem to take too long to hex edit in and it at least had a benefit in correcting other things along the way. Great Yan fight, nice to see Night being useful once again. IIRC the guide back in the day suggested getting lucky with Odin was an option. How small is the chance of killing groups of Yans with Zantetsuken?
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Looking good. I do appreciate that the damn Nero family quest does at least show off the Coffee sidequest completion 'reward' in the flying mini prima vista flying around when you pick up the protect ring in the hideout too. Whats the plan for leveling up? I'm guessing groups of three Yans? Odin getting some use maybe? Curious what the partys levels are going into the big exp grind? Going off my memory, Garnet, Freya and Quina have levels from Pandamonium, that Book boss, Ozma, Ragtime Mouse, some Zombie Wales and Grand Dragons pre Terra, and iirc the one blue magic kill in Ipsens? And maybe a bunch of Serpions from Dragon Crest farming if you've got to that yet? I guess the final levels will be from Quale huh? At least I think that one gives EXP.
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Dashjump wrote:
Wow, that's really interesting. I never thought of chaining boost jumps in the water like that. Thanks for sharing.
Yeah no worries. Found it completely by accident in frustration; I had thought there was a spring at the bottom misinterpreting the TSC maps for Amy to abuse. I had given up in frustration, and then just considered it the next day whilst doing something else completely unrelated irl. Had always just considered it salvaging a complete cock up, rather than anything useful. Haha, if any one optimises this, and it is faster in some capacity, even as just a Chao IL, it would put a grin on my face that my screw up led to even a minor find. Thanks again for posting another IL input file. Even if a few of the inputs make me wonder what the hell I was thinking back in the day.
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First up, Dashjump submitted the full 100% run if anyone checks just this thread and not the workbench. Dashjump, the reason I asked for clarification on your TS2 timing method is as I believe, going by your rules, Amy/Sonic Deathless is faster in Real Time collecting the chao than your Tails/Sonic with deaths. I had a IL run that I made a couple of years ago back in my office when my work day was similarly quiet (those were the days) that your submission reminded me about and wanted to check. It's here now; It is very basic, (including leaving in Amys Air A action in there at the start, as I'd never seen it before as I messed around) but if I'm understanding your timing method, I think it may be 5+ seconds faster in real time, before your optimisations.
Dashjump wrote:
Bonus video of Chaos Angel 3 with the new strat using Tails + Amy. Timing: 28.80
Neat. Mind posting the .vbm again when you have the time? And best of luck on your medical leave man.
Post subject: Re: #4930: Dashjump's GBA Sonic Advance 3 "100%" in 1:09:59.42
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Dashjump on 2015-12-06 ie 2 and half days before this submission wrote:
If everything goes well it should be done in 2-3 weeks at most.
Ha, that wasn't the most accurate prediction! Fantastic work, I've said it before, but how quickly you made this, especially considering its seemingly impeccable quality, was crazy. My biggest questions would be the timings on the deaths in TS2 and how much real time they save. And to follow on from that, is the 'real time' based on the stage alone, of everything since the last act (ie, did you count character switches against real time?)
TASVideoAgent wrote:
Special thanks to:...and Paused - for offering help
My pleasure man; thanks for the great TAS. Obviously a yes vote, of course.
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Awesome, cheers dude. And man, your rocket pace continues; I was just popping into the thread to see if you'd had any luck with Twinkle Snow! Best of luck with the Endgame!
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Do you mind posting the input files for those ILs? I'd just like to see what you did.
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Wow Dashjump, you're racing through this, and doing quality work as you do. Looking great. I hadn't considered death abuse in this at all; good thinking. Somewhat hoping you get to show off more than Tails/Sonic in Twinkle Snow, but what I recall little chance of that.
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A pleasure to help out how I can. It is a run I've been looking forward to seeing.
Dashjump wrote:
It's a shame that the maps on TSC don't show key locations. I'll probably have to collect all the 10 chao in a zone during a test run then map out all the possible key locations myself.
Just to save you a little time in having to collect the Chao to map out the 2 sets of Key spawns, nitsuja did post a .vbm of the Nonaggression boss fight (which of course has all Emeralds and thus Chao already collected.) in his submission notes for his Any%. Can just fast forward through the fights and credits and have all acts spawning keys ready to test. Dehacked link of it is here; On the topic, of ingame vs real time, I'd personally prefer in game again for the diversity as Kirby mentioned, though I can understand choosing the alternative.
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Lil_Gecko wrote:
Interestingly enough Ozma's HP before Limit Glove is.... 9997 ! Even a Critical from Freya wouldn't be enough. And even if I could Critical, it would still have not to be counter with Curaga. So yeah, Quina's damage is just what it needs to be ^^
Ha, that's really neat. Stuff like that will make the extra effort you put in the commented version worth it, when we see that small margin on screen.
Lil_Gecko wrote:
Optional Bosses : Ozma : defeated ! Hades : Saved it for the end... Might forgot some. I'll add later if necessary.
Well Quale I guess... but that's covered under Frogs course. Getting (as well as re getting if you're doing that) the remaining Key items. Actually attaining max stats with level 99 characters. Throwing the coins in the Treno fountain to level up that thugs cards is a thing you could do I guess? And of course the most important thing to do in FF9... Winning a game of Blackjack after the credits! The 13th hour is looking good. I'm assuming you don't max out Chocobo H&C after Ozma is to give the marshes time to re populate frogs? My only other questions are card related; why and where you do various numbers of matches as opposed to other places, perfect vs just wins sometimes etc etc... but I'm pretty sure that could be a novel in itself so it can wait till the submission comments, and I have a better grasp of what to acttualy ask. A small detail I like that I didn't know/forgot about is that the Mognet stuff forces you back to Ipsens on disc4, which is one of the few places I'm aware of that has different visuals with and without the Mist.
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