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Thank you for making it! Sad face at rejection, not every published movie has to be the most universally accessible thing ever...
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
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Yes vote for creative cursor movement! TASes need more of this. Seriously though, I skimmed, but I enjoyed. I like Hikaru; I play Go; it was nice to see what this game looks like (differences in character design, etc) and watching Akira get all upset and then resign over the corner move was pretty amusing. I want to know what he said right after the corner move though! Any Japanese speakers care to translate? Also, I liked the music...
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
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I'm sorry to hear that HappyLee doesn't care about the 'don't step in the lava' challenge, as I'm a big fan of both his and that category of goal :( My very first TAS attempt was a minimal-frames-on-the-ground run of SMB3, which you can take a look at here: I only posted the first level, since I didn't get much response. I got most of level 2 done, but got frustrated at the very end since I could come incredibly close to doing a huge jump off the flying guys and landing in the ending box, but always barely missed and had to land and jump again. Anyway, I enjoyed those videos, and I hope more gets done with this, in this game and others!
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
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The kind of run that I feel fine skipping around in a bit rather than watching start to finish, but I enjoyed doing so. Yes vote.
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
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When I first watched this, my reaction was "OMG BRAIN AGE GOT EVEN MORE AMAZING OBVIOUSLY PUBLISH AT ONCE". However, reading this thread has actually kind of swayed me towards voting no, and I really like pepness' suggestion that this movie be linked from the old movie's page. For me at least, this movie worked really well as a follow-up to the first. I don't think it works nearly as well for a first-time viewer, for the pacing reasons that others have pointed out. The 'ding ding ding' pace of the original as it pumped out answers that were also drawings just at the edge of too fast to recognize them added a lot to the excitement and novelty of the run, and the more complex drawings at various points broke it up and allowed the author to show off a little more. This new run really feels less like "Ahahaha I broke the game wheeee" and more like "Seriously, check out how much control I have over this, and how much artistry I can work into these drawings while still staying within the restriction of having the game accept them as answers." In short, I think viewers are best served by seeing the first movie first, and this one later, though it muddies the issue that almost half of it is the same - I would have preferred a movie that only solved 50 puzzles with all new, more complex drawings.
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
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Well, yeah, but that's the problem. By the rules, it's a better movie, and it's the one that should be on the site. But because some people choose to intentionally make suboptimal movies because of the stigma against ending input early, we end up being unable to publish the actual state of the art for a game since it would be so rude to let people beat other people with trivial changes that the original submitter even acknowledged knowing about.
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
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Yes vote, nice and short, nothing too amazing but I'm glad it's here. However, it brings up an issue that I think needs to be dealt with better. The rules say that we care about timing until input ends. However, there's a large segment of the community that thinks ending input 'early' (getting a worse in-game time for the sake of a better TAS time) is cheating or wrong or bad or something. I would be sad if we changed the rule, in my opinion, as I love early input-end tricks. But more important to me is that we have consistency. Right now the only thing keeping me from simply truncating Aglar's movie file and resubmitting this as an improvement is some vague sense of common decency and community standards. That's not good! Not that we shouldn't have those, but the rules shouldn't encourage you to go against them as they clearly do at the moment.
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
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This is glorious.
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
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HappyLee, you are my favorite person.
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
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Is there any interest in this from someone who actually thinks they can, or could with help, produce a passable representation of this or any painting by TASing this game?
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
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This is a totally uninformed question, but you mentioned that you skip getting a point of luck to save time in battle, and that you tried the same trick again later but it didn't work. Is it totally obvious that skipping it the second time but not the first isn't better, or is that worth trying too?
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
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I fully support this and volunteer to help with any boring drudgery it may require. I can't draw for crap, though, so I can't help with that part. It seems like what we really need is organization/division of labor. The competition ends on 31 January, so we have to act fairly fast. The official goal of the competition is to draw a version of "The Dream" by Franz Marc (viewable in a tab on the competition website). It would be awesome if we had the resources to do something clever, like beginning to draw several famous paintings, then angrily scratching them out and starting over a few times before producing a perfect reproduction of The Dream; however, looking at footage of the game, it looks like getting a good reproduction done is going to take an awful lot of work. If it's feasible to write a image-file-to-stylus-input converter, that could make a lot more things possible, but the interface is probably far too complicated for that to be reasonable. Whatever we do, we probably want to preface it with a good bit more explanatory text than usual so it doesn't just get instantly taken down. There's a risk of that anyway, but the contest organizers might have a sense of humor if we're very clear up front that it's not a real contest entry.
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
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DarkKobold wrote:
Hilarious Airplane! reference
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
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My personal preference (not the option this site has historically adhered to, nor is this an attempt to make it) is for the goal of a run to be the sole site of speed/entertainment tradeoffs, and of ending definitions. It is the runner's job to pick a goal that a) makes for an entertaining movie and b) gets the game into some state that they think people will like, whether that be the 'ending' by some definition, 999999 points, or whatever else they deem appropriate. After the choice has been made, they should do everything possible to minimize the time from power on to the goal being reached. This neatly answers the question at hand: the ending state is whatever the runner chooses. Other runners could make other categories. The ones that get positive feedback on WIPs/Yes votes on submissions will end up published. It also makes a nice framework for formalizing choices like not using the near-death noise in Blue - you just add "* doesn't use the near-death noise" to the goal definition, and bam, no more speed/entertainment tradeoff. At the same time, it forces runners to justify such decisions a bit more fully than 'i thought this slower thing looked cooler so i did it'.
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
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Guys. We're TASing this, right?
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
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The text speed thing is great. Everything about this is great, as usual.
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
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This is awesome! I really like the times when you're running along and a group of enemies suddenly spawns behind you looking the other way - gives a nice sense of 'going too fast for the game'. When you're running around and shooting randomly for entertainment, I'd like it better if you did it to the music, or in interesting patterns. It was a bit long by the end - not sure how I'll feel about future episodes. However, it held my interest for quite a while due to the variety of sound effects and enemies, and the sometimes very interesting health management.
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
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I guess really there are two categories - "Low Score" and "Fewest Points Obtained". Low Score cares about what the counter says; Fewest Points cares about how much it has incremented. I agree with Flygon that by default, the term "lowest score" means this movie should be obsoleted by any movie that completes the game with the score counter showing a lower number. If the score does wrap to 0, then a movie that does that should obsolete this (though if we really wanted to have YET ANOTHER CATEGORY this could be resubmitted as a "Fewest Points Obtained" run). While I understand the intuition that wrapping the counter "doesn't really" decrease your score, since we as humans and programmers understand how integer overflow works, I submit that from the perspective of the game, it really does. In the same way that it is a rule of SMB that you get fireworks when the timer has certain values, it is a rule (maybe? I don't actually know for sure that score does wrap) that when you get n points when your current points are 999999-n or greater, you lose 999999 points. The score counter is a real value in RAM; if you expect it after a wrap it will have a new, much lower value. You "really have" lost 999999 points, even if this fact is kind of bizarre from the perspective of someone who thought they understood the scoring mechanism of the game up until the moment their score wrapped.
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
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I love this run. I like it a lot more than the playaround Mugg linked to; the tension of having to not get points adds a lot of focus and excitement. The playaround is very inconsistent - it gets some coins but not others, kills some enemies but not others, gets fireworks sometimes but not others, etc. This run on the other hand has very strict rules about what it can do, and still manages incredible variety, which to me is much more impressive. However, it could be a lot better. There is stuff on display here that I have wanted to see more of in TASes for a long time: Music-relevant motion, visually setting up subsidiary goals and barely achieving them, setting up complex interactions that demonstrate a very high density/variety of cool tricks/near misses in a short span of time. Thanks, HappyLee, for raising the bar on what it means to be entertaining in a TAS! However, there's room for a lot more, and I think movies like this won't get universal support until they are *really* focused and entertaining every second of the way. In particular, as A Runnelid just said, I was very disappointed with the amount of time spent near the flagpole with no enemies on the screen and nothing interesting happening. I would have much preferred that you stay in the denser earlier parts of the levels for longer, and then make a mad dash for the exit. There's a lot of room for neat tricks with that too - after the first two times you do it, say, you could leave a little extra time, then appear to start your mad dash ... only to suddenly stop and calmly play around with the hammer brothers for a few seconds before resuming your crazy sprint that ends at 000. I'm voting no, because while I really liked this and think it will make delicious Gruefood Delight, I want to see this made even more awesome.
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
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Hmm. While I like Mickey's second Bowser fight better, I really don't like his use of mariocam going up the stairs - the weirdly zoomed-outness of that section in the submitted run was one of the highlights for me.
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
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Just watched the WIP; I was entertained! Not knowing anything about the game, what was up with smacking that statue around early on? It didn't seem to have an obvious effect.
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
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Well, there's no accounting for taste. If the majority really think that early input-end is a bad thing, then the rule should change, but while it's the rule, runs shouldn't randomly decide to be suboptimal (under the rules) because a few people think it looks better. Personally, I find the end of the 0-star run (and all the Bowser fights) to be quite boring; I honestly couldn't care less what the dive into the star looks like. The awesome parts are the BLJs and camera nonsense and ridiculous platforming.
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
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Abusing the input-end rule is not cheating or a bad thing! Think of the hypothetical player in a TAS being really impatient -- he doesn't want to see the ending as soon as possible, he wants to get up walk away as soon as possible while still having beaten the game. Additionally, input-end abuses are some of the most entertaining things on the site, especially the DKC ending. It's awesome that the player is so good he manages to not only beat the whole game superhumanly fast, he also sets things up so he can just *walk away* for the end of the final boss! As for that one frame at the ending, maybe it's too much effort to replace the submission again at this point, I dunno, but it should certainly be included in any future run. The entertainment here comes from this being one of the most absurdly optimized runs on the site; this is the last place we need speed/entertainment tradeoffs imo.
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
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Suggested screenshot: I find it fabulous that you have to do this twice. The siren got a little irritating, but yes vote.
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
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Baxter wrote:
These comments are mind boggling...
this would be more impressive if it was done without tool assistance
Maybe we should add this text to our encodes... :S
Maybe some people believe that 'assistance' means like, minor help here and there, and really most of it was played in real time? I can't really figure out how else a comment like this could make sense...
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
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