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It doesn't require lof of searches to find a version that left+right is disallowed. That site is not about general emulation. There are already other sites for that. Emulators that we are talking here are about what we need to make TASes.
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moozooh wrote:
What if Blaziken257 wants to record his realtime playthrough?
Are you sure you read what I wrote? USE AN OTHER VERSION FCEU or another emulator.
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... but making a good TAS isn't possible at full speed... Here, we host emulators with rerecord and its tools to make TASes. If you want to play in real time then use an other FCEU version there are many of them with what you want. Easy to find.
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Why are you pressing left+righgt if you are turning around?? Just prsss left or right. 0_O you are weird :S
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So, he finally TAS up up the elephant.
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I did have that problem some years ago but all you have to do is desactivate thumbnails. I think it's same as Quietust solution.
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Nice improvement. There is only one thing that I don't like. I think there is too many excessive shooting in auto-scrolling shooting level. Other than that it's really good and nice discovery for enemies that don't fall. I didn't know that one.
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Also, it's kinda stupid that is permitted. And don't tell me there is a point to use it. Small text might be useful but I do remember several times that small text that is clearly unreadable being abused. So a limit is needed.
Bisqwit wrote:
The size tag should never be used with absolute numbers; only with %-relative numbers.
That's what your forum is using by default, tiny, small, normal, large and huge. Ex. Tiny is
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I'm already a citizen of America. No need to move down south.
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God bless America. Amen.
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Also, when you will get rid of those problems may I ask you if you could remove those "Snapshot inconstitent with movie" that are REALLY from the movie bug? Because of that, we are forced to play back from very beginning of a movie and it's really really annoying.
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nitsujrehtona wrote:
Now you tell me you had it turned off!! ;)
Yes, sorry. I didn't know what it was and didn't see it in the GUI, maybe it's hidden somewhere but was to lazy to search. So when I saw "= TRUE", I did guess I should check in the .cfg file. And it was set to FALSE and that feature is experimental. So, it's probably not in the GUI itself.
nitsujrehtona wrote:
* Just to be sure: had you never set the option to TRUE before?
No, like I said, I didn't know it exists and even if so, I wouldn't use it. It doesn't interest me and each frame is important when making a movie.
nitsujrehtona wrote:
* Are you still (90%) sure the problem only happens if you use savestates during fadeout?
Now, I'm still sure it isn't when using savestates during fadeout but I am 80% sure it's related to fadeout or some sort of lag. Using savestates during fadeout does indeed desync but using savestates while playing/recording a movie before a fadeout does indeed desync the movie. The trick is to save/load after a fadeout. * Is it easy for you to reproduce the desync with clean savestates? Really easy, well, in SCV4. We've got troubles at beginning of stage 2 because we use savestates before and during fadeout between stage 1 and 2. It took 2 days to fix the thing. Because we wanted to not lose a single frame because of desync and such while making the movie playing correctly. It was really annoying but now it's ok. I am afraid we will encounter such problems at beginning of other stages. I think it is worse if the fadeout is long. An easy way to reproduce it is to record a movie and stop at stage 2-2. Then play the movie in read only then save and load before the boss at stage 1 then immediately load it. I am 100% sure it will desync. If not at the boss, it will be at start of stage 2.
nitsujrehtona wrote:
Anyway, I'll keep looking. If you can help, great. If you only run into the bug doing complicated stuff, I can make a "spying" version of snes9x which records every little thing you do. Maybe that would help?
I think my explanation to do it should help. Otherwise, I can send you the WIP. If you still fail, then you may do that "spying" feature but I doubt it will help you since it's rather simple as how to do it.
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I still have the same desync problems with SCV4. Anyway, that "FrameAdvanceSkipsNonInput", by default, is set up at FALSE. So I guess it's not the problem. And yes, I did tested with "TRUE" and no differences.
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I agree with Halamantariel.
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It's rather funny that you are linking to an article that favors me. But I guess you can't read the first paragraph but just the title of the article which is half wrong. It's "The Americas" and "America". "Americas" alone is wrong. From the 1st paragraph: "The Americas may alternatively be referred to as America. Also, what does it have anything to do with "25th Aniversary of smileys"? Seriously, you are just trolling. And stop that.
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Inzult wrote:
Cheers guys.
A dwarf.
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Cardboard wrote:
And Phil, your friend Wikipedia claims that you should write "Americas", not "America"
meepers wrote:
but that's why I was talking with phunqsauce in IRC
Yes, 30 minutes(Probably more) after I did posted that.
meepers wrote:
Edit: And what if I didn't read those wikipedia articles? I would still understand what you mean because I'm one of the most smiley-using people in IRC (ascii art, emoticons, or otherwise)
If you would understand what I mean, you wouldn't argue.
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Boco wrote:
{8^{l} is Homer Simpson, who cares about the others
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Dear Biscuit au chocolat, What is a "Vested member"?
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... And the fallacy is Warp. He can't read some articles.
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I think you should argue alone what is a smiley or not. Read that: and but IT IS A SMILEY. Edit: On IRC,
meepers wrote:
<meepers> I didn't catch your post about the smiley thread
Obviously, if you didn't read those wikipedia articles, you can't understand what I mean. The point is that :) is also an ASCII art. And nowadays, often, pictures are used as smiley instead of text and even more, there are animated gif and flash animation for smileys. So the face I did posted earlier can be used as a smiley.
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Splitted files are bigger pain in the ass :P
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The warp run is almost Toad only. Imo, Mario would be better.
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There is a frame rule in that game but only for birdo when he is throwing his eggs and some other things such as rocket. Otherwise, no frame rules. Also, at 1-2, eggs aren't needed to kill it.