Posts for Pyrolistical

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Could you explain why you stuck to the ground for the polygon match? How does it save time?
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Besides, I'm sure if this causes so much exploits, then somebody will made a TSA without it and it will be considered unique.
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There are some parts where I don't understand why you slowed down, or bumped into something. I can't point you to a specific spot..that would require me watching the whole run again...
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Well, since you can use the start + L + R trick on a real control, consider this. If we slowed down time, then a person should be able to constantly use the start + L + R trick to effectively have 100% (or even more) in direction of joy stick. Since it is not impossible to do it on a real controler, I don't see any problem doing it on a emulator. We are in fact using emulators as a tool right? It says so at the top of the main page!
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GL nico. Hopefully we'll all vote Yes for that one.
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Is there a way to get around the 4 GB limit on AVIs generated by Mupen64? I've been trying to record the 16-star Mario64 at 640x480 using a lossless codec, but it stops writing to disk once the AVI gets to 4GBs. I am so close. This short run at this res is about 5 GBs. I am using NTFS, so I can support files larger than 4 GBs. Would it be hard to fix it in Mupen64?
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FODA wrote:
this frame i'm here: the immediatelly next frame i'm here: yep no frames between those. doing this i got the first star 34 frames faster than spezzafer's. so it is usefull glitch after all hehehe
Wow...So your going so fast, even using tools its getting hard to control him =D
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Cool, I'll check those out. Thanks.
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This movie's control is definitely faster. I'm guessing this is frame precise, where as the other movie was not.
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It got stuck at the last score screen. When I load the rom, it says "This rom is a hacked dump, do you want to continue?" Would that cause the desync? I would vote a maybe if I could vote and if there was a maybe option...The reason being, this guy did it on Easy.
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Just add support in the emulator for playing movies directly from a zip. Then rename all the .zip to .tas and have the emulator support that as well. *pokes nitsuja*
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I'm hitting the 4 GB limit even when using Huffyuv v2.1.1. Are you guys just recording to segments AVIs or is there a way around this?
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LocalH, Could you either post some links or a short tutorial of how you converting the demos to DVD? I'm guessing you are doing the encoding after you get the frames out, right? I would love to make a HQ dvd version of some of these TAS and then provide a torrent. *Edit* Nm, I found the FAQ page..
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Frame perfect Half-life (1 or 2) (with vsync at 60) The only bad part of this speed run would be, it would look like he has an aimbot...but essentially he does...
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Instead of Secret of the Mana 1, do Seiken Densetsu 3 with using both controlers. I know its a translation (ie a hack), but its a very standard translation (you'll only find 1 version of the rom).
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I vote for Warpless, unless JXQ is already sure he's gonna do it.
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Did you digg it?
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DeHackEd wrote:
mupen64 and I have waged war for quite some time now. This latest battle is to get a high quality AVI made, suitable for publication. Hint hint. No timeframe though, but here's hoping for a matter of hours. ... An AVI of this run for bittorrent download. It might become the one published if Bisqwit gives it the thumbs up. If not, at least all you users who can't watch it will now be able to. I had to thoroughly abuse frame dropping on this one.
What sort of problems are you having? I did some test recordings using the built in AVI capture and it seemed to work just fine. Using Xvid at 780kbps at 640x480, I could record this whole run at 1/4 frame rate, or in about 64 mins.
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Dang it, I really wish I didn't see SDA's demo... I'd be a lot more impressed then. Although its still good, I think I over hyped myself over this movie. Heh
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Here's the newer link: Don't use the old one... So it took ya about 1 month to do this short with 2 or more people, I am guessing a 120 star run would take about 4-6 months? This run would be much faster than starting from scratch, since we have SDA's as a guide. SDA's is already so good, so strategy wise it shouldn't be that far off.
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Havn't watched the WIP at all, but if the other mario runs are of any indication, a TAS of a 3D game will just simply be amazing. Keep up the good work and I can't wait to see it.