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hero of the day wrote:
Another thing that should be possible is doing a 'perfect' kraid kill using the PB wave combo. If you align the particles like what was done in the RBO run on Croco, it may be possible to have all 4 hit kraid during his first mouth opening. It would be the fastest way to kill him, without exception. Even the hyper beam couldn't do it in one hit :P
That funny I had the same idea there to but, I thought his arm would get in the way. Also doesn't it take longer for the Power Wave to come out then just a regular charge shot? That may pose a problem as well. About the arm though if 3 Hit you should be able to Missile him at least making it significantly faster. Oh yea and don't forget AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! Reeve ninja'd me. :(
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Kriole wrote:
You can walljump from the first Kago to keep the speed through the entire room: Pie Now just to optimize the starting speed and it should be good to go.
Holy Shit!!!! If more cool stuff like that is found it might justify early Wave Beam.
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Eye Of The Beholder wrote:
Oh man, that was very cool and it's a shame that it doesn't save time. In the PAL version it's possible to get a bounce in the very ledge of the door, which makes samus touch the spiked platform and get a damage that makes her go to the last platform and that in full speed without delaying for the blue suit. Unfortunatelly, when trying to bounce in the very ledge of the door, Samus just loose all speed for some reason and doesn't bounce. Thanks for testing it!
My brother has done something like that before. I'm pretty sure he did it without a blue suit as well but, I could be wrong. It would probably take too much damage though.
Eye Of The Beholder wrote:
Edit: I noticed there was something like a bounce in the door in your First Super Missile room test... would it be possible to bounce like that in the door for the WS strategy?
That's actually a very interesting idea!!!! That reminds me of the invisible bridge, I wonder what would happen? Also thanks for the .smv's Cpadolf!!!! Its unfortunate that those ideas proved slower. Hopefully someone will think of an idea to make them faster.
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Eye Of The Beholder wrote:
Eye Of The Beholder wrote:
Edit 3: Some time ago, me and Behemoth found a trick for WS that allowed us to save some seconds in the Spiked Moving Platforms going for the Energy Tank. I've been thinking and maybe something could be done keep the speed gained in the two previous room to cross that Spiked Moving Platforms in full speed. This is the best i could do. Maybe you guys find a way to make it work. Maybe a jump through the door while it's openning or something like that... The way we used on PAL seems not to work due to difference in physics, but it would take 100 health damage by that moving platform to send Samus to the end of the room anyway.
I feel like an idiot here! I forgot that Samus was wearing the Gravity Suit. Anyway, the point is still valid, but i think it will not work unfortunatelly, at least not the way i planned. Here is a better example of what i was talking about. It seems the spiked platform could be used to do that back and forth trick to keep the speed of Samus and maybe go further. The problem about this strategy, even if it works, is that you loose 100 health points and need the Wave Beam (maybe not???) to perform.
I've seen my brother make it all the way across or almost all the way across after short charging for echos. Just like Behemoth he Bounce Balled before the door. It was just too hard for console and it took way too much energy. He made an .smv of it but, I'm not sure if he kept it. Anyway speaking of that area. Can you Missile the Enemy and hit the door with a Spazer Shot right after, then jump out the water and CWJ of the door into the Reverse Boost?
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Yea it looks even more TAS now!!!!!!!! Non stop actions where its at!!!!!!!
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Thanks for making those .smv Cpadolf you really brought Reeve and Hero's ideas to life!!!!!!! Could you use a Power Spazer Combo to kill the first Hopper or would it be slower? Fucking Incredible Stuff Guys, Keep It Up!!!!!!!!
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I didn't read all of them before because I was busy watching SDA's Awesome Games Done Quick. After looking those are some really interesting ideas Reeve. You've been on fire lately!!!!!!!! Reeve I think the fastest way for the Kago Room after the Kung-Fu Hunters would be what Saturn did in his GT Code TAS. Which is what I believe they were planning to do anyway.
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Wow that's a lot of edits!!!!!! Anyway here's the microstorage link.
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Is anyone still working on a 100% TAS or was the project abandoned?
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Kriole wrote:
Apparently there is a 2~second improvement on Mother Brain, so if we can delay the publication until we've sorted this out, that would be great.
Wow that's awesome!!!!!!! Which form 1st, 2nd or 3rd? Also is it a Real Time or In-Game Time or a little bit of both?
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Graveworm wrote:
I don't know if I understood it correctly, but nevertheless here's a small demonstration for visualisation.
This is what he was referring to before I believe. I think this is what he means now to charge before the Varia Suit as Kraid's dieing and pick up the Varia Suit and Shine Spark in the next room after shooting the door open with a Super Missile. So you hit the door before Mini-Kraid. The other way is definitely slower but, this way could prove to be faster with testing. Edit: Never mind because Kriole said the spikes get in the way. Would have been nice otherwise. BTW that's a great idea about the Power Bomb Reeve!!!! If it doesn't hit the door they can probably Morph and drop a Power Bomb and unmorph before the land instead of just landing and running to ball up to the Missile Pack. Also that way might reduce lag as well. This idea might even have use for console!!! I'll test if its faster for us in a few days and thanks for the idea!!!!!!!!!!!! Also about the room before Draygon. I think that would be slower then just grappling across honestly. Anyway Reeve you've had some great ideas so far, keep it up!!!!!!!
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Eye Of The Beholder wrote:
Cpadolf wrote:
hero of the day wrote:
Health won't be an issue, as in a new run the WS attic will use the grapple technique to reach the crateria missile pack instead of the shinespark method.
Where was the video of this posted? I know I've seen it at some point but I can't seem to find it.
I think this is what you're talking about. Also, there is this trick Saturn posted in the same page long time ago. Edit: Btw, it was in page 200 of this thread and i was looking for it too. Edit 2: Regarding Wave beam, it saves time in the blue gate when going for Crocomire's lair, cause you can shoot in the downwest gate from northreast (when you enter the room), so when you get there you have no delay shooting a missile to open it from oposite side. Edit 3: Would it be possible to go for Kraid After Maridia?
That was awesome!!!!! Will you be doing something like that when you first enter the Attic Room? Anyway Reeve that's a great idea you have after the Kraid fight, probably save at least a whole second maybe even more!!!!!! I asked that before and nobody answered before. I highly doubt it possible because later Kraid means no Varia Suit which means you take more damage in the Wrecked Ship. It would be nice if it was possible though cause it would be faster but, like I said I highly doubt it.
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Hero wouldn't Speed Keeping to the Chozo Statue be faster? If not it would be interesting to see the 2 Shine Spark Crash Animation Cancel. I could be wrong but, I remember messing around with multiple Shine Sparks after a Power Wave Combo and doesn't that only work within a certain period of time? If not, thank you because you just developed a Console time saver for us!!!!!!!!!! Can you Shine Spark first, Power Wave combo and then Shine Spark?
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Also does Grapple Beam do anything like pause his movements like it does with Draygon? I also wonder if Stutter Stepping will work with it as well.
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Man that sucks. :( I was hoping you guys would start on the 100% but, talking about it is a good start. Yea I would think after Phantoon would be the best time to pick up the Spazer. Anyway I don't think early Wave would be faster, but again that still needs to be tested. Also is it possible to hit Phantoon with Missiles after a Power Wave Combo?
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So Hero who is working with you on the 100% project so far? I assume Taco, Kriole and yourself are sticking together working on the 100%!? Also I think it would be nice to see early Wave Beam because its kind of refreshing to see a slight route change. I'm not sure if the good will out weigh the bad because Cpadolf's entry to the Wave Beam as well as the exit is really fast. A lot will have to be tested to see if early Wave will be justifiable that's for sure. Also if you get early Wave would that also mean delaying Spazer? If so that would another interesting route change if early Wave proves to be faster.
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Thanks for posting that, I really appreciate it!!!!! That was incredible I can't wait till its completed!!!!!!! Do you know how long ago they made that video?
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Is anyone planning a 120 Star improvement or possibly a 70 Star Run?
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I like both branches honestly. Both runs were very well executed btw!!!! After you guys are done making improvements on the Any% not glitched will you be working on a 96 Exit? BTW I voted yes on both. I would have said something on both threads but, I don't feel like posting on 2 different threads when I could just post here. I hope both runs get accepted even though I don't see any reason why they wouldn't get accepted anyway.
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I think Reeve(Eye of the Beholder) was asking why he was questioning my post.
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Congratulations on getting accepted guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Nice 176 is a lot so far. I have two questions though one may sound stupid, but I'll ask it anyway. Even though its the 100% thread are you doing a 100% run or Any% run? Also who else is involved with the TAS?
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Eye Of The Beholder wrote:
Edit 2: this Is a .smv of the room I'm talking about with the damage boost, realtime made. It was found by SnUfFiT86 and posted in m2k2 forum. To make this .smv SnUfFiT86 used snes9x 1.53. Edit 3: Btw, can't really ice beam be picked up when heading to Wrecked Ship? I know you would have to backtrack to that area to go for the Tower missile, and maybe entering the pause menu, but it would enable the option to visit Crocomire's area later, maybe even after beating Ridley, making it faster by the use of Spazer, Space Jump and Spring Ball. The Ice beam would, of course, be used to glitch through the ceiling when going for the Spring Ball. Edit 4 (I hope so): After Phantoon, there's the rooms with the robots and then comes the main room and Samus is on her way to the First Super Missile pack on the right... Isn't it possible to shoot a slow beam, run armpumping to catch the beam and mockball in a speed that the door opens?
Actually my brother got that idea from Kriole's You-Tube Video, thanks for that BTW!!! That areas annoying on console to be consistently fast. I'm sad you took the video off your channel though, its a good thing my brother downloaded it!!!!!! Well I think that would be slower to grab Ice earlier and fight Crocamire later because of the Grapple Beam abuse in the Wrecked Ship and Maridia. That's an interesting idea!!! Though I'm sure they probably tested that before. I'm really curious to know if Ridley causes a Blue Suit now after he grabs you. I'm also curious to know so I'll ask. What would a Shine Spark do to him?
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BTW thanks for the submission text it was very informative!!! I was wondering what happened to Kraid. LOL. Also thanks for posting that video Saturn!!! It was really good especially not being as up to date to what we have now. If you can post an .smv of it so I can add it to my collection , I'd really appreciate it!!!!!
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Yea but they can do it frame by frame and hit him with missiles after the Power Wave Combo hits. So it sould be no problem for them if its even possible that is. they might have to delay the Spazer for after the Wrecked Ship or turn it off in the Start Menu which I don't mind at all. Some may disagree with more Start Menus but, I don't mind them at all if it means a faster ingame time!!!!
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