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Pokota wrote:
YaLTeR wrote:
Once again, G-Sync for some reason turned out to be the worst of all although it should've given a perfect footage(?). And 120 Hz + VSync on the lossless footage turned out to be the best of all for me.
To be honest, I don't know what G-Sync is. My current impression is that it's another way of encoding the footage. If that's the case, you'd probably want to compare the G-Sync version with direct emulator playback as opposed to the comparison files presented in the OP.
You know, with the power of the internet, it's just one search away. Basically a (proprietary, grr) technology, where the GPU adapts the monitor refresh rate to its rendering rate.
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FractalFusion wrote:
... cool stuff...
Would you lend me your mind for upcoming analysis and linear algebra exams? I promise I'll return it to you promptly. Thanks in advance.
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Build output of svn rev 8611 from monodevelop 3.0.2: (search for "error"/"warning" (if you're interested in warnings))
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Sappharad wrote:
RGamma wrote:
This won't work out of the box. You'll get error messages like:
Error CS2001: Source file `/home/testuser/bizhawk-read-only/Version/svnrev.cs' could not be found (CS2001) (BizHawk.Common)
You'll need to supply these files yourself.
The bash script is supposed to run as a pre-build event for the "Version" project. That generates the svnrev.cs file. I suppose bash is a requirement too then. Oh, and you'll need to have checked out from svn (or git with the svn wrapper) for the script to work. If you just did a raw download of the repository, the script won't be able to pull your SVN version number. The version thing is a standard requirement though, even the Windows version does the same thing with its equivalent .bat file.
All I did was to checkout the svn repository and immediately run monodevelop on it (obviously bash is installed on my end). Also, I get a couple of build errors whereas I don't get them with Visual Studio (in a VM) (will post logs later).
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feos wrote:
Wow, that drama. As I always take things, and as I said in another thread Flygon was super dramatic about, once there's a proof that something is actually better, we will agree that it's better. Now I only need to test once again what we see when 30 fps blinking is youtubed at 60 fps. Note: it must be not blinking stuff, it must look semi-transparent (the exact way it looked on TVs). Hold on.
No need to test. YT likely will drop every other frame or so. Blending frames into one another wouldn't make sense for them, because there's no (in general) right way to do it.
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Sappharad wrote:
Zarmakuizz wrote:
What are the steps to build BizHawk on Linux?
Download latest code from the portable branch. 1. Open BizHawk.sln in Monodevelop. 2. Click Build. Any native cores (Genesis, SNES, QuickNES, Lynx, GBA, GBC, GB, N64, Saturn, etc.) will not work unless someone ports those to Linux.
This won't work out of the box. You'll get error messages like:
Error CS2001: Source file `/home/testuser/bizhawk-read-only/Version/svnrev.cs' could not be found (CS2001) (BizHawk.Common)
You'll need to supply these files yourself.
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feos wrote:
Flygon wrote:
Someone complained that the official upload isn't 60fps, so I decided to completely stuff up my own encode in such a way that it still somehow caps at 1080p. 'course, since the 60fps mode feature seems to cap at 1080p anyway, I've done my job.
60 fps on YouTube does nothing we might be interested in. It still can't deblink, so virtually it's the same 30 fps footage, just tweaked somehow.
What is that supposed to mean? You do realize that 60fps obsoletes the need for deblink in the first place, do you? In case you're referring to legacy users, there are full FPS and highly compatible encodes available on archive. While it is true, that as of now not everyone gets YT's 60fps, this is a browser-specific issue and will be resolved shortly (and permanently). The long-term benefit of starting to produce full FPS video outweighs the temporary "benefit" of legacy users getting to see deblinked instead of regular 30fps video. Granted, anyone that is aware and cares about that will resort to our encodes hosted on
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sonicpacker wrote:
Edit: by the way, the TASV channel takes no money from uploads.
As well they shouldn't. The site managers didn't make all those runs, nor should they be paid for it. I've made it known my future runs won't be submitted here without confirmation of rights to my work. I recommend others do the same...before someone takes your work and reuploads it. :)
We use as our license.
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Bubo scandiacus
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Always test the newest version before reporting issues. Confirm with the newest version at first.
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WST wrote:
And what should this tell us? Edit: Come on, this isn't a bug report. Also: Probably not our bug. I don't get any packet loss.
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Encoding of this movie will be started saturday by either Samlaptop or me, so expect publication next week.
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Samlaptop wrote:
I'm stuck on getting the file size smaller. I might need to decompress it. I go into virtual dub and there is an option to sync audio and video together.
Err, mind coming to IRC? Any editing with VirtualDub shouldn't be necessary at all. Just visit Freenode ( and type "/q RGamma" for private chat.)
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I might be able to help. How did you obtain the original capture (what codec/settings (if applicable) did you choose specifically)? What was the desync like (constant offset, increasing offset, seemingly random)? How did you fix it? Where are you stuck now? You can reply here or via PM.
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Samlaptop wrote:
How fo I start a dump?
Not by posting in this topic
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I needed a nick for GW2, so in an outburst of creativity, I consulted a random fantasy name generator. Because I didn't want to waste much time with choosing I decided for the first one that I think suited the race I was going to play: Rekk Gamma. When signing up for the TASVideos forums - in another outburst of creativity - I shortened that nick to RGamma, which I've been using since. Previous nicks (mainly for Steam) I used were CtrlAltDel and CtrlShiftEsc. Incidently rgamma is also a variant of the gamma distribution for the programming language R. See (Don't ask me for an explanation. I'm not familiar with statistics.) Am I happy with that nick? I don't know; I might change it in the future, if I find a good one and feel the need to.
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Post subject: Re: fix for another world 15 aniversary
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gamerretro2 wrote:
Hello you can fix another world , the game crashed after 1ST level
Also, when reporting bugs, state at least the following: OS version, emulator version, game (version), steps to reproduce, description of the bug and expected behaviour. This applies to all bug reports in general. In this case your game crashing is likely caused by an underlying issue in Hourglass that affects many games. Don't expect a fix too soon.
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If no one does an encode for this, I will. It will take some time though (expect something in ~10-12 hours)
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