Posts for Rena

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Joined: 1/5/2012
Posts: 52
Location: Maridia
As I mentioned in the SMW thread, for me there are two requirements to consider the game beaten: 1) It needs to display some confirmation of victory - ending sequence, credits, "thanks for playing" etc. 2) It needs to do so because the player actually reached a win condition, not just glitched it into calling up the wrong graphic, entered a "view credits" cheat, etc. The SMW one is interesting because it does achieve both of those without actually beating Bowser, by glitching the game into a win state. A lot of other runs do this; the SMW one is just more jarring because it just seems to spontaneously skip to "the end" after a couple minutes of bouncing fish and hopping around. I recall there being a published run for a NES RPG (unfortunately can't remember what it was) that does similar: the player just starts a new game, enters a town, talks to someone, leaves, enters again, repeats this a few times and suddenly the credits roll. Again the game just seems to suddenly cut to the ending scene after a few minutes of seemingly random, pointless actions. My opinion, though, is that rules were made to be broken, and the "rules" for TASes are more of guidelines. If you can make an interesting TAS that breaks a rule or two, it doesn't stop being interesting.
Post subject: lol semantics.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 1/5/2012
Posts: 52
Location: Maridia
Honestly the category thing never made a lot of sense to me. Clearly there are a number of different methods you can use to beat the game. (Go through all the levels to Bowser, go through the Star World to Bowser, glitch through a couple levels to Bowser, glitch directly to the end screen, ...?) I'd want to keep the fastest video of every known method. So this video wouldn't obsolete others that use different glitches to skip through the game, but a faster exploit of this same glitch would replace this one. As for naming, I'd call it a memory corruption exploit or something along those lines, that clarifies we aren't just corrupting memory, but actually tricking the game into executing arbitrary code (which we've crafted in OAM or wherever it actually executes from). This is different from just favourably corrupting some variables in that we actually take complete control over the system and could (with enough effort to put all the right instructions somewhere in memory) make it do anything we wanted. I'd also agree that to consider a game "beaten", it should a) display some sort of confirmation of victor (the end screen) and b) actually be in a win state (so displaying this message because you "won", not just because it was tricked into loading that graphic). This run does both. That said, I don't see why we can't just include the longer version as an alternate. Even just as a link to a Youtube video in the description: "for those who like closure, this version spends an extra 3 frames to display part of the credits sequence". Anyway this is a terribly impressive exploit and I'd vote yes if it weren't too late to do so (can newbies even vote anyway? >.>). Also loved the pony bit, can't believe people get so upset over some graphic. Haters gonna hate...