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Pure Ownage. YESZ
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Also, would be better to buy some Mrbl3? Or you will just avoid all kind of battles? I'm asking because you had a high amount of battles on the skill path looking for Mogu.
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I also forgot to ask, Wouldn't be better to make Nina learn Warp more soon? You could make her dodge some attacks in the beginning, she have good AGI iirc.
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Hmm. Only improvement i can see is that you didn't took the shorcuts while searching for Courage (Mogu) on the dream world. Sadly i haven't played this game in a long time, so i can't remember exactly where are those. But i can remember that some of those bones can be traspassable, try to experiment with them when you do the real run.
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Ok, that was deffinitively faster, can you do the same using LX against Thunder Bosses? Also here's an encode: EDIT: Also a bit before the boss after thunder slashing one of those enemies, you walked to manipulate a refill for the Model?
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Defend the Base (2) mision have been done. Movie: I ended up improving 10 frames. So i have saved a total of 25 frames :)
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I can't pretty much remember how much damage could do Tornado on a weak spot of a fire boss, but i remember that it was incredebly powerfull. Not sure wich one is fastest in a TAS, but you should try both.
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Derakon wrote:
Thanks for the encode, Rolanmen! Man, I wish my DS's been awhile since I played this game and I wouldn't mind a replay. I rather liked the wall-climbing technique, and of course the miniboss and boss died shockingly quickly. Is that technique usable against all enemies? If so, I don't really see much need to switch models for combat reasons.
Charged Multi-Attack (or however you want to call it) would work on any miniboss. Air Rolling Slash works like that on all bosses, but it does some heavy lag, so it isn't that convenient. And Model HX has it's advantage, it has better movement, like Air Dashing, and also a bit of triple electric combo on bosses.
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Encode Uploaded: Thinking about it, are you going to use Model FX on that truck miniboss? If you will, you should make sure that it's faster than using Tornado on Fistleo. Well, anyway doing good men. Keep up the good work.
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After a deeply look on Computerbird's TAS, i saw that tehre are some improvements on his TAS, so i decided to improve it. Here's my recent WIP: It's up after Disposal Center, with an improvation of 15 frames. Thanks a lot to Computerbird for telling me how to manipulate Aztec Falcon, wich was the reason why i didn't published this WIP a bit before.
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Satoryu wrote:
Still, why level up FX so much? Is the down charge that useful?
It's usefull for that truck miniboss that appear twice in the game, i think he want it for him on the first ice mission
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Very nice. You should shop the baits when you buy the G. Bar. Also, i heard that the Ice Dragon works better for the worm in Arad than the Thunder Dragon, though, i haven't tested so i don't know. And i guess, that you should aim more for Slam Attacks than Counter, or both in the same turn.
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Yes Vote for sure. I love how you beated some missions ridicously :)
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Ok................That was fucking awesome, i never though that the Chain Rod glitch could be used in such way. I agree that the 90s part is boring to TAS, but i can't wait to see the whole thing.
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To get Rudra you need the Dragon Armor and Nina needs to fly. To get Agni you need Dragon Helmet and Rudra, you won't need to fight to get this.
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Oh and also i forgot to mention, what about moving Andy's Neotank out of the city? I'm not sure it will hurt your planning, but if it doesn't the screen doesn't move to Andy's Base each one of his turns.
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Saw the thing, it was realy cool and also good planning, though isn't there a way to prevent Hawk from activating his CO Power on the Green Earth Factory Battle?
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Well, I re-thinked it, and well, I came with the following: I want to get more familiar with the game, so i plan to put that movie on stand-by, and beat it on Ultimate Mode first, and i will publish it (even knowing that it may not be accepted but wth). I will then, finish the all bosses goal, i also think that i should re-do the whole movie, first because the Intro Stage looks pretty much like Computerbird's, and second, i though about doing double air slash agaisnt enemies on Disposal Center, so with it i will end up needing less slash to make on Retrieve Data. What do you guys think about it?
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Yes Vote, cool Bowser Fight.
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I though about it a lot, but i think im giving up this project. I feel like this kinda of TAS should be done by someone else, i also have lots and lots of things to Test, and im tired about it. And also, i totaly forgot that i needed a Bird Elf that was on Disposal Center Mission, so i would have to re-do 2 missions, and i don't feel like re-doing Retrieve Data. Still, im interested on TASing this game, so i have 2 options: A) Improve Computerbird's Current TAS B) Do an Ultimate Mode TAS with mission skips I would like to do Ultimate Mode, but i would need to it with SRAM, would this kind of TAS be accepted? I though about Hard Mode, but that would be less interesting, since it would look like the current TAS. If i don't see improvement on Computerbird's TAS, im going to do Ultimate Mode even if it doesn't get accepted.
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Ok, i couldn't watch the video last nigth so i did it now. No complain anywhere, the run looks perfect except on the Giro Fight. Near the end, why you didn't shoot him more near of the position where Aile have to move after the fight end?
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I did 2 tests, one doing submarine skipping wich need the Recoild Rod, and a simple run starting from the same point and ended in the same without submarine skipping. Using the Submarine Skip, saves 602 frames, i still have to do tests about the bosses, since Anubis has turned awfull to TAS with the Rod.
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ROFL, the Two Weeks mission was hilarious.
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Heh, i went to get the Triple Rod, and i spend on it 1232 frames getting it. Movie: I'm starting to doubt that the TAS would be faster with the Triple Rod :( Im deffinitively not getting the Boomerang Shield, so i now i will have to do lots of test before i continue.
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