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Ok, i have done several Tests, you can watch them here: After i did those, i got pretty sure that it's faster getting the Triple Rod, for Train Engine Core, Hydra Mechaniloid, Anubis Necromancess and Rainbow Devil (Not sure since i haven't tested him yet. But for the others im pretty sure i save more than enough time. Air Rolling Slash on those bosses cost time, jumping, getting high enough, 2 slashes per jump (4 frames wasted). And Triple Rod is usefull for Submarine Skipping with a pogo jump on an enemy in Stop the Hacking mission. I think there's another point in the Capture Factory mission that i can use a Pogo Jump to skip something (I can't remember right now) Also, this may sound incredibly stupid and non-sense, but Triple Rod Cancelling is slower than Triple Rod alone :S. And just by 1 frame. EDIT: I will do some test with the Boomerang Shield, though i don't like the idea of getting it for this run, but i will do some tests with it.
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Damn, i loved those pursuits, it looks like those TV Shows. Yes vote for sure :)
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Good work men, at least it can be watched easier than before :P Btw, here's an enconde: EDIT: I forgot to say that i skipped the intro cutscene from the video, since it just too boring.
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Go Weege, Go Weege. Yes vote :)
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Nice man, keep going. What upgrades are you going to buy? Hyper Slide?
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Sorry for the long time without updates, i finaly finished Retrieve Data, with a time of 55 seconds in the ingame timer. Thanks to computerbird for telling me how to manipulate the boss, wich is a bitch sometimes. Movie: Youtube: Any idea you can give to improve it? Please Comment
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Good Stuff Angerfist :)
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Did you see how much time it adds to watch the chips combine and to watch GutsMan come in and throw MegaMan? It's actually a bit faster to bring the boss to the front and whack it with swords and rapid shots if possible. GutsShoot is for those cowards who hide in the back all the time.
Have you compared the time you gain/lose when doing it? I know it sounds like a cowardly move, but if its faster you should used it.
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Isn't faster to use GutsShot on Iceman? It would just 1HKO.
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I did another attempt, and i ended loosing frames, so i will leave it just like the movie above, unless someone can find a way to improve the stage alone. Tomorrow i will start TASing Ganeshariff and the way back to the base, unless I/someone can find a improvable spot.
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Isn't there a less annoying way to move? My ears are bleeding :(
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Well, i finaly finished the Retrieve Data's Stage, i ended up getting Rolling Slash when killing the last enemy, though, im not sure if it's optimal or not, since i haved to get hit at some points to go forward and i used those frames to attack those invincible enemies and not getting hit (most of the times). Also, when i get hit, i tried to always end up being pushed forward instead of backwards. Anyway, here's the movie: Please, tell me if you think that someplace of this movie it's improvable while getting Air Rolling Slash at the end.
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Well i did a little TAS vs the boss only without Rolling Slash,and compared it to you fight against him in your TAS (it would be the same anyway). And the difference between the 2 are of 604 frames, so if i get Rolling Slash i would save 604 - 316 = 288, making it realy worthy. So i will continue the TAS while getting Rolling Slash.
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Thanks a lot, after re-watching you Z2 TAS i will test it.
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You mean that i should do this without getting the Air Rolling Slash?
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Do you mean when the boss have only 5 HP, to do a SkullCrush attack as the finisher of him? SkullCrush is when you do an Air Slash and hold down to do +1 Damage than Normal Air Slash.
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Thanks, im trying to figure what would be the best decition. In my mind i have 2 options: 1st: Going to Find Shuttle to slash as many enemies as possible and kill as many enemies as possible and get Air Rolling Slash here for Anubis. 2nd: Going to Retrieve Data and slash those balls that can't be killed as much as needed to get Air Rolling Slash at the end of the stage so i can use it against Ganeshariff. I prefer the 2nd option, also i need 79 Air Slashes to get Air Rolling Slash. If i choose the 2nd, i will do a little TAS without Air Rolling Slash in Retrieve Data to see how many frames i save doing this. Any Advice?
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Disposal Center Stage has be done. Movie: Youtube: I saved 13 frames from computerbird's TAS, this is possibly the hardest stage of the whole game (maybe it's the final stage dunno), due to being off screen a long time.
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I have a hard time with the Disposal Center mission, it's damn hard to TAS while not being able to see the character. Anyway, i'm not even sure if i lost some frames on while climbing the wall while out of the screen. Here is the movie file if anyone is interested: EDIT: I figured that before the wall climbing part (when zero could still be seen) i was haved 13 less frames than computerbird's TAS. The same applies after the Wall Climbing :). I will upload the full stage later.
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Thanks, that was realy cool. Since this is TAS, i think i can cancel it without moving from my current position. Im still in Aztec Falcon's mission, it's hard to TAS this stage because you can't see Zero for a long time.
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I think that Triple Rod Cancel (if possible) would be faster since it does more damage and i can do it while on the floor. Rolling slash will need me to be in the air always, so triple rod would be faster if i can manage to cancel it. If i can cancel Triple Rod with Buster, then i won't need to get the shield.
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Ok, i wonder, is there a way i can cancel the Triple Rod with the buster like you did with the Saber?
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Sorry but i can't download his WIP, can you tell me he did?
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Hmmm, i think that the Triple Rod will help a lot against the Train Engine Core, so maybe i should look for it from the beginning. Or maybe i should do a mission that doesn't require Air Rolling Slash, so i can do it with ganeshariff, or maybe, i can get it in the stage of the Retrieve Data mission, before the boss.
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