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Beated Kuwagust. WIP I longed too much to advance due to this stage being a bitch, but i finally managed some great advance. I have acquired Quick Charge Slash wich will save arround 30 frames on every boss battle. Elves: 42/81 Skills: 5/10 Tanks: 1/2 Encode: Link to video Thanks to Guga.
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Leave HUD, just disable Hints.
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Paused wrote:
How can a TAS be impossible? Are you saying picking Hard5 makes the game un-winable?
Maybe i should pick my words better. It's winable, definitely. But you can't do manipulation during game (so far), with this in mind, to get a good time, you have to be really, REALLY lucky. Or just make a slow run all kind of unnecesary stuff.
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Comicalflop wrote:
Out of curiosity which difficulty mode did you choose? I know one of the TASvideos guidelines is to choose the hardest difficulty possible from a clean SRAM, but with this game the hardest difficulty doesn't work very well with the "beef the main character as much as possible and blindly attack anything and everything" strategy.
A H5 (Hardest Difficulty) TAS of this game is very much impossible. I mean, your characters are weak in comparison with your enemies, and since you can't manipulate in this game that well, you have high probabilities to end up having bad characters anyway. If we can find a way to burn RNs in a quick fashion like the GBA Fire Emblem does, i would so much go for that, otherwise, i would go for Normal Mode.
Post subject: Fire Emblem - Shadow Dragon
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I made this WIP that finishes the Prologue. It used the default clock value when you start recording a movie. And by far, i got some good luck. Prologue 1: I managed to get a crit on the boss plus a good level up, this crit saved me to attack in Player Phase. Prologue 3: Here i had to give Marth a Vulnerary and since the Jeigan is the unit most near with one i traded it with him, i also traded his Iron Sword to him (not sure if this is a good or a bad decition). I also had to move one of the Cavaliers because the AI would move one Soldier in Marths way. Avoiding this saves one turn. Prologue 4: I had to move the Jeigan along with Marth so the Jeigan kills Gordon, otherwise, Marth would have to get a crit in Gordon and he would get a level up during Player Phase wich is something really bad. About a H5 TAS. I don't see this comming anytime soon, unless someone does an intense research on the RNG System. A way to do a TAS of this is by suspending a soft resetting in different seconds to PROBABLY get a good set of RNs. Please, give me your opinions about this WIP. EDIT: Adding some info i forgot to post before: This was done on DeSmuME 0.9.8 and with Disabled Advance Bus-Level Timing. And here's a small encode.
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Mindblowing, childhood game being demolished once again by BioSpark. See you in the next mission.
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Loved this run absolutely. Yes vote.
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I liked how you appeared with boots after you killed Sigma. It was fun to watch.
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Aparte de lo que anteriormente se ha dicho, saber como funciona el juego es algo que te puede ayudar a descubrir nuevos bugs. Con esto me refiero a saber como se manejan los datos en memoria en un juego. Esto te puede ayudar mucho ya que con esto puedes imaginar mas escenarios donde podrías implementar nuevas ideas con respecto a lo que sabes.
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Beated The Golems WIP Elves: 38/81 Skills: 4/10 Tanks: 1/2
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Beated Hyleg Ourobockle WIP Elves: 32/81 Skills: 4/10 Tanks: 1/2 NOTE: I found out how to use the chain rod glitch on the left side aswell, only works in specific conditions though. I managed to do this in Phoenix stage and in the Resistance Base to collect 2 of the elves.
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Great TAS Bernka. I think that maybe there are some small improvements in the Last Sigma Fight. When you used Shippuga to take the energy refill, you can get a free Ryuenjin hit before Sigma dissapears. If this proves to be slower MAYBE you can avoid getting the energy refill in the whole fight (not sure how much HP you lost to the last fight). Oh, and btw, my nick is Rolanmen1 not Rolanman1 -_-.
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Beated Polar Kamrous. WIP Elves: 24/81 Skills: 3/10 Tanks: 0/2
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Beated Phoenix Magnion. WIP Elves: 17/81 Skills: 2/10 Tanks: 0/2 Link to video
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Updated the RNG Script, now you don't need to use frame advance to input the numbers nor the operators. Script For more info, check this post
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Beated Panther Flauclaws. WIP Actual Status: Elves: 9/81 Skills: 1/10 Tanks: 0/2
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Loved this, all the boss battles look great.
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So, it appears you have to USE all of the cyber-elves in order to get Ultimate Form. So i won't be getting all the forms, in the other hand, i can try to get some of them (at least, the ones that doesn't need time to be spent). About Elf usage, the only elf i see usefull may be Bird elves, but there's no where for them to be used to gain time. In the other hand, i will get 2 elves that can cut a boss's life to half spending 300 E-Crystal on each. This may save time on the Rainbow Devil and Elpizo's second fight, this will need to be tested.
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i haven't done any plans yet, in fact, im not 100% sure what will be the route, gimme some time and ill answer this.
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ah right, i wasn't thinking clearly. About the forms, idk man, if some of them weren't so stupid i would go for them, like really, 50 Killed Enemies with Buster, Pull 30 things with the rod and Ultimate Mode required raising and USING all elves (according to what i investigated). So, i say that if i could pull 30 things in a stage without wasting time AND get Ultimate Form without using the elves (as in, just raising), i could also go for All Forms. Otherwise, i will skip that.
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I started a 100% TAS of this game. WIP 100% Consist on getting all elves, Ex-Skills and all Sub-Tanks. Actual Status: Elves: 5/81 Skills: 0/10 Tanks: 0/2
Post subject: Re: Fire Emblem Hacks
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Vykan12 wrote:
Chapter 9: It seems paladins in general don't have a stat penalty when rescuing someone, which is how Priscilla's able to carry Lyn throughout the chapter.
Full Guide. There is a skill guide wich will answer the question above. Also this may be outdated.
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Damn, thank you Tompa for leaving me speechless, now i can't talk anymore :(
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Love it. O_O
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CoolKirby wrote:
Did you try it out with the DSP HLE plugin? That's what he recorded with. Does your movie sync for you, Rolanmen1?
It syncs most of the time, but sometimes it desynchs.
Yep, i used HLE for the dsp. It's not a desync though. Looking through the .dtm, 95% of it is either rapid fire a/b, or holding a+b, and nothing else. Not sure what that even is.
In that case, i uploaded it again. Here
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