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Kurabupengin wrote:
Nope. Not working at all. In the app log it seems that it actually opens the emulator, but after some seconds later, it dissapears. I'm using Windows 7 Starter 32-bit with an Intel Graphics Media Acelerator 3150 with 256MB
The Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3150 doesn't officially support OpenGL on Windows. There are some instructions that a quick search turned up, but maybe there's an easier way: Not sure if Direct3D was completely removed or just made non-default, but if there's a way to activate GDI mode that would probably work too.
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jhp wrote:
Sappharad wrote:
With regards to video lag, are you saying that the Video is behind the audio, or are you saying that it's skipping frames? Frameskip is on by default.
No it's more like it repeats frames in short (~1 second) cycles instead of displaying the correct ones. I did try different frameskip and sync settings to no avail. Playing in slow motion doesn't help either, since it doesn't change the rate of those cycles. I guess it's a Mono problem then? I might update the OS soon and see if it works better.
It doesn't sound like anything Mono or the OS version would cause, but I'm also not sure why something like that would happen. I'll see if I can set up a 10.7 test environment and try myself to confirm if the OS version has anything to do with it. I guess I could try it on some other macs as well, to see if the speed of the machine or the refresh rate of the display has anything to do with it. I've only tested on a 60hz monitor, maybe 50hz doesn't work right. I'll see if I can reproduce anything over the weekend. Edit: Installed 10.7.5 in VMWare, but it runs almost perfectly for me. It took a long time to launch the application, but I can run Genesis with Audio Throttle, VSync On, 0 Frameskip, and it sort-of runs at 60fps. Every few seconds it will drop a frame or two as if Frameskip were on, but I think this is just the Virtual Machine's behavior. No 1-second stalls like you're experiencing. So the problem isn't 10.7.5. I haven't tried other machines yet, but what type of Mac and what year are you using?
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jhp wrote:
Hi I'm running OS X 10.7.5 and I got BizHawk 1.6.1 to run pretty well except the video doesn't run smooth at all. I mean, the games run fine (looking at the frame rate) but it looks really laggy, making it impossible to do a TAS. I tried with both Genesis and NES. Reading through this thread I guess it's because I'm below the 10.8 minimum? Is this the kind of problem you would expect?
If it works, you meet the requirement. :-) Mono is supposed to work all the way back to 10.6 but it apparently does not anymore. All of the native stuff (Genesis Plus, QuickNES in the next release) is built with XCode, which on 10.9 only allows me to build binaries that are compatible with 10.8 or above. If they happen to work on an older version, that's great and feel free to use it, but it can't be certain that it should. With regards to video lag, are you saying that the Video is behind the audio, or are you saying that it's skipping frames? Frameskip is on by default. On my machine, (2008 Mac Pro, so not very new) if I run Genesis with "Audio Throttle" enabled and "Vsync" enabled, it appears to run at 60fps with perfect audio and sound. If I disable Vsync, the video sometimes tears or skips frames, but that's just normal because it's not synced to the display. I haven't ever seen the video lag behind the audio though. Some of the toggle menus on OS X won't update their checkmarks after you change them (it's on my list of minor things to fix) but they do take effect immediately and the next time you open the app the checkmarks will be in the right place. Don't people doing TAS videos usually play in slow motion, frame by frame? I hope VSync solves your problem, otherwise maybe there's some other detail I'm missing. The UI in the OS X version isn't great at this point, but it should be enough for basic use like you're trying.
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You already found it, (since you posted in the thread) but I always link to the latest OS X build of BizHawk in the thread for Mac builds: After the switch to sourceforge, I haven't uploaded any there yet. I will probably start doing that. Genesis and Sega CD support should be identical to the Windows version.
Post subject: Re: my bizhawk
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oblvionwalker wrote:
Sappharad wrote:
10.9 is a free upgrade for users of 10.6, 10.7 and 10.8, is it not something you're able to upgrade to?
i have really no clue with what to even do with this, my parents forced me onto MAC i used to have a pc but they threw it away. does bizhawk have any n64 support yet?
No. N64, SNES, and various Gameboy systems are not supported on OS X. They require some additional development work. In the case of SNES and Gameboy, it's been over a year since the last time I've tried but I ran into issues back then and haven't seen if they can be resolved yet. The free upgrade to 10.9 is here: Unless you're specifically looking for TAS tools, if you just want a generic emulator to play games you should probably use OpenEmu since that supports N64, SNES and others. But that doesn't support 10.6 either, so you'd need to upgrade for that too.
Post subject: Re: my bizhawk
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oblvionwalker wrote:
Sappharad wrote:
Can you provide any useful information? What OS are you running? Is the Mono runtime installed?
sure my mac is version 10.6.8 (i hope that helps) and no i do not have mono runtime installed sorry i have never used the mac version
Per the requirements listed in the first post, the Mono runtime (MRE) is required. It should prompt you to install it when it doesn't find it. 10.9 is a free upgrade for users of 10.6, 10.7 and 10.8, is it not something you're able to upgrade to? I just loaded the current release in a 10.6.8 VM I have, and it didn't work. BizHawk 1.0.4a is the last version I've tested on 10.6. I'll try a few things, but I might need to updated the minimum requirement once I figure out how far you can go back. I've only tested on the latest OS. Edit: It looks like the current release only works on 10.8 or later, using the latest Mono MRE. Some older releases from 2012 and 2013 might still work on 10.6 using Mono 2.1.0 (Stable release on the download page) but I don't know exactly when it stopped working. And older releases of BizHawk on OS X are kind of crappy. Unfortunately, I can't support older OS's easily because everything is built with current tools. So I would suggest using the Windows version with Wine, or upgrading to 10.9 if you can. Edit 2: It just occurred to me exactly why 10.8 is the minimum requirement. BizHawk uses a few native libraries now (blip_buf for some kind of sound purpose, and genesis plus GX) and both I build using the latest XCode. The latest XCode only supports targeting 10.8 or newer, and unfortunately a version that can target 10.6 is not available for 10.9. At one point I tried to set up Xcode in a 10.6 Virtual Machine, but for some reason it always failed to install even though the MD5sum on the disc image is correct and it's the same installer that I've kept a copy of for years and used fine natively long ago. I won't completely rule out trying again in the future, but at the moment I can't do it.
Post subject: Re: my bizhawk
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oblvionwalker wrote:
ok so i really want to get into tasing on my mac but every time i open up bizhawk it automatically closes and no errors can anyone please help me out?
Can you provide any useful information? What OS are you running? Is the Mono runtime installed?
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I updated the first post with the OS X release of 1.6.0. Changes since the "beta" I posted previously: - OS X menus and dialogs are back - NES works again - Sega CD works now - Audio Throttle mode (as opposed to Clock Throttle, which is default) works now. You should probably use this for Genesis because the audio will crackle sometimes in Clock mode. This is probably the best version of the OS X port that I've released to date. I re-worked how the native dialog and menu hooks work, so there should be no more random freezes when you open dialogs I forgot to test. And with OpenGL support, the video is very smooth. I am very happy with the way it runs now.
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Chamale wrote:
That would be great, thanks. I'm on vacation with just a Macbook so I can't work on any runs at the moment, but just having Bizhawk for Mac is a big improvement over nothing.
Here is the beta build I promised: This is not quite in sync with 1.6.0 on Windows, so I'm calling it beta. Notes: - NES games are temporarily not working in this build because I need to fix something. I'll do that before the actual 1.6.0 OS X release - The OS X menus at the top of the screen will do nothing. You're stuck with the Windows UI for the moment. This also means the file open dialogs don't let you get to as many places as the native ones. If I doubt, put a file on your desktop since you can easily get there. New in this release: - Genesis support. (Sega CD too, but I don't have an MP3 decoder hooked up which makes your options extremely limited) - OpenGL. There's a decent performance improvement over the last release. Once I fix the remaining issues specific to this build, I'll post the actual OS X build of 1.6.0.
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Chamale wrote:
I'm having trouble getting RAM Watch to work in Bizhawk 1.5.2 on OSX 10.8.3. When I click on it, the program stops accepting any mouse input and must be quit with command+Q. Are there any fixes to this issue to make RAM Watch usable?
No, there's no work-around for the problem in 1.5.2. It was one of those windows that I didn't test, otherwise it would've been an easy fix. I can post a beta build of 1.6.0 later this week which won't have any problems with the UI freezing because the cause of that problem was the approach I use to mix the OS X and Windows UI's. The next release will just have the windows UI (which will work fine on OS X, it just won't look right) until a native OS X UI is ready. Work has begun on a fully native OS X UI, but it's going to be vastly inferior to the Windows version for a long time since I'll need to re-implement features that are in the Windows version from scratch.
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JohnnyG wrote:
amazing news but there is something that i don't understand. wouldn't it make more sense to put effort into adding emulator cores of systems that have no rerecording emulator yet instead of having a new core of a system that got lots of runs already?
I think it's more about what they want to work on at the time. In general, when something gets added it was because someone wanted to add it. When a developer wants to add system XYZ, that is when it will happen.
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Flossy wrote:
At the very beginning of this video what exactly is going on to get up to speed that quickly? I've been trying varying numbers of frames of walking and jumping, but the best I can do isn't very close.
You can hear the bounce bracelet being used throughout the video, it's the buzzing noise. I think he's using the bounce bracelet's ability to rapidly increase your velocity. It's also used for the super bounce trick, which is documented in a few places. I don't see anywhere where this version of it is documented though.
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CoolKirby wrote:
If you just need to host the binaries, Sappharad volunteered to host them for you above.
As it turns out, they don't need hosting. That isn't the problem, they can host the files here if they want to. The situation was discussed in the chat earlier today. Since most of the contributors are comfortable with google code, switching to anything else would upset some people and make them less likely to contribute. So they're not looking for an alternative place to maintain the code. It was mentioned that sourceforge can host files without requiring source code to be hosted there, but some people don't like it and they can have unreliable service at times too. If I had to guess, they'll probably start releasing here.
Post subject: Re: Some RAM Watch bugs
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adelikat wrote:
The only reason it hasn't been released is that googlecode is lame and removed the ability to add downloads, we are waiting for a good solution for tasvideos housing the release builds. But I may release and host it temporarily on dropbox, if anyone has opinions, please discuss.
Github supports attaching binary downloads to a designated release, unless you want to stick with Google code. I'm willing to provide hosting for the binaries, but I assume hosting is not your problem. (I'll stop on IRC later to discuss if you want to know more.)
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feos wrote:
EDIT: Added console recording. Sounds also almost identical to BH and Retroarch, but seems a bit more clear to me. BTW, first drumbeat pitch on console is closer to Gens-rr.
You don't mention which console you used for the console recording, and that's fairly important since the Genesis/Megadrive 2 is significantly different from the Gen/MD 1, enough that Sega provided both options in the recent 3DS re-release of Sonic 1.
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hegyak wrote:
Fortranm wrote:
Is it going to be able to run Pier Solar? Most current Genesis emulator can't run it since it's in a 64MB cartridge.
From what I read, Genplus GX on Wii works with the CD Audio. And we are using the same core (I think). We won't get the audio from the Sega CD, but we will get the game itself.
If the GenPlusGX core it's using is from the official repository, it won't support Pier Solar because ekeeke hasn't included support for it. The game cart has some special hardware and someone made their own modifications to support it. I'm not sure how long it will be before he deems it old enough to support, since they're still doing production runs of the game.
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hegyak wrote:
autofire wrote:
Last I checked, GenesisPlus GX doesn't do 32X emulation.
I checked and Bizhawk won't run Sega CD games either, yet. I just want to have things be ready for the future.
That didn't stay true for long, based on recent commit history. I'm disappointed that he's basically replacing vecna's attempt at C# cores with more native code, but I guess it wasn't going to be fixed anytime soon anyway since he doesn't want to touch it anymore. 32x wouldn't be entirely impossible following the same approach. The guys who do the OS X emulator OpenEmu solved the 32x problem by using both GenesisPlusGX and PicoDrive code. Picodrive has a 32x core written in C. The emulator as a whole is not as accurate as Genesis Plus GX though.
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I will not be releasing an OS X build of BizHawk 1.5.3. However, all of the code changes for 1.5.3 are present in the portable branch of SVN. The biggest user-facing changes to 1.5.3 are related to N64, which isn't supported in the OS X version anyway. The code was restructured in 1.5.3 to make native UI's on other platforms easier to implement, since code for stuff like playback of TAS Movies was moved out of the UI and into a separate layer which can allow it to be used outside of the Windows UI. I've re-adapted the OpenTK Input and OpenAL audio to work against the newly restructured code. It was partially done from scratch (although I referenced the previous changes) which means the code for the special wrapper I created that mixes native elements of OS X like menus and file dialogs is no longer present. Thus if you build 1.5.3 from source on OS X, you'll only have the original WinForms UI available. The plan from this point forward is not to bring back the OS X wrapper, but instead to provide a new UI on OS X where we can add OpenGL support. (WinForms was preventing that before, as the OpenTK GLControl is not supported on OS X) From that point, I can probably make two separate builds... one with the new UI and one with the Windows UI unmodified. It will take some time for a brand new UI to have all of the features of the Windows UI, which is why both UI's would be an option for awhile. Nothing is definite regarding this yet, no work has been started on a non-windows UI. (As far as I know)
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Slowking wrote:
Is anybody actually taking note of these? I know it will take a long to time to fix and till a new version is ready, but some sign of life would be nice. :)
BizHawk is a very active project, you can see this from the change history: I don't know any details regarding the stuff you reported, but people do look at this thread.
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WJY wrote:
Will there be 1.5.1 with bug fixes? 1.5.0 seems really buggy.
adelikat has made the necessary preparations for there to be one or more maintenance updates to 1.5.0. I'm not sure if that new version will be 1.5.1 or not, but several fixes have already been made that are specifically intended for a 1.5.0 update. As far as when that will happen, I'm not sure. Some fixes have been made every day since 1.5.0 was released.
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The OS X port of 1.5.0 has been posted. Does not support the new systems that the Windows version does, but it does have fixes for a few things that are broken in Windows 1.5.0 like Atari 7200. I am not yet working on any of the unsupported systems, and I'm not sure if or when I will. But I will try and continue to keep the rest of things in sync so you can at least use the OS X build to play back input movies from this site.
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The description for this video says that the game was "never released in the United States". This is incorrect. It was released in the US for Wii Virtual Console on August 23rd 2010. I'm not sure if you want to make it clearer or not. I just checked, and the title is still available for 600 Wii Points.
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I believe the following is still true. If it's not, well, someone will point it out anyway: Any of the "compatibility" you see in the current release is not real, as BizHawk is currently using a DLL of the Musashi 68k core instead of the core that vec started writing specifically for BizHawk. This was done so other pieces could be worked on instead of finishing the 68k. For example, he wrote the YM2612 emulation for sound. The remaining work to be done on the 68k will be painful, because a lot of it involves fixing bugs. I took a short look at it at one point, and realized it's much easier said than done. You can't just try and run the Musashi and his 68k core next to each other to see where they get a different result, because it happens almost right away and they're out of sync very often. This isn't necessarily due to accuracy issues, both cores may handle timing differently. From the commit logs linked earlier in this thread, you can see that it hasn't been modified in awhile. I would assume that time or interest plays a factor in this. I'm sure it'll move again at some point, but nobody can really predict when.
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Depending on your needs, recording and playback work fine in the Mac builds of BizHawk. I've watched at least two of the videos on the site from start to finish without problems and recorded a few tests. If you don't need Lua, SNES, or GB support, you could try the Mac version. Menus don't freeze the emulator like in the Windows version, but frame advance works fine and since most people use that anyway it's probably not a big problem. The files are the same as Windows, so you can always switch to the windows version if it's too annoying or you run into problems. I don't think anyone uses the Mac version so I haven't gotten much feedback lately. The most recent Mac version is fairly stable, I don't think I've seen it randomly crash in the middle of a game like it used to. (But it probably can still happen)
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Lord Tom wrote:
Hopefully this is the right thread for this sort of problem, but this is what I get when I try to play Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (1984) (Activision) [!].a26 on BZ 1.4.0:
I'm surprised you got that far. The last time I tried it, it told me the mapper wasn't supported yet and wouldn't let me run it. The Colecovision version works fine, if that's worth anything to you.