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I liked it. But I could just be biased just by having been frustrated for many hours while playing this game in my youth (and loving to see it get obliterated.) The deaths do look a bit awkward for just recovering health. It's perfectly understandable why it was done, but it spoils the flow just a bit. This game is also a good example of taking advantage of the hardware you've got while still maintaining a very smooth frame rate. The pseudo-3D effects in the levels look pretty good for the Genesis.
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I really enjoy watching older versions of movies just to see what was skipped - A Boy and His Blob is a great example (just watch the earliest submission, then the latest). I openly welcome a "completion" run.
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I really dig the new layout. Thanks! :)
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Only slightly offtopic here, but I think the C64 version of this game owns the NES version: As for the run itself, the way it was constructed is notable. But as for a run that could be enjoyed by people who would randomly stumble upon it on YouTube who have never played it before... Edit: Forgot to mention, I voted Meh.
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Not only is the TAS very well done, but the game itself is perfect - it varies, lots of different moves, and it's fast paced. I probably would've missed this if you didn't send me that message (thanks!) And it was very welcoming indeed. Yes vote for technical and visual demonstration. :)
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AMAZING. This is an excellent first submission, guys. What's great is this can coexist with the black and white version run on this site, showing off separate glitches in separate versions to visit the final boss quickly. Definite yes. Edit: Heh, I just realized my post was almost the same as mmbossman's above.
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Heh, nice screenshots. No text in the boxes :P
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DrJones wrote:
"honored for their exploits"
Hahaha, how literal.
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I enjoyed the first and I enjoyed this improvement even more. Great research and optimization.
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Derakon wrote:
I'd think generally you want to postpone leveling as much as possible, to minimize the number of fights you have to get into to get the levels you need. It's my suspicion that you get a better XP/time ratio the later you are in the game, regardless of your current power level (though, assuming you are capable of winning the fights, of course).
This relies on being able to find a location that you can easily call more enemies onto the screen repeatedly though. To my knowledge there aren't a whole lot of places in the game that are like that, that can be done in a quick succession.
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The ending was great :D
Post subject: Site performance lately.
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I like it. The site seems to be a lot faster and more responsive this week.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Publish with input display, or without input display, or both? Making input display AVI currently.
I think watchers would definitely miss out by having input disabled - that's a good portion of the entertainment in this run IMO.
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Excellent speed run. If this is your final version, I'm going to second the motion for its publication.
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Ye gods, it's over already. :)
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inichi wrote:
Regarding the movement, even though it may look sloppy, actually almost all extra movments have purposes to save a few frames. That is, in Chrono Trigger, just because you talk to a person as fast as possible doesn't mean it gives the best result.
Yes, thanks for the quick response :)
inichi wrote:
I will use the skip trick in the final run.
I fully support this decision. Take your time though. Don't feel rushed. It's quite a massive project. Also, I almost feel that the testrun should be published for now...
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I just finished watching the full WIP run and have a few comments. I'd first like to say congratulations for finishing the game with a significant reduction in completion time from the published run! Even though it's a test run, it's already beyond any expectations I had. Precise luck manipulation, clever item use, and repeated abuse of game mechanics allowed for things to happen I've never thought possible. (I laughed when you skipped the candy scene, then came back for it... priceless) I think about the only gripe I do have is the jerkiness in movement. (Though it could be for reasons I don't immediately see...) Sometimes I get this feeling that you walk around a little extra before talking to some people, and I also think some of the extra movements that don't affect the game's pace are a bit awkward. I can't tell you which parts exactly (it has been about 2-3 days since I last saw the run) but they did sort of stand out. But it is just a test run after all and nothing's set in stone. I only know nitpicking makes people strive to be their best :) Once again, thanks a ton for the test run. It really satisfied my taste for some more Chrono Trigger breakage action :) Alsoooo... sweet glitch there :D
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Well deserving of the star in my opinion. How much more can you possibly torture such a game?!
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stickyman05 wrote:
did you accidentally miss the elevator boss' left-middle arm a few times? you seemed to have clung to the wall a bit low and, iirc, that arm required more hits to kill than the other three arms. i may be mistaken, but that is what i saw that could be improved (if, indeed, those hits missed) on the train level, i noticed you stood around and waited for the boss to come to you (the red guy) quite often. is he invincible during this time, or is there another reason you chose to stand still? from the way i saw it, it looked sloppy. my movie desynched for the forge D-: lookin good otherwise, though!
Yeah, the train is going to require a lot more planning. I didn't discover until after having finished this blueprint run that, when you swipe at him before you've killed all the other enemies, he very slowly makes his way to the other side of the screen - thereby delaying when you can actually first hit him. Also during the fight, he tends to match your altitude, but stick around just above you. He goes up when you do. The most effective attack on him is a dive, but it's also the most difficult to perform on this boss for that reason. As for the elevator boss, I didn't quite understand why that particular arm took much longer than all the others. It seemed to pop out a lot less often. There's probably some luck manipulation to be had there; I'll investigate that further. The movie seems to play back just fine on my machine as well as my friend's, so verify that you are using 9.5b. If you are, well... that's just the game being stubborned again :P Thanks a ton for the feedback. I really appreciate it :)
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Hot. :D Although I don't think there was a single doubt in anyone's mind that said this was going to get turned down, but man... you guys are tearing apart the poor game :P
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Derakon wrote:
They discussed that already - by catching the wand low (or very high), they can reduce the amount of time that Mario spends falling.
Guess I missed that. Well then, I congratulate you all! :)
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Doesn't jumping after the airship boss fights allow you to get the staff sooner? Instead of letting it land on you. Great run otherwise, but this is about the only thing that caught my eye.
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Is it possible to be able to bind the savestate save/load to the numeric keypad?
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I'm eagerly anticipating this run! Thanks for the heads-up. That de-equip trick... are you planning to use it more than once?
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