Posts for Serris

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That, the lag, and some general control issues you probably only encounter in real-time play.
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I'm not sure I understand what you mean, but I'm playing on my DS. I considered emulation to record stuff easier, but it seems DeSmuME doesn't suit my needs yet, so I'll wait for now. I'm just thinking of things for the SG-less TAS to try, but also want to at least figure out a way to glitch into the tunnel at all, SG or not. Yeah, it seems that since the Sanctuary tunnel doesn't extend all the way to the left screen edge, I also get pushed up to the western entrance even though I suspend on the Sanctuary screen.
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If you say so. :P It's where the frog is. Of course, an SG method would be useless for a warpless run, I'm just doing a VK route for fun. :) So far, it's basically identical to the HC route up to getting HC, lol. All for Magical Tickets. Afterwards, I get Cream Pie from City of Haze, SG into the dark portrait room from Keremet's save, and get Owl Morph from Dark Academy (whose portrait isn't locked for some reason). Then it's either Forgotten City to master Cream Pie off of Laura (probably worth getting Master Rings if you do this) and maybe get Griffon Wing for added mobility for Drac, or go straight for Sanctuary, Sisters and Whip's Memory. Anyway, the point is that there might be a TAS way to glitch yourself into the gap without morphing and SGing. Maybe try jump kicks or char-switch-skidding similar to how you can Speed Up-slide into the CoH entry gap without Lizard Tail - which may also be possible without Speed Up.
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Do you know of a way to SG into the small tunnel where Sanctuary is, or otherwise get it without Toad/Owl Morph? Basically, the only thing stopping you from going in there is your partner's refusal to spawn crouched. Might be worth messing around with for the warpless run.
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Well, that's good news, I guess. :P Any progress making FS drop?
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I actually didn't get Raging Fire, but it's a theoretical alternative to Summon Skeleton, although I haven't managed to fend off the wings with it consistently, and even though HC hits the wings thrice per swing, it's not enough. I'll see what I can do with switch canceling. I'm not sure about actually improving my time with Final Sword. The fight is going to take forever, I'll have to endure at least twice as many lengthy combo moves (HC doesn't even get to see the scythe explosion) and wing crushes, and unlike the TAS I can't go straight to Drac, anyway - I'm not skipping Lizard Tail and Stone of Flight.
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I don't know if it's because of the improved Drac fight or the slightly revised route, but I just finished a NG SG HC run in 00:14:19. Probably not necessary when TASing, but if you're bored, give it a try. :P Get Change Cube Get Call Cube Save before Behemoth chase SG to Axe Armor/Skeletons corridor Activate Entrance warp Buy Tonic, Castle Map 1, Dart Get Lizard Tail SG from Wind's room to Raging Fire (Get Raging Fire) SG past the wall right of Raging Fire Walk right to Stone of Flight room and suspend Get Stone of Flight Suspend & reload Activate Great Stairway Warp SG to Throne Room Get Robe Decollete Get Speed Up Warp to Entrance Sell Robe Decollete Master Dart Warp to Stairway Enter Sandy Grave SG from laser corridor Kill Astarte - Dart backdash spam Warp to portrait Exit Sandy Grave Warp to Entrance SG from Wind's room to Lilith room Get cursed by Lilith's flying heart attack Return to Wind Quest glitch Blessed Rings, get Holy Claymore etc. (Get Summon Skeleton) Warp to Master's Keep Defeat Death - Holy Claymore Kill True Dracula - Holy Claymore, Summon Skeleton/Raging Fire on wings
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As far as gameplay is concerned, beating the true final boss is the best ending. AoS and SotN also have slightly different endings if you get all souls / enough map%. And no, killing the Sisters does not make the credits roll - you get a cutscene and a Game Over screen, just like in OoE. The Sisters just aren't meant to be defeated. They're too busy giving you opportunity to cast Sanctuary to be interesting.
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Nah, my point was that getting the bad ending after making it to Chaos would be more entertaining purely for the surprise effect. Sisters usually hover around 90% of the fight doing nothing, they don't even deal contact damage, so there's basically nothing for you to do besides hacking away.
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Intentionally getting yourself killed at Chaos for the bad ending would probably be more entertaining than a Sisters fight. They're pretty much the the most boring boss fight in the game. Even if the wing crushes bother you for some reason, the rest of the fight more than makes up for it - that hover glitch was made for Death.
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Partner jumping the bridge never felt faster to me. You have to get the relic anyway and then move off the switch so it doesn't activate when you summon your partner, and jumping over the bridge (which is probably the glitchiest object ever) is slower than just backdashing across its lowered form. Have you tried waiting for True Drac to attack before that last wing crush? Even if his first attack wasn't lengthy enough to kill him, his second might've been, so it could still be worth waiting, considering the length of wing crush.
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Yeah, I have a new save before Drac at ~9mins, just a matter of getting a good fight now. I usually finish phase 1 right after the sickle/lavaball combo, so if I manage to kill Death before that, I'm happy. Also, my times are derived from looking at the file after skipping the ending & credits, which still adds about 7 seconds to the clock compared to pausing after the final blow. About your run: You could backdash jump off the lower platform directly onto the drawbridge switch, if it's any faster, that is. Also, ridiculous Drac fight! :D
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New Game SGing isn't any more game-breaking than backstab special skips - ban both or none. The route is identical except for two detours when you reach the Pinnacle, so the only difference is fighting four additional bosses. If you want boss fights, make a no-skip category - you'll get to see more of the castle and all of the bosses!
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Nah, you're thinking of Cream Pie. Just wondering, it's not relevant to the run, though it's a great health restore, considering it's available from the start.
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Does the emulator let you set a birthday date for Birthday Cake?
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klmz wrote:
Serris wrote:
Don't forget to do an Old Axe Armor Hard lvl1 cap max-up-less 1000% map run after that!
That would be boring to the audience. Refused.
How so? It's the most difficult thing to do, and 1000% is an excellent excuse to do Nest of Evil.
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Don't forget to do an Old Axe Armor Hard lvl1 cap max-up-less 1000% map run after that!
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I'm not sure what you're going to need all these hearts for - without endgame glyphs and crazy stuff like Death Ring (which you will most likely have for Death & Drac only, +Eligor at most) and Judgment Ring (Drac only), I think Glyph Unions are rarely worth the effort. During my real-time tests, rapid dual weapon spam was usually just as, if not more effective, which I imagine would be even more so the case with tool-assistance. Indeed, I mostly used unions for kill-it-before-it-kills-me tactics where dodging would have wasted too much time, but that's pointless if you can keep up your damage output while surviving.
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Yeah, it's not specifically about OoE, and like arukAdo said, the first game that comes to mind is PoR. I should probably add that I personally consider aiming for in-game time the default situation for games with reliable timers, but I realize this is usually not the case here, so a separate category seems like the best solution, assuming TASers are interested in making runs aiming for in-game time.
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arukAdo wrote:
Edit: is there isnt any equipment in this game that will convert damage receive to hearts like in sotn? (blood cape) Would let you make some strategy to refill hearts by taking damage
There's only the Heart Cuirass, which makes you lose hearts instead of HP. With all the Heart Repairs you can manipulate, I think there's little reason to waste time on getting too many max ups. Also, any chance on a "aims for least in-game time" category for Castlevanias? It would affect gameplay significantly, and make comparison of tool- and unassisted runs a lot easier.
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Especially since nowadays these "endings" lead to Game Over screens, so it's really just a long-winded way of saying, "you failed."
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Forgot to mention: R + direction lets you scroll through the shop faster. Also, 00:02:41 NG+ run with Raging Fire warp. You should probably be aiming for sub-2min, at least. :P
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Haha, that Raging Fire warp is awesomely simple. Time for some new runs. :D