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adelikat wrote:
Also, if this run were published and then a 2-player run was made, would it obsolete this run?
Maybe, maybe not. We have a 1 player and 2 player Battletoads run right? Can we do the same with this. Also, you keep saying I can shoot the scenery between killing enemies, but I don't see what you are talking about. I went back and watched the run again but I just don't see it. Can you be more specific? And another thing. Thanks for your words of wisdom adelikat. You're right, I was using the "it would be hell on the player" statement as an excuse not to attempt a 2 player run at this. I thought about it for a while and realized that it would be really impressive to see a 2 player run and I've decided to fiddle with it some.
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
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This game was hard as hell for me when I played it as a kid. I could never get anywhere in it. It was played very well IMHO so I'm voting yes. Good job!
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
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Yeah, I was unable to edgeboost everywhere unfortunately. I'm not sure what distinguishes one edge from another but it must be a big enough difference to keep me from boosting on it.
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
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"You've got a friend in me..." We all remember the movie Toy Story that created the characters Woody and Buzz Lightbeer-- err Lightyear. This game is based upon the movie and follows it very well. You play as Woody and follow the movie's storyline. Starting from spying on Andy's birthday party to escaping from Sid's house, you do just about everything the characters do in the movie. I completed the first 2 levels and you can get the WIP here. In level 2 I have to return all the toys to their hiding places so there is a little bit of backtracking. Also, there is a glitch where you can get total invincibility throughout the entire game that can be activated in this level. You have to return all the toys to their hideouts, get 7 stars (life/hearts), then jump in the toy box and hold down for 7 seconds. I didn't use this glitch this time because I don't think I'll need it and I'm not sure if I can make up the time I'll lose activating the glitch. What do you think? Should I continue this? Any and all feedback and comments are welcome and requested.
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
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I liked this run and I'd like to see it published so I'm voting yes.
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
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What a weird game... Sorta reminded me of SMB3. Anyway, I liked it. It was played really well and for some reason I want McDonald's now. Good job Guybrush! Yes vote from me.
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
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primorial#soup wrote:
"You have survived your mission. The End..." Best. Ending. Ever.
I agree lol.
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
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Thanks guys, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I wish Amagon had a bigger gun. That would've made things a lot easier.
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
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Ladies and gentlemen, I have an announcement: IT'S DONE! THE RUN IS COMPLETE!! I finished 6-1 and 6-2 this morning and promptly submitted the run. I finished on frame 66456 whereas my previous attempt finished on frame 68772. I saved a grand total of 2316 frames due to better optimizing, edgeboosting everywhere and using Megagon less. I'm not going to give a savestate for the final two levels because that would be like turning to the last page of a mystery novel to see whodunit before you read the book. You'll see them when you watch the whole run. Enjoy!
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
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5-1 and 5-2 are done! Here's the WIP. I remembered these two stages being a lot harder than they were this time around. Maybe I was thinking of the next two stages, 6-1 and 6-2; I dunno. Anyway I finished 5-1 and 5-2. At the end of 5-2 I am 2264 frames ahead of my previous attempt. Here is a new savestate. This one starts at 5-1. Again, the previous state will work too. I saved so much time using the edgeboost and different tactics on some enemies. I want to know why some ledges let me boost and others don't because it's really annoying to boost off of 2 ledges and have the third not let me. I also saved time by NOT transforming into Megagon for the "boss" of 5-1. While Megagon can kill the enemies there quicker, the time it takes to transform takes more time than it would to kill them with Amagon. I am now just two stages away from finishing this run. The final two stages are the toughest of them all and I'm not looking forward to going through it again. But, sometimes you've got to do things that got to be did, and I'm going to do them again despite my hate for them. Hopefully they won't give me as much trouble as they did the first time.
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
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I watched this a couple days ago and throughly enjoyed it. Who knew that Link had the whirlwind attack (or whatever you called) before LttP? I also liked the rapid down-stabs. Anyway, great job on this one, voting YES.
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
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HOLY POOP! AN UPDATE WITHIN 3 DAYS!?! NO WAY!! It's true, I've been re-re-motivated to work on this and I have completed 4-1 and 4-2. After stage 4-2 I am ahead of my previous attempt by 1881 frames. I also redid the 3-2 boss fight and managed to improve it by 6 frames. Here is the WIP. Here is a new savestate. The previous savestate will work too, so use it if you want. This one starts at the beginning of stage 4-1. This is turning out better and better. What do you guys think? With any luck I should be done with 5-1 and 5-2 sometime soon.
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
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Whoa... I had no idea it had been so long since my last post. First let me say I'm sorry for not posting for so long. I've been really lazy and haven't been working on the game as much as I should. I am still working on this though, albeit I'm progressing really slow. I am now finished with stages 3-1 and 3-2 and have begun work on 4-1. The edgeboost is being used everywhere it is possible, but most of the rocks in 3-1 and 3-2 don't allow the trick to work. I finish stage 3-2 on frame 36536, which is 1330 frames faster than my previous attempt. You can get the WIP here. Again I'm sorry this is taking so long. Those of you who want to see this run completed please bear with me on this, it will be done soon. I am going to try my hardest to get this finished before the end of the month. You can get a savestate here.
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
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Here you go Halamantariel. I hope your router problem is resolved soon. I know how annoying it is when the damn things crap out on you. My router messes with me all the time, it likes to cut out when I'm in the middle of something. All of a sudden I just lose my connection and can't get it back for 5-10 minutes. Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing this run. I haven't watched any of the WIPS yet because I don't want to spoil anything. My curiousity is peaked though so I'm probably going to say "screw spoiling it" and watch your current WIP. Good luck with the rest of the run!
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
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Great run, I really enjoyed it! Great job, I liked the weird routes you took. Voting YES.
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
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This game was tougher than expected to TAS. It can be done entirely with Frame Advance which can get boring very quickly. The enemy spawn locations are fixed so you just have to time it so the crosshair is in the correct position on the correct frame. Then it's off to the next spawn point to kill the next enemy. The tricky part is moving the crosshair quickly, which can be done by holding B+left,right. That moves the crosshair very fast to the right side of the screen without firing or moving your character. However, it only works for the right side, so moving to the left also moves your character. When you stop moving the crosshair with the B+left, right method the crosshair actually drifts for a frame or two. This causes you to time the release of the button so the crosshair "lands" on the spot you want to hit.
Truncated wrote:
Doesn't look very optimal to me... not that I'm familiar with the game, but it looks like you pass over destroyable scenery when going between soldiers without shooting it sometimes. And use up your grenades in the levels when they could have been used to speed up the boss. You didn't use any grenades on the submarine boss, but perhaps they are ineffective. At the boss at 53200 it looked like you could have taken potshots at the other two parts when the one you're focusing on shields itself.
I optimized the run the best I could (seeing as how I was going frame by frame the whole time) and it was very tough. I think the result was nice however. As for passing over the destroyable sceenery without shooting it, that was because there wasn't enough time. I had to go from one guy to the next and if I had taken a shot or two at a piece of scenery the guy I was going for could've spawned, taken a shot or moved. That was the case most of the time. I probably could've shot the scenery more inbetween enemy spawns but I decided to wait until I had cleared the field and had a moment to shoot the scenery. Even then the enemies spawned quickly and I had to hurry to keep from having too many on the field. It was easier to kill the enemies if I shot them as soon as they spawned that way it not only looks cool but allows me to see where the next guy comes and plan my strategy. As for the grenades being used up, some parts of the scenery and enemy units (tanks, jeeps, etc...) require too many hits before they go down. If I didn't use the grenade I would be spending way to much time taking down enemies and scenery and the run would be much longer. Yes, Grenades are ineffective agains the submarine boss. I try many times hitting him in many different spots and never reduced his health. As for the boss at 53200 I do take popshots at the others while the one I'm working on is shielded. It was tough when all 3 was out because I had to stay alive and hit the open tank thing. I hit the both at the same time once the first one went down I believe. The only thing left would be to do this 2 player, which would be hell on the recorder/player. It may make the game go faster to have one guy shot the scenery and the other shoot the enemies and it could also make it harder but I dunno about that. I figure a 1 player run through is good for now, we have one for Battletoads right? I'm sure a 2-player run will come along at some point, it may be from me, it may not I dunno. I do believe I've rambled on for long enough and I can't believe I'm able to write sentences that make sense while being soooooo sleepy. IMHO, I think this run has a good shot at being published. With that, I'm out... till tomorrow. *falls asleep at keyboard*
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
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*jaw drops* Wow, what an amazing WIP. I never would've guessed you could skip Bom-bomb Battlefield and start somewhere else. The tricks and glitches used were great. I loved the way you beat Koopa the Quick up the mountain. It was so great, you were on the island in the sky getting coins and he's still running up to the top lol! Pure genius! Great job, can't wait to see more.
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
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Lol that's great!
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
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I voted meh on this one. Ads don't bother me either way so it's fine if he wants to put google ads in the site; it is his site after all. I'd also like to see him get a profit out of this, he deserves every bit of it for creating this site of pure awesomeness.
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
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That was really cool! It also gave me some ideas on new videos. I've had one in mind for a while and if I can pull it off it should be really cool. We'll just have to wait and see XD.
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
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Wow, this looks really good. Keep it up, I can't wait for more!
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
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Running ahead of the turtle in 2-2 is much faster than riding on it. It would take well over 100 frames to get to the problem point and that wouldn't be worth it.
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
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Ok, solved the problem with the stupid turtle. I wound up having to jump back on the stump behind me to get it to appear. This caused me to lose some frames (around 64) but I think you'll agree with me that it's ok. I reached the end of 2-2 at frame 24071. Despite giving up those frames, I am 1091 frames ahead of my previous attempt! I think that's a nice improvement ;). Here's the WIP. You can use the same savestate as before. You'll notice that I miss an edgeboost or two. I'm not sure of the exact frames I miss them on but when I do miss them, notice the spider monster thing. On more than one occasion I was forced to skip the edgeboost because the boost would put me right under the spider thing and kill me. This is unavoidable and thankfully didn't happen too often. I'm working on 3-1 and 3-2 now and after watching how I did them on my previous attempt, I can say that they are going to be "fun". Expect another WIP in the near future.
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
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I finally got around to making adelikat's video. You can see it here. This video is of his Punch-Out run, using a song he made himself! The video is short and sweet so I hope you enjoy it. Also, I made another version of the 1943 video that I never posted. I made this one before the second one using a different level. The only reason I made the second version (the one I posted first) was because I thought using a different level could've made the video better. You can get it here. Same song but different level. Aren't you guys lucky? You get 2 videos today for the price of... nothing!
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
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Sorry about the lack of updates on this, I've been kinda preocupied (curses FFXI). I would like you all to know that I am still working on this and one day it will be completed. Here's a new WIP. At the moment I am on 2-2. 2-1 is done, and I'm about half-way done with 2-2, but I've got a problem. As you know stages 2-1 and 2-2 deal with the flying turtles. In stage 2-2 I ride a flying turtle across a big gap around frame 18600 or so. When I reach land I jump off and start running because running is faster than riding the turtle. As I run and use edgeboosts the turtle slowly gets pushed offscreen. At frame 19240 or so the turtle is supposed to re-emerge and ferry me across another gap. There lies the problem: the turtle doesn't come back. I stand there and kill enemies waiting for it to come but it never does. I found that if I stop around frame 19131 and go backwards, the turtle will appear and follow me. That seems to be the only way to get the stupid thing to come. I don't want to do that though, not when I've made it to that point so fast. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this problem? Also, at frame 18848 I miss an edgeboost. This is unavoidable. If I take the edgeboost I wind up getting hit by the spider-creature above me. I tried many times but could not find any other way around this. By not edgeboosting I am far enough back to shoot the creature instead of plow into it. Almost forgot, here's a savestate.
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
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