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What appears to be happening is this: - Player saved at the first save point in Narshe - Player then progresses through the game, leveling Terra to level 99 - Player then dies. - Since FF6 works differently than other FFs in that when you die, you return back to your last save point, while losing any event progress, items, gold, or Esper learned spells (but keeping all your EXP), the player is now back at the beginning of the game, with hardly any time passed, and a level 99 Terra. He can then breeze through the rest of the game like it was nothing. (EDIT: Of course, I should probably read the rest of the discussion first before I insert my opinions =P)
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According to some people I used to know long ago (which I unfortunately found out during an attempt to play through DW3 with no allies), not just bosses, but ALL enemies in most DW games have not HP regeneration, but what appears to be an ability to "soak" a random amount of damage based on max HP per turn. This ability is also what gives the illusion of enemies having slightly "randomized" HP values (you might have noticed in normal play that it takes slightly different amounts of damage to kill the same enemy, for example).
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Well, when I wrote that, I honestly thought there was quite a bit more to improve than I listed there.. Sorry about that. But I guess some of what I wrote may still be applicable to a TAS (like with Kain's Jump), where things can be controlled much more precisely.
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Yeah, the improvements I'm thinking of are mostly boss strategy. The bosses that I think lots of time can be saved on without luck manipulation are: - Milon Z.: Did you try to see whether using Cure2/Fire2 with Palom and Porom was faster than casting Twin? I could've sworn one of them did in excess of 1100 damage to Milon Z.. - Baigan: You should be able to organize Tellah's magic and Palom/Porom's Twin magic so that he goes down in just 2 Comets and 2 doses of Ice-3. - Kainazzo: His regular form is actually weak to Ice. You should be able to win with Lit-2 from Palom, then Ice-3 from Tellah, then another Lit-2 (or Ice-2, depending on Kainazzo's form) from Palom. - Magus Sisters: Having Cid use his Earth hammer as an item in battle casts Quake, which does a good 300-400 damage to all enemies. Should make the pounding away once the middle sister's gone go by quicker. - Golbez (Dwarf Castle): Having Kain Jump before Golbez says his little speech is possible - I've pulled it off myself. I guess trying to do so in real time at battle speed 1 is kinda stretching it though.. As for the dupe trick.. I've seen a number of variations on it, including a way to equip anything stealable as a weapon/shield.. I'll have to test the limits on some of these variations on it once I get back to running the game again.
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Yes, those two Fellworm battles are required battles as well.
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All those fights he fights are required battles (believe it or not). There's small story scenes which occur after each of them. And yes, the run looks very good so far. I like how you placed yourself to hit many enemies at once with your characters. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the run, if it keeps the same quality throughout.
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Seeing as the little Pokemon distraction got taken care of by someone else, I'm going to return back to this run. I spent yesterday watching the latest console speedrun video.. I've picked up some really good information from it, and have some additional ideas where it can be improved, and not just using TAS tactics, either. I can definitely see where someone might get 3:20 as a possible TAS time to shoot for.. the bosses leave room for lots of improvement. I like alot of the earlier bosses and the ones in the Lunar Subterrane, but alot of the ones in the middle leave much to be desired. 3:20 is definitely stretching it (I recall a cheat filled walkthrough .zmv which showed the fastest theoretical playthrough of the game lasting about 3 hours even), but getting sub 3:40 seems to be fairly doable. As for some of the suggestions in the thread.. I dunno if setting the battle speed lower will really help any. I imagine the critical hit rate for the game is rather low, given their extreme infrequency in regular gameplay, so I'd have to slow the battle speed down fairly significantly to be able to manipulate criticals with any sort of frequency and not lose too much time doing so. I'm going to stay with battle speed 1, and if I can pick up a critical hit after 15-20 frames of playing around, I'll take it, otherwise I probably won't bother. I'll likely be using far more damage manipulation than critical hit manipulation. Picking up the Excalibur and duping it to give Edge some Dart material.. I may dupe other items (such as the Flame sword) to give myself lots of cash to purchase items (maybe Elixirs) later on, but the Excalibur seems a tad out of the way to be worth it, having to go through much of the Summon Monster cave to get the Tail necessary to obtain it. It's a shame I can't dupe Spoon daggers, though.. Looking back, I'm not sure if I should just continue on with my testrun as it is now or restart and apply all the knowledge I've learned on the console speedrun onto a new testrun. The current testrun I have is sitting at the base of Mt. Ordeals, approximately 1-2 minutes faster than the SDA run despite the mistakes, and if you want me to post my progress before I stopped about a month ago, I can.
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The problem with that database, though, is that it's updated to Gold/Silver stats, which split Special into two categories (Special Attack and Special Defense). A much better resource is the Azure Heights Pokemon Laboratory[/url], which hasn't updated its' stats since Pokemon Yellow came out.
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Absolutely it'd be worth it to catch Mew in a Charmander run. Squirtle's strengths don't begin to show until after the second Gym is completed. While Charmander may be better than Squirtle for the first 15 minutes or so of the game, Squirtle more than makes up for it afterward with his versatility. And, since Mew > Squirtle after that point, well.. yeah, you get the point. Missingno was never a viable solution in the first place.
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I concede defeat. Your route wins. There were a number of small optimizations (on top of avoiding the mistakes you mentioned) I used to my run that you hadn't used on yours, and those are all going to add up to much more time than any amount of timesavers I could gain using my route. I never imagined the Mew glitch could be executed so quickly, and never imagined that Mew's TM flexibility would allow for much more one hit opportunities than Squirtle. (Unfortunately, it's still not enough for me to use Mew as a super HM slave and save time, though.) I'd really like to see a more polished version of this run, with the small optimizations in my run and the errors removed. However, if you don't want to do your own redo of the run, I'll be more than happy to do it justice. (Though for submitting the current run, I'd say no. It's rather unoptimized, and could really use a more polished run.)
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That's a very interesting strategy! My run also got 1:50, and I believe I could take off another minute, maybe two from the run through some optimizations I just found. Likewise, I'll probably go ahead and watch the run you just completed right now, and see if there's anything new I could learn from it.
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Thanks, any little bit helps. Anyways, over the past couple of days I've looked back over the published run to get a better idea of how much time some of these new discoveries will be. I'm not worried at all about running out of Mega Punches while going through the Nugget Bridge gauntlet - I would be replacing Tail Whip (a move I don't use at all in the run) to make room for Mega Punch, and I actually don't fight very many enemies I don't one hit with other moves. I didn't do any exact calculations, but should I not have enough Mega Punches to cover all the enemies I two hit in the actual run (or if I run into an enemy I *still* can't one hit even with Mega Punch), Water Gun (or even Bubblebeam, see below) would handle things. Of course, with Mega Punch at my disposal, I would also have good reason to go with the strategy of beating Gym 2 the moment I first step foot in Cerulean City, especially with having plenty of spare Mega Punches at my disposal after coming down Mt. Moon, and delaying my first Pokecenter visit until after I finish this Gym. This also gives me Bubblebeam to help save turns against the second Rival fight and the Nugget Bridge gauntlet, and also removes the entire second trip back and forth between Cerulean and Vermilion (as I would be able to enter Gym 3 immediately after getting off the SS Anne), finally making my route through that section of the game clean and elegant. Mega Punch does seem to have one single drawback - I would be able to survive on keeping Mega Punch around, having it eat up the unneeded move slot in Squirtle's movelist (I would thus have Dig replace Tackle, and Bite replace Bubble), through pretty much the entire duration of Mega Punch's usefulness, and up until I obtain Ice Beam. At this point, I would need to drop one of either Mega Punch or Bite for Ice Beam. While Mega Punch is 20 points more powerful, Bite allows me to save time by causing the enemy to flinch and not attack at all. I don't believe there's any time where that 20 points of damage is going to allow me to defeat an enemy quicker, especially before I pick up Strength (which will replace whatever I didn't pick anyways), so chances are I'll lose Mega Punch and continue on from that point as I had in the previous run. Now, as for the other potential route change options.. those being Blizzard and Fissure.. I'm going to definitely say no to Blizzard; I can count on one hand the potential number of turns Blizzard can save over Ice Beam (most are against Gyaradoses), and the amount of time it takes to just learn[/i] Blizzard offsets much of it - going out of my way to obtain the necessary TM will likely erase the remainder of the gain. I'm still heavily debating over Fissure.. sure Blastoise in general is slower compared to Onix, but the Blastoise in the run is both higher in level and has been boosted due to the large amounts of effort EXP it's obtained, so not only is it faster at the start of the Elite 4 than Onix, but it's also likely I will need only one or maybe even no speed up items at all to get Blastoise faster than Lorelei's Pokemon (so that Fissure can work). Removing the need to capture an Onix also saves time, and since I'll need to bring an Ether to restore it afterwards to hit other Pokemon, I can use it later on against other Pokemon used by the Elite Four to save more turns. However, I'm going to need to find the closest Ether of any sort to the main path (and depending on how far away it is, it might take some time to get it). This likely means I'll be putting Fissure onto Blastoise, but I'll still need to do some investigation before I confirm for sure. Now, as for restarting the run itself.. if at all possible, I'd like to be able to find out how easily I can manipulate the starting stats for a Squirtle. Since there's no obvious variation at level 5, I'd need to level it up a bit to be able to determine what it's DVs are, and to do that I'd either need to use the Rare Candies gameshark code (which is slooooooooooooooooow) or have the code to be able to pick up my starter at any level I want, preferrably level 50. I could then experiment using it, then confirm my results by obtaining the Squirtle then using the Rare Candies code to manually level it up to 50 to double check. Unfortunately I can't seem to find this code anymore (if it even existed; it might've been for another Pokemon game for all I know), so if anyone happens to have it lying around, please let me know.
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Whew, should've known that that ridiculous time was through the usage of a link cable to trade high level Pokemon over.. now it definitely makes sense. XD I also spent some more time looking at the 1 hour 59 minute Japanese run, to hope to learn something new and find ways to improve my current run. And, sure enough, he's done some.. interesting tactical changes, some I like (and are kicking myself in the foot for not realizing myself), and others I don't really see the point of, at least not in the context of a speedrun. The general route he took appears to be primarily the same as the one I took through my run through Pokemon Blue, with the exception of not sequence breaking and doing Silph Co Tower/Saffron Gym before Pokemon Mansion/Cinnabar Gym.. no surprises there. He also went and beat the Cerulean Gym before even heading up through the Nugget Bridge Gauntlet.. a very interesting time to do it, that's for sure. However, the movesets he used were vastly different.. he made much greater usage of TMs than even I did. Here's the moves he used on Squirtle through his run: - Tackle (start) - Tail Whip (start) - Bubble (lv8) - Water Gun (lv15) - Mega Punch (picked up in Mt. Moon, replaces Tackle) <- I cannot believe I overlooked this; an 80 power Normal move this early in the game!? This will save massive amounts of time on the Nugget Bridge gauntlet, and is probably worth redoing the run just by itself - Bubblebeam (Won from beating Misty, replaces Bubble) - Dig (Won from Rocket who stole it, replaces Tail Whip) - Body Slam (Found on SS Anne, replaces Mega Punch) <- Huh!?!! Okay, maybe this makes sense from a real time timeattack perspective, since it has "perfect" accuracy compared to Mega Punch's 85%, but is definitely not worth it in a TAS (only 5 more power, and has 5 less PP) - Ice Beam (picked up in Celadon City, replaces Water Gun) - Surf (picked up in Safari Zone, replaces Bubblebeam) - Earthquake (picked up in Silph Co. Tower, replaces Dig) <- Already decided it's not worth it, and there goes your quick escape out of dungeons too (no, I'm not buying Escape Ropes) - Blizzard (picked up in Pokemon Mansion, replaces Ice Beam) <- Hmm.. very doubtful this is worth it. Might merit some research, however. - Strength (picked up in Fuchsia City, replaces Body Slam) <- Instead of me, who uses the HM right away, he waits until just before the final dungeon to use it. Definitely not a good idea to wait, though, if I don't bother with Body Slam - Fissure (won from Giovanni, replaces Earthquake) <- This is really the one decision that has bothered me about my run before I ran into this walkthrough, I'll definitely have to test it out. This probably is enough to get me to do the run over again.. if I do, I'll start back up on it shortly (which likely means I'm going to leave FF4 to someone who better knows what they're doing).. I might want to do a bit more investigation into this guy's strategy before I officially start again, though.
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And just when I thought I had moved past this game.. think again! I went browsing about the same site posted in the Star Ocean topic and checked up on the Japanese Pokemon records[/url].. and found that their record for Pokemon Red is - if I'm reading this right - 1 hour 18 minutes!!???! Apparently however there does seem to be some sort of trick involved, and they don't have a report link up so I can see how it works (or at least attempt to, what with my terrible 3 college semesters worth of "knowledge" of Japanese). They do however have a report link up for a 1 hour 59 minute run which apparently does not use this trick. Even taking into account that this is the Japanese version and is very likely as much as 15 minutes faster than the American version, that's a tad close for comfort, and wonder if there's some tricks the author used in that run that I didn't use in mine. Could any of the Japanese speakers browsing about these boards take a look at the site and give some clarification on some of the tricks being used in these Japanese runs of the game?
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Nice job with the run, putting what's different between FF2 US and FF4 Advance to good use. And wow, only now do I see how much quicker the party moves in FF4 Advance, knocking out Mist Dragon before it has a chance to turn into mist XD There is one thing you did miss compared to my run in progress, and that's that on the second floor of Antlion Cave, there's a secret passage that runs beneath the exit to Antlion's lair which gets you there faster than the route you took. And yeah, you should've picked up the Emergency Exit item and if you don't use it there, you can hold onto it for later use.
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I'm back to work on the run, now that I've finally had my fill of FF4 Advance. I'm currently in Fabul after making surprisingly short work of MomBomb. I thought that not having Cecil's Darkness would make things pretty painful in this battle, but I definitely found out otherwise. I'll probably put out another progress report once Cecil becomes a Paladin. After trying in three boss battles to manipulate critical hits consistantly without also causing enemies to get in a whole bunch of free hits due to the rapid battle speed (manipulating beyond a couple dozen frames or so gives enemies free turns, that's how fast FF4 battles are at full speed), I've given up trying. Right now I'm only doing a bit of damage manipulation in these battles to make them go faster. And yeah, besides that, I'm fairly aware of most of the mistakes in the run.. trying to publish a run of an RPG of this length in one shot isn't going to happen.
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Tents still restore only 1000 HP/100 MP as they do in all other versions of FF4.
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I just went through the movie with Gens movie test 9f. I have the correct controller settings.. and the movie desynched for me as well.
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Yes vote here, but leaning toward meh. The gameplay seemed to have gotten a tad sloppy starting at around the Mine - it didn't feel as if you manipulated enemy attacks enough, and there were a few battles where you could've ended things a half turn earlier had you manipulated the enemies into attacking different targets and/or using different moves. There were also a few instances around here where you used the Bombs to defeat a single enemy instead of using Exit, even though you would've easily had plenty enough White Magic charges, but then moved back toward Exit later in the dungeon as you seemed to have realized Exit was faster.. not really sure which was faster or not though, but either way it bothered me a bit. I think you could've shaved a couple turns off here and there manipulating more criticals, as well. Between those things and not picking up Cure earlier, this probably could've used a second version with better planning and foresight, but it's really not much more than nitpicky things, and knowing how much work it takes to do an RPG run, and how long they take, it really isn't worth trying to shoot this run down.
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On top of that, both leveling tricks in the Tower of Babel no longer work. Searchers now summon Centaurions (which give far less EXP) instead of D.Machines - heck, I haven't even seen D.Machines or whatever they're renamed to in FF4 Advance yet - and the Attack/Defense Nodes of the CPU no longer give experience.
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...Wooooooow. Final Fantasy 4 Advance is BROKEN. There appears to be some sort of glitch where a character can act multiple times off of a single ATB gauge charge. I've had it occur to me several times already in regular play, so it looks like it'd be a glitch that would be easily abuseable. ...Of course, with a glitch like that, it also brings into question whether FF4 Advance would even be an acceptable TAS candidate, but who knows..
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Surprise surprise~! This testrun goes all the way up to defeating Octomamm. Despite taking a couple extra detours for things I'll use later on (and fighting a battle, to get Rydia a couple levels and thus some survivability vs Octomamm - keeping Rydia alive and giving her some levels will be very, very helpful in the next couple boss battles), I reach Octomamm a few seconds before Mlandry's testrun. I might actually go through with this one, since I'm liking how it's turning out so far. Of course, it's not perfect (the number of random battles really, really needs to be decreased), but it gives a much better idea of what's possible with the game. I accidentally left "Sync sound with CPU" on, but I was able to play through the entire movie without a desync when unchecking it on playback, so if the sound sounds weird to you, feel free to uncheck it. As always, comments and criticisms are appreciated.
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Actually, I'd say you wouldn't save time with that, given that unless that method of shortening the time you take to luck manipulate allows you to critical hit in the first few possible frames every single time, it's pointless to nitpick to those extremes since you're only going to lose those frames back in all that luck manipulation you do. It's the same reason why I didn't bother with any shortcuts saving less than, say, 30 frames in the Pokemon Blue TAS.
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Sleepz's is definitely faster than your run at this point, and I think you might've fought too many groups of 4x Sand Newts in your little run there (I'm pretty sure Sleepz stopped fighting them once he ran out of uses of Gra), and you might even want to stop right after picking up Crosscut, since you lose all three of your non-Chaz party members not too long from now.. unless there's a reason for all those extra fights that I'm not seeing right now.
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Looks like a good route, for a very quick and dirty testrun. Not knowing a whole lot about Mario 64 (I must be the only person in the entire world who has purchased an N64 and does not nor has ever owned Mario 64 or either N64 Zelda game), I can't comment very much about improvements to the route. However, there is one thing I'm curious about.. How does the 'water receding' on Dire Dire Docks work? Is it possible to grab all the Dire Dire Docks stars first, getting the Board Bowser's Sub star last, then watch as the water recedes and then do Bowser 2? Sure it may not really be much faster (maybe saves you the 2 seconds or so it takes to leap over the Bowser 2 hole to get to the receded DDD entrance), but it should look fairly interesting when doing the final run..
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