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Now what did you expect? Ask three people, get four opinions. You could of course ask something like metacritic for thousands of opinions, if that helps (spoiler: DoS wins). I've played all three (on emu) and enjoyed them all for their respective strengths. Why don't you just start with the one you can get the cheapest (bargain bin, maybe used) and pick up the other two later?
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Derakon wrote:
The wood is dry, as is the climate
There's still plenty of water in both the wood and the air, though I consider a vibration-based effect more likely, but the video stops too early to determine the cause. What happens if you stop the sander? Do the "droplets" stick together or do they fall apart when you shake the board a little? Are they wet when touched? What happens if you obstruct the airflow from the sander over the board, only allowing the vibrations to affect the dust? Or when moving the sander away, so that only the air flow is left, but no vibrations?
Derakon wrote:
(and per my dad, who made the video, they do flow with gravity).
No they don't. If you watch closely, at the end you'll see the bigger "droplets" move downwards, while a couple of smaller ones move upwards.
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  • Colors a castle
  • Colors another castle
looking forward to watching this, wish I had time right now.
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Warp wrote:
Isn't it kind of an open question whether our universe is open or closed?
Whether or not at least one of our spatial dimensions is infinite is related to the topology of the universe, though I think that having an open universe doesn't necessarily require any dimension to be infinite. I'm not even sure if infinite dimensions are compatible with the big bang model - I can understand a small universe growing, but how would its size increase from a finite value to infinity? But even assuming such a spacetime, the construction of an infinite singularity is still a problem. Postulating "it just magically pops into existence" or "it has always been there" doesn't count. Obviously I don't have any more answers than you do. Waiting for a pro to pop in :)
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Kriole wrote:
I'm at Death at the moment.
Time to earn the tag "Abuses Death to save time"!
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Warp wrote:
Another question: A gravitational singularity doesn't need to be a point. However, can it be infinite? (If yes, would it be an infinite line or surface? Can it be a 4-dimensional surface?)
I don't think there is anything that would fundamentally forbid that, it just couldn't happen in the universe we live in. Just as with the alcubierre drive, not everything that can exist can be created. A collapsing star or galaxy or anything of finite mass and size will not end up any larger than that. And since our universe seems to be finite, it couldn't even be artificially constructed. Remember, the biggest singularity known to men filled out the whole universe, and even that was way too small to be infinite. If you wish to stop constraining yourself by reality and assume an infinite universe with enough dimensions, then you could probably construct a space-time with an infinite, 4-dimensional, kitten-shaped singularity. No guarantees whether it'll be stable. Also, gravitational singularities may or may not actually exist inside black holes; see Fuzzball theories. I don't know how much acceptance there is in the scientific community, but I found it to be an interesting approach to the problem. Does one of the actual physicists in here know more about it?
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Wow. That run was so fast, I had to watch it at half speed just to figure out what's going on. Unfortunately, that puts your time at 2:41:23.04, which is over an hour slower than Rikku's run. Sorry, guys! Seriously, hats off to you. I had never expected to see such level of optimization in SM64, but apparently everything is possible with a group of talented people who are willing to invest a lot of time, knowledge and passion into a project. I hope you enjoyed making it at least as much as I enjoyed watching it!
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I do love this pie. Btw, what happens if you collect multiple souls during the same frame? Probably nothing as useful as the levelup-glitch (or someone would have mentioned it), I'm just curious.
Post subject: Re: My Xbox Live account was hacked
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EEssentia wrote:
Only stupid forum software keep password in a decryptable way. Most of them hash the passwords, so they are undecryptable (or at least they should; if they do not, then avoid that software).
A small, but very important, nitpick: Hashing doesn't make the passwords undecryptable. Rainbow tables exist for all major hashing functions, or can be constructed with a bit of effort. Only hashing and salting with a per-user-salt does. At that point, an attacker would have to brute-force each users' password separately, making it infeasible to run all but the simplest of dictionary attacks. A quick googling for three examples: * Sony hack (77 million passwords): hashed, but not salted. * LinkedIn hack (8 million passwords): hashed, but not salted. * eHarmony hack (1.5 million passwords): hashed, but not salted. All of these passwords must be considered "public". Proper salting is very important. Oh, and the advice to "avoid that software" is pretty much impossible from a users' point of view. :) I know uses phpBB2 (which had a good share of security flaws) and a lot of custom made code (which I cannot evaluate). So is my password on this forum safe or is it not? I have no way of knowing, so the only reasonable action is to assume the worst.
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Warp wrote:
So you want your password to be retrievable in cleartext from your computer?
That's why the password manager has a master password. Someone gaining physical access to your computer, extracting the encrypted password-db and guessing the master-password may be a security problem, but it's very very unlikely for anything like that to happen to a private computer. This is something to worry about if you're sharing your PC with your evil brother, or if you're having sensitive information that's worth a couple millions. Someone gaining your passwords from another site and re-selling or re-using them for all kinds of mischief happens all the time. So tell me, which attack vector would you rather close? I'll choose unique passwords and a good password manager anyday.
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Looking good, another easy yes vote.
Post subject: Re: My Xbox Live account was hacked
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Ilari wrote:
Maybe a weak password (if it isn't that, things get more worrying)?
Or - more commonly - a non-unique password. Say, you're using the the password 12345 on xbox live, on your favourite forum and on your luggage. Your favorite forum's DB gets hacked, passwords are extracted. The hackers will at some point try all the gathered credentials on xbox live, other games, forums, banking sites, email providers and of course on your luggage. Another very common problem is that hackers are having access to your emails account. Many of the large email providers have been compromised in the past, and many didn't take the necessary precautions to change their user's passwords. Not sure how xbox live handles password- or authentication-emails, but this may be another attack vector. See also: - a company with several million customers advises the same. (Actually, I work at a gaming company with several million customers, but who's going to trust me? :P)
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ElectroSpecter wrote:
3) If the knife was unbreakable and I dropped it blade down (and there was no handle, to make my question less complicated), would it just keep cutting through the earth until it melted?
No. There's still only a limited force behind the drop, and sooner or later that force is expended. No matter how sharp or indestructible the knife is, it will not go through a rock. You might get it lodged into a rock (if dropped from a sufficient height), but then it'll get stuck by the horizontal pressure and friction. Try adding "frictionless", but that'll open another can of definitions about friction and whether or not a frictionless knife can even cut things. Shouldn't it glide off?
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Abahbob wrote:
Now if only we could use modified isos. Its just a couple bytes...
you know, if you could change a couple of bytes, there are more efficient ways to shorten the run than adding a door. ;)
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Split the number into its last digit and everything before that. Write it as (A + B) with A = a * 10^(-M+1) B = b * (10^-M)) with a being an integer, 1 <= b <= 9 Now if we raise this binom to the power of N, we can trivially write it as a sum with 2^N terms. (We could use use pascal's triangle and combine them to N+1 terms, but that doesn't really help). We'll get summands of the form: A ^ (k) * B ^ (n-k) = a^k * b^(n-k) * 10^(-N*M + k) For k >= 1, these terms cannot influence the N*Mth digit of the result (or any beyond that), since a and b are integers. For k = 0, we'll get b^n * 10^(-N*M). This cannot influence any digits beyond the N*Mth, so the result has at most N*M digits. The difficult question is: can the last digit of b^n equal zero? Not in a decimal system. To end in a zero, the factorization of b^n has to contain a 5 and a 2. Since 1 <= b <= 9, that's not possible. So the hypothesis is true in base 10. It would be false in base 9.
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Thank you. Though the links now look differently (blue instead of black); if that wasn't intended, some css rules are required. .newsfloat h3 a { color: black; text-decoration: none; } .newsfloat h3 a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } and the click-handler could be changed into var s=document.getElementById('post_323367').style;s.display = s.display=='none'?'':'none'; or something so you can close the news again. But meh, minor nitpicks. Thanks!
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On the main page news module, can we please get proper links behind the headlines? I tried middle-clicking the headline to open the post in a new tab, but since it's not actually a link, it didn't work. change <h3 style="cursor:pointer;" onmouseover="'underline';" onmouseout="'none';" onclick="document.getElementById('post_323367').style.display='';">Official WIP movie storage</h3> to <h3><a href="" onclick="document.getElementById('post_323367').style.display='';return false;">Official WIP movie storage</a></h3> and left-clicking should work as before, while middle-clicking should start working as expected.
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p4wn3r wrote:
It's f = sum(i*a_i)
I'm surprised by the simplicity of this function. That's a very beautiful proof indeed.
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I watched the WIP linked above, and I'm really torn on this one. It appears to be well-researched, well-optimized, and there are these nice little cursor animations during downtime. But ultimately, the game has been broken so much that the gameplay-to-cutscene ratio approaches zero, and most of the remaining little gameplay is the same tactic applied again and again: bump a structure towards the pipe, throw some blobs at it, done. I guess it's a solid run on a popular game on a current platform, so it's bound to get published. I'm just disappointed that the resulting run is a lot less entertaining than that combination should be. That said, haven't voted since I haven't watched the final run.
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If you want to carry it in the same pocket as your keys, or loosely dangling around in a bag (you know, fighting with the dust and sand that somehow always ends up populating the bottom), you don't want the usb port exposed. On the other hand, if you store it in your wallet in a suitable compartment, one of those mini-drives (e.g. super talent pico) will last just as long. Caps have a major architectural flaw: they tend to get lost, especially the smaller ones. Make sure no part of your stick can detach and wander off. Those fixed rotating caps are the next best thing, but they can easily come off if the stick isn't fixated when stored. But it's alright for storing in a briefcase or laptop bag that has these rubber bands for storing pens. IMHO sliders aren't worth their money. Sure, they're easy to use with the least amount of fumbling, but they don't offer much protection. Sand etc can still enter the connector. They do protect against snapping off the connector if there's tension, but unless you're very careless and/or a professional bear wrestler, such brute force should not happen. Plus, sliders tend to wear out when used often, making the whole thing an unstable mess. Can't comment on data safety, since I rarely actually use these things; I just carry them around in case I need them. Anything with a 5-year-warranty is a good thing, but nothing can free you from the burden of regular backups.
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By default, the categories are any%, 100% and (if breaking glitches exist) some kind of unglitched any%. SM64 "70 stars, no BLJ" is accepted for three reasons: * 70 stars is what the game demands, thus it has always been an accepted category in this game, making this the unglitched any% category. * in SM64 you can choose which 70 of the 120 stars to collect, with very few restrictions. Picking just the fastest stars is a good thing for an entertaining run. * BLJ wasn't banned to show more of the game, but because it looks ugly when abused too often. Also, it's the unglitched any%. The special category is justified. Most importantly, it's acceptable because it offers substantial differences to both the 100% and any% categories. In this NSMB DS, you don't get to pick the fastest levels, but essentially a random subset, and you end up with a total number of levels that bears no importance at all. I'd compare that situation to super mario world (and its hacks), where all existing runs are either low% or fully 100%. Unless a "No cannons"-run is significantly different from a 100% run (and I don't think it is), IMHO only one category should be accepted, and that's usually the 100% one because it's less arbitrary. Now you'll bring up the warpless SMB3 run. Again, I think the special category is ok there because (unless a true 100%), it can show off the item system and the extensive route planning such an item system entails. Again, I haven't watched this submission, so I may be misinformed about NSMB DS. My point is that a run on an unusual category should require some justification; the category choices should be made for the benefit of the run, and not just because the author felt like it.
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I cannot comment on the optimization, but the "No Cannons"-choice rubs me the wrong way. Either do it as fast as possible, or do the full 100% run with all levels. Accepting one kind of level-skipping feature but not another just seems arbitrary. Waiting for an encode before voting.
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Yeah, any% runs have been accepted, because good runs in that category have been submitted. That doesn't mean that the audience agrees with that category - in fact, each submission thread contains voices of disagreement. It does mean the runs were good enough to publish anyway. So we'll probably have a lengthy discussion about the correct category and end up having both published, or something.
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That is indeed a nice WIP. I don't suppose you could have wasted your hearts faster by getting hit by the ships' bomb cannons? The lightning stun just seems to have such a long invincibility time..
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Yes vote.
SubtleFlex wrote:
What is the reason for the nollie at the end of each competition run?
IIRC you want to avoid ending a run when a high score is being displayed at the bottom of your screen, though I don't remember why. Just doing a quick trick after the combo allows you to gain points, thus starting a new combo and erasing the old combo display.