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I doubt either's happening anytime soon, mostly because of the whole SRAM issue. HHM: Some stronger enemies, couple different maps, otherwise not going to be significantly different. S-Rank: Would be epically boring for non-FE fans because of the staff use required for the exp rank, and it would be much longer to raise all those extra characters. Still have the FE6 TAS to anticipate :)
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While that run certainly had its flaws, it definitely made raising Thany seem more worthwhile than I expected. Chapter 9: Saves a turn Chapter 10: Huge amount of time saved by avoiding the main group of enemies Chapter 11: Pretty sure a turn is saved Chapter 12: No difference Chapter 13: Not sure. Bypassing land by water doesn't save much time, and in the nico run Miledy trails Thany anyway to drop Roy. Chapter 14: At least a turn saved Chapter 15: As long as Miledy can critkill the boss I don't think anything is lost here. Also need time to get the hammerne so there's not as much of a rush to the throne. Chapter 16: Flying provides no benefit here. Chapter 17: Flying bypasses a few forests and a fort, probably saves a turn and avoids some enemies. Chapter 18: So much terrain that Thany would destroy Alan here. Miledy could be a viable combat unit by now though. Chapter 19: With warp available now, not being able to fly isn't such a bad handicap. Chapter 20: Flying is useless here. Chapter 21: Warping will bypass most of the terrain obstructions Chapter 22: Flying = useless It really depends how much time is lost raising Thany. Training her at all in chapter 2 is very costly because it costs turns (otherwise she ferries Roy to the throne), the enemies are closely packed together (minimizes player phase crit training), and there's a lot of 2 range enemies (enormous time lost dodging attacks for 1 exp). Chapter 5 would also cause turn loss since normally she's busy with ferrying tasks to bypass the gate. There's the promotion item to keep in consideration as well. Honestly I don't know, but I wouldn't hold it against you if you were to continue a Thany-less run.
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That's hilarious! But is there any chance of it actually replacing the other one now its already been published?
Absolutely not! A team of TASVideos lawyers will claim copyright infringement and delay a judicial process by years through tedious paperwork and legal procedures.
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These 2 are my favorites.
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How did this get published so fast? There's basically no feedback beyond yes votes.
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I'm sorry but based on the encode the play quality was clearly sloppy to me. You appeared to be taking unecessary damage from mistimed jumps, missed some shots of your own, and overall it didn't appear very optimized. If that's the game's fault and not yours, then I'd probably claim bad game choice, but I also noticed your re-record count is very low for a 27 minute movie.
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Might wanna fix that, Toothache ;)
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Keep it up. In no time you'll have reached Chapter 14, and then the fun truly begins.
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This run is boring, tedious, sloppy, and an embarrassment to the site. I can't believe all the praise this is getting! Yes vote
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You get my full support, Wyster. The Dam looked great, can't wait for the rest of the run. Not staring at the floor 24/7 definitely pays off.
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Awesome, been anticipating this for a while!
Louise: She is only used to suck Pent's Penis when both are between 3 spaces.
Lmao. People not familiar with the game won't realize she provides Pent support bonuses.
Even if Vykan is an ass sometimes (...)
Haha wth are you talking about Roland? Some other things: You might want to post your updated scripts as an attachment or something. Also, you copied a lot of my FE8 TAS submission notes word for word, might want to give me credit on that :P Okay, maybe I am a bit of an ass. A nice round, lovable pink ass obviously.
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It's been 12 days since that last WIP, and somebody really wants to see that submission ;)
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Man we're getting spoiled with these awesome submissions lately. Obvious yes vote is obvious.
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Whoa, this sure came out of nowhere. I managed to sync with snes9x-1.43-rerecording-svn146. Anyway, yes vote that requires no explanation.
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Don't forget to provide VBMs next update :P
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I’ll be honest, even using 2-4x speed for the regular combat/running segments and turboing through the cutscenes, I was bored out of my skull by the end. I’ll vote yes, but it’s based almost entirely on technical merit. Still, I enjoyed the following: -Hawk and Kevin mirroring each other’s movements -Having Hawk and Kevin stay still while Lise moves to the next exit -Pummelling the bosses so badly they can rarely, if ever, counterattack
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Dark Rain = Byrain?
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There's no doubt this is impressive but it just feels too similar to SDR's previous works. I'd be much more enthusiastic about this if the whole run were 3 vs 3. Still voting yes for being an impressive glitchfest.
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At this point you should be rating the publication, not voting yes :P
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Why does this game get so many bad submissions?
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Good news and bad news: While I did make some more progress, I'm officially abandoning this run. I have my fingers crossed that someone else will tackle this beast. Progress below: Link to video Halfway through Protect the Gallimimus I took my own advice and made a new smv that starts at Protect the Gallimimus. I make it through half the mission, and honestly I'm stoked at how this turned out. I tried out a new idea, which is to have 1 character jump at a time while they are overlapping, and it adds a lot to the idle running moments. It's very time consuming to figure out these sequences, and is probably a lot easier to handle afterwards via hex editing. Another neat trick is to shoot indefinitely at running enemies. Since bullets impact so quickly at close range, the 5 bullet limit of rapid fire weapons is basically ignored. In addition, tranquilizer weapons knock the enemy backwards, so you can load pellets into moving enemies for quite a long time. Another thing, at one point I slow down to shoot a landmine. This doesn't actually cost any time because I can corner boost back to the right edge of the screen. The remaining level designs not yet seen in my WIPs are pretty cool. Here's some quick screenshots of Blockade, High Ptera and Seek and Destroy to show you what I mean: So yeah, if anyone wants to take this up, they can use the 4.5 levels I've worked on. Hex editing is very straightforward since the game has basically no RNG or lag to speak of. In fact, the game as a whole is very easy to optimize. The bigger challenge is varying weapon usage, particularly on human enemies.
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2 new stages completed. I'm about 2900 frames ahead of the SDA speedrun, and that run is around 43 minutes long, so I'm roughly 1/4 of the way done. Link to video Smv I was expecting the 2nd emergency stage to be a total bore, but I actually found it better than raptor attack due to higher enemy density. I'm thinking of changing the order in which the levels are beaten. This would only cost a few frames in the title select menu, and hexing isn't much of an issue. Here's a rough breakdown of each level beaten in order. EM = Emergency mission. Raptor Attack: Spooky base EM1: Jungle T-Rex Carnage: Jungle EM2: Spooky base Blockage: Military base EM3: Military base High Ptera: Large cave EM4: Outback Seek and Destroy: Firey Cave EM5: Jungle Protect the Gallimimus: Outback EM6: Large cave Destroy Biosyn Headquarters: Spooky base Disarm the Bombs: Fiery Cave In this order, the first half of the game lacks variety. Here's how I'd consider mixing it up: Protect the Gallimimus: Outback EM1: Jungle Seek and Destroy: Fiery Cave EM2: Spooky Base T-Rex Carnage: Jungle EM3: Military Base High Ptera: Large Cave EM4: Outback Raptor Attack: Spooky Base EM5: Jungle Blockade: Military Base EM6: Large Cave Destroy Biosyn Headquarters: Spooky base Disarm the Bombs: Fiery Cave I'm putting Protect the Gallimimus first because I think it is the most exciting mission in the game TAS-wise: Huge enemy density of low hp enemies to prey upon. I'd put T-Rex Carnage 2nd, but then there'd be 2 consecutive jungle missions.
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This is probably the most entertaining sequence in the game: The T-Rex Jeep fight. Link to video Smv (T-Rex fight at frame 23000) Again, feedback is appreciated. Note that I kill off P1 because it allows for a better jump at the end (has to do with screen transition). I’m mostly concerned about the missile shots causing noticeable lag, and the movement looks a bit spastic in 30 FPS. And, for the amount of time I put into this, I’m not thrilled about it. I’d be glad if someone more capable took over this project as I’m finding platformers to be an absolute pain to optimize.
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I just used the input macro editor instead. However, it wouldn't be a bad idea to fix the page anyway.
Post subject: Autohold script causes emulator crash
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I was reading on how to get auto hold to work in SNES9x, but it immediately crashes the emulator. Note that I am using 1.43 v17 svn 146.
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